Climate Adaptive Urban Planning and Design With Wa

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Climate adaptive urban design with water in Dutch polders

Dr.-Ing. T. Schuetze
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture,
P.O. Box 5043, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands, e-mail:

The existing water management in Dutch polders is based on independent water systems for each
polder. These are featuring artificial stabilized ground and surface water levels. On the basis of
the local climate the water levels in the polders are not staying stable by themselves. To keep a
stable water table in the polders, the surplus of relatively clean rainwater has to be pumped away
during the cold seasons into canals or rivers, which are located on a higher level. During the
summer relatively polluted water from these waterways, is led into the polders to top up the
declining water levels. This procedure is leading to manifold problems regarding water quantity
and water quality. The described existing system is not adaptable to climate change and includes
the risk of flooding, particularly by torrential rain. Therefore it is crucial to develop preferably
self-sufficient rainwater management systems in the polders. They should allow the fluctuation of
the water levels inside the polders for seasonal storage and flood control. The descried concept is
adopted in the present water policy in the Netherlands as well as in researches and recent urban
development projects in Dutch polders.

Keywords: Rainwater Management, Urban Design, Netherlands, Polders, Climate


1. Introduction
Dutch polders are areas, which are generally below the sea level. Beside of the natural
subsidence of the soil the polders became lower because the ground in Holland was mainly peat,
which was removed and used as fuel. The resultant low-lying land turned into lakes by rain and
percolating groundwater. The wetland areas were not suitable anymore for farming and could
also cause flood threats to the neighbouring cities (e.g. the Haarlemmermeer for Amsterdam).
The biggest environmental changes by sinking peat bogs occurred in the 14th and 16th century
(Van Dam, 2001).

The Dutch urban water management can be associated with different periods. It started with
the natural water management until the year 1000 A.C. It was characterized by the acceptance of
the existing situation and the use of areas which were suitable for urban development without
interventions in the natural water systems, for example on dunes, hills or higher ground. The next
period, until the 15th century, featured the passive draining and protection of urban areas by
protective measures, like dikes and dams. These structures were used for cities like Dordrecht,
Leiden & Amsterdam. The third period, which lasted approx. until the middle of the 19th century,
was characterized by an offensive water management and was facilitated by the invention of the
windmill. The active draining of large areas enabled the use of former wetlands for urban
developments and agriculture.
Illustration 1: Series of sections showing the development of the land subsidence
over the centuries. From top to bottom for the years: 0, 800, 1000, 1500 and 2000
(Hooimeijer, 2005)

The period of manipulative water management started in the middle of the 19th century and
was enabled by technical inventions, like the steam engine and construction technologies in the
framework of the so called “industrial revolution” The first large scale plan was the Water
Project for Rotterdam which was adopted by the Municipality in 1854. In this period it became
also feasible to drain huge lakes like the Haarlemmermeer, which was drained in 1852, and to use
it for agricultural and urban purpose. The international airport Schiphol is located today in this
former lake. The present water management in Dutch polders is generally still based on the
principles of manipulative water management.
The single polders are
separated from each other by
surrounding dikes. These dikes
are protecting the lowland from
flood, which can be caused by
rising water levels of rivers or the
sea. The existing water
management in Dutch polders is
based on independent water
systems for each polder, which
are featuring relative stable water
levels in polders and cities all
over the year. Each polder is
equipped with independent
Illustration 2: Perspective section of a polder with typical
drainage systems and pumping
water management: polder drainage, pumping stations and
stations to discharge surplus
canal (Dutch: “Boezem”). (Vlies, 2006)
water which is occurring by
upward seepage or precipitation.
To keep a stable water table in
the polders, the surplus of relatively
clean rainwater has to be pumped
away during the cold seasons and in
case of heavy rainfall into canals or
rivers, which are located on a higher
level than the polders. During the
warm months (from April to
September) relatively polluted water
from the waterways has to be led into
the polders to top up the declining
water levels, because the evaporation Illustration 3: Monthly balance of averaged
rates are exceeding the precipitation precipitation and evaporation in the Netherlands
rates during that season. This (1971 – 2000) in millimetres over the period of one
procedure is leading to manifold year. (Schuetze, 2008)
problems regarding water quantity
(drought and flood) and water quality.
The described existing system is not adaptable to climate change because heavy rainfall can’t be
managed well. Urban development in the polders deteriorates the described situation due to
sealing of grounds and the reduction of evaporation and potential storage area for rainwater. The
increased pumping of surplus water from polders, during extreme precipitation events and
periods when the precipitation is exceeding the evaporation, includes also the risk that the
capacity of the drainage canals is exceeded and the surrounding areas are exposed to flood risks
by overflows. Due to global warming it is not only expected that the sea level will rise but also
that floods by storm tides and extreme precipitation events, which occurred in the past once in
100 years, will presumably occur more often in future. On the other hand side also extreme
draughts, causing water quality and quantity problems, which also have manifold effects on eco–
and infrastructure systems, are expected to occur more often (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, 2007).

The standard drainage capacity

in the Netherlands is calculated to
remove 14 mm rainfall per 24 hours.
In September 1998 in some areas
130 mm fell in 24 hours, exceeding
the drainage capacity and leading to
the flooding of large agricultural
and urban areas. In the following
years comparable scenarios
occurred in different regions of the
country, causing damages in range
of several billion Euros. (Vlies,

A climate adaptive rainwater Illustration 3: Flooding of Dutch polders in

management therefore requires the September 1998 (Vlies, 2006)
development of preferably
sustainable and self-sufficient rainwater management systems in the polders. These systems
should avoid the outlet of clean polder water and the inlet of comparably polluted external water
(from canals and rivers) and they should allow the seasonal storage of clean rainwater and flood
control during extreme precipitation events. The working principles of such systems and the
consequences for climate adaptive urban design will be further discussed in the framework of this

2. Methods
The method of this research is a qualitative and as far as possible qualitative analysis of
approved water management concepts and urban design in Dutch polders based on recent
research findings and the author’s own investigations. Different urban areas were examined in
terms of the applicability of such systems and designs.

3. Results and discussion

A basic condition for climate adaptive urban design with water in the Dutch polders is the
introduction of self-sufficient water management systems, which reduce the discharge of
rainwater and the inlet of river or canal water to the greatest possible degree. The basic guiding
model, which has been introduced in the Netherlands for the decentralized management of
rainwater, particularly in new urban developments, is based on a three-step strategy which was
amongst other guidelines developed by the Dutch Advisory Committee on Water Management in
the 21st Century in 2001 and enacted by the Dutch government in a new approach to ensure
safety and reduce water related problems in the 21st century. Water management problems
should not be shifted to others by following the three-step strategy of rainwater management
(H.T.C., 2002):

 First priority is for rainwater collection & retention

 Followed by rainwater retention & storage
 And finally the drainage of surplus water

The collection, respectively retention, includes the separation of rainwater from the sewage
stream at the source. The retention can be realized either nature orientated (e.g. by green roofs or
wetlands) or technical (e.g. by tanks). Retention with natural green allows multifunctional use of
the retention areas and technical measures are not limiting the use of buildings and properties.
The measures are feasible in new constructions and remodelling projects and are applicable on
building, property and city level (Schuetze, 2005). The retention with open water bodies may
limit the use of properties and buildings, but due to the high groundwater levels, the small
freeboard and the waterproof soils the nature-orientated underground retention and infiltration of
rainwater is generally not possible in Dutch polders. Therefore the retention and storage of
rainwater is generally realized in open water bodies. Based on guidelines for future water
management in the Netherlands and the 3-step strategy some district water boards insist that 10%
of the land surface area of new developments consist of open water (Tjallingii, 2007).
An example for new urban
developments on former agricultural land
between the cities Delft and Den-Haag is
the area “Wateringse Veld”. The new
developments are located in polders,
which are separated by dikes. The surface
and groundwater levels in the polders
have different heights and are connected
with each other by overflows. In some
areas the rainwater from roofs and traffic
areas is collected in open drains and
discharged through sand filters directly in
the open water bodies. Illustration 4: Impression of the urban
developments in “Wateringse Veld”. The dike
The urban design with open water (with road on top) separates the higher (left) from
bodies is comparable easy in new the lower polder (right). Well visible is the water
development areas, but more difficult in outlet of the higher level. (Schuetze, 2007)
existing cities. However there are
manifold activities, which are focussing
on the urban renewal with water to
enhance the climate adaptability of Dutch
polder cities. In historical cities, the
restoration of old water bodies is used for
issues of water management and for the
enhancement of the living environment.
Actual projects are e.g. the restoration of
the old harbour in Breda and the
restoration of the Utrecht single structure
(Toorn Vrijthoff, 2008). The planned
projects are providing on the one hand
side more room to the river and therefore
are contributing to the flood protection
downstream. On the other hand side they
are allowing the retention of rainwater Illustration 5: Breda harbour, in past, present and
runoff. However additional measures for future (Municipality of Breda, 2008)
the disconnection of the rainwater
drainage from the existing waste water
systems are required.

Environmental sound and climate adaptive water management in Dutch polders, which avoid
the discharge of surplus water from the polders as well as the inlet of polluted water from canals
and rivers in the polders to the greatest possible degree, requires the design of desirably self-
sufficient water systems for each polder. Therefore the storage of clean rainwater has to be
facilitated seasonal, as well as for extreme precipitation events.
For keeping a good water quality of
rainwater which is collected in open water
bodies and kept seasonal in closed systems,
the water can be circulated through a pond
and ditch systems with water plants, which
contribute to the purification of the water
(e.g. phragmites). A guiding model for the
design of such a system is the so-called
circulation model (Tjallingii, 1996). The
pictures show a housing estate in Delft
Illustration 6: Circulation Model in a where such a system has been constructed
housing estate in Delft (Schuetze, 2007) in the framework of new urban

A basic guiding model for the design of

independent and self sufficient rainwater
management systems is the so-called
fluctuation model, which is based on the
concept of the seasonal and peak storage of
rainwater. It requires fluctuation in water
levels due to seasonal variations in
evaporation and precipitation, which affect
the water quantity in open water reservoirs.
In Illustration 7 the average monthly rainfall
and precipitation in millimetres over the
Illustration 7: Averaged monthly rainfall period of one year in the Netherlands is
and precipitation in milimetres (1971 – displayed. It is well visible that the rainfall
2000) over the period of one year in the is exceeding the precipitation losses during
Netherlands. Well visible is that the the cold month (313 mm) and that the
evaporation is exceeding the precipitation evaporation losses are exceeding the rainfall
during the summer months. (Schuetze, during the warm month (122 mm).
2008) According to this balance the water level in
a closed water system would decline in the
summer, while it would rise in the winter

However the total annual rainfall (755 mm) is exceeding the total annual evaporation (563
mm) by 192 mm. Furthermore the average precipitation deficit during the warm months (from
April to September) is in more than 50% of the years exceeding the average value in the
Netherlands. In 45% of the years it is up to approx. 280 mm, while in 5% of the years it is even
exceeding this height. The record year was in 1976, when an average precipitation deficit of
approx. 330 mm was measured during that period (KNMI, 2008). Accordingly, fluctuation
models should facilitate the storage of more than the average precipitation deficit of 122 mm and
include also a sufficient storage volume for heavy rainfall. Presently systems are designed in the
Netherland for example with a storage volume of 180 litres per square metre rural and/ or urban
polder area.
The required fluctuation of the water level is dependent on the available water area in relation
to the catchment area. According to a simplified calculation model and based on the assumption
that 100% water area requires a fluctuation of approx. 18 cm, an urban area, which has a portion
of 25% open water area requires approx. 72 cm fluctuation, and an urban area, which has a
portion of 10% water area requires approx. 180 cm fluctuation.

A built example where a combination of

measures for retention, storage, circulation &
fluctuation of collected rainwater have been
realized is the City of the Sun, near Alkmaar in
North Holland. Approx. 25% (75 ha) of the total
city area is covered with water, which is part of
the recreational area (177 ha) and the building
area (120 ha) comprises 2,900 dwellings. The
City is equipped with a closed surface water
system, which should generally mainly be fed by
Illustration 8: Site plan of the City of the rainwater from the development area and avoid
Sun. The water system has a portion of the discharge of surplus water and the inlet of
~25 % of the city area absence water. The seasonal and peak storage of
(Hoogheemraadschap Hollands water requires a fluctuation between maximum
Noorderkwartier, 2005) and minimum level of approx. 70 cm per year.

Illustration 8 shows the sitemap of the

development area, which has been
surrounded by a dike and built on the existing
polder. Therefore the new city and the water
system are not influenced by seepage from
the polder-water. Surplus water can be easily
discharged to the lower lying polder without
any pumping effort.

In case of drought, water can be pumped

Illustration 9: Impression of the urban into the polder from a bypassing canal. The
design with water in the City of the Sun. water has to be purified before it is added to
Well visible is the sufficient freeboard for the cities water system. Additionally to the
the fluctuation of the water level. treatment by artificially constructed wetlands,
(Schuetze, 2007) the canal water can be treated by chemical
means, due to its comparable high pollution
load, particularly by nutrients. The water
system in the area is based on an anti-
clockwise circulation and purification of the
water by a wetland. In the eastern part of the water system a recreational area with a beach and
bathing water quality has been designed.

For the design of buildings, which are adaptable to fluctuating water levels, there are
manifold options. Examples for such buildings are e.g. the Aluminium Centre in Houten (De
Haas, 2001) near Utrecht, which is elevated on piles above the water, with the advantage, that
also the space below the buildings can be used for fluctuation. Another project, also with elevated
buildings on piles, is designed for the domestic development “Plan Tij” in Dordrecht, in a water
area, which is connected to the river Maas. Hence the area is affected by fluctuations of the water
level in the river. For holiday houses in Maasbommel, located at a branch of the river Maas, two
different versions have been developed to allow the adaptability to fluctuating water levels, an
elevated version at the riverside and a floating version. New urban development in Ijburg,
Amsterdam, will also have areas with floating buildings. The floating information centre, which
is already located in Ijburg (Zaaijer, 2001), is an example for such constructions. Also in Almere,
a city located close to Amsterdam, floating buildings and elevated domestic buildings are located.
Conclusion and Outlook
The described researches and case studies are illustrating that the climate adaptive design
with water in Dutch polders is feasible and already practiced in numerous new urban
developments. However there is an urgent need to enhance the climate adaptability and flood
resistance of existing urban areas, e.g. in cities like Rotterdam and Amsterdam. According to the
three-step strategy, developed by it is particularly crucial to develop plans for the implementation
of water bodies for rainwater retention. Presently universities and municipalities are already
cooperating in the development of master plans and strategies for the future climate adaptive
development and redevelopment of urban areas. Due to the high liability to flooding (by extreme
precipitation events as well as see and river floods), the sustainable and climate adaptive design
with water has a high priority on the political agenda in the Netherlands. Therefore the
development and implementation of new innovative and practice orientated concepts and systems
in cooperation of the private and public sector universities, municipalities and companies is
supported. For the future also more space for the realization of pilot projects will be provided
(Programmadirectie Kennis en Innovatie, 2008).

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