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Dietary restrictions for people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase


Article in Nutrition Reviews · October 2018

DOI: 10.1093/nutrit/nuy053


18 26,754

5 authors, including:

Sebastien La Vieille David E Lefebvre

Health Canada Health Canada


Samuel Godefroy
Laval University


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Special Article

Dietary restrictions for people with glucose-6-phosphate

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dehydrogenase deficiency
Sebastien La Vieille, David E. Lefebvre, Ahmad Firas Khalid, Matthew R. Decan, and Samuel Godefroy

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common en-

zyme deficiency in the world and renders those affected susceptible to potentially
severe oxidative hemolysis. Although the resulting hemolysis is most often associ-
ated with drug exposure, it has also been reported after consumption of certain
foods. With the exception of review articles that reiterated the historical knowledge
that fava beans can provoke severe oxidative hemolysis in individuals with G6PD
deficiency, very few articles have examined the safety of other food ingredients and
food additives for people with G6PD deficiency. Some articles that associated spe-
cific foods with hemolysis appeared to be speculative and based on limited infor-
mation. The objective of this review was to examine the association between foods,
including food additives, and the triggering factors of acute hemolysis. The litera-
ture was searched for studies and case reports on food consumption and G6PD de-
ficiency. In this review, fava beans were found to be the only food for which there
is conclusive clinical evidence linking the risk of hemolytic anemia to individuals
with G6PD deficiency. Food additives, at their permitted level of use in North
America, can be consumed safely by most patients with G6PD deficiency.

INTRODUCTION genetic deficit is carried by females but primarily affects

males (90% of people with G6PD deficiency are males).
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency It largely affects populations of African, Mediterranean
is the most prevalent enzyme deficiency in the world, Basin, Indian, Southeast Asian, or Latin American
affecting at least 330 million individuals worldwide.1 descent.1
This metabolic enzyme plays an important role in pro- Several reviews have focused on drugs to be
tecting erythrocytes against oxidative stress, thereby avoided by individuals with G6PD deficiency.4–6 Apart
preventing hemolysis. Individuals with G6PD defi- from recommending the avoidance of fava beans,3 how-
ciency are susceptible to oxidants such as drugs (eg, ever, very few published articles have assessed informa-
some antimalarial drugs or antibiotics) or chemicals tion on other foods as triggering factors of acute
(eg, naphthalene in mothballs).2 Fava beans are also his- hemolysis. Here, a brief overview of G6PD deficiency is
torically known to provoke severe incidents of acute he- provided, followed by an evidence-based review that
molytic anemia in individuals with G6PD deficiency.3 was conducted to identify food ingredients, food addi-
G6PD deficiency is an X-linked, hereditary genetic de- tives, and contaminants that should be avoided by indi-
fect arising from mutations in the G6PD gene. The viduals with G6PD deficiency.

Affiliation: S. La Vieille, D.E. Lefebvre, and M.R. Decan are with the Bureau of Chemical Safety, Food Directorate, Health Canada, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. S. La Vieille and S. Godefroy are with the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences,
Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. A.F. Khalid is with the Health Policy PhD Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada. S. Godefroy is with the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Correspondence: S. La Vieille, Bureau of Chemical Safety, Food Directorate, Health Canada, 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway, Ottawa,
ON K1A 0K9, Canada. Phone: þ1-343-542-3889; Email:
Key words: G6PD deficiency, favism, food additive, food coloring agent, herbal product.
C The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuy053
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11
Role of G6PD enzyme in red blood cell metabolism have less than 10% of normal G6PD enzyme activity. In
and integrity some patients with class I variants, the residual levels of
enzyme activity are so low that a sufficient concentra-
In the various types of cells in the body, several antioxi- tion of NADPH cannot be maintained, leading to

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dant systems use the reduced form of nicotinamide ade- chronic hemolytic anemia with recurrent episodes of
nine dinucleotide phosphate for its reducing capacity. acute hemolysis. These patients often have a history of
The G6PD enzyme catalyses the first step of the pentose neonatal jaundice and have the most clinically severe
phosphate pathway by converting glucose-6-phosphate manifestations and may be dependent on transfusions.8
to glucose-6-phosphogluconolactone and reducing the Olusanya et al11 reported that G6PD deficiency is a
cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate common risk factor for severe neonatal hyperbilirubi-
(NADP) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos- nemia in low- and middle-income countries, such as
phate hydrogen (NADPH). Production of NADPH is India and Pakistan. (2) Patients with class II variants
essential to the protection of the cells from oxidative also have less than 10% of the normal G6PD activity but
stress.2 Moreover, because erythrocytes generate only without chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia.
NADPH with this pathway, they are more susceptible Class II variants include the common Mediterranean
than other cells to destruction from oxidative stress.7 (G6PD Mediterranean) and common severe Asian var-
The G6PD enzyme is also necessary to regenerate the iants (eg, G6PD Canton). Patients with these variants
reduced form of glutathione that is produced with 1 suffer only intermittent acute hemolysis typically caused
molecule of NADPH. Thus, G6PD deficiency leads to a by infection, exposure to oxidative drugs, or consump-
depletion of glutathione, which is essential for the re- tion of fava beans.4,7,12 (3) Class III variants are moder-
duction of hydrogen peroxide and oxygen radicals and ately deficient (patients have 10%–60% residual enzyme
the maintenance of hemoglobin and other red blood activity) and include the common African (G6PD A)
cell proteins in the reduced state.4 form and Mahidol variants in Southeast Asia. Patients
with class III variants have intermittent hemolysis gen-
G6PD deficiency as a genetic disease erally triggered by infection, oxidative drugs, foods.4,7,12
(4) Class IV variants have a very mild or no enzyme de-
To date, more than 400 different biochemical variants ficiency (patients have > 60% of normal enzyme activ-
of G6PD have been described on the basis of their di- ity) and are not associated with hemolysis.4,7,12 (5) Class
verse biochemical characteristics, and a total of 217 dif- V variants are associated with higher-than-normal en-
ferent point mutations have been identified in the zyme activity.4,7,12
G6PD gene.8,9 Most of these biochemical variants result The most common variants are the G6PD
in phenotypes that are asymptomatic until exposed to Mediterranean variants (class II), which affect popula-
oxidative triggers. Exposure to these triggers most com- tions from the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East,
monly manifests in 1 of 2 clinical outcomes.10 In the and the Indian subcontinent, and the G6PD A variant
first situation, which corresponds to the majority of de- (class III), which accounts for the vast majority of
ficiencies, the mutation causes only mild impairment of G6PD deficiency in Africa. In Asia, a number of poly-
the enzyme’s function, which is not sufficient to result morphic variants are present, each with a unique distri-
in symptoms. Therefore, affected individuals are often bution throughout the continent. However, common
unaware of their status. In the less-common situation, variants in Asia are the G6PD Canton variant (class II)
the mutation greatly reduces the activity of the G6PD and the Mahidol variant (class III). The G6PD Canton
enzyme, which can lead to severe clinical manifesta- variant is notably frequent in Singapore and Malaysia
tions, including hemolytic anemia and, in newborns, but is also present in China. The Mahidol variant is typ-
neonatal jaundice due to increased bilirubin levels. ically present in Thailand but is also found throughout
Chronic hemolytic anemia and frequent acute hemo- Southeast Asia.12–14
lytic anemia can be associated with potentially fatal Screening tests for G6PD deficiency are available,
acute renal failure, which can occur at any age. but routine screening of newborns is not commonly
The biochemical variants of the G6PD enzyme are performed in the United States and Canada. The tests
categorized into 5 classes on the basis of enzymatic ac- are usually used only to identify causes of newborn
tivity in red blood cells and clinical manifestations.4,7 jaundice in hospitals in North America. Introducing
(1) Class I variants are associated with a severe deficit of screening tests may be a useful preventive approach be-
enzymatic activity, which leads to chronic nonsphero- cause G6PD deficiency can lead to an increased risk
cytic hemolytic anemia. These variants occur sporadi- and earlier onset of hyperbilirubinemia, which may re-
cally at a very low frequency in any part of the world. quire treatment by phototherapy or exchange
Patients with chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia transfusion.13

2 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

Acute hemolytic anemia is the most common man- recent immigration, these numbers are probably an un-
ifestation of G6PD deficiency and occurs when red derestimate of the number of people affected in North
blood cells are under oxidative stress, which is typically America. These rough estimates indicate that, while
triggered by infections, oxidant drugs, or food. G6PD deficiency is a monitored medical problem in

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Associations with hepatitis viruses A and B, cytomega- countries of the Mediterranean Basin, Africa, the
lovirus, pneumonia, and typhoid fever have been Middle East, and Asia, it also represents a possible
reported.4 The severity of hemolysis can be affected by growing health concern in other parts of the world, as
many factors, including concomitant drug administra- pointed out in several reports.13,17,18
tion, liver function, and age. However, the exact mecha-
nism by which the infections can trigger hemolysis is Literature search and classification
Oxidant drugs reported as triggers include certain A literature search was conducted for studies and case
antibiotics (dapsone, nitrofurantoin), antimalarial drugs reports on food consumption and G6PD deficiency
(primaquine), and some analgesics (phenazopyridine).6 published until June 2017. The search was conducted in
The consumption of fava beans is a commonly Scopus and PubMed databases, including MEDLINE,
reported trigger of hemolytic anemia. The potential im- Embase, Compendex, and Cochrane database. The fol-
plication of other food ingredients triggering hemolytic lowing search terms were used: “glucose 6 phosphate
anemia is the major topic of this review. dehydrogenase deficiency” and “food(s)” and “adverse
event(s) or side effect(s) or h(a)emolysis”. The keywords
Prevalence of G6PD deficiency in North America “food supplement(s),” “dietary supplement(s),” “food
ingredient(s),” “chemical(s),” “dye(s),” and “additive(s),”
The prevalence of G6PD deficiency in North America is were used. In addition, “faba,” “bean,” and “favism,”
not well known. The samples in most studies conducted were used along with the keywords “food(s) sup-
to date are not representative of the general population plements” and “food(s) ingredients.” A total of 376
and/or have been small in size. However, a large retro- articles, including review articles, were identified using
spective US study published in 2006 identified the pres- this search procedure. After duplicates were removed,
ence and degree of G6PD deficiency in military titles and abstracts of articles were screened to identify
personnel by sex and self-reported ethnicity.15 In a sam- potentially relevant articles. Ninety-seven full-text manu-
ple of more than 63 300 participants, the reported prev- scripts, written in English or French, were finally identi-
alence was 2.37%, with most individuals having only fied as relevant and were included in this review. Details
moderate enzyme deficiency (class III variants). Rates of the clinical studies, oral exposure, laboratory findings,
of G6PD deficiency were highest in African American and the authors’ conclusions, as well as information pro-
males (12.2%) and females (4.1%) and in Asian males vided in case reports, were analyzed.
(4.3%). Most males were found to have class III var- Similar to the approach used in other publications
iants, while most females had class IV variants and did on drugs and supplements,6,19,20 foods and food deriv-
not report symptomatic hemolysis. According to 2014 atives were classified into 1 of the 3 following groups
data published by the US Census Bureau, 12.2% of (Table 1): (1) foods and food derivatives that should be
African American men, 4.3% of Asian American men, avoided in patients with G6PD deficiency; (2) foods
and 2% of Hispanic American men, together represent- and food derivatives that can be safely consumed at
ing approximately 3.2 million American men, could be certain dosages by patients with G6PD deficiency; and
possibly affected by symptomatic G6PD deficiency. (3) foods and food derivatives cited in the literature
There is no study related to the prevalence of but for which there is insufficient evidence to preclude
G6PD deficiency in Canada. According to Statistics their consumption by patients with G6PD deficiency.
Canada, Canada’s population was estimated at Also taken into consideration in this classification
34 460 065 in 2016. African Canadians, West Central were the influence of G6PD variants on the degree of
Asian and Middle East Canadians, Asian (Eastern, food-induced hemolysis and the amount of food
Southeast, and Southern Asians) Canadians, and consumed.
Hispanic Canadians represent 2%, 1.8%, 9.6%, and
1.9% of the total Canadian population, respectively. On Foods that should be avoided by patients with G6PD
the basis of US estimates15 of G6PD deficiency in males, deficiency
at least 150 000 men might be affected by symptomatic
G6PD deficiency in Canada.16 Fava bean (Vicia faba var major) and vetch (Vicia
Knowing that Caucasian individuals can also be af- sativa). Favism is a term describing hemolytic anemia
fected by G6PD deficiency, and, taking into account that results from the ingestion of fava beans (Vicia faba

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

Table 1 Classification of foods and food derivatives for consumption by patients with glucose-6-dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Foods and food derivatives that (2) foods and food derivatives that can be safely Foods and food derivatives for which
should be avoided in patients with consumed at certain dosages by patients with there is insufficient evidence to preclude

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G6PD deficiency G6PD deficiency their consumption by patients with G6PD
Fava bean (Vicia faba var major) Azo-containing food coloring agents at permitted Quinine-containing beverages (except
Vetch (Vicia sativa) (almost never levels of use in foods: in breastfeeding mothers of infants
present on the North American • In Canada: amaranth, Allura Red, Indigotine, with G6PD deficiency)
market) Sunset Yellow FCF, Tartrazine, Citrus Red No. 2 Fenugreek seeds
Orange RN (not permitted as a food and Ponceau SX Pumpkin
additive in Canada or the United • In the United States: Orange B, Allura Red, Unripe peaches
States) Indigotine, Sunset Yellow FCF, Tartrazine, Citrus Tea extracts
Red No. 2 Ginkgo biloba extract
Rhizoma Coptidis, which is sometimes labeled as
Coptis chinensis (Chinese herbal extract present in
some dietary supplements)
Acalypha indica (herbal extract present in some die-
tary supplements and used Ayurvedic medicine)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) at dosages < 2 g/d in
adults or < 400 mg/d in young children (aged
1–3 y)

var major). Its association with G6PD deficiency is well circulation) is the most common form of favism.
documented in the scientific and medical literature. Individuals who develop favism are almost invariably
Several authors have already reviewed the epidemiol- deficient in G6PD, but, owing to the polymorphism of
ogy,3,12,21 pathophysiological mechanisms,4,22–25 and the deficiency, not all persons with the deficiency are
clinical features of favism.3,4 Therefore, fava beans have sensitive to fava beans.12 Thus, anemia is usually most
already been validated as a food that should be avoided severe and most common with the class I variant and is
in patients with G6PD deficiency. somewhat less so with the Mediterranean variant (class
Known since antiquity,12,26 acute hemolysis caused II).21,32,33 Favism has been observed occasionally in
by fava bean ingestion in patients with G6PD deficiency patients with the G6PD A variant (class III).5,14,34,35 It is
presents strong analogies to hemolysis caused by oxida- considered rare among people from Thailand or
tive drugs.27 Two pyrimidine glycosides (vicine and Southeast Asia, possibly because of different G6PD
convicine) isolated from fava beans have been impli- mutations or a different consumption pattern of fava
cated as favism-inducing factors. There are various ana- beans among these populations.32,36 Whatever the re-
lytical methods and bioassays for their quantification in gion, favism is generally more frequent in children (be-
fava beans.28 The active substances within these pyrimi- tween the ages of 1 and 5) but can occur in adults.14,37
dines are their aglycone derivatives.22,26,29 Divicine is It may also occur on one eating occasion but not on an-
the aglycone derivative of vicine, and isouramil is the other,37,38 possibly because of the amount of fava beans
aglycone of convicine. Both of these oxidizing substan- ingested in the meal, the type of beans prepared (raw,
ces rapidly overwhelm the already diminished fresh, cooked, or dried), or the concentration of pyrimi-
glutathione-generating capacity of G6PD-deficient cells dine glycosides in the fava bean cultivars.39
and also have direct effects on red blood cell function. The species Vicia faba belongs to the genus Vicia.
In vitro studies have shown that divicine reduces the ac- Within that species, Vicia faba var major is the botani-
tivity of catalase, an enzyme that, like glutathione, con- cal variety (subspecies), commonly known as fava beans
tributes to hydrogen peroxide removal and requires or broad beans. Other varieties within the species Vicia
NADPH for maintenance of normal activity.30 faba with seeds reported to be involved in favism are
Similarly, isouramil treatment of erythrocytes in vitro Vicia faba var minor and Vicia faba var equina.40 These
caused a marked decrease in cellular membrane 2 varieties, which have seeds that are smaller in size, are
deformability, which was presumed to be a factor in grown mainly for use as protein supplements in animal
erythrocyte sequestration in individuals with G6PD de- feed. The main feature of Vicia faba var major is the
ficiency.31 Acute intravascular hemolysis (ie, loss of large size of its seeds, intended for human consump-
membrane integrity of erythrocytes in the blood tion. Fresh and raw seeds are harvested at the immature

4 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

stage, while dry seeds are harvested at the mature mixed dishes.44 On any given day, 13.1% of Canadians
stage.40 consume pulses, with the Asian population having the
Other species of the genus Vicia are used in agri- highest consumption. Data from the 2009 US National
culture and for animal feed, such as Vicia sativa, also Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)

Downloaded from by Health Canada /PHAC user on 31 October 2018

called vetch, which is grown mainly as a fodder crop show that only 7.9% of adults in the United States con-
and a green fertilizer.10 Vicia sativa is rarely consumed sume dry beans and peas.45 However, the NHANES
by humans, but a few cases of direct consumption are analysis did not include mung beans and other sprouted
known in some Mediterranean regions, and at least 1 forms of beans that were included in the Canadian
case of hemolytic anemia due to vetch consumption in study. When those were removed from the Canadian
a child with G6PD deficiency in Turkey has been analysis, the proportion of pulse consumers dropped
reported.41 Vetch and fava beans contain similar from 13.1% to 10.7%.44 Those studies were based on
amounts of vicine and convicine, the chemicals from consumption data collected in the mid 2000s, and levels
which favism-active aglycones are derived. Therefore, of consumption in North America may have increased
the scarcity of acute hemolysis reports related to vetch as a result of recent population migrations from
consumption in areas where G6PD deficiency is en- Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
demic could be a reporting oversight as a consequence
of mild symptoms (as for fava beans). In addition, vetch Foods, food derivatives, and herbal products that can
is most commonly grown and consumed in poor rural be safely consumed at certain dosages by patients
areas, where emergency departments are not generally with G6PD deficiency
The content of vicine and convicine in fava beans Synthetic food coloring agents. Several review articles
varies with the variety of bean, the growing conditions, proposed that food additives consisting of azo dyes
and the stage at which the seeds are harvested. Fresh (also known as aniline dyes or acid dyes) may be associ-
fava bean seeds are the edible parts of the plants with ated with hemolysis in individuals with G6PD defi-
the highest content of vicine and convicine. The ciency.19,46 However, accurate descriptions of these
amount of these pyrimidine glycosides in dried fava hemolysis incidents after ingestion were missing in the
beans is approximately 50% lower than that in fresh literature.
fava beans. Additionally, fresh seeds also contain b-glu- The permitted synthetic food coloring agents in
cosidases and ascorbate, which could play a role in the Canada are amaranth, Allura Red, Brilliant Blue FCF,
severity of symptoms, as outlined below in the section Erythrosine, Fast Green FCF, Indigotine, Sunset Yellow
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).43 The peak seasonal inci- FCF, Tartrazine, Citrus Red No. 2, and Ponceau SX;
dence of favism in the Mediterranean Basin coincides however, the last 2 are limited to very specific uses
with the harvesting of the bean.21 Hence, raw and fresh (Citrus Red No. 2 in skins of whole oranges, and
fava beans are considered more likely to cause fav- Ponceau SX in fruit peels and maraschino cherries).47
ism,4,21 while dry bean seeds and dry bean flour, used Except for amaranth and Ponceau SX,48 which are not
specially as food ingredients, pose a lower risk.10 permitted for use in foods in the United States, these
There are few data available to enable either the as- same synthetic food coloring agents, as well as Orange
sessment of the effects of temperature on fava beans or B, are also permitted in the United States as food color-
the consequences of long-term storage of fava beans ing additives subject to certification.49 Of these syn-
prior to consumption. b-glucosidase and ascorbate are thetic food coloring agents, amaranth, Allura Red,
reputedly sensitive to cooking, whereas vicine and con- Indigotine, Sunset Yellow FCF, Tartrazine, Citrus Red
vicine are considered relatively resistant to cooking and No. 2, Ponceau SX, and Orange B contain either an azo
to germination treatments.10 or aniline moiety.
In North America, fava beans are sold fresh, dried, The literature was searched for case reports of ane-
frozen, and canned. Fresh fava beans usually begin to mia associated with exposure to synthetic food coloring
appear in markets in late May to June. Frozen and dried agents. Notably, azo dyes, because they sometimes con-
beans are available year round. There are not enough tain trace levels of subsidiary dyes or impurities such as
responses in North American consumption surveys to aniline, were cited as a potentially important consider-
provide an estimate of fava bean consumption, but ation for individuals with G6PD deficiency.19,46
some articles related to the consumption of pulses (ie, Indeed, when the intermediates of azo dye synthe-
dry beans, peas, and lentils) are available. Thus, the sis, 2-chloroaniline and 3-chloroaniline, were adminis-
main sources of pulses in the Canadian diet in 2012 tered experimentally in large quantities (10–160 mg/kg/
were mung beans, kidney beans, baked beans, bean d) by gavage in rats for 13 weeks, they induced a reduc-
soups, chili, and pulse-containing Mexican or Hispanic tion in red blood cell counts and in the hemoglobin

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

content of red blood cells.50 The reduced red blood cell as impurities in coloring agents, and coloring agents are
count was likely due to hemolytic anemia rather than to used at relatively low concentrations that further dilute
hematopoietic stem cell toxicity, because the pathology the presence of either of these impurities in food.
showed that hematopoietic tissues and kidneys had in- Additionally, with regard to the permitted coloring

Downloaded from by Health Canada /PHAC user on 31 October 2018

creased microscopic markers of red blood cell produc- chemicals themselves, oral exposure of pigs to amaranth
tion alongside lesions that are typical of red blood cell at a dose of 500 to 750 mg/kg/d or to Allura Red at 1000
destruction. In rats, aniline hydrochloride administered to 1500 mg/kg/d for 76 days did not impact the erythro-
at doses between 10 and 100 mg/kg of body weight (ap- cyte count or the hemoglobin concentration.62 For
proximately equivalent to 250 and 2500 mg of aniline comparison, similar synthetic azo dyes that are not cur-
per kilogram, respectively) for 1 to 4 weeks produced rently permitted as additives in food in Canada were
hemoglobin adducts.51 also reviewed. This data may aid in developing read-
However, the Canadian Food and Drug across toxicity assessments. Recently, Health Canada
Regulations47 and the US Code of Federal Regulations49 performed a screening assessment of the azo dye New
require food coloring agents to meet specifications that Coccine (Ponceau 4R), which is used in some other
limit the levels of impurities, including aniline. When countries.63 When mice were administered 1625 mg/kg/
synthetic food coloring agents are used in food, the d—a dose above that considered by Health Canada to
trace amount of aniline that may be present is diluted be the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level—in a 19-
to the order of micrograms per kilogram (ppb) of ani- month study, there was statistically significant mild ane-
line in the overall diet, because the coloring agents are mia in the first 6 months of the study. When consider-
used in small amounts. Therefore, these levels of con- ing approaches to extrapolate other data from
taminants are not expected to pose a hazard to human toxicology studies in healthy wild-type rodents, it is
health. conceivable that a decrease or increase in the G6PD en-
Naphthalene can also be detected as an impurity at zyme level following chemical exposure might reflect
very low levels in some food coloring agents.52 This impairment or an adaptive coping response to oxidative
contaminant is commonly used as a moth repellent in stress. Therefore, an increase or decrease in activity
the form of balls or disks. Several cases of hemolytic might serve as a marker of chemical risk to humans
incidents following exposure to naphthalene mothballs lacking G6PD enzyme. For example, healthy rats
have been reported in the literature, notably in children injected intraperitoneally with a fava bean extract and
with G6PD deficiency. These incidents were reported 5 mg of diethyl maleate for 15 days had decreased serum
following exposure to naphthalene vapors53 or follow- G6PD.64 The synthetic azo solvent dye Methyl Yellow,
ing ingestion of naphthalene-containing anointing also known as Butter Yellow, is no longer permitted in
oil.54,55 No incident following exposure to naphthalene food. Dietary administration of Methyl Yellow for 1 or
as an impurity of food coloring agents has been 7 months in rats induced an increase in liver G6PD ac-
reported in the literature. tivity at those time points. However, this may have been
Orange RN, an azo dye that is no longer permitted secondary to hepatic hypertrophy and was not observed
in foods, is also found as an impurity in Sunset Yellow at the 3-month time point.65,66 Oral gavage of rats with
FCF at a level of no more than 1% in Western coun- the azo dye amaranth at 340 mg/kg/d for 14 days did
tries.56 Several cases of hemolysis in African individuals not alter the activity of G6PD in liver or kidney.67
with G6PD deficiency were linked to the consumption Similarly, rats gavaged for 9 days with amaranth at
of barbecued meat (red suya) that contained the pure 85 mg/kg/d did not show modified liver G6PD activity,
coloring agent Orange RN.57–59 Those reports lacked but administration of amaranth at 115 mg/kg/d in com-
details confirming the chemical composition and cau- bination with vitamin A reduced G6PD activity.68
sality; however, studies in which pigs and rats were fed Evidence of the oxidative capacity of the chemicals
red suya demonstrated reduced red blood cell counts is also useful, since oxidative capacity is a known mech-
following exposure.60,61 Regardless, Orange RN is not a anism by which divicine and isouramil in fava beans
permitted food additive in Canada or the United States. induces favism. A conceivable additional mechanism in
Overall, these animal data suggest that aniline or individuals with G6PD deficiency could be an impact of
naphthalene could have a negative impact on erythro- the reduced enzyme activity on degradation of the dye.
cyte metabolism and could cause damage if encoun- For example, in media containing rat cecal contents, the
tered at high doses.10 However, in the context of the addition of cofactors that included the enzyme G6PD
possible presence of either compound as an impurity in was associated with increased metabolism of ama-
synthetic coloring agents, levels would be extremely ranth.69 Thus, in individuals with G6PD deficiency, the
low. As mentioned above in this section, regulations potential longer exposure to the parent amaranth mole-
limit the levels of these compounds that are permitted cule may be a factor because the parent molecule is

6 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

more cytotoxic to leukocytes than the metabolite naph- glutathione and an increase of methemoglobin in red
thionic acid.70 Mechanistic data comparing the cytotox- blood cells. However, a review by Valaes76 in 1994
icity of amaranth with that of its metabolites for found no convincing epidemiological data relating
erythrocytes are lacking. Chinese herbs to hemolysis in G6PD deficiency except

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While the potential risk of permitted synthetic food for the cases reported in Singapore by Wong72 in 1980
coloring agents in individuals with G6PD deficiency and by Yeo and Tan74 in 1996. In addition, the products
merits assessment, there are no reports that conclusively used in both case reports were home-based prepara-
implicate these agents in cases of anemia in humans. tions, and the ingredients in these preparations were
Although some reviews suggested that aniline dyes not fully identified. Ho et al77 similarly concluded that
should not be consumed by individuals with G6PD de- studies exploring the toxicity of Rhizoma Coptidis were
ficiency,19,46 there is no evidence that consumption of contradictory and that several of them had only estab-
the permitted synthetic food coloring agents at their lished the toxicity of berberine through intraperitoneal
permitted level of use presents a risk to individuals with and intravenous injections. Therefore, they considered
G6PD deficiency. oral administration of berberine to be clinically safe at
the recommended dosage (15 mg/kg/d).77 According to
Chinese herbal products. Chinese herbal products can be Fok,78 although it is a common assertion in the Chinese
consumed as dietary supplements, and the increasing community that a number of herbs can cause hemolysis
consumption of these products in North America in babies with G6PD deficiency, some of the herbs de-
emphasizes the need to address the possible complica- scribed in the Hong Kong alert card are, paradoxically,
tions they may cause in patients with G6PD deficiency. still consumed by pregnant women and often used for
However, the potential toxicity of these products in the treatment of some neonatal ailments, including
individuals with G6PD deficiency is controversial, and jaundice. In 2013, Singapore’s Health Sciences
the number of documented cases of hemolysis due to Authority lifted the ban for selling Chinese herbs con-
the use of unspecified Chinese herbal products is scarce taining berberine, as there are no major safety concerns
in published literature. Neither the purity nor the actual when berberine and its associated Chinese herbs such
composition of these products is well documented, as Rhizoma Coptidis are used appropriately. However,
which complicates the evaluation of any potential the Health Sciences Authority also recommended label-
hazard. ing requirements to warn against berberine use in indi-
The Department of Health of the Government of viduals with G6PD deficiency.79
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued in The increased popularity of dietary supplements
2016 an alert card71 advising individuals with G6PD de- containing Chinese herbs has led to a need for further
ficiency to avoid exposure to Chinese herbal medicines, research to clarify the potential relationship between
including Rhizoma Coptidis, Flos Lonicerae, Flos these products and G6PD deficiency. However, on the
Chimonanthi, and Calculus Bovis. However, there has basis of information available in the literature and, no-
been very little documented evidence in the medical lit- tably, the very low number of reports of hemolysis
erature associating these herbs with hemolysis in indi- caused by the use of unspecified Chinese herbal prod-
viduals with G6PD deficiency. In 1 case from ucts in individuals with G6PD deficiency, the products
Singapore, severe hemolysis in a newborn with G6PD containing these herbs, when ingested in a reasonable
deficiency who had been fed a berberine-containing manner, can probably be consumed safely by most per-
Chinese herbal medicine was reported.72 Berberine is sons with G6PD deficiency. Nonetheless, caution
an alkaloid from the rhizomes of Coptis chinensis should be recommended for individuals with G6PD de-
Franch (family Ranunculaceae), officially recognized in ficiency when Rhizoma Coptidis or Coptis chinensis is in
the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as Rhizoma Coptidis (also the list of ingredients of Chinese herbal products.
known as Huang Lian) and frequently found in tradi-
tional Chinese herbal formulas.73 A second report is re- Other herbal products. In a systematic review published
lated to the administration of Coptis chinensis in an in 2016, Lee et al20 indicated that Acalypha indica, an
infant with G6PD deficiency in 1996.74 In 2008, Ko Asian plant notably used in traditional Indian
et al75 investigated the oxidative effect of 18 commonly (Ayurvedic) medicine, could possibly be hazardous for
used Chinese herbal medicines on human G6PD- individuals with G6PD deficiency, since cases of acute
deficient red blood cells. In this study, the oxidative ac- hemolysis after consumption of Acalypha indica by
tion of 6 of the herbal medicines (Rhizoma Coptidis, individuals with G6PD deficiency had been reported.
Cortex Moutan, Radix Rehmanniae, Rhizoma Polygoni Dietary supplements containing extracts of Acalypha
Cuspidati, Radix Bupleuri, and Flos Chimonanthi) was indica can easily be bought on the Internet. Little is
demonstrated by both a reduction in the activity of known about the toxicity of this plant in individuals

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

with G6PD deficiency, and, as indicated by Lee et al,20 take a separate vitamin C supplement.89 Approximately
the dose and purity of the extracts used were not indi- 29% of children in the United States take some form of
cated in reported cases. Although mechanistic evidence dietary supplement that contains vitamin C.90 There are
is lacking, several case reports of hemolysis have been no Canadian data available related to the consumption

Downloaded from by Health Canada /PHAC user on 31 October 2018

published in journals that are not indexed in conven- of dietary supplements in the general population.
tional databases. Therefore, individuals with G6PD defi- The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of
ciency should be advised to use caution when Medicine (IOM) in the United States established a
consuming Acalypha indica. Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL; ie, maximum daily
intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects) for
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Vitamin C, generally known vitamin C, which applies to both food and supplement
to have antioxidant properties, has unexpectedly been intakes.91 The UL for adults is 2 g, and UL values for
cited in several reports as triggering hemolysis when children range between 400 mg (for ages 1–3 y) and
used at high doses in individuals with G6PD defi- 1800 mg (for ages 14–18 y). In Canada, the ULs are the
ciency.80–83 Besides its ability to provide reducing same.92 Long-term intakes of vitamin C above the UL
equivalents for a variety of biochemical reactions, may increase the risk of adverse health effects. Knowing
vitamin C functions physiologically as a water-soluble that the ULs do not apply to individuals receiving
antioxidant. It readily scavenges reactive oxygen and ni- vitamin C for medical treatment, and considering that
trogen species as well as hypochlorite. The one- and an adverse reaction was documented at an oral intake
two-electron oxidation products are easily regenerated of 3 to 4 g, it would be prudent to screen at-risk people
by glutathione and NADPH.84 In G6PD deficiency, the for G6PD deficiency before administering a high oral
pentose phosphate pathway reduces NADP to NADPH dose (>2 g per day) of ascorbic acid.
less efficiently and leads to a depletion of glutathione, Given the scientific evidence available, it does not
thereby increasing free radicals and oxidative stress, seem possible to set a threshold for the vitamin C dose
which, in red blood cells, leads to hemolysis. Although that would pose a risk to individuals with G6PD defi-
vitamin C is a part of the antioxidant defense system, ciency. There is currently no concrete evidence that
incubation of erythrocytes with a solution of 0.2mM oral intake of vitamin C lower than the ULs (2 g in
vitamin C induced oxidative stress with depletion of adults) would trigger hemolysis in individuals with
glutathione but increased flux through the pentose G6PD deficiency.
phosphate pathway.85 Similarly, in vitro experiments
with both normal and G6PD-deficient erythrocytes
showed that a solution of 5mM ascorbate alone or in Foods cited in the literature but for which there is
combination with divicine from fava bean increased insufficient evidence to preclude their consumption
production of hydroxyl radical markers, which was fur- by patients with G6PD deficiency
ther enhanced by the addition of chelated iron EDTA.86
Ascorbic acid in vitro at a solution of 1 to 9 mM also de- Quinine-containing beverages. Several reviews have clas-
creased the amount of reduced glutathione antioxidant sified quinine and some of its derivatives (quinidine
in erythrocytes from patients with G6PD deficiency in a and mefloquine) as antimalarial drugs that can be safely
dose-dependent manner.87 According to the present given in normal therapeutic doses to patients with
bibliographic analysis, several cases of hemolysis in- G6PD deficency.6,12,13,93 Nonetheless, acute hemolytic
duced by vitamin C have been reported in patients with episodes in individuals with G6PD deficiency have been
a G6PD deficiency.80–83 However, these cases occurred described with 2 other quinine-derived antimalarial
after very high doses of vitamin C, either administered drugs. Primaquine (8-aminoquinoline) is the most
intravenously81,83 or ingested orally (3–4 g), as reported common antimalarial drug implicated in these inci-
in children who consumed a significant quantity of soft dents.12,93 There is solid evidence associating prima-
drink in the span of 4 to 6 hours.82 quine with hemolysis and G6PD deficiency, and
Dietary supplements typically contain vitamin C in therefore primaquine must be avoided by individuals
the form of ascorbic acid, which has bioavailability with G6PD deficiency.6 The literature implicating chlo-
equivalent to that of naturally occurring ascorbic acid roquine (4-aminoquinoline) as a causative agent of he-
in foods such as orange juice. Use of vitamin C-contain- molysis in individuals with G6PD deficiency is scarce,
ing supplements is relatively common and adds to the and some authors believe this antimalarial agent can be
total daily intake from food and beverages.88 In the safely administered to patients with G6PD defi-
United States, NHANES data (1999–2000) indicate that ciency.6,12,13 Others, however, are more cautious, nota-
approximately 35% of adults take multivitamin supple- bly because this drug has oxidative properties that could
ments (which typically contain vitamin C), and 12% trigger a decrease in glutathione levels.2,93

8 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

A number of beverages (eg, tonic water, bitter Another case report described a severe hemolytic
lemon) contain quinine derivatives in the form of hy- crisis in a child with G6PD deficiency who ate unripe
drochloride or sulfate salts. In the United States, the peaches.98 The authors showed that an extract from the
Food and Drug Administration limits the amount of unripe peach triggered oxidative stress in erythrocytes.

Downloaded from by Health Canada /PHAC user on 31 October 2018

quinine used as a flavor in carbonated beverages to However, no oxidative agent(s) in the peach were spe-
83 ppm (ie, 83 mg/L, corresponding to approximately cifically identified. Additionally, the child had an upper
30 mg of quinine per can).94 Two cases of hemolysis in respiratory tract infection treated with penicillin, which
breastfed neonates with G6PD deficiency, occurring at could have contributed to the hemolysis. No other he-
7 days and 8 days of life secondary to maternal con- molytic incidents induced by peaches in individuals
sumption of tonic drinks, have been reported in with G6PD deficiency have been reported in the litera-
France.95 The same authors reported a third case of he- ture, even though peaches are consumed in all regions
molysis in a breastfed 5-month-old infant whose of the world. In this context, given there is only 1 iso-
mother had consumed tonic water, with quinine subse- lated report in a child with G6PD deficiency who had a
quently found in the breast milk.95 Similarly, women respiratory tract infection, it seems premature to add
undergoing quinine-derived antimalarial drug treat- unripe peaches to the list of hazardous foods for indi-
ment can have detectable levels of quinine in their milk, viduals with G6PD deficiency.
and therefore some of these treatments are contraindi- One study investigated the pro-oxidative effects of
cated during breastfeeding until the G6PD deficiency tea and some polyphenols (epigallocatechin-3-gallate
status of the newborn is known.96 The 3 described cases and epigallocatechin) on G6PD-deficient erythrocytes
occurred in very young infants through breast milk ex- in vitro.99 The tea extracts significantly decreased the
posure, but no documented case of hemolysis following level of reduced glutathione in G6PD-deficient erythro-
ingestion of quinine-containing beverages by children cytes in a dose-dependent manner but did not alter the
or adults with G6PD deficiency has been reported in level in normal erythrocytes. The authors believed it is
the literature to date. On the basis of current informa- highly unlikely the plasma concentration of these com-
tion available, a reaction after drinking several cans of pounds would reach a harmful level in individuals with
these beverages cannot be excluded, but a direct associ- G6PD deficiency under conditions of normal consump-
ation between consumption of quinine-based drinks tion. Instead, they suggested that an additive effect
and the occurrence of severe hemolysis in adults and might occur if individuals with G6PD deficiency take
children with G6PD deficiency is currently additional oxidative drugs. No case reports in the litera-
speculative.2,10 ture have described hemolysis when individuals with
G6PD deficiency consumed tea and/or polyphenols,
Other foods. Acute hemolysis in individuals with G6PD and, to date, involvement of tea and some polyphenols
deficiency following consumption of fenugreek seeds,46 in hemolysis in individuals with G6PD deficiency has
pumpkin,97 unripe peaches,98 tea extracts and polyphe- not been confirmed in vivo.
nols99 and Ginkgo biloba has been reported.100 Lastly, there is 1 case report of a patient with G6PD
However, each of these food-triggered events was iden- deficiency who developed acute hemolytic anemia after
tified only in isolated case reports. having received an injection of Ginkgo biloba leaf ex-
In 1 case report, fenugreek seeds were suspected to tract.100 Ginkgo biloba extracts are very commonly used
have triggered hemolysis in a an individual with G6PD in dietary supplements, and no incident of hemolytic
deficiency.46 Acute hepatitis and a1-antitrypsin defi- anemia following oral exposure to Ginkgo biloba has
ciency were excluded as causes of hemolysis, but neither been published in the literature. As already indicated by
the diet nor possible exposure to drugs in this patient, Lee et al,20 it is unlikely that consumption of Ginkgo bi-
who had an 8-month history of poorly controlled diabe- loba dietary supplement can lead to hemolysis in G6PD
tes, was investigated, and therefore a causative relation- deficiency.
ship between fenugreek and hemolysis could not be
demonstrated conclusively. CONCLUSION
One hemolytic crisis after ingestion of pumpkin in
an infant with G6PD deficiency was reported in 2014.97 In this review, fava beans were classified as the only
The authors hypothesized that the pumpkin may have food available on the North American market for which
been cross-contaminated by fava beans, and they there is conclusive clinical evidence of a risk of hemo-
detected fava bean DNA in the pumpkin that the infant lytic anemia in individuals with G6PD deficiency.
consumed the day before jaundice onset. Therefore, Although recent literature mentions synthetic food col-
pumpkin was not directly responsible for the hemolytic oring agents as potential risk factors, no supporting evi-
incident. dence is provided. Thus, at their permitted level of use

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 0(0):1–11

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