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- tta.ti; GD.HR.CS.

te Nguy hun hitnh: 0l/06/2023 7'rung I cuu 5

cur NUANH LONG niNH, coNc ry rNHH oLAM vrET NAM


,fiilrke Nguoi bi6n soan Ngucri xem xdt Nguoi ph6 duyQt
Prepared by Reviewed bv- .4pproved by,

Ho vd t6n Nguy6n Nggc Thdo

Full Nume Nguy6n
Hi VIn Thinh Nguy6n Minh Tuin
Chfc vu
Position ADM & HR stafl' ADM & HR vunffi:-/

chii'ki ,tuy"'#k!,


ui TAP SIN a

- Nhim tao m6i quan h0 hqp t6c t6t dgp voi c6c trucmg dai hgc, cao ddng, trung cAp ngh€ t4i
dia phuong cfing nhu tao co hQi cho lcrp sinh vi6n s6p tdt nghiQp ra truong thpc tflp rtirng
chuy6n ngdnh duoc ddo tao.
In orcler lo creale good relutionship with locul universities, utlleges, vocution training
scfutols as well us lo creale chunce.fbr Ji'esh-graduates to spend inlernship period per
trained mu.jority.
- Xdy dpg hinh anh tich cuc vd ofi cho th6 hg tre vd ldm ting muc dQ nh4n diQn cua ofi trong
m6i trucrng giiio duc vd ddo tao.
Fosler a ytsilive imuge oJ o/i to young generation und increase visibility on cumpus


- C6c Phong Ban c6 nhu cAu ti6p nhdn sinh vi6n thuc tQpl All Departments need to recruit Jiesh-

- Sinh vi€n c6 nhu cAu xin thgc tQp tai c6ng tyl Fresh-grucluates neetl to applyJnr lnlern position ut


l. Quy trinh ti6p nhfn thgc tgp sinh:

ll lti si: G D. H R.(',5. I 9 l\,lgd.y' bun himh: 01,06i2023 '|rung
2 crur 5

.r. Phong Ban cti nhu ciu ti6p nhfn sinh vicn thgc t4p goi y6u cAu tuy6n clung
(GD.llR.Q'f.01/BM-01) cho Phong Nhdn Sr,r bao gdm s6 luo. ng cin ti6p nhdn. y6u cAu
v6 chuyCn ngdnh...:

Depurlmenls''Seclions which naed lo raceiye intern sentl Munptrucr Requi.sitiort

(GD.HR.Q7'.01, Blvl-}1) to HR Depurtntent with inlbrmution uhottt quuntit.t', muf orih,

ret1uirentents clc'.:

h. Phong NhAn su ti6n hinh tuy6n dung thuc t6p sinh/ HR Dept rccruits intern

- 'l'rutrng hop phong Ban

dd c6 sin ung vi6n xin thuc tdp: Truong 86 l,h4n c6 thO ti6n crr ung
vi€n ndy birng c6ch ky x6c nh4n chAp thuAn sau d6 chuy6n cho Phong Nhan Su'dC dutyc h6
trcv c6c butic ti6p theo. Quy6t dinh cua Ban Giarn D6c ld quy6t dlnh cudi cung v/v ti0p nh4n
fmg crr vi6n d6.
Depurlnrcnts,/Sections huving uvuiluhle c'unclidule:; for inlern gtsition; Depurlnrcnt Heutl
cun recomntcnd bv signing us ucceplunc'a in lhe lnlroduclion Leller, then to HR
Dcpurlmant .lbr nexl steps. Munugemenl Bourd will muke.finul clcci.sion on the receplion of'
the cunditlute.

- Phong Ban chua c6 sin ung vi6n xin thuc t4p: Phong Nhdn Sy li6n hQ voi c6c Trucrng Dai
Hoc, Cao Dang, Trung c6p,... hoac lAp th6ng b6o dang tuy€n nQi b0 vd cdc phuong ti0n

clang tuy0n khdc (n6u c6).

DepurlnrcnlslSeclions' huve rutl t'el uvuiluble c'unditlute./br intern posilion; HR Depurlment

v'ill conluct tvilh Univ'er,vities, ('ollegcs', I'oc:ulionul,... or unnouncc lnternul Rec'ruilment
und posl on other rec'ruitnrcnt c'hunnal,s (il un.t:).

c. Phong NhAn su cung 'fruong BQ phAn c6 nhu cAu xet duyQt h6 sty theo c6c ti6u chi: T6n

truong, ngdnh hoc, Bdng di€m, x6p lo4i hanh ki€m, dC tdi nghi0n cuu,... vd chon ra c6c
[rng vi€n phu hqp.
The HR Depurlment uncl the He ud ol'the Depurtntenl which reque.sled revicw

upplic'ution,s ucc'ording to the.fbllowing c'riteriu: Numc ol the sc,hool, mujors,

'l'runsc'ripls, rutirtg of cttruluct, reseurc'h lopic', ... und selecl suituble c'undidulas.

d. Gui Thdng bao tuy€n dung cho r1'ng vi0n d4t y€u cdu vd k;i thoa thufln thyc t4p
Serul Recruitment unnouncenrcnt lo quulilicd c:undiclute:; uncl sign lnternship ugreenrcnt

2. Sinh vi6n thg'c tip t4i c6ng (v cin nQp c:ic lo4i gi6y td' sauzllnterns need to submit the

./b I low in g n e c es s a r-t, tlo cu nrc n ts :

llId,s6; GD.HR.C,\. t9 Ngu.r' bun lilnh: 0 I t)(t,,202 3 7'rung 3 cuu 5

Gi6ygicri thi6ucuatrucvngc6ghi rOthdi gianxindutrcthuctapc6ng tylscfuxtl',s

lntroduc'lirn Lalter wirh cleur intern.ship periotr ur c..ntpuw.

0l ban sao ch0ng rninh nhAn ddn/c[n cudc c6ng din c6 c6ng chung (kh6ng qua 06 th6ng
tinh ddn ngdy thuc tQp)iTl ruilurizad cttp.t'of'lD t'urtlt('itizen lD curd (not exL,el 06 mrnlhs
until.first internship clu1, ut cot?tpurt.r,.

I hinh thi 3x 4l0l phoro 3 x 1.

3. Chinh srich h6 trg' sinh vi6n thg'c t$p:lAilowance for Intern:

Ducrc h5 tro phAn an giira ca tai cf,n tin c6ng ty (tu thf'Hai d€n thu Bity)lLunch meti ut
c'otltpuw c'unteen (fiom ll[ontluy lo ,\uturtlut').

frqr cAp thuc t6p:

o (-iiai do4n I : Sinh vi0n thuc tpp tqli c6ng ty t5i thieu 2 thing sE ducrc nhdn tro
3,000,000 ddng/th6ng (tinh theo s6 ngay thuc t6) (kh6ng 6p dpng cho sinh vi6n dang ld
nhAn vi0n chinh thuc tai c6ng ty)

Stuge l: Sttulents who inlern ut lhe c'ontpum,.fitr ut leust 2 months will rec,cive
ulktv'urtcc d 3,000,000 L/NDtnnnlh (c'ulculutetl uc'utrcling to lhe ucttrul number of'
duy.;) (not upplic'uble b slutlenl.s wfut ure.full-tima employecs ut lhe c.ompuny)

o Giai doan 2: Sau thcvi gian thuc t4p giai doan l, C6ng ty sE d6nh gi6 sinh vi6n thuc tAp.
Nhirng sinh vi6n duoc d6nh gi6 co tidm nang d€ tuyOn dung cho ciic vi tri chinh thuc
cua C6ng ty, s0 duoc ti6p tpc kli thoa thudn thr,rc t4p lAn 2 v6i thoi gian 2-3 thdng. Muc

tro c6p cho Giai cloan 2 la 4,000,000 - 6,000,000 tuy theo tung vi tri lirn vi6c
Stuga 2: .lfier lhc inlern.ship period in phuse l, the ('ompunv will evuluute lhe inlern.s.
Sludenls who urc a:;.sessed u:; huving lhe polenliul b rec'ruil.lbr filiciul po.siliorts of'the
('ompun.v'v'ill atnlinue lo sign the 2ru1 inlernship ugreemenl with u periotl
d 2-3
tttttnths. T'ha lcvel o.f'alktwunc'e.fbr 2 is 1,000,000 6,000,000 tlepentling on the

{. YOu cAu khiclother requirements:

Sinh vi€n thuc tdp tai c6ng ty ducrc 1'6u cAu chAp hdnh ki luat lao ddng vd nQi quy c6ng ty.
N6u vi ph?m, Phong NhAn Su s0 xLl ly ky lu4t theo quy dinh vd l4p th6ng biio goi tra sinh
r,'i€n v€ tru'ong, chArn drit thcri gian thuc tdp truoc h4n.
Iti .sti; (;D.HR.(,\. l9 l"lgit.1' hun hdnh: 0l'06,t2023 7'rung 4 c'rut 5

lnlerns ul c'ttntpurq' ure required lo c'ontpl"t'tuitlt Lubow' Di,scipline uncl antpuny rcgululion.
Il violutirtg, HR Depurlmenl will hurulle'ipline per regnlution untl:;entl nslic.e ls ;;end
.s'tudent,y huck b school, lerntinule inlern.ship periotl h1, expirution.

- Sinh viOn trr chiu tr6ch nhiQm cho trurrng hop xay ra tari nan trong thoi gian thr,rc t4p (n6u


lnlerns tukc.fullresponsibililie.:.lbr ull c'use.s of ot'c:urring uc,citlent tluring internship perisd

(ql un1,,1.

- Sau khi k6t thfic thcri gian thuc t0p, n6i dung biro cao thuc tarp phai cluoc'frucyng Bd ph4n

nrri sinh vi0n thuc t1p ph€ duyQt tru6c.

.llier utm1tleling inlarnship periotl, L'onlant of intern,ship reytrl he prktr upprovetl b),
Depurlnrcnt Heud,;.


Quy dinh ndy cti hiqu lr,rc ki tu'ngay Ol10612023 va khdng thay d6i cho d6n khi c6 quy6t dinh
hoac th6ng b6o bing vbn bdn kh6c tu Phong Nhdn Su. Cac Truong BQ Phan dugc y€u cAu phdi

hqrp t6t viQc tiOp nhdn sinh vi6n thuc tip nhim gop phAn diro tpo n6n lrrp k6 thua nang ddng,
silng tao cho xd hQi n6i chung va cho ofi Spices Vi€t Nam trong tuong lai noi ri6ng.

7-hi.s reSiululion luke.s ils elf'ect liom 0l ,lune 2023 untl remuins unchungetl unlil lurlhcr vtrillen
dcc'i.sion or unn()ut1c'emcnt.front HR Depurlmanl. Depurlmenl Heatl:; ure requirecl to y:ell
c'ottrdinulc lhi.:' lnlernship Policy, in order lo plu.t' u role lo lruin new uc,lit,e urul creutit'e
gcnerulion,fbr sociclf in generul untl.fbr oli spic'as I'ietrutm in ptu'ticulu'.


TGn bi6u miu Ma s6
Fornt Code
Phi6u ydu cdu tuy6n dung
I Llunpow e r re q ui.t i t io rt GD.HR.Q't'.01/BM-01
'l'lioa thuin
thuc tip
lntarn.ship ugraailrctil

vt. stl'A Dot/ REZIslolv..

Lfin bi6n soan Trang NQi dung sria .I6i
Revision Puse Content
01 All Bi0n soan lAn clAu/ l't i.s.yuc

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