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cumber-ground: worthless object or person

cumbersome(ly): cồng kềnh

cumbersomeness: sự cồng kềnh, sự làm vướng

cumbrous(ness) = cumbersome

discumber: To free from that which cumbers

(dis)encumber: (ngừng) làm trở ngại

encumbrance: sự trở ngại (đối với tài sản)

unencumbered: not having any burden

co-radicate: having the same root

deracinate: to uproot / make sb or sth lose their connection to a place

deracination: noun of deracinate

deradicalize: make sb less extreme in their beliefs

eracinate: to remove

(in)eradicable: (un)able to be removed

eradicant: thuốc diệt côn trùng

eradicated: bị diệt trừ

eradication: sự nhổ rễ, sự diệt trừ

eradicator: người nhổ rễ, người bài trừ

inracinate: establish deeply / enroot

radicalize: become radical

radicalish: somewhat radical

radicalism: chủ nghĩa cực đoan

radicality: the quality of being fundamental

radicalness: the quality of being radical

radicand: biểu thức số dưới căn

radicant: producing roots from the stem

radicellate: having long attachments resembling small roots (ở đvat hình rêu)

radicellose: có rễ con / rễ giả = radiculose

radices: cơ số / nguồn gốc, căn nguyên

radicicolous: Living on the roots of a plant

radicidation: xạ trị
radiciform: resembling a root

radicle: rễ mầm

radicular: liên quan tới rễ cảm giác của dây thần kinh tủy sống

radicule = radicle

radiculitis: radicular pain

radiculopathy: bệnh rễ thần kinh

agri-industrial: Involving a combination of agriculture and industry

agri-industry: a combination of agriculture and industry

agro-industrial: relating to industrialized agriculture

agro-industry: farming considered as a business

bioindustry: industry involving living animals or plants

deindustrialize: giải trừ công nghiệp

industrials: shares in industrial companies

industrialize: công nghiệp hóa

industrialism: chủ nghĩa trọng công nghiệp

industrialist: an owner or an employee in a high position in industry

industrial-strength: extremely strong

industrious: chăm chỉ

industry-wide: existing in all or most parts of a business

military-industrial: relating to a nation's armed forces and to its industries

non-industrial: not relating to industry

post-industrial: hậu công nghiệp

pre-industrial: tiền công nghiệp

proto-industrialization: Công nghiệp hóa sơ khai

reindustrialize: modernize the industry

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