Persuasive Speech

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school is an important part of a child's life, but it is also important that the child takes a break

from their education. Multiple studies have found that most students are getting too much
extra assignments, leading to insufficient sleep, full of stress, as well as health problems.

I wont say that homework is not important, homework also has its importance, but that
does not mean it is too much necessary.

To begin with Having too much homework can negatively affect
students’ mental and physical health. I believe that homework is the
primary source of stress and exhaustion. Lack of sleep, headaches,
and weight loss can result from too much homework.


Moving on if A student is piled up with tasks then obviously he or
she is more likely to avoid participating in activities outside of
school, such as sports, music, etc. Additionally, if students spend all
their time doing homework, they may not develop essential life
skills, such as independence, cooking skills, time management, or
social skills. The majority of homework takes up a child’s spare time.
And they are left with no time to explore something new.

Few characteristic:

In the same way Students lose their confidence if they fail to do their
homework. Loads of Assignments develops the habit of
procrastination in children. Homework puts up a barrier that restricts
a students freedom.

With this in mind I feel that homework’s should be minimised but would
not suggest to completely eliminated. it does have few essential qualities
to develop a child.

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