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Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of how to
officiate sports, the qualities of
officials, and the basic knowledge on
first aid.
Personal Standards Practice quick but fair judgement, and
able to perform first aid.
Learning Competencies Identify the qualities of sport’s official
and discuss its importance in sports.
Topic Sports Officiating
Integration Health and E.S.P.
Values Fairness in any judgement
References Power Up with MAPEH 9 (Roldan, J.,
et. al, 2019)
Unit 1, Lesson 3, Page 81-85
Materials PowerPoint, Placards and Test
A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers Activity Students Activity
Good morning Grade 9. Before we start, may I request Jamel The students will stand and pray.
to please lead us the prayer.
B. Cleaning
Okay class, before you sit down. Please pick the pieces of The students will pick up the pieces of
paper or any trash. paper and other trash, then the class
will sit down.
Checking of Attendance
Esther, kindly check the attendance, and give me the list of
those who are absent later. Yes Ma’am.

Review of the Previous Leson

Now, let us have first a recap on our past lesson. So, who can Learners will raise their hands.
still recall our lesson last meeting?
So let us hear from ________ . Our lesson last meeting is about the
Prehistoric Art.
Very good. Our lesson last meeting is all about the Prehistoric
Art. Who can give me an example of Ancient Roman Art. Yes Dolmen, Monolith, Cromlech, and the
______? statue of Venus.
C. Motivations
Since you have now the knowledge about the it. Let’s proceed Almost everyone raised their hands.
to our next topic which is under P.E. But to start, anybody
here who have the idea of the game “4 Pics 1 Word”?
It’s nice seeing that you know the game. I have here four
pictures. What you’re going to do is to identify the word that Learners trying to picture out what
corresponds to the clues of the four pictures. Letters will show was the word until they come up with
as a clue one by one until someone could identify the word. the word:

Job well done! When you heard the word officiating what When I heard the word officiating, I
comes into your mind? think about sports.
c. Presentation of the Lesson
Great idea! Yes, it is. Officiating has something to do with
sports and it is done by sports officials.
d. Discussion
As an official, you have designated assignment. List of Learners listens attentively in the
assignments/duties/responsibilities: discussion.
 Line Judge/Linesman - makes a call if there are faults
committed by players with regards to boundary lines.
 Scorer - they are the one who are keeping track of the
points earned by the players.
 Referee - oversees that the game is played according to
the rules and regulations. Usually overrules the line judge
or linesman.
 Table Officials - records the line-up (players), records the
result of the game, and tallies the standing of the
You may all now be seated. Before being able to officiate in a
serious or competitive game, one must have a previous
experience officiating in friendly or noncompetitive game.
One may gain officiating experience during the practice game
in Physical Education classes.
Who wants here to be part of the official of sports. Some of the learners raises their
For those who wants to be sports official. Here are some
qualities you should possess:
1. Punctuality
2. Be in proper attire.
3. Be ready with personal equipment.
4. Has an updated rulebook.
5. Firm and decisive.
6. Know your rule.
7. Show complete control and authority.
Should have basic knowledge on first aid.
Who among you here play sports? Me, teacher.
And what sport are you playing ________? I do play basketball sports.
How about you _______, what is your sports? I do play volleyball games.
While playing any sports game did you ever experience any Yes, Teacher! Injuries do happen at
accidents? sports.
Yes, accidents do really happen in sports. And if you are one
or want to be an official you should possess first the quality of
the person that had the knowledge of basic first aid.
To cure the open wounds, you must first identify if the wound How we are going to identify it,
is a minor open wounds or major open wounds. Ma’am?
The wound could be classified depending on its deepness and
the amount of bleeding.
Minor wounds are shallow and bleeding weak while major How we are going to identify it,
wounds are profuse bleeding, or the depth of the wound may Ma’am?
involve other underlying tissues from the skin.
The wound could be classified depending on its deepness and
the amount of bleeding.
Minor wounds are shallow and bleeding weak while major
wounds are profuse bleeding, or the depth of the wound may
involve other underlying tissues from the skin. Got the idea, teacher!
To first aid the minor wounds:
1. Control the bleeding.
2. Wash with soap and water or antiseptic solution.
3. Apply dressing (sterile gauze bandage). Okay, Teacher. How about the major
Wash your hands immediately after caring the wound. wounds?
To first aid major wounds:
1. Do not waste time washing with soap and water if there is
profuse bleeding. Instead, control bleeding immediately by
putting direct pressure (holding a clean cloth and pressing
it against the victim’s wounds). Wear gloves as protective
barriers between you and the victim.
2. Apply pressure bandage.
3. Elevate the limb above the victim’s heart.
4. Apply pressure to pressure points.
Get any medical help.
5. Wash your hands immediately after caring for the wounds.
Did you follow the steps?

Yes, Teacher!
Contusion or Bruise:
Cold compress may be applied to a minor bruise.
However, if the affected area has been hit hard there may be
other suspected underlying injuries, so have checked by a
Sprains or Strains What it is teacher?
It is the pain, loss of function, and swelling. The immediate Rice as in food, teacher?
care for this is called RICE?
It is not the food rice, but RICE stands for: -
R - Rest the injury part
I - Ice or cold compress 15-20 minutes then reapply after
some time. Never put ice directly, wrap it in clean cloth.
C – Compress is to wrap injured area with an elastic bandage.
Make sure that the bandage is not that too tight that would
restrict the blood to flow or not too loose.

E – Elevate the injured area above the heart to allow better

circulation of the blood.
That’s what RICE means. Again, what the meaning of the R for Rest,
word RICE? I for Ice or cold compress,
C for Compression, and
E for elevate
Very good, now let’s move forward with how to do basic first
aid with the person suffering with heat cramps.
1. Stop what the victim is doing and move the person or a
cooler place if necessary.
2. Stretch the affected are until the muscles have relaxed.
3. Affected are may also be massaged if needed.
4. Let the person drink water or any fluid replacement

Heat exhaustion Okay, Teacher.

It should be attended immediately to prevent the condition
from progressing to heat stroke which is life threatening.
1. Move the victim to a shaded or cooler and well-ventilated
2. Loosen the victims clothing.
3. Rehydrate the victim.
4. A damp and coal piece of cloth may be applied on the
victim’s forehead and nape.
Next, Asthma Attack. In attending it the things you should do
1. Let the victim rest in a well-ventilated area.
2. Help administer the medicine or nebulizer.
3. Consult the doctor if conditions worsen.
Lastly, fainting. It does almost always happen in sports
activities. It is a condition that resolves itself within minutes.
If the victim did not regain consciousness within 2 minutes,
seek for medical care.
For semi-conscious victim, let him/her sit and rest in a well-
ventilated area. Give her water.
For total loss of consciousness, let the victim lie down in a
well-ventilated area. Elevate the legs at least 8 inches above
the head. Give the victim sips of water once he/she has
regained consciousness.
It is also good to practice noting down details about the
injuries that have occurred that may be needed for further
A portable first-aid kit should always readily accessible. It is
also good to have the list of emergency numbers.
If given any chance, do attend seminars, workshops on
emergency first aid.
e. Generalization
To sum up what we had discussed today. In officiating sports,
you should be what? Learners raises their hands.
Yes _________? In officiating sports, you should be
fair, responsible, punctual, be in
proper attire, be ready with personal
equipment, has the updated rulebook,
firm and decisive, show complete
control and authority, should have
basic knowledge of on first aid.
Very good! ________, what are the four assignments of the The four assignments of sports official
sports officials? are line judge/lineman, scorer, referee,
table officials.
Excellent! Now, who can give me examples of injuries that Open wounds, Contusion or bruise,
often happens in sports. Yes ______? Sprains or Strains, Heat Cramps, Heat
Exhaustion, and etc.
f. Application
I have prepared here a game. This game is called HUMAN Learners do the count off.
SCRAMBLED. We are going to have four groups. For your
grouping, let’s do a count off from 1-4. Let’s start from here,
at the left side of the front part.
The game mechanics will be, I will give each team members a Understood, teacher!
placard of letters. You should form a word by arranging
yourselves. Clues must be performed by describing, imitating
the action, or/and drawing by the teammates. Ok?

I have prepared here a test questionnaire. What you are going Learners answers the activity.
to do is to answer each of the questions honestly:

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write T if the

statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write
your answer in the underline.
____ 1. Cold compress is not advisable as treatment of
____ 2. Linesman makes the call if there are faults
committed by players with regards to boundary lines.
____ 3. You have no right to list down the information
about what happens with the injured person.
____ 4. You should ask medical care if someone has
fainted and become unconscious for 2 minutes.
____ 5. The immediate care for sprains or strains is
called RICE.
____ 6. Scorers keeping the track of the points earned
by the players or/and teams.
____ 7. As an official, old and not updated rulebook
should be used.
____ 8. Any referee’s decision is final.
____ 9. As an official, you should always be earlier than
the schedule.
____ 10. Referee records the line up (players).
Pass your papers forward. The learners pass their papers.
For your assignment: Answer the following in a ½ sheet of
“If you are one of the officials on the incoming Intramural
Meet 2023 at ACDA, how will you do your duties and
responsibilities effectively?”

At the back part: List down 3 agencies that are in-charge of

any emergencies. Write their functions and emergency
numbers. Okay, Teacher.
For those who are finish of copying their assignment. Kindly Okay, Teacher!
arrange your chairs and pick up pieces of papers.
Goodbye, Grade 9! Goodbye, teacher kat!

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