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Readings of Philippine

HISTORY is derived from Greek word Historia meaning
knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation.
Aristotle regarded it as a "systematic account of a set of natural
phenomena, whether or not chronological ordering was a factor in
the account." The term "history" has now come to be applied to
accounts of events that are narrated in a chronological order, and
deal with the past of mankind.

HISTORY is also derived from german word Geshehen-


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Became known as the account of the past of a person and or of a group of
people through written documents and historical documents. It became the
historian duty to write the lives of important person and events or individuals
like monarchs, heroes, saints, and nobilities. History also focused on writing
about wars, revolutions, and other important breakthrough.
No document, no history.
History has opened and progressed of the possibility of valid resources, like
government records, chronicler’s account, or personal letters. However, it
essentially invalidate the other groups who do not keep written records.
Because some are keener and passing history through mouth. That is why it
restricts historical evidence as exclusive written is also discriminated that are
not recorded or documented.
Other historical documents got destroyed or burned in the events of war and
colonization. Documented historical events are usually about nobilities,
monarchs and other important individual, usually recorded their birth,
marriage, education, tenure, death and matters of the government. .

But how about those who are not born in noble group? Does it mean they
didn’t exist?
Historians found loophole to the history, who started using other kinds of
historical sources, which may not be written format but were just as valid.
Examples are song, poems, artifacts, architecture and memory. It has more
been inclusive and linking new and other disciplines and auxiliary.

Archeologist and historians has been working together, and using artifacts
from a bygone era in the study of ancient civilization that has been formerly
ignored because of lacked of documents.

Other profession are working together with the historian in the study of
origin, patterns of human societies in dept with analyzing the history.
History VS. Historiography
Historiography is the history of history.

History History Historiography Historiography

Study of facts, Written by the History, How was Historical facts and
events, past victors, historical was historians method
written, who wrote and analyzation.
it, the context of
historical method,
and sources

Historical investigation will reveal a more nuanced account of the history of that period instead of a
simplified narrative of hero vs. villain.
History VS. Historian
Despite of the facts that historian cannot ascertain absolute objectivity, the study of history remains
scientific because of rigor of research and methodology of historian.
Historical Methodology – are techniques used in writing the history.
Historical writings, can be at least be influence and incline with others and may be still valid.(
example comparative study)
Historical Sources
Historians most important tools are the sources.
• It can be classified between primary and secondary sources and
it depends of the subject matter of the historical matter that
being studied.
• Primary sources- are those sources produced at the same
time as the event, period, or subject being discussed. (Ex.
Newspaper, minutes of the meeting, photography, eyewitness,
records, reports artifacts, memorabilia, letters, census, and a like)
• Secondary sources- are those sources which were produced by
authors who used primary sources to produced material or
secondary sources are a certain study of an historical event. (ex.
Philippine revolution, the story of Bonifacio)

• Primary and secondary sources are useful in historical writing.

However, sources are needed to be dept in more study to avoid
historical distortion.
To avoid historical distortion
In accepting sources or using sources it should have been be criticize both internal and external criticism.
• External criticism - is verifying the authenticity of the source by examining its physical
characteristics, consistency, the evidence. (Ex. Document)
• Internal Criticism – Validation of the truthfulness of the sources or the factual basis of the evidence.
Its context, content, the agenda, the knowledge, and intended purpose are basis for the internal
• The task of historian – are to look for available sources and select most relevant and meaningful
history, analyze the history by organizing the past that is being created to the nation, society, and
civilization. It’s task as well is to recover the past to let the community see the relevance, provenance,
memory or remembering and historical understanding for the present and future.
• History- is not a snap of a finger to release and study.
END for Week 1
Content And Contextual
Analysis of Selected Primary
sources in Philippine History
• The first voyage around the world of Magellan by Antonio
• The KKK and the kartilya ng Katipunan
• Proclamation of the Philippine independence
The first voyage around the world
of Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta
who is he?
• he was a venetian scholar and explorer.
• Astronomy, geography and cartography.
* he joined the expedition to the spice islands led by ferdinand magellan.
pigafetta's work is of great importance in the study and writing in Philippine

❑ Pigafetta was able to give details of geography and climate of the places that their
voyage has reached.
❑ In reading pigafetta's description of the people, one has to keep in mind that he was
coming from 16th century european perspective.
❑ He would always remarked on the nakedness of the natives or how he was
fascinated by their exotic culture.
The first voyage around the world
of Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta
❑ It should be understood of such observations were rooted from the context of
pigafetta and of his era.
❑ Hence, other beliefs system different from that of christianity were perceived to be
blasphemous and barbaric,even demonic.
❑ It was not surprising therefore that pigafetta would mention the abundance of gold
in the island as shown in his description of leaders wearing gold rings and gold
daggers, and of the rich gold minds.
The first voyage around the world
of Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta
❑ Armada de Molucca- Provided by King Charles
1. Trinidad – commanded by Magellan
2. San Antonio
3. Concepcion
4. Santiago
5. Victoria – Supplies, only ship able to return to the Spain
Magellan’s Journey to the
Philippines, 1521
March 16 March 18 March 25 After few days

• Reached the isle of • Arrived in Humunu island • Saw 2 Ballanghai( balangay) • Magellan was introduced
Zamal (Samar) (Homonhon)- Guiuan town in • Pigafetta recounted that they saw two to the king’s brother
• Magellan Decided to Eastern Samar ballanghai (balangay), a long boat full who’s also a king to
of people in Mazzava/ Mazaua. another island.
land in another island, • 9 men came to them, offered • The king of Balangay offered a bars of • Pigafetta found golds,
more secured (2 days) crafts and foods and supplies gold and ginger, Magellan declined. saw mines of golds.
• Characterized as Very familiar • Magellan offered some gifts, knives, • The second king his ship
and friendly. mirror and shown the king armors, and house was made of
• Watering place of good signs. weapons, Turkish robes and artilleries. gold.
• First signs of gold. • Raia Siagu • Described as handsome,
• Named the island and nearby wore silk and a lot of
island as Archipelago de san • Raia Calambu, king of
lazarus Zuluan and Calagan
(Butuan and Caragual)
Magellan’s Journey to the
Philippines, 1521
March 31 April 7 April 8 April 14

• Mass by the shore. • Magellan reached the port of • Preached about peace and • A mass was held and attended the
• The king sent two pigs. Cebu (Zzubu) god. King Raia Humabon.
• The 2 kings • The King of Zubu, wanted • Children to render the • Magellan asked the kig to be a
honor and obedience of good Christian and asked to burn
participated the mass. Magellan and his men to pay their parents. all of the idols and worship the
• After the mass, tribute to him but Magellan • People were overjoyed and cross only.
Magellan ordered, the Refused. Magellan’s translator, wished to be Christians, • Humabon was baptized and 800
cross be brough, nails said that Magellan is the through free will and not by souls.
and crown in place. captain of a king and with a force. • Humabon was named Don Carlos,
• Mazaua(Limasawa great empire, threaten for war. he named the prince Don
Magellan and the king of Zubu Fernando.
Island, Leyte.) •
• King of Mazavva, Jehan
• Fr. Pedro de met at the open space, offered • Showed the image of child jesus to
pakikipag sandugo.
Valederrama the queen. Hara Humamay,
Magellan’s Journey to the
Philippines, 1521
April 26 April 26 Duerte Borbosa

• Zula, chief of Matan (Mactan). • Magellan set out from Cebu to • New captain
Sent one of his son with two
Mactan at midnight with around 60 • Magellan’s note to free
• According to Zula, the chief of men in corselets and helmets Henry(Enrique de Malaca)
Matan, Silapulapu refused to along with some native allies. after his death, but still slae
obey the king of Spain. . • 49 men in the water, and the 1500 after death of Magellan and
• Silapulapu did not want to pay
Magellan and his men the goat islander army are ready into battle. treated cruelty.
that they were promised. • They shot the captain through the • Henry(Enrique de Malaca)
• Zula requested the captain to right leg with a poisoned arrow, and the King of Cebu
send him only one boatload of knocked his helmet off his head conspired and invited the
men to fight against the other
chief. The captain- general twice. Pigafeta and others for a
decided to go thither with three • The Magellan side, retreated and feast, and said to give the
boatloads Magellan left at the sand dead. jewels as a gift for the king
of spain. Pigafetta refused,
24 men who attended were
The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan
Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK or Katipunan) or the Supreme and
Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation towards the Philippine Revolution and reclaim
of freedom to finally cease the Spanish sovereignty over the Katagalugan. It introduces the
Kartilya, a guidebook in the form of a small pamphlet, written by Emilio Jacinto purposely for
‘new members’ of the secret organization.

• A secret society with is purpose is to unite the filipino people and the nation, and
independence from Spaniards.
• There were revolts, but none of them initiated to unite the filipino nation against the
• Diego Silang- the longest running revolts in the country but his main concern is the ilocos
• Katipunan- Katipunero maid a system to keep them strong, loyal in which they called
Kartilya or Carterlia
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
Andres Bonifacio
• Born in Tondo, Manila. November 30, 1863
• Founder of the Katipunan
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
Emilio Jacinto
• Author of the kartilya (adopted by Andres Bonifacio)
• Utak ng katipunan.
• Born in Torzo, Tondo Manila, December 15, 1875
• Studied Law in UST
• Remained loyal to Bonifacio Even after his death
• Died April 16 1899, 23, Malaria
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
1. Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at banal na
kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang lilim, kundi damong makamandag
(The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a
tree without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.)
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi
sa talagang nasang gumawa ng kagalingan, ay di kabaitan.(To do
good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.)
3. Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang gawa, ang pagibig sa
kapua at ang isukat ang bawat kilos, gawa’t pangungusap sa talagang
Katuiran.(It is rational to be charitable and love one's fellow creature,
and to adjust one's conduct, acts and words to what is in itself

4. Maitim man at maputi ang kulay ng balat, lahat ng tao’y

magkakapantay; mangyayaring ang isa’y higtan sa dunong, sa yaman,
sa ganda…; ngunit di mahihigtan sa pagkatao. ( Whether our skin be
black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth
and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.)
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
5. Ang may mataas na kalooban inuuna ang puri sa pagpipita sa
sarili; ang may hamak na kalooban inuuna ang pagpipita sa sarili
sa puri.(. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the
scoundrel, gain to honor.)

6. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y panunumpa.(To the honorable man,

his word is sacred.)
7. Huag mong sasayangin ang panahun; ang yamang nawala’y
magyayaring magbalik; nguni’t panahong nagdaan na’y di na muli
pang magdadaan. Value of time( Do not waste thy time: wealth
can be recovered but not time lost.)
8. Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi, at kabakahin ang umaapi.(Defend
the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the
9. Ang taong matalino’y ang may pagiingat sa bawat sasabihin, at
matutong ipaglihim ang dapat ipaglihim.(The prudent man is
sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets.)
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
10. Sa daang matinik ng kabuhayan, lalaki ay siyang patnugot ng
asawa’t mga anak; kung ang umaakay ay tungo sa sama, ang
patutunguhan ng iaakay ay kasamaan din. (On the thorny path of
life, man is the guide of woman and the children, and if the guide
leads to the precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.)
11. Ang babai ay huag mong tignang isang bagay na libangan
lamang, kundi isang katuang at karamay sa mga kahirapan nitong
kabuhayan; gamitan mo ng buong pagpipitagan ang kaniyang
kahinaan, at alalahanin ang inang pinagbuhata’t nagiwi sa iyong
kasangulan. (Thou must not look upon woman as a mere
plaything, but as a faithful companion who will share with thee the
penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy interest
in her and she will remind thee of the mother who bore thee and
reared th)
12. Ang di mo ibig na gawin sa asawa mo, anak at kapatid, ay
huag mong gagawin sa asawa, anak, at kapatid ng iba.(What thou
dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters,
that do not unto the wife, children, brothers and sisters of thy
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
13. Ang kamahalan ng tao’y wala sa pagkahari, wala sa tangus ng
ilong at puti ng mukha, wala sa pagkaparing kahalili ng Dios wala
sa mataas na kalagayan sa balat ng lupa; wagas at tunay na
mahal na tao, kahit laking gubat at walang nababatid kundi ang
sariling wika, yaong may magandang asal, may isang
pangungusap, may dangal at puri; yaong di napaaapi’t di
nakikiapi; yaong marunong magdamdam at marunong lumingap
sa bayang tinubuan.(Man is not worth more because he is a king,
because his nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because he is
a *priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high prerogative
that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man of
proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy
and honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being
oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland, though he
be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.)
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
114. Paglaganap ng mga aral na ito at maningning na sumikat ang
araw ng mahal na Kalayaan dito sa kaabaabang Sangkalupuan, at
sabugan ng matamis niyang liwanag ang nangagkaisang
magkalahi’t magkakapatid ng ligaya ng walang katapusan, ang
mga ginugol na buhay, pagud, at mga tiniis na kahirapa’y labis
nang natumbasan. Kung lahat ng ito’y mataruk na ng nagiibig
pumasuk at inaakala niyang matutupad ang mga tutungkulin,
maitatala ang kaniyang ninanasa sa kasunod nito.(When these
rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-for sun of
Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of the
globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the
confederated brethren of the same rays, the lives of those who
have gone before, the fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will
remain. If he who desires to enter (the Katipunan) has informed
himself of all this and believes he will be able to perform what will
be his duties, he may fill out the application for admission. )
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
Kartilya is the guiding principles and ideologies of the KKK
while fighting for the country’s independence. The Kartilya
emphasizes patriotism, love of the fellowmen, the importance
of honor, and dignity through virtuous living. It also highlights
the capabilities of human to determine their greatness, rather
than the external capabilities.
The kartilya made, mainly fir the KKK. Upon joining new
members are required to read the code. Changing the way of
the people thought and acts was very kmportant to the early
katipuneros, they understood that ita was the only way to
change the Philippines for the better.
The KKK and the Kartilya ng
Proclamation of The
Philippine Independence Day
June 12 1898
•Araw ng Kasarinlan
•333 Years of Spanish Colonization
•2,000 Words
•Abuses and Inequalities
•Magellan's arrival
•Rizal's Execution
•Cavite Mutiny
•the execution of infamous native priest GomBurZa.
Proclamation of The
Proclamation of Philippine Independence
The Philippine Declaration was signed by
ninety-eight persons, among them an retired
American artillery officer (Colonel L.M. Johnson) who witnessed
the proclamation
June 12, 1898, Emilio Aguinaldo declared the Independence of the
Filipinos and the birthof the Philippine Republic “under the
protection of the mighty and humane North AmericanUnion.”. This
momentous event took place in Cavite el Viejo ("Old Cavite", now
Kawit),Cavite Province.
Proclamation of The
The White Triangle-Katipunan
•Peace and Purity
•Katipunan emblem
The Three Stars
The Sun (Rays)
•The Gigantic Strides
•Eight Provinces-manila; cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Icija, Bataan,
Laguna, and Batangas
Colors blue, red and white commemorate in USA. Showing deep
gratitude by protecting the Philippines
•Peace and War
•Manifestation of our profound gratitude
Proclamation of The
• No mention of land and agrarian crisis felt by Filipino
people, said by Teodoro Agoncillo
• Teodora Agoncillo stated that Philippine Revolution was
an Agrarian Revolution.
• Revolutionary soldiers fought in revolution for the hope
of owning their land.
• The Katipunan only mentioned once in the
• There was no mentioned of the Katipunan’s Foundation.
Bonifacio and his co-founders were also left out.
Proclamation of The
•It was not a secret that there has been a clash between
Aguinaldo and Bonifacio. Looking back, the Katipunan was
divided into two councils when competition arised
between the commanders and territories. The Magdiwang
for those who favored Bonifacio and Magdalo were the
ones who favoured Aguinaldo. In order to settle row
between the two leaders, the Tejeros Convention was
established. This assembly aimed to unite the two sides
and elect officers for the revolutionary government. After
the said formality, Aguinaldo won against Bonifacio and
the leadership was on his shoulders (Valdeailla, 2018).
•The document reflects that even the way it has been
written, there was influence from the side of the victors in
the field. Aguinaldo and his leaders deserve to have the
acknowledgement they deserve after putting themselves
in the pit of death, but Bonifacio and his people deserve it,
too. After all, the Proclamation of Philippine Independence
would not be possible if it weren’t for the efforts and
sacrifices of both sides.
Proclamation of The
•Aguinaldo who brought progress in the plight, there were still
unfortunate events that brought light to the Filipino people such as
the known three martyr priests; Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez and
Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) shed their bloods for fighting the
abusive friars and for equal rights among priests. The Spaniards who
prosecuted the case bribed a witness to testify against the
GOMBURZA for them to be charged with sedition and treason that led
to their death by garrote. The execution of the three priests affected
the Filipinos especially Rizal who dedicated El Filibusterismo to their
memory (Esteria, 2012).
•religious orders at that time was very influential and in power, the
manipulation was easily done in order to condemn individuals who
went their ways. The Proclamation of Philippine Independence
document points that even historical records can still have its lapses in
giving out important information and details. It can not be denied that
there is a political bias that happened within the context and content
of the document that was supposed to be just and fair for the
individuals and events that contributed in the success of the
Revolution, most importantly in the Proclamation of Independence
which entails that the Filipinos have already achieved the
independence and sovereignty that they were struggling and fighting
for how many years.
Proclamation of The
•The document holds a great value to our history record,
selectiveness and bias of information should not be
practiced in this field, assuring the credibility of a content
must be prioritized at all times. The the 12th of June is
honored to as a national holiday that would always uphold
its value as a memoir of our country’s fight for
independence. The document that contains the records of
historical movements and events give us the right amount
of awakening for one’s patriotism and loyalty to the
motherland. The Philippine Independence Day honors the
people who played great roles in order to give us this
freedom and the land that we own along with the
significant revelations of the truth behind its triumph. This
gives way to the fact that one must ensure the sources for
its credibility and content before indulging with its own
truth and facts.
Philippine History: Spaces for
Conflict & Controversies
Historical Writing
• Biased
• Partial
• Contains preconception

Failure in Historical Interpretation

may omit significant facts
Keep in mind
Interpreting history requires incorporating source materials that reflect different views
of an event in history.
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Francisco Albo
April 8, 1521 - arrival and celebration of mass
Francisco Albo- Pilot of one of Magellan's Ship, Trinidad
• - March 16 1521
• - Sailed in a westerly course from Landrones
• - Yunugan - land towards the northwest
• - Suluan- 9 and 2/3 degrees North Latitude
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Francisco Albo
- Sailed westward to an uninhabited island of "Gada"
- "Acquada" or Homonhon, at 10 degrees North Latitude.
-Sailed westwards towards a large island names Seilani
-Southwest , "Mazava"
-9 and 2/3 degrees North.
-Spaniards planted a cross
- Mazava towards again to Seilani
-10 Degrees of lattitude
-Westwards some ten leagues -three Islets
- Southwest some 12 leagues, 10 and 1/3 degree
- "Matan" and "Subu"
-Westwards and acored at the town (La villa) of Subu
-Town of Subu - east-west direction with the islands of Suluan and Mazava.
-Location of Mazava fits the Location of the island of Limasawa
- At the southern tip of Leyte, 9 degrees 54 North.
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Pigafetta’s
-March 16 1521 (Saturday)-
"High land" named "Zamal"
-300 leagues westward of Landrones Island
-March 17 1521 (Sunday)-
Landed on another island , Hamunu (Homonhon)
-10 degrees North Latitude
-" Islands of Saint Lazarus"
-March 25 1521 (Monday)-
Left the island of Homonhon
- "Our Lady's Day"
-"Toward the west southwest, between four islands: Cenalo ( Ceilon, Seilani the island
of Leyte), Hiunanghan (Hinunangan), Ibusson (Hibuson)
and Albarien"
-March 18 1521 (Monday)-
-Saw a boat towards then with 9 men
-Exchange of Gifts
-"Watering Place of Good Omen"
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Pigafetta’s
-March 22 1521 (Friday)-
Natives Return, two boats
- 8 days in homonhon, March 17- March 25
-At Gatighan, they sailed westward to the three islands of the Camotes Group,
Poro,Pasihan and Ponson
-From Camotes islands the sailed southwards towards "Zubu"
-April 7 1521 (Sunday)-
"the harbor of Zubu (Cebu)" , three days
-March 28 1521 (Thursday) - Holy Thursday
-twenty-five leagues from the Acquada and is called "Mazaua"
- Remained 7 days
-April 4 1521 (Thursday)-
Left Mazaua , King os Mazaua
- Ceylon, Bohol, Canignan, Baibai, and Gatighan
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Pigafetta’s
testimony Pigafetta and Seven Days
in Mazaua
-March 28 1521 (Thursday)-"Holy Thursday"
-Two larger boats (Balanghai)
-An Exchange of gifts
-March 29 1521 (Friday)-"Holy Friday“
- food supplies
-two members of Magellan's expedition as guest for the night
Antonio Pigafetta
-April 1 1521 (Monday)-
-No work was done
-April 2-3 1521 (Tuesday and Wednesday)-
-Work on the harvest
-April 4 1521-
Leave Mazaua, bound for Cebu
-March 30 1521-
Leave and returned to the ships
Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take
Place in the Philippines? Pigafetta’s
-March 31 1521-
"Easter Sunday"
-Morning Mass, 50 men
-Afternoon planted the cross
- King of Mazaua and King of Butuan
- port from Ceylon, Zubu and Calagan
Age of Exploration
A Period of competition among european rulers to conquer and colonize land outside
their original domains.
North america,mexico , south America in 16th century and Philippines
Cavite mutiny

GOMBURZA martyrdom
Spanish Accounts of the Cavite Mutiny-Jose Montero y Vidal
Governor General Rafael Izquierdo
Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera
Filipino Scholar and Researcher
Cavite mutiny

•Abolition of Privileges of Cavite Arsenal
•Spanish overthrew a secular throne
•Propaganda against monarchical principles
•Respect toward dethroned majesty
•Democratic and Republican books and pamphlets
•Apostles’ preaching in Spain
•American publicists
Spanish Historian
Cavite mutiny
Governor General Rafael Izquierdo
Abogadillos – Native clergy (mestizos and native lawyers)
- Motivators of insurrection
•Not paying tabacco crop
•Usury to the crop owners
•No exemption for Cavite Arsenals
•Indios form of government
•“Hari” – head of the Filipinos
•D. Jose Burgos or D. Jacinto Zamora
•Izquierdo : Burgos and Zamora gives
•assurance of God’s support & rewards
•Jan. 20, 1872: The feast of the Virgin of Loreto
•Attacked led by Sgt. Lamadrid
•Mistook the signal of fireworks
•Revolution easily crushed because
Manilenos did not arrive
Cavite mutiny

•Gomburza are sentenced to execution

(Feb. 17, 1872)
•Other Filipino lawyers/leaders are
sentenced to life imprisonment
•Joaquin Pardo de Tavera,
Antonio Ma. Regidor, Pio Basa, etc.
•Never to attempt attack
Cavite mutiny
Differing Accounts of Events in 1872
Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo
Pardo de Tavera
Filipino Scholar and Researcher
•Central Government in Madrid
deprive friars
•In intervention of Civil government
•Direction and Management of University
•Material and Education advancement instead of secession
•Filipino dissatisfied of Izquierdo’s policies
•Abolition of priveledges
•Prohibition of founding of the school of arts and trades
•Friars used mutiny as opportunity
•Central Spanish Government introduced Philippine
Cavite mutiny

Edmund Plauchut
French writer
•General La Torre’s “Junta”
•Reforms reported in Madrid government
•Changes in tariff rates and methods of collection
•Removal of surcharges on importations
•Reduction of export fees
•Permission to foreigners to reside in the Philippines
•Establishment of an advisory council to inform
overseas affairs
•Changes in education
•Establishment of an Institute of Civil Administration
•Study of direct-tax system
•Abolition of the tobacco monopoly
Cavite mutiny

•General Izquierdo suspended reforms

•Society of Arts and Trades
•Liberal teachings
•Founding of schools
•Filipino must render services and taxes
•People in artillery, engineering shop,
and, arsenal are exempted
Where Did the Cry of Rebellion Happen?
"El Grito de Rebelion"
The start if revilutionary events
Cry of Balintawak
26th of August
"Monument if the Heroes of 1896"
- intersection of EDSA & Andres Bonifacio Drive-North Diversion Road
Where Did the Cry of Rebellion Happen?
"Different Dates & Places of the Cry"
August 23 1896
Pugad Lawin (Juwn Ramos)
- Teadoro Agoncillo
- Pio Valenzuela
August 24 1896
Bahay Toro in Quezon City
Santiagio Alvarez
-Mariano Alvarez
August 25 1896
Lt. Olegario Diaz
-Guardia Civil
Gregorio Zaide
Last Week of August
Kangkong Balintawak
Teodoro Kalaw

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