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Critical Approaches

Climate change to the Challenges of

a Global World
What are we doing today?

1. Presentation by invited guest

2. Introduction to climate change
3. Group project instructions
1. Presentation by Jaime Balaguer,
responsible for the Ecology Unit in Deusto
2. Introduction to climate change
Source: #ShowYourStripes

2023 is missing, but it

was the hottest year
on record (14,98 ºC)
What are the effects of global warming?

Spreading of mosquito- Rising sea levels:

borne diseases loss of coastal areas

More frequent
floods More extreme
weather patterns

Decrease in snow
cover and sea ice

Stronger storms Habitat loss and

What are the effects of global warming?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) defines tipping points as
“critical thresholds in a system that, when
exceeded, can lead to a significant change in
the state of the system, often with an
understanding that the change is irreversible.”
What is causing temperatures to

How can we measure our impact on the

Carbon Ecological
footprint footprint
Measures how much Measures how many
greenhouse gases are natural resources are
emitted consumed

Expressed in tonnes of Expressed in global

CO2-eq hectares

Shows wider impact on

Shows direct impact
continuing life on the
on climate
How can we measure our impact on the
The Ecological Footprint Biocapacity (BC)
(EFP) measures how much measures the productivity
biologically productive area of the ecological assets of
a population would need to a given area (including
produce the natural cropland, pasture, forest,
resources it consumes fishing grounds and built-
(including plant-based food up land).
and fiber products, livestock
and fish products, timber
and other forest products, EF and BC are equivalent
space for urban to the concepts of
infrastructure) and absorb demand and supply in
the waste it generates Economics.
(especially carbon
emissions), using current
How can we measure our impact on the

Anticipating your ecological footprint:

Go to and use the code 5861 6539

Go to and use the code 6446 1252
How can we measure our impact on the
planet? Global EF
exceeds global
BC: we would
need 1,7 Earths
to sustain our
demand for
natural resources

In 2023, by
August 2 we had
already used all
natural resources
the Earth can
regenerate in one
year: this is Earth
Overshoot Day
How can we measure our impact on the
planet? Global EF
exceeds global
BC: we would
But things need 1,7 Earths
have not to sustain our
always been demand for
like this… natural resources

In 2023, by
We changed August 2 we had
once, and we already used all
can change natural resources
again! the Earth can
regenerate in one
year: this is Earth
Overshoot Day
3. Group project instructions
Group project instructions
5 sessions February 19 – May 2

awareness about the impact

of our habits and our
potential to change them
individual preparatory
through collective action work, small-group work, Combines…
and whole-class work

ideate and design a climate

Global Footprint
action plan to reduce the Different
Network tools & data,
ecological footprint of the ressources
readings, videos…
University by engaging other
Group project instructions

• Till February 22: Calculate and analyze personal ecological footprint + reading (Wackernagel
& Beyers, 2019)
• On February 22: Share results of your personal footprint calculators + guided discussion
• Till March 11: Reading (Cortina, 2003)
• On March 11 : Video screening + decide the project’s topic
• Till April 11: Advance in the development of group project
• On April 11: Develop action plan and translate it into a poster
• Till May 2: Work on final group project report + poster submission (by April 25)
• On May 2: Class-wide Projects’ Fair + submission of final report
Guidelines for group project

• The poster does not need to follow any pre-fixed guidelines in its format.
• You are invited to be creative and imaginative, but make sure that you can communicate your ideas clearly
• The most important elements of your climate action plan must be conveyed by the poster in a compelling way
• Deadline: Thursday, April 25 (at 11.59pm)
• The final group project report should include:
• cover page with the title and the name of all participants (a member that did not actively participate in the development of
the project should not be included)
• The results of the individual footprint calculators and your analysis and reflection about them (2 pages per participant)
• A synthesis of your group discussion and reflection, making explicit connections with the required readings of this unit (2
pages per group).
• The explanation of the group’s climate action plan, including goals, steps, stakeholders and resources needed. Remember
showing how it links to the steps already taken by the University and its strategy towards sustainability (5 pages per group,
• The poster the group designed to present your climate action plan (copy and paste this piece in your report or, if needed,
add a link to it, or add a separate file clearly labeled).
• References to the readings and materials used to support your analysis and proposals.
• Deadline: Thursday, May 2 (at 11.59pm)
Guidelines for group project

• The group project represents 30% of your final grade

• When assessing the poster, the following will be considered:
• Your critical and creative engagement in identifying, proposing and advocating an effective and realistic
climate action plan for the University that can make a difference through the engagement of students.
• Your ability to present this plan in a creative, compelling and clear manner.
• When assessing the final report, the following will be considered:
• Your understanding and ownership of key concepts covered in this topic.
• Your analysis and reflection based on the readings and materials assigned for this unit (include citations
and references were appropriate).
• Your active and authentic engagement in applying the concepts and ideas of this unit to assess your
contribution to global warming and environmental vulnerability, and your responsibility in bringing about
possible changes.
• Your critical and creative engagement in identifying, proposing and advocating an effective and realistic
climate action plan for the University that can make a difference through the engagement of students.
Critical Approaches
Climate change to the Challenges of
a Global World

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