Pentacles of Solomon

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© 2023 Ariel’s Corner

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or shared in any way
without the author's express permission.

Other free booklets by Ariel Gatoga:

How To Work Talisman Magic

How To Make Star Talismans
How To Work Psalm Magic
How To Work The Ritual of the Hours
How To Work the Angelic Squares
How To Work The Angelic Silence
How To Work With The Shekinah
How To Work the Magic of Psalm 119
How To Work The Witch’s Rosary
How To Work The Oracle Of Asherah
A Tarot Spell for Speedy Results
The Ancient Story of Lucifer

Initiation is never what you think it is to be: if it were, you would already be initiated.
― Aleister Crowley

Table of Contents

The Holy Pentacles from the Key of Solomon 5

The Teaching Angels And The Pentacles 5
Timing Your Spells 6
The Lunar Cycle 6
The Seven Teaching Angels 6
Personalizing Your Pentacles 7
What If You Make A Mistake? 8
Why Work With Angels? 8
The Angelic Scripts 9
Embracing the Magic of Angels 9
How to Use the Pentacles of Solomon 10
The Angelic Hours 28
The Angelic Scripts 29
Psalms in the Solomon Pentacles 33
The 44 Holy Pentacles of Solomon 34

The Holy Pentacles from the Key of Solomon
The Pentacles of Solomon are ancient and mysterious artifacts with an intriguing allure. Their
origins can be traced back to the Renaissance-era Grimoire called the Key of Solomon. Within
the pages of this weathered book is a wealth of wisdom and intricate rituals, unveiling a complex
and fascinating ancient magical system. Exploring this early text reveals a world of hidden
secrets and esoteric knowledge.

In contemporary magic, many practitioners, myself included, have adopted an approach that
involves working with pentacles independently from the intricate rituals outlined in the actual
grimoire, the Key of Solomon. I work with the Holy Pentacles of Solomon within the Angel
Magic system I practice. I will share this practice with you within these pages.

I have included all the information you need to use the Pentacles of Solomon effectively in this
little booklet. These sacred seals, lled with ancient wisdom and centuries of magical use, can
profoundly change your life. Whether you seek healing, protection, abundance, love,
manifestation, or spiritual growth, these symbols can help you achieve it.

This booklet contains detailed descriptions and traditional uses for each seal. By studying these
descriptions, you can better understand the powers each pentacle represents. It's important to
note that these seals have unlimited potential beyond the speci c purposes listed for each one.
They can help you access countless possibilities and can be utilized in ways only limited by your
imagination and intention.

The Teaching Angels And The Pentacles

These special pentacles, also known as the Holy Pentacles, were allegedly crafted and blessed by
the angelic forces who govern the seven planets corresponding to the days of the week. Each
planet's angel has a unique sphere of in uence, encompassing various aspects of life and
existence. Selecting the appropriate angel to work with is essential, as they each guide and assist
in harnessing the speci c energies associated with their planet. We can tap into this angelic
power by aligning ourselves with these divine forces to transform our lives.

When working with the power of planetary angel magic, it's essential to establish a solid
connection with the Teaching Angel that aligns with your speci c need or desire. By invoking
the right angel for each assistance area, you ensure that your sacred rituals are in harmony with
the celestial energies that open you up to their profound cosmic powers.

For instance, if your business needs to be blessed with more success, you can ask Michael of the
Sun, who governs business success. If your relationship needs to be blessed with harmony, you
would likely work with Anael of Venus, who rules relationships, love, partnerships, etc.

Timing Your Spells
Planning and performing your magical operations on the speci c day of the week ruled by the
corresponding angel is vital to establishing the connection and synergy between you and the
angelic forces you desire to contact. This ampli es the potency and success of your magical
work. If you cannot perform your entire spell on the correct day, you can begin with a small task
on the designated day and complete the remaining steps within seven days on any day or hour
that suits your schedule. For instance, you might cut the square for your pentacle on the
designated day and continue with the remaining steps on a later day.

Alternatively, if you can’t work on the correct day, you can perform your magic on a Wednesday
during the hour of the Angel you want to work with. Wednesday is governed by Mercury and its
angel, Raphael, who is known as the messenger. Raphael can connect you with any angelic
energy required for any situation. However, if you choose to work on any other than the angel's
own, selecting the correct angelic hour corresponding to the angel you are invoking is crucial.

The Lunar Cycle

You can quickly locate the times of the full moon and the new moon on calendars. However, it's
worth noting that what is labeled as the "new moon" on calendars is termed the "dark moon" by
many magical practitioners. In traditions like Solomonic and Angelic magic, it is customary to
refrain from practicing magic during this dark moon phase.

In these magic traditions, the new moon refers to when a visible moon crescent can be observed
in the sky. Thus, the new moon always occurs at least one day after what is indicated as a "new
moon" on a calendar. To err on the side of caution, it's advisable to perform new moon magic at
least one day after what is referred to as the new moon in standard calendars.

The period of two weeks between the dark moon and the full moon is commonly referred to as
the "waxing" phase because we observe the moon growing larger. Conversely, the two weeks
between the full moon and the dark moon is known as the “waning phase,” as it is when we
witness the moon gradually decreasing in size each night.

During the waxing moon phase, focusing on magic that involves attracting things or promoting
growth is advantageous. On the other hand, the waning moon phase is best suited for intentions
aimed at eliminating or removing elements from our lives.

To perform new moon magic, select the rst day of the week after the new moon that
corresponds to the angel you want to invoke. For waning moon magic, choose the rst day
following a full moon governed by the angel you wish to call upon.

The Seven Teaching Angels

In angel magic, the planetary Pentacles are linked to their corresponding Archangel. While other
angels and spirits may be mentioned in the Pentacles, these are under the direction of the

Archangel. This means we don't need to communicate with other beings, as they are under the
Archangel's authority. This systematic approach ensures a smooth and effective magical practice.

When choosing a Pentacle of Solomon to use, it is highly bene cial to carefully examine the
detailed descriptions of the seals associated with the ruling planet that align with your desired
outcome. Choose the seal that resonates harmoniously with the speci c energy you want to
infuse into your spell. Focus more on what you perceive to be the seal's attitude rather than being
overly concerned if the particular purposes mentioned in the descriptions differ from your
intentions. Rest assured, any seal connected to the angel's governing planet can be used for
matters within its sphere of in uence, so there's no need to worry about making the wrong

Personalizing Your Pentacles

The simplest method of working magic with a Solomon Pentacle is printing, cutting it out, and
writing a petition on the back. However, as you work with this system, you may desire to
deepen your practice.

There are different ways to establish a stronger bond with the Pentacles. One of the easiest
methods is to personalize your pentacle by printing it out and coloring it using crayons, pens,
colored pencils, or paints. Angels are associated with speci c colors, and using their colors in
combination with contrasting and harmonious ones can create a very potent pentacle. You can
also draw the pentacle from scratch using a compass, ruler, and protractor. Tracing the pentacle is
another way of personalizing it, as well as printing it out in gray and tracing over the gray lines
with ink, paint, pencil, or other materials.

Personalizing the pentacles in a way that works best for you is crucial. You don't have to worry if
you think you lack artistic ability. Most people nd that creating a hand-drawn, traced, or colored
pentacle is more potent than using a plain printed one because of the extra attention they give it.

Traditionally, it is common to sprinkle your pentacle with salt water and wave it through incense
before charging it under a white candle or a candle in the color of the angel on top of the
pentacle. While the candle burns, you should focus your energy and intention on the pentacle and
let it burn down and out by itself. If you use an LED candle, leave it on the talisman for an hour
or more to achieve the same effect as letting a regular candle burn down.

You can use an alcohol-based eau de cologne such as Florida Water or 4711 instead of salt and
water or burning incense. Additionally, you can anoint your pentacle with perfume. There are
speci c perfumes associated with each angel, but you can use any scent that you feel resonates
with the angel you are calling on. You just need to spray or apply a few drops of perfume to your

If, for some reason, you can’t do any of these rituals, don’t worry. Just creating the talisman is
often ritual enough.

The angels “underwrite” our efforts, and the more effort we put in, the more they have to work
with for our bene t. Trusting their guidance leads to success. We must always strive to do our

best and have faith in the angels' assistance on our journey. Faith in our Creator enables us to use
these pentacles freely for manifestation and protection with the help of Teaching Angels.

What If You Make A Mistake?

It is vital to put in your best effort when creating talismans and seeking the assistance of angels,
but do not worry if you make mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process. The
angels understand our intentions and desires and are not here to punish us for our errors. Their
role is to guide and support us in pursuing success and ful llment in all aspects of our lives. It is
essential to remember that our creator loves us, and the presence of angels serves as a reminder
of that divine love and connection.

The power of Angel magic cannot cause any harm. However, if used recklessly or arrogantly, the
angels may take rm action to help alert you to that fact. What the angels might consider a gentle
nudge can give us a fresh understanding of the concept called the "fear of God." It's essential to
note that while the Teaching Angels are benevolent beings, they should never be taken for
granted. They serve as our guardians, guiding us on our path with their powerful interventions,
which sometimes can be not so subtle. Making mistakes is entirely normal, and we learn from
them. What's important is keeping our hearts in the right place and doing our best.

Why Work With Angels?

Angel magic is a fascinating and mystical practice that allows us to seek help from divine
celestial forces to heal any out-of-order conditions. The angels' loving guidance and assistance
teach us to tap into our inherent power to be, do, or have whatever we desire. By connecting with
these powerful beings, we can receive divine guidance, wisdom, and support to help us
overcome challenges, navigate dif cult situations, and manifest our deepest desires.

The role of angels is not to grant our wishes but to teach and guide us. Instead of giving them a
list of things we want, we ask for their guidance and assistance in showing us how to manifest
goals and heal adverse situations for ourselves.

When we ask angels for material possessions or other things, what we are truly seeking is their
guidance to help us access our inner strength and power so that we can achieve those goals
ourselves. Angels can assist us in discovering our inner power and teaching us where to access it,
allowing us to accomplish great things that we once deemed impossible.

Learning is the key to overcoming challenges and achieving success. It is crucial to

comprehensively understand any situation we are working on. Teaching Angels can help us gain
this understanding and free us from fear and ignorance, which can hold us back from
experiencing true magic. Using petitions and talismans as described in this booklet, we can
initiate communication with the angels about any situation and seek their guidance. They will
respond to us through things happening in our lives, through our intuition, guiding us when
making decisions, and by sending us apparent signs and clues. By approaching the angels with
respect and humility, we can tap into our holy inheritance and live the life we are destined to

The Angelic Scripts
When writing a petition, you can either write it on the back of the talisman or on a separate piece
of paper and set the talisman on the petition.

Writing your petition in your native language is powerful and is usually the best way to begin
your practice. As you progress, you may nd that using magical scripts to write petitions can
signi cantly impact your results.

There are numerous bene ts to utilizing ancient scripts when communicating with angels. Firstly,
these scripts have been used for centuries, meaning a great deal of Akashic energy has
accumulated around them. This energy is readily available, and these scripts are a way to do so.
Secondly, the fact that these scripts are believed to have mystical powers gives a very magical
feel to your operations. These feelings are the most essential part of any magical operation, and
we want the very air to crackle with power when we are working our magic.

Also, writing in a magical script requires careful consideration and concise writing. Some scripts
are phonetic, meaning you must sound out your desire. All this helps reinforce the spell, planting
it more deeply in the fertile ground of your mind.

While using these scripts may require some practice, it is worth incorporating them into your
magic. However, it is essential to note that these scripts are not mandatory for performing magic
or communicating with angels. Don’t think you should wait to seek help from the angels until
you have mastered these scripts. Instead, start writing petitions in your native language and add
the scripts later as you gradually build your practice.

Embracing the Magic of Angels

It is important to understand that the Teaching Angels do not require us to use magical scripts
and rituals or use particular days, hours, or pentacles to help us. According to angelic lore, these
tools are given to us to align our minds with their frequencies. As we progress in our practice, we
can rely more on our established connection with the angels and less on the tools. However, it
would be wise to deepen our connection with the Teaching Angels by utilizing their ancient and
sacred techniques rather than trying to bypass them immediately. Their wisdom will guide us on
the path of growth and enlightenment.

Sometimes, when we ask for help, the angels will put us to the test. However, they don't do this
to test our worth or sincerity but rather to encourage us to become actively involved in solving
our problems with them. The story of Jacob wrestling with an angel and refusing to let go until
receiving a blessing is a beautiful image. It's important to note that the angel was never in danger
of being overpowered by Jacob. This image teaches us that angels can be like sparring partners
or personal trainers, guiding and inspiring us to overcome our struggles and achieve our desires.

Angels guide us to discover answers within ourselves. They illuminate our path and lead us
toward our strength and wisdom to overcome challenges and achieve greatness. The Teaching
Angels surround us with their love and care, even when we are not actively engaging in angelic

magic. Our bond with them provides a beautiful pathway to seek their guidance and assistance.
Through this sacred bond, we nd encouragement, support, and the assurance that we are never
alone and that all things are possible through the Elohim.

Connecting with angels and utilizing their guidance is a continuous journey. It requires patience,
dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow. As we develop a deeper connection with the
Teaching Angels, we also learn to understand ourselves and our purpose.

For an introduction to classical Angel Magic, you can check out my free course, Basic Angel

How to Use the Pentacles of Solomon

This booklet includes all 44 Pentacles of Solomon. To use these Pentacles, follow these simple

• Create the pentacle using your preferred method (computer printout, coloring, drawing,
tracing, etc.).

• To write a petition, either use the reverse side of the pentacle or a separate piece of paper and
then place the pentacle on top of it. You may use your native language or one of the sacred
scripts for written petitions. Begin by addressing the Teaching Angel directly, starting with
"Dear Archangel ___,” and then state your petition. Finally, sign your rst name at the bottom.

• After creating a pentacle during the waning moon to eliminate something, sit and gaze at the
pentacle and feel whatever you desire to eliminate as being wholly lifted away from you. Feel
the relief and lightness of this problem being removed. If any prayers or Psalms are used in
the talisman, re ect on them and repeat them silently or aloud. After a few minutes, rip the
pentacle into several pieces and throw it away.

• After creating a pentacle during the waxing moon, take some time to sit and gaze at it while
you visualize your desire manifesting into reality. If the pentacle includes psalms or prayers,
re ect on them and repeat them silently or aloud. Store the pentacle in a safe place and take it
out once or twice a day to gaze at it while you re ect on your desire and imagine it coming to
fruition easily and quickly. Once the full moon has passed, leave the talisman hidden and
forget about the spell entirely during the two-week waning cycle. Finally, on the new moon,
tear the pentacle into several pieces and dispose of it.

• If you have used a separate piece of paper for your petition, rip it up along with the pentacle
and dispose of both.

• Only repeat a spell for the same thing if at least three new moons have passed and no signs of
results are seen. If you do not see signs of results, it may be that the angels are trying to tell
you something. Your approach may need to be rethought entirely.

The Pentacles and their Planetary Angels
Archangel: Cassiel
Number: 3
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Day: Saturday
Perfume: Linden or Patchouli
Color: Black (Also dark green and brown)
Script: Malachim (phonetic)

Cassiel is an angel who oversees various matters related to old age,

legacies, the settlement of wills, real estate, housing, property, and
repairs. If you need assistance with any of these matters, Cassiel can
help you. Cassiel is known for bringing stability into people's lives and
helping them with serious issues that take a long time to work out.
Cassiel also rules antiques. Cassiel is not known to work quickly, so
you need to be patient when working with this angel.

Cassiel is responsible for overseeing matters related to poverty, long-

standing ailments, debts, karma, or trials that one must endure.
Although Cassiel's blessings may come later in life, they are often the
most signi cant. Therefore, if you are going through any of these
issues, you can turn to Cassiel for guidance and support.

The Seven Pentacles of Saturn

I. The First Pentacle of Saturn is used in spells to make others comply

with your wishes and requests. It helps establish a strong sense of
purpose that others' opinions cannot undermine.

The Hebrew letters enclosed in the square represent the four great
names of God: YHVH (Yod, He, Vau, He), ADNI (Adonai), IIAI (Yiai),
which has the same numerical value as the name EL), and AHIH

(Eheieh). The surrounding Hebrew verse is from Psalm 72:9: "The
Ethiopians shall kneel before Him, His enemies shall lick the dust.”

II. The Second Pentacle of Saturn is used in magic to aid in

negotiating nancial contracts, seeking new employment opportunities,
or overcoming business adversaries.

This pentacle features the well-known SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA

ROTAS, a perfectly arranged double acrostic. Surrounding the pentacle
is a Hebrew verse from Psalm 72:8 comprising twenty- ve letters. The
total numerical value of the verse, including the name Elohim, equals
the numerical value of the twenty- ve letters in the pentacle.

III. The Third Pentacle of Saturn is a powerful tool in magic for

protection against and overcoming plots made against oneself.

The symbols at the ends of the rays represent the magical characters
of Saturn. Surrounding it are the names of the angels: Omeliel,
Anachiel, Arauchiah, and Anazachia, written in Hebrew.

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of Saturn is mainly used for operations related
to ruin, destruction, and death and also to bring news. It is a helpful
talisman for banishing any unwanted condition.

The Hebrew words surrounding the triangle are from Deut. vi.4: "Hear,
O Israel, IHVH ALHINVH is IHVH ACHD." The verse surrounding it is
from Psalm 109. 18: "As he clothed himself with cursing like a garment,
let it come to his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones." In the
center of the pentacle is the mystic letter Yod.

V. The Fifth Pentacle of Saturn is used in magic that safeguards your

home and protects all your treasures and possessions.

The Hebrew letters in the cross angles represent the name IHVH. The
letters in the square angles are ALVH and Eloah. The names of the
angels Arehanah, Rakhaniel, Roelhaiphar, and Noaphiel are written
around the four sides of the square. The verse reads: "A Great God, a
Mighty, and a Terrible" - Deut x. 17.

VI. The Sixth Pentacle of Saturn. This is mainly used for curses. Curses
that eliminate undesirable conditions or thought forms are much safer
than casting curses on individuals. The spell is straightforward: write
the name of an enemy on the back of this seal and repeat, "Set a
wicked one to rule over him and let Satan stand at his right hand" to
destroy the foe.

The Pentacle is created using the Mystical Characters of Saturn. In

Hebrew, it is written: "Appoint a wicked one to rule over him, and let
Satan stand at his right hand."

VII. The Seventh and Last Pentacle of Saturn is a powerful symbol

used in magic to instill fear in anything that tries to oppose you. It was
once believed to have the ability to cause earthquakes.

The Names of the Nine Orders of Angels are in the Pentacle. Six are
written in ordinary Hebrew Characters, while the remaining are
inscribed in the Passing the Rivers script. These Nine Orders are:

CHAIATH HA-QADESCH, Holy Living Creatures

ARALIM, Thrones
CHASCHMALIM, Brilliant Ones
SERAPHIM, Fiery Ones
BENI ELOHIM, Sons of the Elohim
KERUBIM, Kerubim

The verse associated with this Pentacle is Psalm 18:7: "Then the earth
shook and trembled, the foundations of the hills also moved and were
shaken, because He was wroth."

Archangel: Sachiel
Number: 4
Zodiac: Pisces and Sagittarius
Day: Thursday
Color: Purple or Royal blue
Perfume: Lilac or Lavender
Script: Celestial (Phonetic)

Sachiel rules money, social position, politics, gambling, insurance, the

law, justice, and orthodox religion and helps secure help from people in
power, all things to do with lawyers and judges. Sachiel helps to heal
poor circulation, problems with the right leg, and all problems with the
feet. Sachiel helps with increased income, mercy, divine justice, and
the expansion of all good.

The Seven Pentacles of Jupiter

I. The First Pentacle of Jupiter is used in magic to acquire treasure

and gain business.

This Pentacle consists of the Mystical Characters of Jupiter. The Names

of the Angels—Netoniel, Devachiah, Tzedeqiah, and Parasiel—are
written in Hebrew around it.

II. The Second Pentacle of Jupiter is a magical seal used in magic to

bring glory, honor, and riches, to help acquire various forms of
goodness, and to discover treasures while protecting against the vices
that often go along with them—also used to aid in the tranquility of the

The center of the Hexagram contains the letters of the Name AHIH,
which is pronounced as Eheieh. The upper and lower angles consist of
the letters of the Name AB, representing the Father. The remaining

angles contain the letters of the Name IHVH. The letters outside the
Hexagram, in the reentering angles, are believed to represent the rst
two words of the Versicle taken from Psalm 112:3 - "Wealth and Riches
are in his house, and his righteousness endureth forever."

III. The Third Pentacle of Jupiter is used in magic to defend and

protect against any—enemy and against evil spirits that may linger near
one's person or home.

In the upper left-hand corner is the Magical Seal of Jupiter, adorned

with the letters IHVH. The other corners feature the Seal of the
Intelligence of Jupiter, along with the Names Adonai and IHVH.
Surrounding it is the Versicle from Psalm 125.1: "A Song of Degrees.
Those who trust in IHVH shall be like Mount Zion, immovable and
enduring forever."

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter is used in spells aimed to obtain

wealth and honor, acquire riches, honor, and possess wealth.

Above the Magical Sigil is the Name IH, Iah. Below are the names of
the Angels Adoniel and Bariel, arranged in a square of four
compartments. Surrounding it is Psalm 112.3: "Wealth and riches are in
his house, and his righteousness endures forever."

V. The Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter was believed to be in uential in

ensuring visions. According to legend, Jacob witnessed the ladder
extending to heaven while equipped with this pentacle. It is a potent
tool for obtaining assured visions and is used for magic to open the
spiritual sight.

The Hebrew letters within the Pentacle are derived from the ve last
words of the surrounding versicle, each containing ve letters. These
letters are then combined to form speci c Mystical Names. The versicle
is taken from Ezekiel i. 1: "As I was among the captives by the river of
Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of Elohim."
According to Mathers, the versicle should only consist of the ve last
words, removing the anachronism of Jacob using a Pentacle with a
sentence from Ezekiel.

VI. The Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter is used in magic to protect against

earthly dangers. By devoutly reciting, "They pierced my hands and my
feet, I may tell all my bones," "thus shalt thou never perish," while
meditating on this seal, excellent protection will be created.

The Arms of the Cross are Seraph, Kerub, Ariel, and Tharsis. These
names represent the rulers of the four Elements. The verse from Psalm
22:16-17 reads, "They pierced my hands and my feet, I may tell all my
VII. The Seventh and last Pentacle of Jupiter is used in spells against
poverty. Meditating on the Pentacle with devotion and repeating the
versicle also drives away all standing in the way of your prosperity.

The verse accompanies the Mystical Characters of Jupiter: "Lifting the

poor out of the mire and raising the needy from the dunghill, that he
may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people." - Psalm

Planet: Mars
Archangel: Samael
Number: 5
Zodiac: Aries and Scorpio
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Perfume: Honeysuckle or Geranium
Script: Coptic (cypher)

Samael rules physical courage, martial arts, manual dexterity, and male
sex organs, protects against violence and res, overcomes all enemies,
and dispenses justice.
Samael helps recover from illness, assists in surgery the recovery from
surgery, helps all in the armed forces, all things to do with machinery,
ailments of the right arm, severe headaches, all rashes, infections, and
ailments regarding eruptions. For safeguarding from accidents
surrounding machinery.

The Seven Pentacles of Mars.

I. The First Pentacle of Mars is a talisman used in spells to gain

courage, ambition, enthusiasm, and physical accomplishments.

It contains mystical characters of Mars and the names of four angels -

Madimiel, Bartzachiah, Eschiel, and Ithuriel - written in Hebrew around
the Pentacle.

II. The Second Pentacle of Mars is a magical symbol to combat


It features the letter H in the angles of the Hexagram, with the Names
IHVH, IHShVH Yeheshuah, and Elohim inscribed within. Surrounding it
is a reference to John i. 4, which speaks of life and light in Him. This is
evidence of the early existence of mystical verses in the Gospel of St.

III. The Third Pentacle of Mars was believed to possess powerful

properties to protect against enemies and incite anger, con ict, and
hostility. In contemporary practice, it is utilized to bring about the
destruction of undesirable circumstances.

The seal features the Letters of the Names Eloah and Shaddai, with the
prominent letter Vau in the center, representing the Qabalistic
Microprosopus. Surrounding it is a verse from Psalm 77:13: "Who is as
great a God as our Elohim?"

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of Mars is used in magic to achieve victory in

combat, battle, or war.


In the center is the mighty name Agla; on the right and left are the
letters of the name IHVH; above and below is EL. Surrounding it is the
verse from Psalm 110:5 - "The Lord, at your right hand, will shatter kings
on the day of his wrath."

V. The Fifth Pentacle of Mars It was believed that this pentacle would
make demons obey the possessor. In modern magic, it is often used in
spells to overcome habits, addictions, and temptations.

The pentacle features the name Agla at the center, with the letters of
IHVH on the right and left. Above and below are the letters EL.
Surrounding it is Psalm 110:5, which says, "The Lord at your right hand
shall strike down kings in the day of his wrath."
Around the gure of the Scorpion is the word HVL. The versicle is from
Psalm 91. 13:–"Thou shalt go upon the lion and added, the young lion
and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet."

VI. The Sixth Pentacle of Mars is a famous seal to use in spells to

reverse curses or evil.

The words "Elohim Gibor, Elohim hath covered (or protected)" are
written around the eight points of the radii of the Pentacle. This is
written in the Secret Alphabet of Malachim, also known as the Writing
of the Angels. The verse is taken from Psalm 37. 15: "Their sword shall
enter their own heart, and their bow shall be broken."

VII. The Seventh and Last Pentacle of Mars was thought to possess
the power to confuse enemies when the possessor uttered the Divine
Names of El and Yiai while gazing at it. In modern practice, this seal can
be utilized in magical operations that target the elimination of
confusion and intrusion.

At the center of the Pentacle, you will nd the Divine Names, El and
Yiai, which have the same numerical value in Hebrew. The Letters in
Hebrew, as well as in the Secret Alphabet known as the Celestial, form
the Names of Spirits. The following passage surrounds the Pentacle:
"He gave them hail for rain, and aming re in their land. He smote
their vines also, and their g trees." (Psalm 105:32-33)

Planet: Sun
Archangel: Michael
Number: 6
Zodiacal: Leo
Day: Sunday
Color Colors Orange
Perfumes: Orange Blossom, Sandalwood
Script: Passing the Rivers (phonetic)

Michael rules career, worldly ambition, personal success, government,

royalty, all matters of music (playing and composition), gold (physical
and spiritual), the physical body, healing, and sports.

Michael is a protective force and also a source of prosperity. The divine

design of our lives is under the care of Michael.

The Seven Pentacles of the Sun

I. The First Pentacle of the Sun. – The "El Shaddai" talisman allegedly
brings the possessor all they may desire. Use this in magical operations
to help you open to receive the universe's bounty.

This singular Pentacle contains the head of the great Angel Meth-raton
or Metatron, the vice-regent and representative of Shaddai, who is
known as the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine
Cherub of the Ark, as Sandalphon is the left and feminine. On either
side is the Name "El Shaddai." Around it is written in Latin: "Behold His
face and form, by Whom all things were made, and Whom all creatures

II. The Second Pentacle of the Sun is designed to help overcome

pride and arrogance.

The mystical characters associated with the Sun and the names of the
angels are Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah, and Malkhiel.

III. The Third Pentacle of the Sun is used when seeking to gain
renown and glory. It is also used in operations to behold the glory of
the In nite in all aspects of life.

The name IHVH is repeated twelve times, and there is a verse

resembling Daniel 4:34: "My Kingdom is everlasting, and my dominion
endures from age to age."Page 70

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of the Sun is a highly practical talisman for
performing magic that unveils the genuine nature of individuals. It
allows you to perceive people as they are rather than how they portray
themselves. It encourages them to reveal their authentic thoughts and
hidden emotions and work on themselves to discover the inner truth
behind their illusions.

The Names IHVH and Adonai are written in the center in Hebrew and
around the radii in the mystical characters of the Passing the Rivers
script. The verse is from Psalm 13:3-4: "Illuminate my eyes so that I don't
sleep in death, lest my enemy say, I have triumphed over him."

V. The Fifth Pentacle of the Sun is commonly utilized in magic for

travel, speci cally for fast and e cient transportation over long
distances. Consequently, it also bene ts astral projection journeys and
recalling past lives.

In the Passing of Rivers script, characters form the names of spirits. The
verse is from Psalm 91:11, 12: “He will command His angels to guard
you in all your ways. They will lift you in their hands."

VI. The Sixth Pentacle of the Sun is used in "spells of invisibility."

These spells can be helpful if you need to work behind the scenes or
remain unnoticed for any reason.

In the center is the mystical letter Yod, in the Celestial Alphabet. The
three letters in the Passing the Rivers script, placed in the angles of the
triangle, form the great Name Shaddai. The words in the same
characters around its three sides are, in my opinion, taken from
Genesis i. 1: "In the beginning, the Elohim created, etc." However, the
characters are unfortunately distorted in the manuscripts. The versicle
is derived from Psalms 69:23 and 135:16: "Let their eyes be darkened
so they cannot see, and make their loins continually tremble. They
have eyes but do not see."

VII. The Seventh and Last Pentacle of the Sun was believed to have
the power to release one from prison, unlocking all locks and breaking
all fetters that bind. It is used in modern spells to break free from any
con ning situation.

On the Arms of the Cross are inscribed the Names of Chasan, Angel of
Air; Arel, Angel of Fire; Phorlakh, Angel of Earth; and Taliahad, Angel of
Water. Between the four Arms of the Cross are written the names of the
Four Rulers of the Elements: Ariel, Seraph, Tharshis, and Cherub. The
verse is from Psalm 116:16-17: "You have broken my bonds. I will o er
you the sacri ce of thanksgiving and call upon the Name of IHVH."

Planet: Venus
Archangel: Anael
Number: 7
Zodiac: Taurus and Libra
Day: Friday
Color: Green
Perfume: Rose or Musk
Script: Asherah (phonetic)

Anael rules romantic love, marriage, art, fashion, nature (music is more
appropriate to Michael), the creation of all beautiful things, personal
beauty, and cosmetics.

Anael can be called upon for help in disorders with the throat and
kidneys but is best in conjunction with Raphael. Anael works with
Gabriel to bring about the Shekinah force.

The Five Pentacles of Venus

I. The First Pentacle of Venus is used for friendship, harmony, and

sacred relationship spells.

Explore the mystical characters of Venus and discover the names of

the angels: Nogahiah, Acheliah, Socodiah (or Socohiah), and Nangariel.

II. The Second Pentacle of Venus is used in magic for grace, honor,
and ful lling all desires concerning matters of the heart.

The letters in the Pentacle form the Names of the Spirits of Venus. The
verse is from Canticles viii 6: "Put me like a signet on your heart, like a
signet on your arm, for love is as strong as death."

III. The Third Pentacle of Venus is utilized in spells to draw in love,

respect, and admiration.

The names written within the gure are IHVH, Adonai, Ruach, Achides,
Aegalmiel, Monachiel, and Degaliel. The verse is from Genesis 1:28:
"And God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply,
and ll the earth and subdue it.

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of Venus was once believed to have the
power to attract any desired person to its owner. It is used in magical
practices to draw love towards oneself.

The four letters of the Name IHVH are positioned at the four angles of
the Figure. The remaining letters make up the Names of Spirits of
Venus, such as Schii, Eli, Ayib, and more. The verse is taken from

Genesis 2:23-24: "This is bone of my bones and esh of my esh. And
they two were one esh."

V. The Fifth and Last Pentacle of Venus is used in spells meant to

excite great passion and desire.

The Names Elohim, El Gebil, and two other unknown Names are in the
central square. The characters resemble those of the Passing the
Rivers script. The surrounding Versicle is taken from Psalm 22:14, which
describes the emotional state: "My heart is like wax; it is melted amid
my bowels.”

Archangel: Raphael
Number: 8
Zodiac: Gemini and Virgo
Day: Wednesday
Color: Bright yellow
Contrast: Purple
Perfume: Lily of the Valley or Lavender
Script: Magi (phonetic)

Raphael rules writing, commerce, communication, contracts, exams,

education, travel (especially by air), the Internet, and computers and
locates lost or stolen property.

Raphael heals mental diseases, brightens the mind, aids

concentration, inspires, aids all lung and chest problems, is the main
healing angel, helps all issues with the left arm and hand, helps nd
employment, and all things to do with trade. Raphael helps heal
children, birds, and small animals, especially wild ones (except dogs
and cats), and protects against theft.

The Five Pentacles of Mercury

The First Pentacle of Mercury is used in magic to enhance personal

magnetism. It is believed to call upon the Spirits under the Firmament.

The letters in this pentacle form the names of the spirits Yekahel and

The Second Pentacle of Mercury is utilized in spells to manifest wishes

that seem to go against the laws of nature and to nd out information
believed not to be easily available.

The Letters from the Names of B el and other Spirits associated with

The Third Pentacle of Mercury is a magical tool that enhances writing

skills, making one more eloquent in letters, papers, and any form of
written communication. It is highly valued by those who seek to
impress others with their literary abilities, particularly poets and

The pentacle contains various mystical Characters of Mercury and the

Names of the Angels: Kokaviel, Gheoriah, Savaniah, and Chokmahiel.

The Fourth Pentacle of Mercury is utilized in operations to facilitate the

acquisition of knowledge and understanding, including the ability to
uncover hidden thoughts and penetrate concealed matters. It also
bestows the authority to command the Allatori spirits, known for
bringing news and intelligence. These spirits are said to be obedient
and compliant.

In the center is the Name of God, EL. The Hebrew letters inscribed
about the star make the sentence, "IHVH, x Thou the Volatile, and let
there be unto the void restriction." The verse is: "Wisdom and virtue are
in his house, and the Knowledge of all things remaineth with him

The Fifth Pentacle of Mercury is used to "open doors of any kind." It is a

spell for new beginnings, new ideas, and overcoming obstacles in life.
It helps in moving forward when feeling stuck or locked out.

In the Pentacle are the Names El Ab and IHVH. The verse is from Psalm
24:7 - "Lift up your heads, O gates, be lifted up, O ancient doors, that
the King of Glory may come in."

The Moon
Archangel: Gabriel
Number: 9
Zodiac: Cancer
Day: Monday
Color: Silver or gray.
Perfume: Jasmine, Ylang, Gardenia
Script: Theban (cypher)

Gabriel rules psychic powers, astral travel, the subconscious mind,

domestic a airs, the home, motherhood, the female reproductive
system, breasts, ailments caused by childbirth, and journeys by land
and sea. Gabriel protects from motion sickness, indigestion, and
stomach complaints and assists in fertility in all things (except money or
love a airs)

The Six Pentacles of the Moon

The First Pentacle of the Moon is widely used in various Pauline Arts
traditions to invoke the Archangel Gabriel. It was once believed to have
the power to open all doors and locks, regardless of how they were
fastened. It is often included in spells aimed at release, opening, and

The Pentacle is a symbol representing a door or gate. It features the

Name IHVH at its center. You'll nd the Names IHV, IHVH, AL, and IHH
on the right-hand side. On the left are the Angels' Names: Schioel, Vaol,
Yashiel, and Vehiel. The verse above the Names on either side is from
Psalm 17:16: "He hath broken the Gates of brass, and smitten the iron
bars in sunder."

II. The Second Pentacle of the Moon is utilized in spells for
safeguarding against water accidents, fear, emotional turmoil, and

It features a hand pointing to the names El and Angel Abariel. The

verse is derived from Psalm 56:11 - "In God, I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?"

III. The Third Pentacle of the Moon is used in charms for protection
during travel. It is also used to nd peace from nightmares, break-ins,
and water-related disasters.

My names are Aub and Vevaphel. The verse is from Psalm 40:13 -
"Please deliver me, God, and hurry to help me."

IV. The Fourth Pentacle of the Moon is utilized in protective spells

against all forms of evil and harm to the body or soul.

The Divine Name Eheieh Asher Eheieh and the Names of the Angels
Yahel and Sophie. The verse follows: "May those who persecute me be
confounded, while I remain unconfounded. Let them fear while I do

V. The Fifth Pentacle of the Moon is used in spells for protection

against insomnia and nightmares. It also aids in nding answers to
questions or problems through dreams.

The Divine Names IHVH and Elohim represent a mystical aspect of the
Moon, along with the Names of the Angels Iachadiel and Azarel. The
verse is from Psalm 68:1 - "Let God arise, and let His enemies be
scattered; let them also who hate Him ee before Him."

VI. The Sixth Pentacle of the Moon Invokes rain through weather
magic; the spell involves drawing and submerging this talisman in
water. The rains are believed to persist as long as the talisman remains
underwater. This technique can overcome any dry spells in one's life.
The Pentacle consists of mystical characters representing the Moon,
surrounded by a verse from Genesis vii. 11, 12: "All the fountains of the
great deep were broken up... and the rain was upon the earth.”

The Angelic Hours

As previously stated, working your magic on the day of the week ruled by the angel with whom
you wish to work is recommended. If you can't work on the day ruled by the angel, Wednesday is
a good alternative as it is compatible with any angel. However, if you need to work on a day that
the angel does not govern, work your magic during the hour of that speci c angel.

The system of angelic hours in this guide is based on local clock time and remains consistent
each day of the week, differing from many other systems of planetary hours, such as that in the
Key of Solomon.

The list of Angelic hours shows three hours (6 p.m., 2 a.m., and 10 a.m.) that are not assigned to
an angel. These special hours are devoted to the Angel Uriel, who holds a distinct position
beyond the seven Planetary Rulers discussed in this booklet and to whom no pentacles of
Solomon are dedicated.

Table of Angelic Hours

Hour Angel Hour Angel

Midnight Sachiel Noon Michael

1 AM Anael 1 PM Gabriel

2 AM 2 PM Samael

3 AM Cassiel 3 PM Raphael

4 AM Michael 4 PM Sachiel

5 AM Gabriel 5 PM Anael

6 AM Samael 6 PM

7 AM Raphael 7 PM Cassiel

8 AM Sachiel 8 PM Michael

9 AM Anael 9 PM Gabriel

10 AM 10 PM Samael

11 AM Cassiel 11 PM Raphael

The Angelic Scripts

The Cypher scripts are much simpler to work with than the phonetic scripts. Instead of
converting your petition rst to phonetics, you exchange each letter with its corresponding letter
in the magical script.

The Phonetic scripts require you to convert your petitions into phonetics before converting them
to the script. For instance, looking at the different phonetic syllables on the chart, you will see
that “PLEASE HELP ME” would be “PlLYZ HLP MY.” As you convert your petition into
phonetics and then into the script, say it slowly as you do so. Once you have converted the
petition into phonetics, you will exchange each phonetic letter for its corresponding symbol from
the script you are using.

Don’t worry if you don’t get the phonetics perfect. Just do your best, and all will be well.

All scripts are written from left to right except for the Asherah Script. This one is always written
from right to left. Therefore, when you convert your petition to phonetics, it is helpful to do so
from right to left: “PLYZ HLP MY.” would then be: “YM PLH ZYLP”

If you struggle with speci c scripts during your magical practice, remember that two universal
scripts can be used with any angel - Theban and Passing the Rivers. Most people nd Theban
script the easiest to use, and it can be a good starting point for beginners in magical scripts.
Passing the Rivers is a phonetic script that can be your second choice before exploring other
angelic scripts. However, it is always acceptable to write your petitions in your native language
without using magical scripts.

You may nd it advantageous to print the pages of this booklet containing the scripts to make it
easier for you to work with them.

The Angelic Scripts

Moon (Gabriel): Theban Venus (Anael): Asherah

Mars (Samael): Coptic Saturn (Cassiel): Malachim

Mercury (Raphael): Magi Sun (Michael): Passing the Rivers

Jupiter (Sachiel): Celestial Universal: Theban and Passing the Rivers

Roman Theban Coptic Roman Theban Coptic
D D Ⲇ Q Q _
F F F S S |

Block Roman Passing The
Number Letter Name Meaning Sound Malachim Celestial Magi Asherah
Letter Equivalent Rivers
1 a ‫א‬ Alef Ox AorAy A A A A
B or
2 b ‫ב‬ Bet House
3 g ‫ג‬ Gimel Camel G or Gh G G C G
4 d ‫ד‬ Dalet Door D or Dee D D D D
5 h ‫ה‬ Heh Window H H H E H
w ‫ו‬ W F W

6 Vav Peg, Nail F, U, V, W V
7 z ‫ז‬ Zayin
Z or Zee Z Z G Z
8 j ‫ח‬ Khet
K or Ch Ch K H C
9 f ‫ט‬ Tet Serpent T or Tee T F I T
10 y ‫י‬ Yud Hand Ih, ee, y, j Y Y J Y
20 k ‫כ‬ Kaf Palm k or kay K K K k
Block Roman Passing The Magi Asherah
Number Letter Name Meaning Sound Malachim Celestial
Letter Equivalent Rivers
30 l ‫ל‬
Ox-goad L, or el L L L L
40 m ‫מ‬ Mem Water M or Em M M M M
50 n ‫נ‬ Nun Fish N or En N N N N
60 s ‫ס‬
S or Es S S P s
70 u ‫ע‬ Ayin Eye Oh O E Q e
p ‫פ‬ p, ph, f P P R P

80 Pe Mouth
90 x ‫צ‬ Tzadi
Eh E V S Q
Ku or
100 q ‫ק‬ Qof
Back of
Head kw
200 r ‫ר‬ Resh Head R or Ar R R L R
300 c ‫ש‬ Schin Tooth Sh Sh X X X
400 t ‫ת‬ Tav
Sign of
the Cross
Th T T Y t
Psalms in the Solomon Pentacles
The Psalms have a signi cant role in Pauline magic, whether used with the Solomon Pentacles
or not. The Psalms are like a treasure trove of magical seeds that replenish themselves. It is
wise to work with any psalm mentioned in a pentacle you are working with. Don’t limit yourself
to the individual verses used; work the entire Psalm. If you want to learn more about how to
work Psalm Magic, please refer to my free booklet titled 'How To Work Psalm Magic'.

Jupiter Pentacles Moon Pentacles

2nd Pentacle of Jupiter: Psalm 112.3 First Pentacle of the Moon: Psalm 107. 16
3rd Pentacle of Jupiter: Psalm 125:1: Second Pentacle of the Moon: Psalm 56:11
4th Pentacle of Jupiter: Psalm 112:3 Third Pentacle of the Moon: Psalm 40. 13
6th Pentacle of Jupiter: Psalm 22:16, 17 Fifth Pentacle of the Moon: Psalm 68:1
7th Pentacle of Jupiter: Psalm 113:7
Saturn Pentacles
Mars Pentacles First Pentacle of Saturn: Psalm 22:9
Third Pentacle of Mars: Psalm 77:13 Fourth Pentacle of Saturn: 109:18
Fourth Pentacle of Mars: Psalm 110:5 Sixth Pentacle of Saturn: Psalm 109:6
Fifth Pentacle of Mars: Psalm 91:13 Seventh Pentacle of Saturn: Psalm 18:7
Sixth Pentacle of Mars: Psalm 37:15
Seventh Pentacle of Mars: Psalm 105:32-33 Sun Psalms
Fourth Pentacle of the Sun: Psalm 13:3,4
Mercury Pentacles Fifth Pentacle of the Sun: Psalm 91:11, 12
Fifth Pentacle of Mercury: Psalm 24:7 Sixth Pentacle of the Sun: Psalms 69:23 and

Venus Pentacles
Fifth Pentacle of Venus: Psalm 22:14

The 44 Holy Pentacles of Solomon
The 44 Holy Pentacles from the Greater Key of Solomon are believed to possess deep spiritual
power. Practitioners have used them for centuries for protection, healing, prosperity, ful llment,
and enlightenment. These symbols can help uncover secrets of transformation and divine
connection, serving as guiding lights for those seeking a deep and transformative bond with
the divine realms.

Symbols have always fascinated us on a spiritual level, transcending time and space. Their
simple elegance conveys profound ideas that resonate within us. I have included all 44 holy
pentacles of Solomon, meticulously crafted symbols holding immense power and wisdom.
These divine sigils create a magni cent tapestry woven with symbols from di erent traditions.
As we explore this mystical mosaic, we are invited to turn within and unravel the threads that
connect us to the angelic realms.

Each symbol represents a spiritual force that guides us, drawing from the wisdom of ancient
traditions and divine whispers. The Pentacles of Solomon serve as gateways to self-discovery,
o ering profound insights about ourselves and the world through deep contemplation. These
sacred Seals of Solomon act as powerful conduits, connecting the seen and unseen realms
and enabling meaningful communication between these two worlds.

Let the Pentacles of Solomon light your path, bringing divine illumination to the realms of
spiritual understanding and self-discovery. Allow the Teaching Angels you call upon through
these talismans to guide your thoughts and actions. May the spiritual awakening they incite
lead you to a place of transcendent understanding, inner harmony, and boundless love.

Included here are all the pentacles, with one set in black and one set in gray. The black ones
are suitable for simple coloring or as references for drawing a pentacle. The gray ones are ideal
for drawing over each symbol and letter, tracing the gray lines with ink, paint, or other media.

May you nd eternal magic, joy, happiness, peace, prosperity, and all forms of success with
this system of ancient magic.

Blessed be.

The Pentacles of Saturn



The Pentacles of Jupiter



The Pentacles of Mars



The Pentacles of The Sun



The Pentacles of Venus



The Pentacles of Mercury



The Pentacles of The Moon



The Pentacles of Saturn



The Pentacles of Jupiter



The Pentacles of Mars



The Pentacles of The Sun



The Pentacles of Venus



The Pentacles of Mercury



The Pentacles of The Moon




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