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Interview script



FADIA: Good morning Ma’am. How are you? How are you feeling this day?
NATHALIE : Good morning too. I am good. I don’t feel anything bad. Thank you.
FADIA: I am Nathalie S. Ditche, a 2nd year nursing student of Union Christian College. We are here
today to visit you and to conduct some assessments. This assessment serves for us as a basis for
studying and identifying possible health problems that may occur in your households. Is it okay for
you, Ma’am to ask you some questions about your lifestyle, practices, daily living routine?
NATHALIE: Go ahead and I do not mind at all.
FADIA: alright ma’am. Thank you for allowing us to ask you some questions. We’ll make sure
that we will do our best to have your personal information and your answers confidential. We will not
leak any information or discuss this with other people to maintain confidentiality and your dignity as
our respondent for this interview. Just answer the following questions as honest possible ma’am. If
you think some questions are too personal for you to answer, you can tell me and we can skip it, is
that okay, ma’am?
NATHALIE: Yes yes….
FADIA: Shall we start, Ma’am.
NATHALIE: On your cue.
FADIA : How many members do you have in your household ma’am? And who among the members
is the head of the family?
NATHALIE : I am the head of the of the family since my husband is working overseas for years
now. I live here with my two daughters and my mother.
FADIA: Thank you.. Can you tell me your age ma’am and the position in the family
NATHALIE : I am 47, head of the Family.
FADIA: alright, an you tell me about the age, civil status, and family position of your household
members starting from your mother and down to your daughters. Like daughter 1, 17, eldest. You
can tell it to me that way.
NATHALIE: Grandmother is 86 y/o, widowed. Daughter 1, 19 y/o, single, eldest. Daughter 2, 17 y/o
single, middle-child. Daughter 3, 10 y/o, single, youngest.
FADIA: Can you tell me about your place of residence?
NATHALIE: We live here in our own house. #350, purok 3 Sta Rita, San Luis, Pampanga.
FADIA: And Do all the members of the family live here?
NATHALIE: No, only me, my mother and my 2 young daughters lives here. My eldest daughter lives
temporarily in her aunt’s house at San Fernando, La Union while she studies for college.
FADIA: okay, let’s proceed with the next question: Since you have said a while ago, you are the
head of the family, do you get to do all the family decision makings and raising the kids and such?
NATHALIE: Yes, I am the head of the Family. I do all the things that you have just mentioned since
my husband went abroad. (matricentric)


FADIA: alright, aside from you, is there anyone who makes decision in the family? Like in the
decision making as to who will decide for the healthcare of the family?
NATHALIE : None. I do all of it.
FADIA : do you mind if I ask you if there are any family conflicts you have with other family members
such as ineffective communications, fights? You may wish to skip if you wish so.
NATHALIE: No, I don’t mind. To answer that question, we don’t have conflict here in the family. We
talk with each other to avoid conflict, except when my mother gets irritable at times. I guess, its due
to old age.
FADIA : thank you ma’am. Can I ask if how much is the monthly income of your family?
NATHALIE: minimum is 20,000 monthly. It differs monthly depending on the workload, like that.
FADIA: Who and what is the source of income of the Family?
NATHALIE: My husband is a family driver abroad, he’s the source of income.
FADIA: You mentioned a while ago that you budget the income, how do you spend it? What are the
usual things you spend the income on?
NATHALIE: I Spend it on the house bills, water, electricity, internet, My three daughter’s
tuition/school fee and allowance, Groceries, medications and more.
FADIA: Since you have mentioned tuition/school fees can you tell me the educational attainments of
each member of the family starting from your mother, to you and down to your youngest daughter.
NATHALIE: my mother finished grade 1. I graduated high school, my husband graduated
elementary only because he needs to work young, my eldest is currently a 2nd year college student,
my second child is a grade 12 student while my youngest is a grade 5 student.
FADIA: ma I know what your religious affiliation is. Religion?
NATHALIE : We are all Roman Catholic in the Family.
FADIA: Your ethnic background? Like Ilocano, Tagalog, like that.
NATHALIE: we here are all Kapampangans, except my husband he is Pangasinense-Ilocano.
FADIA: Do you participate in community activities, celebrations, activities, nature activities like that?
NATHALIE: Not really, seldomly. The notable community activity that our family joins or participate
wholly is our annual barangay fiesta.
FADIA: let’s proceed with your home and environment. Can describe for me your home? Do you
own it. The space, if its spacious for all family members, how’s the living experience. Like that, just
NATHALIE: we own this house. Its two storey feature makes it spacious and vast enough for us to
move and be comfortable.
FADIA: That’s good to hear. Since you said its vast enough for you, how is your sleeping
arrangement? Do you sleep altogether?
NATHALIE: No, we don’t. We have separate rooms. I sleep with my youngest daughter. My mother
sleeps separately, she has her room and bed on the other room, and so is my second daughter, she
sleeps alone in the room in the second floor, but when her ate is here, they share room. When my
husband go home, we sleep in the same room and my youngest share room with her ate.
FADIA: Can you describe or tell me about your neighborhood? How is your relationship to your
neighbors like that.


NATHALIE: Our neighborhood is good. It is peaceful because it is near rice fields. You will not hear
any loud noises from homes. As you can see, our houses are far from each other for at least 50
meters distance from each other. However, despite this, our neighbors are reliable and dependable
at times. They are helpful too.
FADIA: in case of emergency can you access transpo, trikes and can you call medics immediately?
How about signal connectivity status?
NATHALIE: The signal sis pretty strong, but the transpo is not. Here, you need to own a vehicle,
because if not, you’ll end up wasting tie waiting for a tricycle because nothing will show. Its hard.
The only place where you can access transpo is on the town.
FADIA: Alright, since this is near rice fields as you told, are barangay health centers, rural health
units accessible or near to you?
NATHALIE: no, specially the district hospital, it’s bit far from us at least a 20 a minute-drive from
here. As for the BHC, its no use. No one manages it. we proceed immediately to the district hospital
because rural health units operates daily but not open for check ups because the doctor is
sometimes not available, and they just refer us to the district hospital.
FADIA: Since you have mentioned about hospital, let us shift our topic to your personal health and
your family members. Is any of your family members has been diagnosed with illness or disorder in
the past or has current diagnosis of a disease?
NATHALIE: me and my husband are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. He was diagnosed 10 yrs
ago and I, 5 years ago.
FADIA: when you were diagnosed that time, how did you dealt with it? did you have some practice
so that at least, you can alleviate its complications?
NATHALIE: yes, we had. My husband believes that to lower blood sugar levels, making ampalaya
shakes, drinking every morning will be effective. He also reduced carbs intake and he exercise
regularly. Fortunately, it was effective.
FADIA : Alright, may I ask ma’am if there are any of you who smoke here, drink alcohol, does not
exercise regularly, take drugs, if you don’t mind, obese, and has elevated Lipid levels?
NATHALIE: yes there are. My mother is a chain smoker since she is her 40’s, she does not
exercise also, but do some household chores to tire herself but other than that none. We are not
drinkers, do not take drugs but my youngest I think is overweight but not obese yet and I, aside from
being diabetic, I have high cholesterols too.
FADIA: proceeding with, are all your family members immunized? If yes, what are the vccines that
NATHALIE: my children are complete with vaccines since birth, pus covid, boosters shots too. My
husband and I are immunized against covid and has booster. My mother is afraid of vaccines so she
only has, flu virus vaccine.
FADIA: We are on the end part of our interview. How much sleep do you get daily?
NATHALIE: Our sleep time is around 9 pm and we’ll wake up at 5 am so. At least 8 hrs. but for my
daughters when they have assignments usually 5-7 hrs daily.
FADIA: THANK YOU For your participation and honesty with me. Again, we’ll make sure that all
information you have given us will be confidential. If there are any questions feel free to ask us as
well. Thank you.
NATHALIE: you’re welcome. Feel free.


Mr. Y is a 45 y/o single-parent living with his 4 children and his blind mother age 72. They
live in a small barangay at Catbangen, City of San Fernando La Union. As he was the physically
abled member of the family, he became the head of the family. He works contractually as a laborer
in the nearby construction site 8 hours a day. His earnings were below minimum wage, 350 a day
and that should last for atleast 2 days, not even enough to fit the basic needs of the family like
enough food for all the family members. Exercise is unnecessary for them. according to Mr. Y, (hindi
na kami nag-eexercise, ano pa? payat na nga kami). Since the family do not engage in physical
activities, when about their diets, they say their diet consist of only eating twice a day. MR. Y do
fasting so that his four kids and his mother could eat enough. When asked how they respond
when someone get sick, he said, he relies to herbal medicines and sometimes self-medicate based
on what medicine is available in their relative’s house because this medicines are more effective.
On the other hand, Mr. Y’s kid A (12) and B (10) were seen thin and dirty playing outside their
houses. According to Mr. Y, he cannot take care of his two children for he is busy working and
earning money. His mother, Mrs. W, can only take care of the two by just means of preparing food
other than that, no more since se has difficulty in vison.
Their house is a bungalow type and small. Behind the house is the drainage where water
gathers up. Upon entering the home premises there are noticeable hazards. Fall hazards by means
of wooden pieces of house were only tied with rope and by observing, ropes were brittle and might
lose its ties sooner. There are risks for trips specially for Mrs. W. flooring is not flattened. The
flooring of the house is just covered with linoleum. Sharp parts of the flooring might cause trips. The
house is small for the six of them that they snug up themselves just to fit on the floor when they
sleep. The house is bit dark because they only use two light bulb, one for their living room and one
for their “dirty kitchen” Their foods were just stored on a used bucket of biscuits. The left-over foods
for lunch is covered by a plastic food cover. The water supply came from a local artesian well in their
place and was placed on used and old wilkins gallon. They cook their food with traditional “kalan de
uling” and get their water supply in the nearby artesian well. They share comfort room with their
neighbors and the condition is not good. Rust roof was the cover, and the smell is not that good.
Drainage system of the community was connected to one only. Some people in the neighborhood
including Mr. Y disposes their garbage at the local tapunan ng basura, however, most of the time
when garbage collector does not collect, they practice waste burning. Since they are congested in
their neighborhood, people are bit close with each other, and transportation is not a problem with
them. If there are any emergency hospital is just 30-minute drive from their home.
When it comes to nutrition and food intake, this is where the family struggles the most.With
lack of financial support and earning, the family minimizes the spendings by means of eating twice a
day if there is no budget, once (lunch and dinner). They cook 2 packs of Lucky me instant noodles,
2 eggs and half kilo of rice enough for them, daily. If there is no available food, they sleep with
empty stomach. Aside from that, they don’t eat on time. Their meal depends on as to what time Mr.
Y could buy food. According to him, this causes him stress. Since he was a single father he told that
the most stressing time he had is when his wife left him and their marital problems he did not
disclosed. This had pushed him to became alcoholic and a smoker in the family. He together with
his family lacks exercise and has no adequate sleep due to limited space for sleeping and bad
house ventilation.

Presence of health deficits are also noted. Mrs. W was Diagnosed of Diabetes Mellitus and
the complication of it was blindness for her or diabetic retinopathy. Mrs. W has not received any
medical consultation after her diagnosis 9 years ago. While Mr. Y, has hypertension and has not
been check since then. In line with this, his children lacks some vaccinations such as covid-19
vaccine, flue vaccines, Pneumococcal Vaccine, and dengue vaccine. Mr. Y’s reason as to why they
lack some vaccines is that he fears that it will has bad side effects that could lead to death of his


children. There are also foreseeable crisis such as hospitalization of a family member since his
mother is weak and the children entrance to school. Financial problems arise then.

To begin the second-level assessment, there are some noticeable cues that has been
observed and information provided by the head of the family. There is an inability to recognize a
problem due to denial of its existence specifically economic cost. He said, when there is a sick
family member he relies to herbal medicines and sometimes self-medicate based on what medicine
is available in their relative’s house because these medicines are more effective. Additionally, Mrs.
W diagnosis 9 years ago was not followed by so is Mr. Y’s hypertension check- ups. This could also
mean an inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at
risk member of the family due to prolonged disease or disability progression which exhausts
supportive capacity of family members. There is also lack of adequate knowledge since he had
mentioned the reason why his children are incomplete in vaccine, “baka kasi makasama sakanila.
Lalo ung side effects, baka mamatay sila. Dumami pa naman namamatay simula nung vaccine
vaccine na yan noong covid saka yung dengue vaccine, dengvaxia ba iyon?”, said Mr. Y.The family
does not eat healthy food and do not engage in physical activities that promote a healthy life with
following verbalizations : hindi na kami nag-eexercise, ano pa? payat na nga kami This is a an
inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development due to failure to see benefits (specifically long-term ones) of investment in home
environment. To add in this assessment, there is also house cues that points to this inability. To end
this second level assessment, family size beyond what resources can adequately provide – The
father, Mr. Y’s salary is less than 8,000 monthly. This is a failure to utilize community resources for
health care due to, lack of family resources specifically financial resources.
To conclude, with lack of financial resources of the family, there are lot of health and life
problems that has surfaced. This means that this family needs immediate nursing care and health
education to fill in the gaps of inadequate knowledge as well as to improve their living conditions by
means of offering them alternative remedies and possible solutions to their problems.


Mrs. S lives 60 y/o lives with her husband Mr. G 61 y/o in their bungalow house. They have 2
children but both are grown ups and has their own family. One lives near them in Catbangen, CSF,
La Unio and one lives in her own home in Bacnotan with her daughter, they are the only ones left in
the house. They are nuclear family with egalitarian type of decision making. They live in their own
house and has 15,000 monthly income from both of their retirement pensions. They are both retired
from their works 5 years ago. They both graduated high school and then land a job abroad after
their graduation. They just stay in the house most of the time and when its Sunday, they both go to
church and worship. “nagsisimba kami every Sunday, ang rest day naming ay kay Lord”. If its
Saturday, they volunteer to keep the barangay clean by means of sweeping streets, to them,
another form of exercise to shred off some fats. During weekdays, they exercise and take walks and
jogs in Poro Bay walk. Their house has 2 rooms, a comfort room, a spacious kitchen and dining
room and also a living room. They occupy the one room and leave the other one vacant for visitors.
Their house is squeaky clean. They have a huge cabinet storage room for groceries, a dispenser for
mineral water, a clean toilet with shower and their garbage are thrown in the segregation area. They
have a closed drainage system. They are in good neighborhood. There area is not congested and
they are located in an urban area. Their home is a 20 minute drive from provincial hospital and 15
minute drive to a private hospital. Tricycles are also available any time. Transportation is not a

Mrs. S has undergone Kidney stone removal 3 years ago while her husband was diagnosed
hypertensive. They do not follow any strict diet but they get to make sure they eat enough foods
three times a day. After Mrs. S’ kidney stone removal, she reduced all salt intake in all the food she
cooks. She also lessened sugars in food as their family has history of diabetes. She also gets to
make sure to monitor his husband’s food intake. No fatty food, moderate intake of red meat. Before
eating, she makes sure that all utensils are clean before usage so is her hands. She cleans and
rinses the food she bought from the talipapa before cooking. However, despite this practices, what
she can’t remove is smoking. She and her husband smokes a cigarette at least a pack a day.
Occasionally, his husband drinks alcohol. At least once a month. On the other hand, one thing about
them is that, they are complete with immunizations with booster shots against covid-19, has flu virus
vaccine as well. They rest enough, sleep enough and exercise every morning. They are also
making sure they are safe against dengue they have insect repellant lotions, all the widows in the
house including the door has screen.
Starting the first level assessment, there is an enhanced capability for healthy lifestyle for the
couples with cues, During weekdays, they exercise and take walks and jogs in Poro Bay walk. They
also take enough food and nutrients and take their vitamins. When ask about how they coped with
their health maintenance and management, Mrs. G answered, her husband continuously drinks his
maintenance medicines and does monthly check-ups in the City Health office or in the provincial
hospital and asks for another set of medicines for hypertension. Strengthening their spiritual being,
she verbalized cues that says, “nagsisimba kami every Sunday, ang rest day naming ay kay Lord”.
However, there is just presence of Health threats since her husband is hypertensive and presence
of smoking and alcohol drinking, a unhealthy lifestyle practice for both of them. Despite some health
deficits of hypertension, they still manage to function well at their highest level of functioning. There
are no foreseeable crisis for them.
On the second level of assessment the only reflected nursing problems is the inability to
recognithe presence of the condition/ problem due to attitude/philosophy in life which hinders a
recognition of a problem is their smoking habit. Mrs. S verbalized “ mamamatay ako kapag hindi
ako nakasindi. Para akong hindi mapakali kaya hindi ko maalis ang pagsisigrailyo sakin, saamin”.

To conclude, despite the healthy habit of a family if there is a vice that they cannot remove,
they cannot still achieve an optimal health they deserve. Their health will always be compromised.
Offering and teaching them alternatives to their vice could potentially help reduce it.


Mr. D is a 56 y/o father living with his wife and his daughter. Her wife aged 52 is a housewife
while his daughter is 10 y/o grade 5 student. Mr. D works as a minimum wage earner at a local gas
supplier Regasco. They live near the beach altogether. He gets to decide for his family including
budgeting and healthcare. He is the head of the family (patriarchal). He earns 10,000 every 15th and
30th of the month. Fortunately for the family, the earnings is enough for them to last for weeks to
provide them foods, water and electricity even their wants and needs. Every Sunday, they have their
family day where they go to church and worship and after, leisure and cook at home. Their house is
two-storey but the 2nd floor is not occupied since they made it storage room/floor of their things. The
three of them share room and sleep together in the bed. They have their own clean cr,and clean
water supply. They store their food-on-food cabinets and has their on refrigerator. They live in a
barangay where houses are not congested and urban. Hospitals and health centers are 30 minutes
away from their home and transportation are always available. Their neighborhood is full of people
including children playing in the roads and pathways. Garbage was scattered on the area going to
their house and their garbage disposal is unsanitary mostly and others practice waste burning at
their yards.

Mr. D is has hypertension and their family has history of death from stroke and diabetes
making him conscious of his health. While her daughter A, has BMI of 15.3. the family does not
follow a strict food intake. “Madalas, take out o kaya naman mga processed food mga pagain
naming. Hindi kami masarap magluto eh’”, as verbalized by Mrs. D. the family eats together and
they practice “pagkakamay” and wash their hands on the plates after they ate. Since only child, “A”
gets to complete all her immunizations dose including covid 19, dengue, and flu virus. While her
mother has only 1 covid-19 shot because she do not trust the nurse who administer vaccine,,
“mabigat ang kamay niya masyado. Masakit” and mr. d has complete doses since it is company’s
policy. However, he is heavy alcohol drinker who drinks at least 3 days a week, calling his drinking
day, “fun day”. “when he drinks he is noisy, we have interrupted sleeps, thanks to him, we got to
sleep 5-7 hours a day when is snoring so loudly.” “We no longer exercise, doing house tasks is
enough to tire myself”, said, Mr.D.

Beginning the first level assessment, there is a readiness for enhanced Capability for
Spirtual being as Mr. D said that part of their family bonding every Sunday is the going to church
and worshipping. There is also a good parenting since their child is in normal health condition and
well-taken care of. However, there is a health threat for them especially to Mr. D since hes is
hypertensive and at risk for diabetes. And the unsanitary waste disposal of their neighbors might
affect them and waste burning could lead to air pollution. Mr. D’s unhealthy drinking alcohol could be
a threat to health since alcohol could contribute to elevation or trigger to his hypertension plus the
lak of physical activity engagement of the family and lack of adequate sleep.

On the second level of assessment, there is a seen inability to make decisions with respect
to taking appropriate action due to ineffective communication patterns with the family as seen in the
cue, “when he drinks, he is noisy, we have interrupted sleeps, thanks to him, We got to sleep 5-7
hours a day when is snoring so loudly”. There is also failure to utilize a community resources for
health care due to previous unpleasant experience with a healthcare worker. “mabigat ang kamay
niya masyado. Masakit” as said by Mrs. D.
To conclude, health should be put priority. The family needs to be educated about healthy
lifestyle patterns and diagnose diseases which may not be seen yet such a s snoring. That could
mean there is a problem with Mr. D. It is commendable that they completed all their child’s vaccine
and put her to best care, may the parents not forget about their health too.


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