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Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno

Name ID No
1. AGEGNEHU KASSAHUN ………………………..0184/12
2. GIZACHEW WAGNEW ……………………………0946/12
3. TAMIRU ZELEKE …………………………………..1849/12

Advisor:1. Mr. Alem

2. Mr.Alelgni

Cordinator :-Mr.Abdu

Industrial park

First of all, we would like to say thank you to almighty God for giving us strength to complete
this project. We have taken effort in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to
extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We have highly indebted to Align Yohanes and Aleme Addisie(our advisors) for his guidance
and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding to the
project and also for his support in completing the project.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page i


ACKNOWLEGMENT ................................................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iv
1 Chapter One......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Problem Statement................................................................................................ 2
1.1.4 Significance .......................................................................................................... 2
1.1.5 Objective............................................................................................................... 3
2 Chapter Two ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Literature survey .......................................................................................................... 4
3 Chapter Three ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.1 Design and Fabrication ......................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Hardware .............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Programming ...................................................................................................... 12
4 Chapter Four...................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Limitation................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Future work ................................................................................................................ 13
5 Refference ......................................................................................................................... 14
6 Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 15

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page ii

List of figures

Figure3. 1 design methodology for the project ............................................................................................. 7

Figure3. 2 block diagram of the working principle ....................................................................................... 7
Figure3. 3 Arduino UNO .............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure3. 4 Batteries ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure3. 5 CPU fan ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure3. 6 DC Motor ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure3. 7 Motor driver shield .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure3. 8 Ultrasonic sensor........................................................................................................................ 10
Figure3. 9 Wheels ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure3. 10 Vacuum cleaner ....................................................................................................................... 11
Figure3. 11 voltage regulator ...................................................................................................................... 11

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page iii

Today house-holds devices are becoming smarter and more automated. Home automation
delivers convenience and creates more time for people. Domestic robots are entering homes
and people’s daily lives, but it is yet a relatively new and immature market. However, growth
is predicted and the adoption of domestic robots is evolving. This work can be very useful in
improving life style of mankind. Our aim is to design the automatic vacuum cleaner that will
help to make household work convenient and much easier. It operates in automatic mode as
well as in manual mode along with additional features like scheduling for specific time and
dirt container with auto- dirt disposal mechanism. The flexibility, time saving and efficiency
make the robot a good choice for cleaning the floor. Automatic vacuum cleaners using dc
motor and motor shield and servo motor and ultrasonic sensor. It contains autonomously
vacuuming a floor in one pass .By using ultrasonic sensor our vacuum cleaner is able to detect
obstacle and able to find correct path for proper cleaning of floor. Keywords: Robotics,
Ultrasonic Sensor, Vacuum Cleaner, Dc Motor.

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1 Chapter One

1.1 Introduction
In today life, time management is considered as one of the most important factors. A very
notable household chore is floor cleaning which is often considered as difficult and boring job.
In most cases, cleaners are hired to do the task rather than the household residents do it. The
discomfort posed by this recurrent chore necessitated development of a vacuum cleaner that
could assist human with such a task. A vacuum cleaner is an electromechanical appliance
commonly used for cleaning floors, furniture, rugs and carpets by suction. An electric motor
inside the appliance turns a fan which creates a partial vacuum and causes outside air to rush
into the evacuated space. This forces any dirt or dust near the nozzle into a bag inside the
machine or attached to the outside. The demand to reduce manpower level has led to the
design and development of automatic control systems, which enables unattended operations of
the machinery. The current automatic integrated systems cover all aspects of Automatic
vacuum cleaner operations. Cleaning the environment around us is one of the important duties
of each and every individual. Bigger the area to be cleaned, greater number of people will be
needed. Some places will be so dirty that cleaning such areas causes huge impact on health.
Due to dust present in the surroundings, people are prone to allergies, watery eyes, cold,
cough, rashes etc. Vacuum cleaner can be used for domestic purposes such as to clean the
floor, car, carpets etc. In this era where digital technology is rising rapidly, mankind is
becoming more and more dependent on the same. Since majority belong to the working
population, there is always a shortage of time. Since, the Arduino can be coded to cover
specific areas, moving the vacuum cleaner in the desired direction and the time taken for the
same can be saved as it is possible through the car carrying it. In this project, an automated
vacuum cleaner is designed. It consists of a RC car to which a vacuum cleaner is attached.
Ultrasonic sensor is attached to the front of the car which is used to measure the distance if
any obstacle is detected. If suppose there is an obstacle, the car changes its course as per the

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 1

1.1.1 Background
Robot vacuum cleaners are well-known products. Still there are continuously new products
introduced on the market, products with new or improved functionality. Robot vacuum
cleaners are mainly used in domestic areas for removing particles from indoor floors. The aim
of this project was to learn more about the design and its requirement, hopefully be able to
improve some functions

1.1.2 Scope
The main purpose with this project was to design a smart robot vacuum cleaner that can
perform tasks that a regular vacuum cleaner, on the market, can do. During the design phase,
ideas and different designs were tested. The robot was equipped with sensors to detect its
surroundings and the dimensions were chosen so it can manage normal obstacles and clean in
a domestic area. The smart vacuum robot is built to collect the dry dust particles on the
smooth tiles without human intervention.

1.1.3 Problem Statement

To design a vacuum cleaner that is intelligently programmed, low costly and in short period of
time to clean the floor

1.1.4 Significance
1) Saves Time

As mentioned above, robot vacuums can be programmed to clean while you’re busy with
other tasks or even away from home. This frees up your time for more important things and
helps to keep your schedule organized. Robot vacuums can also help to maintain a clean and
organized workspace. If you're someone who works from home, robot vacuums can also help
maintain a clean and organized workspace.

2) Cleans different home surface

If you're Asian, you're probably aware of how our houses come with various surfaces across
different sections, ranging from tiles to hardwood. Robot vacuums are able to clean all these
surfaces effectively, using advanced technologies such as edge detection and multi-surface

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 2

capability. This tiny little vacuum fits in just about any space and does every cleaning task
perfectly. Source: Unlash

3) Clean hard-to-reach places

Most robot vacuums have a low profile, allowing them to clean under furniture and tight
spaces. This helps to ensure an overall thorough cleaning of your entire home.

4) Ideal for pet owners

Robot vacuums can make your life easier if you have furry friends at home. These robot
cleaners can pick up pet hair and dander effectively, helping keep your home clean and

5) App Control

Write about how you can customize your cleaning task with the help of the app. A robotic
vacuum is good at detecting boundaries. With sensors and a protective buffer, it can not only
prevent itself from being damaged but also can avoid damaging the furniture.

6) Low maintenance

Robot vacuums are generally low maintenance, requiring only regular emptying of the dustbin
and occasional cleaning of filters. Compared to traditional vacuum cleaners, robot vacuums
requires manual effort to maintain and keep running smoothly.
In conclusion, owning a robot vacuum brings convenience and efficiency to household chores.
It saves time and helps to ensure that all areas of your home are thoroughly cleaned. So why
not consider adding a robot vacuum to your household appliance

▪ To reduce physical labor

▪ To Save time

1.1.5 Objective General Objective

The main objective of this project is clinging the environment with reducing physical labor
and saving time.
Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 3 Specific objectives
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
1. To automatically detect and avoid the obstacles.
2. To collect the dust particles into the vacuum.
3. To indicate the battery level.
4. To control the robot through application.

2 Chapter Two

2.1 Literature survey

In the field of robotics, there appear several autonomous as well as the manual based
cleaning robots.
They include many unique features which are subjected to make user friendly. According to
the survey [1] automatic cleaning robots are more convenient than manual based machines.
The autonomous cleaning robots are intelligently programmed that serves the basic function
of cleaning i.e. dry as well as wet cleaning. Some of the cleaning robot products are available
with a brush around sharp edges and corner while other includes wet mopping and Ultra
(UV)sterilization. The robot with UV sterilization concentrates its cleaning processes on
visible dirt as well as invisible bacteria. This type of cleaning keeps humans from disease free
but robot with this kind of advance technique can cost high. To show cleaning efficiency
there are different mapping techniques involved. Some of them are s-curve mapping, use cell-
wise Poisson processes on a regular grid to estimate the distribution of dirt on the floor
artificial intelligent camera to have 2-D panoramic image view [6] of the regions, laser
mapping technique and random move technique etc. Even though wheeled robots are
autonomous, they are independently planned to perform the peculiar tasks. To have control
over robot to complete the tasks, there are different controlling techniques. There are many
existing paper and models that represent the additional features for cleaning robot. Few of
the models may have drawback that can be overcome by applying the intelligently
programmed with advance techniques. The below papers provide over view of their models.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 4

A. Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
The paper addresses about the robot which is controlled by the android application through
Bluetooth module. The application sends the information to microcontroller to have control
over robot. The distance of the obstacles is detected using the ultrasonic sensors and
the distance is displayed on LCD and as well as on application. Here man controls the overall
operation indirectly.
B. Bluetooth Based Automatic Floor Cleaning System
In the published paper the model is designed to clean the floor with wet and dry. The
Bluetooth module is used for controlling entire system with the help of remote or mobile. By
using Bluetooth module we can direct and turn the system as the user needs.
C, “Vacuum cleaning robot” using Arduino 2560, which is spherical in shape and sucks dirt
through a retractable trash bin on the top. It also has a cooling fan and a suction fan that can
produce a vacuum that sucks or attracts dirt within the dustbin. The ultrasonic sensor detects
the barrier, and the power supply utilized in this project is 28.8V.The disadvantage of this
vacuum cleaner is that it has a smaller dust bin than other modern vacuum cleaners.

D. "Lessons learnt from Robotic vacuum cleaners entering the home ecology" in their study. It
priorities power consumption, navigation, cleaning performance, and energy efficiency, and it
covers all of the useful cleaning regions, but it is inaccurate. Also mentioned in this document
are seven various types of cleaners, each with its own manufacturer.

E. The "Automatic vacuum cleaner with Smartphone compatibility" One of its features is that
it may operate in two modes: manually and automatically. It covered a huge cleaning area. It u
ses the HC-05 Bluetooth model to connect to the smart phone. This can be utilized in hospitals
, businesses, and other settings.

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3 Chapter Three

3.1 Methodology
An automatic vacuum cleaner is designed in this project. It is made out of an servo motor wi
th a vacuum cleaner attached to it. If an obstruction is detected, an ultrasonic sensor mounted
on the front of the vehicle is used to measure the distance. The car adjusts its trajectory in acco
rdance with the code if, say, there is an obstruction. A battery-operated CPU fan powers the va
cuum cleaner. The cleaner has a pipe connected to a suction cup at the front. There is room for
the dust to gather in the cleaner. It needs to be manually removed and cleaned after it has been
filled. The code uploaded to the Arduino determines which way the wheels go. It takes more
work to clean residences and the surrounding area with the busy routine of today. Nowadays, t
here are vacuums that need to be operated by people. Therefore, it is imperative to use a vacuu
m cleaner that operates without the need for human involvement. Through this project, an effe
ctive way to clean the desired region has been implemented. Hazardous areas can be cleaned u
sing this vacuum cleaner, lowering the risks to people. The deployment of an autonomous syst
em does this. An ultrasonic sensor on this device aids in avoiding big obstructions like walls, t
ables, and chairs, among other things. Through the use of this sensor to measure distance, the
vehicle steers toward areas where there is less space between it and the obstruction, preventing

3.1.1 Design and Fabrication

Design of Automatic Cleaning and Mopping Robot starts with the design of simple and most e
ffective chassis for the robot which is a very important part as it has to carry all the weight on
the robot then electronics components which are to be used on the robot are decided which inc
lude the type of motor and its specification that are to be used to run the bot, the sensors to be
used, the microcontroller, the motor drivers, the wheels and other electronic components to be
used on the robot. After all, parts are procured assembling the components and finally testing
and calibrating the device are done.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 6

Figure3. 1 design methodology for the project

Block diagram

Figure3. 2 block diagram of the working principle

3.1.2 Hardware Arduino UNO

The key hardware of the prototype, Arduino Uno is shown in fig 3.3This is
a microcontroller which is used for interfacing hardware and software. To do the same, USB
cable is required. Once the board is embedded with the code, it can be operated by a battery
supply without using any PC or laptop.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 7

Figure3. 3 Arduino UNO Batteries
Fig 3.4 shows the heart of the prototype, 9V batteries. These are rectangular in shape and have
positive and negative terminals at the top which supplies 9V so as to make the prototype run.

Figure3. 4 Batteries CPU fan

Fig3. 5. shows the CPU fan used in the prototype. This is used in the vacuum cleaner which
has a rating of 12 volts. It rotates at maximum of 200 rpm. As the voltage increases, rpm
increases until the value reached up to 200.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 8

Figure3. 5 CPU fan DC motor
Fig3. 6.. shows one of the DC Motors used in the prototype. These motors essentially are the
key components in this prototype. To make the machine move, these are required. As the
voltage increases, rpm also increases. The least rpm will be at 6V and maximum at 12V.

Figure3. 6 DC Motor Motor driver shield

Fig 3.7. shows the Motor Driver Shield. This is used to run different types of motors. L293D
IC is the main IC present in this shield [14], [15], [16]. The direction and speed of motors
depends on the motor shield, as the shield is embedded on Arduino UNO board and the speed
and direction can be controlled by coding in Arduino IDE.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 9

Figure3. 7 Motor driver shield Ultrasonic sensor

Fig3.8.shows the Ultrasonic sensor used in the prototype. This HC-SR04 sensor is used for
measuring distance. It uses sound waves to calculate the same. There are 4 pins – Echo,
Ground, Trigger and VCC [17], [18], [19]. External controller is triggered by Trigger pin that
sends ultrasonic waves whereas echo pin sends ultrasonic waves and duration it takes to travel
decides the distance between the car and obstacle. VCC will take up to 5V and gives the
voltage so that the sensor can run.

Figure3. 8 Ultrasonic sensor Wheels

Fig 3.9. shows the wheels which are responsible for the movement of RC car. These are used
to move in any specified direction. Wheels are run by a DC Motor with a pre-defined RPM.
Wheels rotate in the same direction as DC Motor.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 10

Figure3. 9 Wheels Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner is made up of 1.25L water bottle, CPU fan, pipe, tape, gauze bandage,
batteries and switch.

The vacuum cleaner is shown in fig 8. The steps to design the same is described below.

Figure3. 10 Vacuum cleaner Voltage regulator

Ic 7805 is a voltage regulator integrated circuit. It is a member of 78xx series of fixed linear v
oltage regulator ICs. The voltage source in a circuit may have fluctuations and would not give
the fixed voltage output. The voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant v

Figure3. 11 voltage regulator

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 11

Protest simulation of electrical connection

3.1.3 Programming
The code for an Arduino-based vacuum cleaner is written in the Arduino Integrated Developm
ent Environment (IDE) using the C++ programming language.

The Arduino IDE is a software platform that allows you to write, upload, and run code on the
Arduino board. To start programming an Arduino Uno, you need to connect it to your comput
er via USB and open the Arduino IDE

• 6v motor

• Lithium–ion battery cell


Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 12

4 Chapter Four

4.1 Limitation
1. suitable only for flat surfaces.

2. Semi-automated.

4.2 Conclusion

The use of a smart vacuum cleaner has been implemented in this project. It operated using
pre-written code that was placed into an Arduino UNO. When an impediment is encountered,
a Vehicle will turn to the side. When there is more space between the car and the obstruction.
This invention uses a battery-powered vacuum cleaner and a axial fan connected to the 6v
motor to collect dust without the need for human interaction, lowering the risks to human
health. This cleaner is easy to use and reasonably priced. However, since cleaning the dust
becomes easier, utilising a detachable bag can be preferable. A lithium battery with an input
power of 3.6 watts powers the vacuum cleaner that was created for this project. An
anemometer measures the air velocity passing through the vacuum cleaner, while a pressure
gauge measures the pressure inside the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner\'s effectiveness
is 29.79%.

4.3 Future work

Since this is a proof of concept, the road for practical implementation has many stops. The
safety concerns of the autonomous board-cleaning robot in terms of a safe and reliable
attachment must be worked upon. The motion control methods and graphical user interface
are key design requirements for practical implementation. The next stage of this work must
focus mainly on developing path planning algorithms. Programs must be developed to
establish collaboration between autonomous robots. Use of cameras and machine vision
techniques for path planning will improve the mapping techniques for autonomous robots.

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 13

5 Refference
1) Manasa, Vidyashree TS, Bindushree V, Sanjana Rao, Gowra PS “SMART VACUUM
CLEANER” Global Transitions Proceedings (2021),
2) Aswinth Raj,” DIY Smart Vacuum Cleaning Robot using Arduino” , September 13,
3) Shubham Tiwari ,Prof. Sangeeta Kotecha ,Gaurav Rasal ,ramod Shukla , Ajinkya
Mandavkar “Arduino Based Cleaner Robot” ,Atharva college of Engineering, Malad
(w), Mumbai. by, ICIATE - 2017 Conference Proceedings volume 5, Issue 01
Special Issue - 2017
4) Monika, K Aruna Manjusha, S V S Prasad, B.Naresh,” Design and Implementation of
Smart Floor Cleaning Robot using Android App”, International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-
4S2 March, 2012
5) Md. Yasin , “Arduino Based Automated Vacuum Cleaner” : Shahjalal University of
Science and Technology , April 2022
6) RAJESH ,” Build your own Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot for
Automatic Floor Cleaning “July 21, 2021

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 14

6 Appendix
// defining the pins
const int trigPin1 = 3;
const int echoPin1 = 5;
const int trigPin2 = 6;
const int echoPin2 = 9;
const int trigPin3 = 10;
const int echoPin3 = 11;
int irpin =2;
// defining variables
long duration1;
long duration2;
long duration3;
int distanceleft;
int distancefront;
int distanceright;
int a=0;
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigPin3, OUTPUT);// Sets the trigPin as an Output
pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input
pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
pinMode(echoPin3, INPUT);
pinMode(irpin, INPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
distanceleft = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;
Serial.print("Distance1: ");
digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH);

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 15

digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH);
distancefront = duration2 * 0.034 / 2;
Serial.print("Distance2: ");
digitalWrite(trigPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin3, LOW);
duration3 = pulseIn(echoPin3, HIGH);
distanceright = duration3 * 0.034 / 2;
Serial.print("Distance3: ");
int s = digitalRead(irpin);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
if ((a==0)&&(s==LOW)&&(distanceleft <= 15 && distancefront > 15 &&
distanceright <= 15) || (a==0)&&(s==LOW)&&(distanceleft > 15 &&
distancefront > 15 && distanceright > 15))
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
if ((a==1)&&(s==LOW)||(s==LOW)&&(distanceleft <= 15 &&
distancefront <= 15 && distanceright > 15)||(s==LOW)&&(distanceleft
<= 15 && distancefront <= 15 && distanceright > 15)||(s==LOW)&&
(distanceleft <= 15 && distancefront > 15 && distanceright >
15)||(distanceleft <= 15 && distancefront > 15 && distanceright >
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

Autonomes Vacume Cliner Using Arduno Page 16

if ((s==LOW)&&(distanceleft > 15 && distancefront <= 15 &&
distanceright <= 15) ||(s==LOW)&& (distanceleft > 15 &&
distancefront > 15 && distanceright <= 15) ||(s==LOW)&&
(distanceleft > 15 && distancefront <= 15 && distanceright > 15) )
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);

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