Anti Epileptics

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By Dr Nazia Iftikhar Awan

Drug Brands Dosage Important Points
Phenytoin Inj Epigran Status epilepticus: US Boxed Warning:
(Anticonvulsant, 250mg/5ml Loading dose (all ages): 15–20 mg/kg IV. Cardiovascular risk associated
class Ib Syp Epitoin An additional load of 5 to 10 mg/kg if with rapid infusion (injection)
antiarrhythmic) 30mg/5ml status epilepticus is not resolved has been The rate of intravenous
Tab Epitoin used. Begin maintenance therapy usually phenytoin administration should
100mg 12 hours after dose. not exceed
Max. dose: 1500 mg/24 hr 1 to 3 mg/kg/minute.
Maintenance Dose : Contraindicated
Neonate: IV/PO=start with 5 mg/kg/day In patients with heart block or
usual range 4–8 mg/kg/day÷8-12hrly. sinus bradycardia.
Infant/child: IV/PO= start with 5 IM administration is not
mg/kg/day recommended
mo–3 yr: 8–10 mg/kg/24 hr Because of erratic absorption and
4–6 yr: 7.5–9 mg/kg/24 hr pain at injection site.
7–9 yr: 7–8 mg/kg/24 hr IV push/infusion rate: Not to
10–16 yr: 6–7 mg/kg/24 hr exceed 0.5mg/kg/min in
Antiarrhythmic: neonates, or 1mg/kg/min infants,
Load (all ages): 1.25 mg/kg IV Q5 min up children, adults with max Dose
to a total of 15 mg/kg. of 50mg/min; may cause
Maintenance: cardiovascular collapse.
Child (IV/PO):5–10 mg/kg/day÷Q8–12 hr Side effects
Include gingival hyperplasia,
Hirsutism, dermatitis, blood
dyscrasia, ataxia, lupus-like and
Syndromes,lymphadenopathy ,
liver damage, and nystagmus.
Hepatic Impairment: Pediatric
Hepatic metabolism and
clearance may be decreased.
Monitor free phenytoin levels
closely. Dosage adjustments may
be necessary.
Renal Impairment:
There are no dosage adjustments
provided in the manufacturer's
By Dr Nazia Iftikhar Awan

Levetri-acetum Inj Lerace Infants 1 to <6 months: IV, Oral Start at 7  Do not abruptly withdraw
500mg/5ml mg/kg/dose BID increase dosage every 2 therapy to reduce risk for
Syp Lerace weeks as tolerated to the recommended seizures.
100/ml dose of 21 mg/kg/dose BID.  Use with caution in renal
Tab Lerace Infant ≥6 mo–child 3 yr (>20 kg): PO/IV Impairment reduce dose.
250mg,500mg, Start at 10mg/kg/dose BID  May cause loss of appetite,
750mg Average tolerated dose of 47mg/kg/day. vomiting, dizziness,
Child 4–15 yr: Start at 10 mg/kg/dose PO headaches, somnolence,
BID. Max 30mg/kg/dose. agitation, depression, and
16 yr–adult: Start at 500 mg PO BID. mood swings.
Every 2wk as tolerated to reach the target  Drug has excellent PO
dosage of 1500 mg BID. absorption. For IV use, use
similar immediate-release PO

Midazolam Inj Dormicum Pediatric:  Contraindicated in patients

5mg/5ml Intermittent with narrow angle glaucoma
Tab Dormicum 0.05-0.15mg/kg/dose Q1-2hr PRN and shock.
7.5mg Continuous  Use with caution in
15mg Neonate: CHF,Renal impairment
<32-wk gestation: 0.5 mcg/kg/min (reduce dose)
≥32-wk gestation: 1 mcg/kg/min If Crcl 10-29: 25% of usual dose.
Infant and child: <10:50% of usual dose.
1–2 mcg/kg/min  Causes respiratory
(Mean dose of 2.3 mcg/kg/min with a depression, hypotension, and
range of 1–18 mcg/kg/min has been bradycardia. Cardiovascular
reported). monitoring is recommended.
 Use lower doses when given
in combination with narcotics
or in patients with respiratory
 Higher recommended dosage
for younger patients (6 mo–5
yr) is attributed to the water
soluble properties of
midazolam and the higher
percent body water for
younger patients.
By Dr Nazia Iftikhar Awan

Phenobarbital Syrup Debritone Loading dose, IV:  Contraindicated in

20mg/5ml. Neonate, infant, and child: porphyria, severe respiratory
Tab Debritone 15–20 mg/kg/dose (max. loading dose: disease with dyspnea or
30mg 1000 mg) in a single or divided dose. May obstruction.
Inj Phenobarb give additional 5 mg/kg doses Q15–30 min  Use with caution in hepatic
200mg/2ml to a of 40 mg/kg. or renal disease (reduce
Maintenance dose, PO/IV: dose). IV administration may
Neonate: 3-5 mg/kg/day ÷Once –BID cause respiratory arrest or
Infant: 5–6 mg/kg/24 hr÷once daily–BID hypotension. Side effects
Child 1–5 yr:6–8 mg/kg/24 hr÷ once include drowsiness, cognitive
daily–BID impairment, ataxia,
hypotension, hepatitis, rash,
Child 6–12 yr:4–6 mg/kg/24 hr ÷ once
respiratory depression, apnea,
Megaloblastic anemia, and
>12 yr: 1–3 mg/kg/24 hr ÷ once daily– Anticonvulsant
BID hypersensitivity syndrome.
 IV push not to exceed 1
Valproic acid Inj Epival Neonate  Contraindicated in hepatic
500mg/5ml PO loading dose is 20mg/kg followed by disease, and children < 2 yr
Syp Epival 5-10mg/kg/dose BID suspected of the
250mg/5ml Oral: aforementioned
Tab Epival Initial: 10–15 mg/kg/day OD–TID mitochondrial disorder.
250mg,500mg Increment: 5–10 mg/kg/day at weekly  May cause GI, liver, blood,
intervals to max dose of 60 mg/kg/day. and CNS toxicity; weight
Intravenous (use only when PO is not gain; transient alopecia;
possible): pancreatitis (potentially
Use same PO daily dose ÷ Q6 hr. Convert life-threatening); nausea;
back to PO as soon as possible. sedation; vomiting;
headache; thrombocytopenia
dysfunction; rash (especially
with lamotrigine); and
 Hepatic failure has occurred
especially in children < 2 yr
(especially those receiving
multiple anticonvulsants,
with congenital metabolic
disorders, with severe seizure
disorders with mental
retardation, and with organic
brain disease).
By Dr Nazia Iftikhar Awan

Clonazepam Tab Rivotril Infant and child: <10 yr or <30 kg:  Contraindicated in severe
0.5mg,2mg Initial: 0.01–0.03 mg/kg/24 hr PO ÷BID– liver disease and acute
Tab Naze TID; maximum initial dose:0.05mg/kg/day narrow-angle glaucoma.
0.5mg,2mg Increment: 0.25–0.5 mg/24 hr Q3 days,  Drowsiness, behavior
Drop Rivotril up to maximum maintenance dose of changes, increased bronchial
2.5mg/ml 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/24 hr ÷ TID secretions and hematopoietic
Child ≥10 yr or ≥30 kg and adult: toxicity (thrombocytopenia,
leukopenia) may occur.
Initial: 1.5 mg/24 hr PO ÷ TID
 Use with caution in patients
Increment: 0.5–1 mg/24 hr Q3 days; max.
with compromised
dose: 20 mg/24 hr.
respiratory function,
porphyria and renal
 Do not discontinue abruptly.
 Carbamazepine, phenytoin,
and phenobarbital may
decrease clonazepam levels
and effect.
 Drugs that inhibit CYP-450
3A4 isoenzyme (e.g.,
erythromycin) may increase
clonazepam levels and

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