Python Important Questions

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Important questions for egg jam

1. What are the features of python?

2. What is an identifier and what are the rules for identifiers?

3. What is the difference between list and tuple?

4. What is typecasting in python?

5. Using typecasting complex number to float and vice versa. -- not possible

6. Write a program to convert a number into octal, binary and hexadecimal.

7. What is slicing operation and reverse a string using slicing.

8. Operators in python.

9. What is special operator in python.

10. Write the use of break, continue and pass.

11. WAP to read three float numbers from the keyboard with separator, and print
their sum.

12. What is recursion and find the factorial of a number using recursion.

13. What is lambda function/ anonymous function.

14. WAP using lambda function.

15. Define variables and its types.

16. WAP to access all the elements present in a list with their index number.

17. WAP to find the no of occurance of each vowel present in the string.

18. WAP to remove the last element from the list.

19. WAP to remove duplicate from the string.

20. WAP to insert three in third position.

21. What is the difference between remove and pop.

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