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End of document REFERENCES: Cisco Network academy

Lab 3 – Variables and Input/Output

Student Name Date: 21/9/2023

Lab Instructions and Rules

1. If you arrive later than 10 minutes after the lab started, you will not be allowed to
do the lab.
3. There is no time allocated to redo any missed labs.
4. Absence from labs will result in a grade of zero unless a written medical excuse is


1. improving the ability to use numbers, operators, arithmetic operations and variables in
2. using the input() function's formatting capabilities;
3. learning to express everyday-life phenomena in terms of programming language.

1. Pcs
2. Sandbox
Part I

Complete the code as explained in the code itself:

Expected output

Variable a=6
Variable b=2
a+b= 8.0
a-b= 4.0
a*b= 12.0
a/b= 3.0

That's all, folks!

Complete the code:

a = float(input("Enter a float value for variable a: "))

b = float(input("Enter a float value for variable b: "))
print("variable a=",a)
print("variable b=",b)
print("a+b=",a + b)
print("a-b=",a - b)
print("a*b=",a * b)
print("a/b=",a / b)
print("\nThat's all, folks!")
Part II

Complete the code in order to evaluate the following expression:

Complete the code:

x = float(input("Enter value for x: "))

Part III


Your task is to prepare a simple code able to evaluate the end time of a period of time, given as a
number of minutes (it could be arbitrarily large).
The start time is given as a pair of hours (0..23) and minutes (0..59). The result has to be printed
to the console.
For example, if an event starts at 12:17 and lasts 59 minutes, it will end at 13:16.
Don't worry about any imperfections in your code - it's okay if it accepts an invalid time -
the most important thing is that the code produce valid results for valid input data.
Test your code carefully. Hint: using the % operator may be the key to success.
Test data
Test Data
Sample input:
Expected output: 13:16
Sample input:
Expected output: 10:40
Sample input:
Expected output: 1:0

Complete the code:

hour = int(input("Starting time (hours):"))

mins = int(input("Starting time (minutes):"))
dura = int(input("Event duration (minutes):"))
minutes = (dura+mins)%60
hours = (hour+(dura+mins)//60)%24
Suggested Scoring Rubric

Possible Earned
Activity Section Points Points

Part 1: Program setup 25

Part 2: Code 50
Part 3: output verification 25
Total Packet Tracer Score 100

End of document REFERENCES: Cisco Network academy

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