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CHAPTER 12 3. What is a financial intermediary?

- A financial intermediary is an institution

1. Describe the nature of the basic services of
that acts as a middleman between savers
financial institutions.
and borrowers, facilitating the transfer of
- Financial institutions offer a range of
funds. Examples include banks, credit
services to facilitate the flow of funds in the
unions, mutual funds, and insurance
economy. These services include deposit-
companies. They help reduce information
taking, lending, investment management,
asymmetry and transaction costs in the
and various financial products. They play a
financial system.
crucial role in mobilizing savings and
- A financial intermediary is a financial firm,
channeling them towards productive
such as bank, that borrows funds from
savers and lends them to borrowers.
- A financial institution is a company engaged
in the business of dealing with financial and
4. What is considered the most important and
monetary transactions such as deposits,
significant financial intermediary in our financial
loans, investments and currency exchange.
Financial institutions encompass a b road
- Banks are often considered the most
range of business operations within the
important and significant financial
financial service sector including banks,
intermediaries in the financial system. They
trust companies’ insurance companies,
accept deposits from individuals and
brokerage firms and investments dealers.
businesses and provide loans to borrowers,
Financial company can operate at several
thereby playing a crucial role in the creation
scales from local community credit unions
of money and the allocation of funds.
to international investment banks.
- Commercial banks are the most important
intermediaries. Commercial banks play a key
2. What are the channels through which the
role in the financial system by taking in
financial system matches savers and borrowers?
deposits from households and firms and
- Financial systems match savers and
investing most of those deposits, either by
borrowers through various channels such as
making loans to household and firms or by
banks, financial markets, and
buying securities, such as government
intermediaries. Banks connect depositors
bonds, or securitized loans.
with borrowers, financial markets provide a
platform for buying and selling financial
5. Give some services offered by a universal bank.
instruments, and intermediaries like mutual
- Universal banks provide a wide range of
funds and pension funds pool funds from
financial services, including savings and
savers to invest in diversified portfolios
checking accounts, loans, investment
- The financial system matches savers and
banking, asset management, and other
borrowers through two channels: Financial
financial products. They aim to offer
Markets, and Banks and other financial
comprehensive financial solutions to both
intermediaries These two channels are
retail and corporate clients.
distinguished by how funds flow from
- The types of services offered by universal
savers, or lenders, to borrowers and by the
banks are: Deposit accounts such as
financial institutions involved. Fund flow
checking and savings Loans and credit
from lenders to borrowers directly through
Asset and wealth management Buying
financial markets such as New York Stock
and selling securities Financial and
Exchange and Philippine Stock Exchange or
investment advice Insurance products
indirectly through financial intermediaries,
such as banks.
6. Describe the nature of operations of insurance
- Insurance companies operate by providing in stocks, bonds, and mortgages to earn the
financial protection against risks. money necessary to pay pension benefit
Policyholders pay premiums to the payments during workers’ retirements. The
insurance company, which, in turn, SSS and government pension funds are
promises to compensate them in the event important source of demand for financial
of specified losses, such as accidents, securities.
illnesses, or property damage.
- Insurance companies specialized in writing 8. Distinguish between defined contribution plan
contracts to protect their policyholders from and defined benefit plan.
the risks of financial losses associated with - Defined Contribution Plan: In this plan, the
particular events, such as automobile contributions made by both the employer
accidents or fires. Insurance companies and employee are specified, but the
collect premiums form policyholders, which ultimate benefit depends on the
the companies then invest then obtain the performance of the investment portfolio.
funds necessary to pay claims to pay claims Examples include 401(k) plans.
to policyholders and ti cover their other - Defined Benefit Plan: Here, the employer
costs. The insurance has two segments (1) guarantees a specific benefit to the
life insurance companies wherein it sell employee upon retirement, often based on
policies to protect households against a loss factors like salary and years of service.
of earnings from the disability; retirement Pension plans are common examples.
or death of the insurance person, (2) - Defined Contribution plan has the following
Property and casualty wherein companies feature: a. Employer places contributions
sell policies to protect household and firms from employer into investments such as
from risks illness, theft, fire, accidents and mutual funds, chosen by employees.
natural disasters. Employees own the value of the funds plan.
They also bear the risk of poor investment
7. What is the nature of the services of “Pension return. b. If the employee’s investments are
Funds” as a financial intermediary? profitable, employer’s income during
- Pension funds act as financial retirement will be high. On the other hand if
intermediaries focused on managing the employee’s investments are not
retirement savings. They invest the profitable, employee’s income during
contributions from individuals and retirement will be low. c. Most private
employers in various assets to generate Employers’ “Defined Contribution Plans” in
returns and provide a source of income the United States are 401 (k) plans. Some
during retirement. Employers’ “Defined Contribution Plan” in
- The pension fund is a financial intermediary the United States are 401 (k) plans. Some
that invests contribution of workers and employers match employee’s contribution
firms in stocks, bonds, and mortgages to up to a certain amount. Defined Benefit
provide pension benefit payments during Plan has the following feature: a. An
workers’ retirement. People can accumulate employer promises employees a particular
retirement savings in two ways: Through peso benefit payment, based on each
pension funds sponsored by employers or employee’s earnings and years of service.
through personal savings account. Most The benefit payments may or may not be
notable examples of pension funds are indexed to increase with inflation. b. If the
Social Security System (SSS) for employees funds in the pension plan exceed the
of private companies and Government amount promised, the excess remains with
Service Insurance System (GSIS) for the employer managing the fund. c. If the
government employees. Pension funds funds in the pension plan are insufficient to
invest contributions from workers and firms pay the promised benefit, the plan is
underfunded and the employer is liable for include consumer finance companies,
the different. commercial finance companies, and leasing
- companies.
- Finance companies are nonbank financial
9. What are investment intermediaries? intermediaries that raise funds through
- Investment intermediaries, such as mutual sales of commercial paper and other
funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), securities and use the funds to make small
pool funds from multiple investors to invest loans to household and firms. Finance
in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, companies raise funds by selling commercial
and other securities. They provide a way for paper (a short-term debt investment) and
individuals to access a professionally by issuing stocks and bonds. They lend
managed and diversified investment these funds to consumers, who make
portfolio. purchases of such items as cars, furniture
- Investment intermediaries are financial and home improvements, and to small
firms that raise funds to invest in loans and business. Some finance companies are
securities. The most important investment organized by a parent corporation to help
intermediaries are investment banks, sell its products
mutual funds, hedge funds finance
companies and money market mutual. 12. Give and explain briefly the three main types of
finance companies.
10. Distinguish between closed-end mutual funds - Consumer Finance Companies: Provide
and open-end mutual fund. loans and credit to individual consumers for
- Closed-End Mutual Funds: These have a purposes such as purchasing durable goods
fixed number of shares, which are traded on or covering personal expenses.
stock exchanges. The market determines - Commercial Finance Companies: Offer
the share price, which may trade at a financing solutions to businesses, including
premium or discount to the net asset value equipment financing, inventory financing,
(NAV). and factoring.
- Open-End Mutual Funds: These - Leasing Companies: Specialize in leasing
continuously issue and redeem shares at equipment and machinery to businesses
their NAV. The number of shares is not rather than outright purchase, providing an
fixed, and they are bought and sold at the alternative financing option.
end of the trading day at the NAV price.
- This mutual fund issues a fixed number of
nonredeemable shares, which investors may
then rode in over-the counter markets just
as stocks are traded. The price of share
fluctuates with the market value of the
assets- often called the net asset value
(NAV) in the fund. On the other hand Open-
end Mutual Fund are mutual fund issues
share that investor can redeem each day
after the markets close for a price tied to
the NAV.

11. What are finance companies?

- Finance companies are non-bank financial
institutions that provide various consumer
and business financing services. They can
of its deposits in reserve, impacting its
lending capacity.

5. What basic strategy do commercial banks

follows to maximize return on its assets?
- Commercial banks typically aim to maximize
CHAPTER 13 the spread between interest earned on
loans and investments and the interest paid
1. What are the primary source and use of funds on deposits. They also focus on efficient
of a commercial bank? management of operating expenses and risk
- Primary Source of Funds: Customer to enhance overall profitability.
deposits, which include various types such
as savings accounts, checking accounts, and
fixed deposits. 6. Describe the shift in generating funds among
- Primary Use of Funds: Loans and commercial banks that is from demand deposits
investments, where the bank lends money received to issuance of negotiable CD’S and
to individuals and businesses or invests in bank borrowing.
various financial instruments. - There has been a shift from relying heavily
on demand deposits to diversifying funding
2. Give and explain the nature of a commercial sources. Commercial banks increasingly
bank’s assets. issue negotiable Certificates of Deposit
- Cash and Reserves: Including physical cash, (CDs) and borrow from other financial
deposits with central banks, and short-term institutions to manage liquidity and reduce
liquid investments. dependence on a single funding stream.
- Loans and Advances: Money lent to
individuals and businesses. 7. How is return on assets of (ROA) of commercial
- Investments: Securities such as government banks computed?
bonds and corporate bonds. - ROA is calculated by dividing the net income
- Property and Equipment: Physical assets of the bank by its average total assets. It
owned by the bank. provides a measure of how efficiently the
bank is utilizing its assets to generate
3. Give and explain briefly the primary liabilities of profits.
a commercial bank.
- Deposits: Customer funds held in various 8. How is return on equity (ROE) of commercial
accounts, including savings deposits, banks computed?
checking accounts, and time deposits. - ROE is computed by dividing the net income
- Borrowings: Funds borrowed from other of the bank by its average equity. It reflects
financial institutions or the central bank. the profitability of the bank in relation to its
- Other Liabilities: This includes items like equity capital.
accrued expenses and other obligations.
9. What are the three basic types of risks that
4. Discuss how compliance with reserve banks fare?
requirements of the BSP affects the financial - Credit Risk: The risk of borrowers defaulting
position of a commercial bank. on loans.
- Compliance with reserve requirements set - Interest Rate Risk: The risk of fluctuations in
by the central bank (like BSP) affects a interest rates impacting the bank's
commercial bank's liquidity and ability to profitability.
lend. Meeting these requirements ensures - Liquidity Risk: The risk of being unable to
that the bank holds a specified percentage meet short-term financial obligations.
10. Describe the three types of risks asked in
question no. 9. How do banks try to manage
- Credit Risk Management: Involves thorough
credit assessments, diversification of loan
portfolios, and the use of credit scoring
- Interest Rate Risk Management: Banks use
tools like interest rate swaps and derivatives
to manage exposure to interest rate
- Liquidity Risk Management: Involves
maintaining sufficient liquid assets,
establishing contingency funding plans, and
managing cash flows to meet short-term

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