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the value Of Educoton 2? AyWhot *S 5 Jople Imdependent «Tt ycobon) mMokes peopPr : ~ eae Knoisledg® >» Sstxengtiens the Mind; ; a amd foxms chaxackeX- Moxeovex, Edco-Hon emables people to put thers potentials +o optimum Use - Education 1s aso 0 type OF Aefoum AX the oman Mind = Withook educaten | the tYatntn ghe homan Mind Wovold oloays senatsl eyn complete: e dos x Te Education Makes O= pexson: Om ePricienE decisor Makes Ond; Q ight thinkex=7h%5 ts pecavse educator mee On Andntdoal- jth Kmotaledge of the World AXound them: Edveation Makes people easy +p gevein but Ot the Same time 7 makes them: smpossible +n be ensLoned - A pexson thot secetves edocation shale— ore OVvemMveES fxr the ‘ee of choice - hove -™ gecess the Education enables O° peason > open osld - z Valve baded | education” Lays emphasis oy the personalit “deve lopment: “OF imdsvidvats im oXded to Shape theix Fotoxe Qand -td.ckle digereolt sitvatfons With ease» SE Moulds the childuen So hey get attoned te charg Scenaxios While handling thefS SoctaL Mowo.L and democ%atic duties ee: i. 3 te develops physicot Amd emotional * Ospects . 54. et ero emeuxe O. holishe O.pprooen Os hs yel ene 1 pexsonalt develop’ ne aprteoob physica’ , mental , emotion aspects =» Developi ood Manners and Xesponsibility5 and 00 PexecEVEneS? 4he Spratt OF cox ee HRRnken} > promot eost ty Ord OL Gemoesatic amd Guay * Nolves education is the puocess b ph?eb people ag VE moxaLbs Nockves td Ea€ othexX- Bastaon 6 leasnrn aboot sete and ywisdom OF see iy O Sele exploxatxyy?, Systematse and Screntiere Wa +théough Come Bxmal edvcator - Conclusion +— ae Edocation is one Of the most effect 5 tp Make peeple beteX and mox ist pxoducbve- e THtisa tool , thot can make people easy to lead bot at the Some time Aeeprcolt to dive. Education Xemoves Natively” ond Eonar ee the People , Leaving them QWwaxe imFoamed And enlightened, : Edvcoas f teil develops the homan Personal . se ony] prepoxes people fx Life Eacpexy e rence? +) physical Ond Mental neotsy md secouxe Loving Envixonmenk ee 4) 3) stsong Relationships 4) Adequate Finoncio.l Resooxces 5) ee Growth Ond Development conclusion $ ke ' ene and oh feal Fadilttfes ox both fmpostont fo ie Replat ospruations: ond | ealez% seness Waetl being a. as “the. concn ae [x3 es oe +yw0 elements [ill rad depend ae eh eats goals i oe Kt CPACOr stances 5 Cond ove®! Hime os indivtdva a 4 ’ | i | ‘ a WNess ANd yy Fs pediexstanding Happiness an PAospentty “yorrines® *~ spiness May bé deetned as being in AN the State /situation. 42 yor ° posmoNy / syrah im she State oF Liki es happiness - ‘Tt fs state of Mfod 4 Peeling chakackexized by Contentment , Love , Phikian Bon » Soy a8 pleasure - Happiness May be desexibed os OF positve Emobons Omd positive and Ackvites - be thiee kinds OF happiness: con sisting emobkons qhexe MO) pleasvde eng ement Amd Meoening « | m 7 md Sa welts Ges a ae oe a oom | of Bin | Happines> | he eel geod \ | Pawspentty she Feebng OF hoving, moze than yequixed ri phos pes ey - We ose Eaying Ond Ppmospexit Ond consumption oF Pp TT: ss ane ant ecolegica People ,omnd Peote-ning dhe SOsNiNoL. gsthe Skotse OF mind, Wwhexe on most OF ahe Wolk oe Lee - OX making available Bb stcore Foc? Es tp Ochieve happiness b Mascinn 210) accomolaton 4] hystco- C facitites. Lond ant a OO Eo oe —_.|.|l|lll. x Panos pextty » +Wo “things axe %equre, \) Tdentieication © or the wequixed ‘ag of physical Foci likes 2) Ensoxing Qvatlabslity /pecdoction OF moxe +than “xequixed Physical FacilSties We can be pArospexovs $e theze “sq mitt to the need 3 phi ae Fa.cs ites. te there 9S NO Umit What SO eves be the onoslabiliyy the feeling oF PAospesity Cannot be assvoxed- Some oe the consequences OF Such —%end Oe +> At the level of Andi Vidvo.L —At the levet of famil —> At the level Of Socfet — At the Level of eee ALL the P%eblems axe A di%eck ovtcome Cf Om Imcox%ect Undex standing 5 00x lemong Notion Aboot happiness Ord Poospexity) and thea Come mutt y —this 45 an sesve fo% SeAIOVS Sree eer co! he i ried 7 Gy ui) Technology} amd -+lomon Notves - Homan Nolwes o%e the most precious -x the SoxVivo.L* SELL, in this modexn Sybex exa , the homon Volves have Lost thesX essence and axe ong Nanished Snto the ddkkmess oF Modexnizaton. athe tloman Valves Ord the Modes techmoloaical education fSitow On inverse setationsh'p - With the Advancement in the technology sthe emotans axe Ge tinge oashed ou0ay? - : . the technological advancement *nto {he _-Ffeld oF Education Nas bxought boot o dxasie detexioration tp Komant basta behontovus Ord homon Voloes: = ae Homo Valves Make Us think O€ ALL the obstiacts Beaquixed BR W ee Eon Z acy suing human Soul, con feel..the _ ; atenerty One mecd x the emotions. hese Nolves COB%Y Sramense Smpoxtanas Amd they axe the basic cuttexia to class’ ene and AvePexentiote then, Beneipeeagaay GMsec: —> Mom Made things have eveaything bub Lack the Emotonal tooch and hence the Naiwes have Vomtshed . s-he genesaton pode has Knowledge bub they Lack the Skfll tb Implement the ess DY MEeGn> | Ripe Neillve yor "suce piness Ord xespect 7m the YES loved ones: —> Gxeed OF Moke 8 Moxe , especially WoFth, Mespect 4p the Wealth %5 phat We Ake Leouming Po4the Bym of Educator - Z _s Mow com Seach the Moon but cant Sexe homans worth the? EmoBonal, NQLDES + Conclusion : Hence ,We can Call the mode xn tedindafta! Edvcakon OS oO Devilish natovte . thes precious grt OF Mode%n technolegtc al. ~ education 1S GQ civilt&ed Out ime wee Oldex Joys and o +otAL malfoncorin Status OF Law ard OXdeX fy the Count ie The yaxious Subjects of Study at Each ae Edvecatora Ll System Ras deracsen ©MAan Emoattons .

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