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Pol Sctence — 7 a a oS c Gerd ra Game ae ; at fb \ed_tp_Comprehen ona fs” Se cs tig individual fy fluence others io ia 7 gb theo heh pte Caerdise very Ta eee Ee ein inter a of a ee aa is Itnked to the fact thar some decisia choles _made have better or_worse results. Came ty. Gaming here interactions Jy Proces _rnathematicall.” | of the camey, “there are many Stiatete_tokeraclions_ in nbernationay relations Swerve Tt oat Ft ie Jys_eath Jothas t Ol whi; | ae the ‘Cone 1 Ts Tae f a He TEL oo Silt [__Straighd & GoodLuck | me | coat acho se elk. wine thes? ee ony, Eee val : : { Seodtuck |i, | Date ie “gah Choase. ve tneen “coopeating with he gy “or pot They cod each ary gat” “pota_partics choos ts co-opet ajo ous Vy wry y Vy he ban cf Se ,—2 in_Cuba_with 0: i the USA a ibSA Dusing she oe “hese_§) 40. iE gn roy movemenss. vent ne transfer of mote méssiles 40 Cuba’ orb) . o. Ceishoot missiles with alc shikes Cuba. The Second. “ae f “‘Jead_to tne qreatest ie dier fhe Soviets opal on _wofth —nuclea Pawel, On se. —_ lhe Such_dn_ducufa Jother_hand, re USSR owls either withd dio missiles in Cuba - lor keep tne missle in T | Coban tesile Fie ko ‘Nah Guilin in_-this \ ae he game ended with the CBO "ie The we of Chicken, ene heat e = ee conflicr £ nuclear ~—-ma erature. Thee are al Se eee cists HM Rie, i aga. : isab . Polities inne relat a —* = ded _-to & 4 ‘Cae fn cay (os Fr rhatas Wena then a LY aso Plays a__ctudal role iin Col int a sf 1 E ey Nation ep ‘+ apg | be hut a ‘ weapon to criticize demands ches of Sther || nadiors eae = i Strive -fo conduct __ their relations in 4 — accordance _usith tee princt »—lau..te establish & maintain__diplomatio telah sii th constitwinns aff a_cespect: fo ee ha ae nt. Law L glee to a them, ch yt5 Darks “TV = “The DPse = For §nstance. yen ral TF clearly_ states that "The all acter | vespStt to the truley of Tn. Law et la + | agisted in eo shared ivr valuey. He is a has ets patee conduct of int. —— th ae ae aes ee ere aa 35. dy or _C i Hi ithe goals be objective of tal etsy a withather nations, TE favolue force or_-threat | whats Power ) fi “Power ts the “aly to_impie_ont's ul} ay 2 by eelance on effective sanction cayee_of ~~ — Noten!" _=__Shuatatoigit- "Dower is the Power. of man on aa i \ | f GoodLuck | Page no. i at ion Nationa. Power : ational, combinatton of Power 2 ofa sate une ithe sige wes + “philic national — ase oe Ub ee oh FE | action alt H 4 Punishment @7.c, tan be cpa no tah atin ay Cpa wht in — H yejerve or in operation.“ ___ iz 7 enca._enta ils attempting ~o_alier the val ie “sg Petsuasiel es a“ { Goodtues % Aver “enor passes force tne threat or nai ry F” ce whi V5.6 ‘ve non ian ahs of oO a 1 SUch ay “pae S _rewards_, acts G ita idea ai hs ply fl s pheseof in oer —_f ih ees ma Nae : Tape “to exert influence over - re Nati “Ahei x ultimate is. deberained by he nbs nae Tes. dn be Contineuply ox at least periodically 4 —__ r Erequently in “order tn Co Oation's tole 1 ee ‘ar “cana o_,¢ Fiaal wer tn fat relatt Tos anak “Secute their inne ag he power “This makes powth “in—int. ltl To adualy fower rr pated a anal ~ rr ee Eee eee ee Cee eee ee { Seodtuet Page No, Date — desire Dower net only cade _+end, Nations — A gee cn requfiements, aT | Cons} thy Seek to_amay, Power 1 A) an. end, Comsequenty, ; ites San but it pursued ~ haviour i psf elgg 2 _between ~two i power OF ak Poet Sele oF every ote — fee ae cst elon yt ig ee se Teak pd ot E, hne To be igh es “sarin 2 me b -qpalitaively >r_evalution | power - _ “+ Alu, Powe & Potential Power “Power snmediaely Frter-that-can_be GMetabey | aceensible ——in Ames of Oi Ps altempt Lo analyse the. Power of a son the _andtys's afd both chal pi i joey ‘ Tiara Powe is the Cu Tn. Yeti, Trt. ‘Reltion ic nathing re a> Pe 0h hay ae hen a Variow gan enc a or ’ Limitations o al Power -| Balance ha ana Power (a ng = dal ale of eB, a tg = Int, Moiality C feace Oder, Equality estat] =, World Publi Opinion C Taf hence Stakes Behauiew |! = nt. Otganisation COheck! on abuse o ed = Glieclive Sexi C Shared Objective, main ak ink fle = je ena LM ms Control Chis Power Medche, “4, ign Dolioy eo oe behaviour that a_state adopts tn arr ther States tn ‘nts System. SS -of natton's effets * ee ee Jets tntereat's vis-a-vis Other nedion) —— va Pe Not mal Hill — _= {foe jon Pal’ action for. = } = ay" veda tte fo a cas didtaled" mH dey 0 pee ee —_ Ss oe i hae Cm sedi te ag = Pipe Rot ass Ste —_k& _tatific cation apn RB EE si try__eplists “le ve Forel Save, wht pa face sy Gs Silda, OM A Ane - Dakerminants ol ° eats Palicy —_ “grate’s Personality YN rare rN + Geeta it | aiken eo pete my her ent | Palititat oe ————tmmediale of _s| Leadership ~ + National a a aed “bal telling Ijes_on_the nation's heal a pone ci Ja_vejl_teational princi pubes of int behariaur, This —art of yy uh : relation. 4 f eae ee __11 eyed i eee of qeace." tit et tae kA oe 7 ns_Art of forucarding one sis Diag a Countries” ae = MDiplomay o pete pies ~eaen_of canal al 2 fies odLuck | Page no J ETL tsa mechanism r_advancing Ie sland _—nlerats_ ton it THis latter Vaan, “Sighs Us pia tein with: Poli ro “if “Boon | = = Thea is of Fore t aie eof prem ine sl | envutey that mats cain. Soe fle 1 —TrHime ales EF sta L un Rules for the appointment motte representatives. | | violabi lity i tf iddnat Lav her 2 familly from. nf Ne een _detention r \ palin sl a fem f flema Communi (ation, ° ( 3 ° ° {5 Not -the Substane 2 0 2) Foreyan “Ko What (3) Didlom ( ci 20 ( ‘ acs fo bette pekolution “al con litt the even of_dchons o¢ dn Hof. Schleicher defines int. telalions as the elation among Stat Tint. Relation 5a field of study ts f : a Piel, 4 “ h 4 = thet natoal “Snttest Whe. of iLer Module— 1 cnt. Politics — Meaning, Nature & Scope Meaning Accor to_Hans ee aren “Intemational Palitics “ss the “struggle or Power between _states_in_ the _ __Anternational ~gystem." | ria SF Tat. Paitcs can be defined as a study of thase ayes soy 0. “Int. Relations whch include the_conflicts A controvers __ Ak tnt. level _& their resolution. Nature _ es pe errar Lie —~ + Goverefgn States are_chieF actors. 7 =3 + Vrotection of National Interests the_objective. * Tht. Politics ts the str pe fo aun) . —~_* Power is_both a (et end to’ Int. Politics. = + Conflicts. are condition. of Int. Politics. Conf lict Rem “a * Int. Politics is & Process of (con flict “Tesolution Among nations. E =g —* Ini. Politics io a \contiauous Process | + Int. Politics is a (behavioral study. =A + Tt. Politics is an inter ~ dise'pYinag study. 4° Tt is 4 scientific kana tical Study. * Tt tovolves the stu of ca temporary doe & =| Problems around the world, x : Study of F ! f { Td Scope + Gtudy of state systems, * Stu iyo _felations among States. : Study of National “Interests, *G of National Power. 8 Stw TInt. Law, + Study of Foreten Policy. 2 Study of Int. Organisations. * Gtudy of Int. eoPolities. * Study of — Conf ttt Management & Conflict Resolution. ge : aud of Wark Peace. @aaea Qe Qa * Stu oF Tdeologies * Study of Nationalism, Colonalism & Tmferiabism + Gbidl off licy Making : Bua of rol of Eeonomic factor Approaches to TInt. Poltties “Idealist, Realist and Morgentheaus view This chapter looks at Int. Politics Ancoush the lens of two theoretical Princ ples 8 U) Realism (2) Tdealigm FE Realist Nop roach Basic Assumptions of Realist Approach “History 4s sitnes that human nature is Sinful wicked fy selfish. ‘ , + Human nature always lusts for fore Power) + TInt. Politics asa Struggle for (Power fit is a of all against all. : i + Every nation uses Power to Achieve its ational ‘interests national Anterests. are always defined in terms_of Power acquisition. + The law of Self preservation governs the behaviours a of au state. + “The _basic characteristics of- Ant. Politics demand hat no nation should trust other nations forts Self Preservation, - * “To face Possible_enemies., eng Nations should give Priority +o defense = ness. + Yeace can be preserve only af mua ngpned of Power ain hh Such deviced as Power, Collective Security , World Govt. “Oph Wane ett. | = = = 3S = = Characteristics of ‘Realist Approach + Based on Realism + Riarly, Gtuifes be Strut ale. for Power are Naku ortance « Dip * No ttance 4o Tdeo . SS en belween Bay L reality. * Reason based Flop roach . Signihieance of National Interests: re nthaus ‘Realist Mpproach | Rana, Morgenthau ts considered the _mayn_Supparter | of theory of Political Realism of Int. Politics. In his_book 'Polittes 4 Among “Nations! Morgenthau hai —butlt ts Realfct a on “Six i Drops of Politeal — Reatism" > — Principle eee oe Laws_ of Human Nature. . Fac Human per - —> Second Principle * National “Interest deftned tn terms of Power. __* National “Interests can be secured only through ar Power, + Less smPportance_{o ‘deo leg . ae interests & nati oh power determine tne foreign Policy > “third ‘Principle “Qyromioness of Interests riinuous evaluation of National Saderests & Powers > fourth Princ’ ple *Pbstract (moral principles can't be gpphiad to Politic, + Prudence alone can be 4he guide. > — Prine ple . ifFerence between the Motal Aspirations of a nation & the universal moral Princ ples. * Nakions alu iy +o Secufe ational ‘interests not mot. Principles, > Suth Principle *Putonomy of Int. Polittes AE cIdealtst Wpproach t ct refer a St of ideas that oppose ward Advocal for reform int. Commuuty based on moral valyes ! development of Ante institutions & laws. Chatactertsttcs of Idealist 1) 9proaches +- * Man ts good by nature. . ition of wars, + Power isn'4 central to nt. relations, Value based Vpproach . Reject ion of otalitarianism, Faith jn “Int. Organtzattons, Supporters of establishment of World state. Em Pnais on education, feason £ Sclence. . CPPCC PITTI Aaa dae U of human hip n't beyond human Criticigm :- +The Proponents of idealism tmacined a soctel se fee Of Power Politics , sromorality f violence, in the re. However, such a system could only re e€ 4F moral principles were followed in ‘int, felattons, which ent Possible in Practise, | ae a * “Totalitarian forces _must be defeated by any means © ~—pecessary _, including the use of dermocraPic mebhed —_kestablishment of a world gpvt.or federation, usttation Counties will be unabl ~ A strict adherence 40 ‘idealism ig as result 4p i= le Pursue their A Own national interests, fon & self-control. & “The idealists are co nvinced thay the inherent ood) : bs ‘ RA o human nature Will eventual feval & 4, ; [ order deveid of war if { : d oa inequality & tyramm wilt be ' This new world order all pe x establis hey. ablshed the Apfilatio of lngte, eduation A cience Taealtsn de ds devoid of Power gulitkes, violence g. Picts tr ‘immorality in the fires. SS +t haut! a /Chanaly a or Vishnu Ch According +o Chandy a _neighbours dre natural hence must x Controlled. To allain this ob} ecttve, pete devised 4he situation speci fie SHAOGAINYA SIDDHANT... According to. Arthashastra, siste_should flow sw fold Poli icy with other states + _\) Sandhi_(Ctiea of Peace) - bo 91 Promote, wdelfare & development, eae allies , or Cxplott the €T4 asa component of dual strate. - treaty can be done wrth enemies bk can be BSken Wa hen Another becomes Stronger, Such bebrayals acceptable, ay Qaramountacy of States intereb. ~ India =‘Bhutan_amtoable_telations 2 Vigraha (war Preparedness) —mare Powerful state was advised to Pulsue an agqrensive stance. - conflicts Could be open, Secret , undeclared o¢ clandestine. - also diplomatic. wars, 110 * 4 Wb ~ 4% severing LP. ott in 2ol4, Inclia exerted Pressure on = Ane buaiateh 3p 0M drew claser do China. a 3) Asana Clveut salt) ae 7 patty a ett pewdtal be QuiSued when both +H sti , i eee Hod ” otk hh oh | f — Chinese Maintained neutrality luring Cold War between tho, € USA & former Soviet Union & utilised thelr resources or Growth, F F FAndia_is foremost Proponent of NAM wa able to benefit = from _both_ the Western & Fastern Blogs by adhering 40 tts Ee = ‘Policy. eee | Se A edana_ Catching L ‘Presumably 3 theeat / War) = “The Keng had to" make_a cructal decsion_on war preparations © =< War_ preparations U tte long march needed hefhy expenses —a_lengt absence from -the city , necessitating Serious ——delibarat! Such a decision, 101 PF0r 4p mak} . —-direcl_marifestation of a. Policy. of Vigarha sky is to be folloved then You are_ sure that Gorshall rufn pe ene res bwin = After 2001 Factament _ontitany took agoremive stance, = Re —wat_tHarsPired luk numerous -Skitmishes_happendon Loc, ™ ——in_2002 sanctions were imposed _on terrorist groups hte pe ———leaders jushich led to in. Presure on Pakistan The Persistent Pressure fedulted in 2m03 ceasefire accord 5). Samsraya CAlhance) & ~ means —seeking Shelter with another ki — Tf 8 king ts" weak J hreatned to be Attacked powerful enemy its beller to seek Protection from _dnoter king or another Place {fort Cec, & & fe __ % _ night Also be imp Bmented Waugh Tormig alliances Ca a ARERR ERERRHREEEEEEEEE by Signing 4 treaty, = Multiple autiances “developed 4 We cold war Suggest that this policy is SFU ingarlant today, — Tn 1971, when war with Pakistan. waa near, India signed a Pact of friendshyp with the USSR a a hedge against US he Chinese intervention on Paks side ¢) Dvaidhbhav Double dealing) ~ refers ts. the double policy” of Sandhi with one king be “Vigarha with another at a time. = Strategy of nepptiating Peace_with one king in_order to_Pursye _hastibties “with one gwhile engaging ina Ciplomatic dispute ustth the another . _ ~ China has 4ertitorial issues with both atadia & Japan, maintains Cordial felations with one while engasi: in_a diplomatic dispute with the other in. order ft focus the state's efforts on achieving 4s geal. gad fiom above Bhadgunas ‘ Kautihe hay mention eal uc _dactics to overcome the opPasitien t- a Samana COnciliation) yx Dama Caifts) _F Breda (B Viserston) ay Darke (Force) Mandal “Theor “Your neighbor is_your ene (natural) & she al Neighbor's” neighbor is (your friend : | This was +the basic thought behind Kauetilya's Mandala Theory. ¥€ ‘Prd _it_{s_a_Sanskrit_word ‘Mandal’ meaning “ }“Citcles'. Tt is a Heo of forelan policy, based on ms Pogeaphical Assumption art een pelt neighbor State As_most_likely to be dn_enemy real or Potential) sa state Neat tote immediate neighbor is likely +o be ones —fiend, after_a friendly state comes an unfriendly state —Giiend of enemy state) & next _4o that a friendly _& _— State CFitend of feitrdlly State) Xoo on : aaeanma Liiinrespeck to middle ktng Che himself) the third A: the. Fifth Corsietilents are, friendly. elements. The Second, the }— fourth be siath are _unfrle Hy elements. However, je also reconized existence of peulray bermedvating States aR TF a kg wishes to oxpand his stale fielding 2 ie ee State, he Should tnereaye i Umber of his SES in Porpottion to the number of his * Enemies in order to _teep them shit lis! effective sphere of influence. « Qn he ote hand weaker States Should be er Powerful Ne: 2S. To prote & —Hemelves Dom Superpowers tat expansionist Policies, iM “they sho abs frendhy releMors — wity facing o ft 4 r ~ equal Stahus from a Mandal of clicle of these state, = —| =H kaudlya_ argued thad primary objcive. of any state = s Acqhisition & expansion of Powel, He stated thet =~ managing A State's relations would necessitate special insight & skill, He valued the aeagrapha & €0onoric mj foundations of 4 nation. — 2) Vijigishu . A slale which aspies to expand. tts Kingadbm is Called Vijigiishu » 4s location %5 in the center of dicle 2) ‘Prior Enemy State Tn front i Vifigishy the acing State &S A + an enemy fe of Aa ; a Go vat Ani (Pakritik hi) 5 The state, WMGh rs bordered by State boundaries | is fabural art. ®D Spontaneous enemy CShsj Cosi frt) ~ Hereditary ene Deh Fictad enemy > on oe becomes an enemy on oppasing or opposing Inimeelp ts called artifical ari. i _yParston -of f his ki om_ever King wishe to - a We cath ry neigh aun indldom under —Contto| ot} aa are normally, — f\ti_or energy oe raldnce of drely aims to keep he 1 : ioe A "Bek my oy pb eran te atl te War is the Test. of BaP = balance of Pours e'é.st. War Ayo, \ Can. mi af ana to the reat Oe it dos a 8, _ | Starts vhe_balance fs. te destroyeg Ww breaks! out , ba nee ce ai wer 2 ae oe issye eee He is “aathation thee a __ Strives ae | ut 4 0. it ise af Pena Ya ste. £ i - balance, ray qieseiuing 4 al State» as BP Actors - Tn _d system Bay “Is Paar ee ad v3n_—Ahe_game or ts _canulities. 2, The Presence, of soul ple. Tere Fundamental 2. Ma i mie shen Ahere ae multiple sia i each of tohich_ 4 committed ha A Specific. balance or equilibrium in _ sat (ee ae — peas Soe ie ____|Hne’ ace : Pease an_ armament te if they chase the dhe w ae lor ‘indirectly aime gk somo states, fae ins, ie Tr Ne Enbnte of 1904 _bebween Britain, france @_was_a competitor coalition to “ieipte. 7 — p panes wef od ee Power isa ere concept -thak is _assesned n_telation — assered_in_Celation Se eee ep Hl bal an balane, cto. more Powell — a ae waealer dtp Catt ____ raise pout te hee level_of ft oppine— @ 14 4 mtn Powel Ymbalances_—— | GoodLuck | Page No. | (eset ey ; ‘armament disarmament can ip dhe sales — | —p ower tay one Avour sf one is Succes | — eetiy “unarmament. However, Si will) achat ed rear _on -occaional been are ex oe of van A Powers _wor dad a: ous fe oming the en anit the ol —1c00f 1 fellating 4 > wart, Abe. Adlied countries made Yn_att to. _) maintain Gree many = ; preg Thy Ng ss Tey. I 4 tng one. CorVinstance, SF Jf va Zero hay 191 member _ states iv hh» I | 4 equtres “Counties +n give “op ay pout cari ve | fe fe ear_weapons feturn_— et ee eee rail: eneey— 7 YY ae “commitment ina, Hecate arse ites e doa _disarmamen4 “hy | =u = arties under the WPT | — te | exploded ao 0: lt fv i befor stg Gt | A, ~ -| Tssues Pectatoing to NPT A ~ | Cafluce of Ditarmamen Proce. b ithe NPT *s seen_as_a (ald War era enstrument that’ Way ‘railed to 4 fe of creating a Patrway towards —_rdlie f cz. proposes no +tanatble disarmament road ve ra tode do test gee to + of “either Hssie materials or ouclar Ywe: ° 8 620) (ed cHon i bt mi nati. S : Pe “A! ; — tT ig el st ton oF ardenal as Le dérmin so, ve. Nets! aes a ati the eee es if, 10 i — oie per i ne vars | Se amfial grhigeatioa. WWS- Nuclear Weapon Statey NNWS- Non - Nuclear Weapon SHR) pot to Produce dthem Prpart fom $t , other reasons fox tuyle_behween Nuds = NWS held that Act. TAT of the 40 - eaby [0% - Corehibition of 90 ale | ____ roi teen loa i oa =NNWS also feels that Ihe restrictions _on eacefl ! N loston UPNET technolo g e. -Sideh Due to His Able nest of she qadeaia Qudeie—— enema gol the ic 7 heeerecaens aan largely in conchae SSincd_1sa, —S Post Cold | aaa ater ee Se ari ____ State -Parties —ar_aain —aucleat Faden eel Hea to_Nanénauy —_inslancey of _pon-conspliane r Violations & defiance. (= fer example -the US alleyes Tian of building eed joapons. a 7 f! Mays = — CGT i +) The NPs ade fe ie_extension_ an 198g —unhile| | inves Aik also “undedlined Hee, abil ake _a_Stamd aleve ae [ensttuneds thats He tus du'sacmames) |B enshined in MOT aye arene _f The emerge nee._of non-state Actors A. — fig A acces weapons of may destruction declaration of 4 7 eee ‘er Pad stan_, “Tstael, Mt kore + 2 Gouda “Sudan an nasldered the NPT ab Ai ms rer sto : g El tpdia. _hay oppased _ “nt. 4 |at_non-proli ration since vi gi ke ie! dep crys A Subhuti — Outcome due V4 ‘ 10% ~o! Phong oat es arate wr cee cre 7 Cherncbyt nuclear Pant a ae rac lear Se ft — yn: useaPon. — _~—_ bee - Bee Saha = Subetitica a te te nuclear materials _kegass' ve that ~— ye anne 7. bt Te if alt H4 (State iste in_Arnnen ose a ia Ha Ps ~ , | 1,38 of ee Stat Sed de! =e career Pakistan pine not she eng Krave alae arse sss SKSFEUrEL ( Goodtuck |r: i Date ; | SALT Ws a oe US USE cis hl, dalks in a ‘let imitation om their = = The Pact on Limitation of Anti —Ballistte PMs! _— 9ystems—uias_one_of the rs bed ducing | a earls ae Sl fale get dy Mt nade det ag ste_use ob anti= -—f_alltskte — mst nce shems to ; io he 4) “pall e depl at oof Rah ated tnd es ean Sno — 9p the sea pede Fa are nee “Treaty restri ae the counties continired het r wor | defense technolos'es, —Tfer the a temp duing Colder, Ane US Huse __had to imi ir =a ad ee als tn inital Stee 4 poissile defen 23 to 200 phe a & a ~__|leac side! to corshuct tro _nnissi le, e Sites lene 4 rotect te national Capital ,~t other bo 4 of pte one_ Tobrt field —§ a Hiatal 912 _Mescow ~ Summit. aie Fist 8 SAl LT a = = [tH — | inti _o! cineca panty was‘ . Tt i absence. of a ser a — aetna ig ‘yee Placed deat onthe Se mee Boe ; , i g SS S Q i a_Fives -4ear Sal ao ne bere fee rn Hoy “the wo! ™! ied - ___|TTnterim_Agreeme 7 fims_of | ____ parsed ig 7 rice ——feptcictions on CRMs J SLBM, dl = = Pte P ramazo(K wa usse_~ hewto o Sic on eu lions teeta the or, ™ a ae be antapisthr the_upceming SALT aes we Dc accom gels fr tha = —_jripre Problematic _¢ piers The st etal ap okie waa aD eae ; ee te pe a pe ids of lee CU of 4 Countries $n : jade i eel — os GC minds 4 acs i rales a sire mae ———jtok_aneach_other face fa Face ine boll _| rater continued to | ‘ dows -thia proxy wars ind Neal £ cornet agg (ire aie eae ( Gonatcer [Ponte —) __Deteren'inin the precise.—best "np _date._o| the Gld “War ts chal ng, Ther Vetows academis with _. various points of Vi Catdin4 40. Some acadsmiclans, | the p_fn_1945, “follows the conclyion wan he conflice | of World War Tt Ofkers conta pe_conflich oe A arted much earker than —fre- Wot ld WarTl. ‘ fn slshevik Revolution —-' 4 . ROSS tanh Me ong tt oft nee toe able. “4o_recondle, htt tre capitalist West. Tati Tan such circumstance, sheep m4 Tos | f : ‘or, the cold palsies 5 ia war 4 mentioned earlier, Te of faclos _| ye Snclude® J esse * | i {Nate lp wbuked awe Cols —Wat ; ae Ta aml ey ¢ ° ie Dated ae uy f _ainay ss ate \ an en b ier ns, Hee entre, ne ld OU snto 4wo rival pawer blocs [NATO in | tee ye__non-withdrawal_of 4 ~ : Marshall Plan_wabkich _ tte: | Pmestica il ae stance 4o._Wastan ‘at se oe ete. m rman Seat et ook a halt — of ~ Second Grane Ci 1958) us ~ | “which esa 135 ~| Third Phase Cosa - 1957) : [fr [Now OSB formed SEATO in 1354 fn_order Yo reduce tf —TUSSR's influence. In 1985 Ameria formed PEDO in. ~+3m@__ America es ~Addle Eas ye,_military ass edie ffm itary babes ad UssR_fit thak 4 arid on 1955. “To 5, To reduce the ack in 1955. 4 ring ee nol: 2 duunteh fh j 2 st eal Se See Me iO wah ‘ Bf i Vatlin aed "tn 1956-3 eae Sfaned cs ne Hols. ee ere Rass ao

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