Teach Style

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Level of Teaching Style in terms of Curriculum Planning and Delivery

Table 7

Items Mean SD Description

1. Set high expectations for student

2.34 1.121 High
2. Engaged students in planning,
2.27 1.15 High
monitoring, or assessing their thoughts.
3. Incorporated activities for students to
2.16 1.046 High
apply new knowledge.
4. Encouraged students to express their
2.15 1.08 High
5. Had students reflect on what they had
2.06 1.05 High

Category Mean 2.19 0.94 High

Level of Teaching Style in terms of Accommodation for

Individual Differences

Table 8

Items Mean SD Description

1. Accommodated individuals or subgroups

2.31 1.04 High
2. Encouraged multiple interpretations of
2.28 1.01 High
events and situation.
3. Provided opportunities for independent
or group learning to promote depth in 2.22 1.11 High
understanding content.
4. Allowed students to discover key ideas
individually through structured activities 2.22 1.05 High
and/ or questions.

Category Mean 2.26 0.91 High

Level of Teaching Style in terms of Problem Solving

Table 9

Items Mean SD Description

1. Engaged students in problem

2.29 1.120 High
identification and definition.
2. Engaged students in solution-finding
activities and comprehensive solution 2.21 1.08 High
3. Employed brainstorming techniques. 2.20 1.093 High

Category Mean 2.23 0.86 High

Level of Teaching Style in terms of Critical Thinking Strategies

Table 10

Items Mean SD Description

1. Encourages students to judge or evaluate

2.23 1.13 High
situations, problems, or issues.
2. Provided opportunities for students to
generalized from concrete data or 2.21 0.97 High
information to the abstract.
3. Encouraged student synthesis or
summary of information within or across 2.20 1.11 High
4. Engaged students in comparing and
contrasting ideas (e.g., analyze generated 2.17 1.13 High

Category Mean 2.20 0.95 High

Level of Teaching Style in terms of Creative Thinking Strategies

Table 11

Items Mean SD Description

1. Solicited many diverse thoughts about

2.47 1.07 Low
issues or ideas.
2. Engaged students in the exploration of
2.30 1.00 Low
diverse points of view to reframe ideas.
3. Encouraged students to demonstrate
open-mindedness and tolerance of
2.20 1.14 Low
imaginative, sometimes playful solutions
to problems.
4. Provided opportunities for students to
2.04 1.07 Low
develop and elaborate on their ideas

Category Mean 2.25 0.94 Low

Level of Teaching Style in terms of Research Strategies

Table 12

Items Mean SD Description

1. Required students to gather evidence

from multiple sources through research- 2.30 1.14 Low
based techniques.
2. Provided opportunities for students to
analyze data and represent it in 2.30 1.08 Low
appropriate charts, graph, or tables.
3. Asked questions to assist students in
making inferences from data and drawing 2.30 1.02 Low
4. Provided time for students to
communicate research study findings to
2.21 1.07 Low
relevant audiences in a formal report
and/or presentation.

Category Mean 2.28 0.93 Low

Summary of the Level of Teaching Style

Table 13

Items Mean SD Descriptive Equivalent

Curriculum Planning and Delivery 2.19 0.94 Low

Accommodation for Individual Differences 2.26 0.91 Low
Problem Solving 2.23 0.86 Low
Problem Solving 2.20 0.95 Low
Creative Thinking Strategies 2.25 0.94 Low
Research Strategies 2.28 0.93 Low

Category Mean 2.24 0.84 Low

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