Test2 5º Ano

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Name Surname Class: 6th Evaluation %

Date , 20 Muito Bom Bom Suficiente

Signatures /
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.) Insuficiente Fraco

Read the text.
My new friend
My name is Luana and I have got a new friend. Her name’s May. May’s
surname is Wilson. May isn’t from England. She’s American. She’s nine
years old. This is what she looks like: She is tall and thin so she isn’t short
or fat. She’s young and pretty, like me. She’s got short straight brown hair
and lovely big brown eyes. I’ve got a round face, but May’s got a long face.
It’s very pretty. May’s favourite clothes are blouses and leggings. She also
likes colourful wellies and raincoats. May’s raincoat is red. Can you guess
what her favourite colour is?

1. Read and draw a line. There is one example.

a. Luana’s new friend 1. pretty.
b. May is from 2. eyes.
c. This text 3. straight brown hair.
d. She’s got brown 4. is about May.
e. She’s young and 5. is American.
f. She’s got short 6. the USA.

2. Read and answer the questions.

a. What is May like?
b. What are her favourite clothes?
c. What are your favourite clothes?

1. Read and write the correct verb: to be or have got. There is one
a. May is from the USA. She _____________(not) English.
b. She _____________ nine years old.
c. _____________ she fat? No, she _____________ (not).
d. She _____________ (not) an oval face.
e. _____________ May got straight hair? No, she _____________ (not).
f. May’s favourite clothes _____________ (not) suits.
g. She _____________ colourful wellies.
h. Her raincoat _____________ red.

2. Look and write whose, (name)’s or (name)’. There is one example.

a. Whose blouse is it? It’s Pat’s blouse. (Pat)
b. Whose leggings are they? They are _____________ leggings. (Mary)
c. _____________ tracksuits are they? They’re _____________ tracksuits. (the
d. _____________ suit is it? It’s _____________ suit. (Paul)
e. _____________ pullover is it? It’s my _____________ pullover. (mother)
f. _____________ sweatshirts are they? They’re my _____________ sweatshirts.

1. Look and write. Choose one word. There is one example.

a. We (Her / We / I) are Grace and Kim. _____ (My / Our / His) wellies are
b. This is Ann’s cat. _____ (Its / Her / Our) cat is black. _____ (They / Its / My)
name is
c. Blacky. _____ (His / Their / Our) eyes are yellow.
d. _____ (She / I / They) am Sally and this is _____ (my / her / his) handbag.
e. These are Ben’s high-tops. _____ (His / Her / Our) high-tops are cool. _____
(He / It /
f. They) are blue and red.
g. Jack, where is _____ (their / your / his) scarf? Don’t forget to wear _____
(they / it / we).
It’s cold.

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