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(1) T(I)-Psychology-G-1

Write the answers to each 2021

Module in a separate
First Paper
Full Marks : 100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

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T(I)-Psychology-G-1 (2)

[English Version]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Module - 1.1
(Marks : 50)
1. Write short notes on any two (word limit 250 each) : 5×2
(a) Adrenal gland
(b) Nature of emotion
(c) Industrial psychology
(d) Fluctuation of attention.

2. Answer any one question (word limit 500) :

(a) Define Psychology. Discuss the scope of Psychology. 2+8
(3) T(I)-Psychology-G-1

(b) What is attention? Write about the determinants of attention. 2+8

(c) Discuss the structure and function of Hind brain. 10

3. Answer any two questions (word limit 800) :

(a) Discuss the structure and function of spinal cord with suitable diagram. 8+7
(b) What is sensation? What are attributes of sensation? Explain with example. Write the differences
between sensation and perception. 2+8+5
(c) What is emotion? Discuss about the physiological correlates of emotion. 3+12
(d) What is perception? Explain critically about the Gestalt Theory of Perception. 3+12

Module - 1.2
(Marks : 50)

4. Write short notes on any two (word limit 250) : 5×2

(a) Scope of developmental psychology
(b) Relation of Psychology with Education
(c) Short Term Memory
(d) Difference between growth and development.

5. Answer any one question (word limit 500) : 10×1

(a) Discuss the hazards of prenatal development.
(b) Discuss about the different causes of forgetting.
(c) Discuss the classification of children with mental retardation.
6. Answer any two questions (word limit 800) :
(a) Discuss the various influences of heredity and environment on development. 15
(b) Discuss the important milestones of physical development from birth to adolescence. 15
(c) Define memory. What are the different stages involved in the process of memorization? 3+12
(d) Discuss in detail the classical conditioning theory of learning. 15

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