Latest Working Maths

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Progress on the Riemann Hypothesis

The Riemann Hypothesis is generally seen as the biggest open problem in
current mathematics. Standing since 1859, it relates to how prime numbers
work, and connects to many other branches of math. Researchers this
year proved something directly related to the Riemann hypothesis. Their proof
is both insightful toward solving the big question, and fascinating in its own

The Sum of Three Cubes

This one is some seriously ancient math. Diophantine equations are named
after Diophantus of Alexandria, a 3rd century mathematician. Two particular
Diophantine equations, including the one seen in this photo, evaded
mathematicians until 2019. The breakthrough was enabled by the latest tech
in shared computer power.

The Collatz Conjecture

Andrew Daniels

Another of math’s biggest open problems jumped closer to a resolution this

year. The improved results posted by prolific mathematician Terrence Tao
rocked the math community. Even after Dr. Tao’s latest insights, the problem
remains unfinished, and could still take years to solve.

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The Sensitivity Conjecture

Stanford University
Posed in 1994, the Sensitivity Conjecture became a major unresolved question
in mathematical computer science. That ended this year, thanks to Professor
Hao Huang of Emory University. In a frenzied few weeks following the initial
announcement, scientists digested Dr. Huang’s proof down to a single page of

A Great Year for Cancer Research


Mathematicians are always looking for ways to help in the fight against cancer.
The year started with this joint work by mathematicians and biologists.
Innovative math modeling helped guide their experiments on cell growth.
Then came this research, which used math models to gain new insight on how
breast cancer metastasizes.

Harvard SEAS

Kirigami Gets Mathematized

Kirigami, meaning “paper cutting,” is less famous than origami (“paper
folding”), but both are finding their niches in industrial applications. Harvard
researchers mastered the math of kirigami this year, illuminating new
frontiers in manufacturing and materials sciences.

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The Sunflower Conjecture

Getty Images

After decades of inactivity, 2019 saw progress on the Sunflower Conjecture, a

question posed in 1960 by Paul Erdős, one of the most famous and colorful
characters in the world of math. The new information is a big step up from
previous knowledge, but still doesn’t completely answer Erdős’ original

A Breakthrough in Ramsey Theory

Juanmonino//Getty Images

In Ramsey Theory, mathematicians look for predictable patterns amidst large

amounts of chaos. One question from 1969 was finally answered this year, and
its researchers described it with a handy analogy: the “ever-winning lottery

New Quadratic Formula

John Lawson, Belhaven

Professor Po-Shen Loh of Carnegie Mellon University made waves this year,
popularizing an alternative way of approaching quadratic equations.Dr. Loh
points out that the math he’s using has been known for centuries, but his
descriptive approach is fresh, and may prove preferable for new generations of
students learning quadratic equations.

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The Coolest Mathematician Finally Gets

Institute for Advanced Study

Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck earned this year’s Abel Prize, one of math’s highest
honors, for her decades of tremendous work. Dr. Uhlenbeck invented enough
math to literally fill books. Her name is foremost in some super advanced
math subjects, like geometric analysis and gauge theory.

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