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A Child Called It TimeLine

A Child Called It


In 1960s David life was blessed with

perfect parents, with a mom who
glowed love for her children´s and a
father, the support of the family as a
fireman. Celebrating every holiday and
enjoying every time as a happy family. MEMORABLE TRIP TO
The most memorable trip for
David happened in the year of
kingdergarden in Russian River.
The green river water was as
smooth as a glass. He received a
hug by his mother who was
holding him tightly. He never felt
as safe and as warm as that
moment in the time, at the
Russian River.
David´s life change drastically all
the good time disappear, mother
´s mood change completely,
everything began to be
punishments, chores without
rest and completely suffering for
In another try of abuse from
David´s mother, she grabbed
David´s arm, she lost her
balance and staggered back a
step. As she jerked violently to
regain her stability, something
pop, and David felt an intense
THE FIGHT FOR pain in his shoulder and arm.
FOOD Mother popped out David´s
arm out of place.

After the burn incident school

became David only way to scape.
By then Mother always "forget" to
feed David any dinner breakfast
wasn't much better. The only way
David could get food was stealing OWN
from school, that didn't made it VOMIT
any better bringing, just more
beatings and almost none of food When David's mother suspected
for him. he was stealing food again she
shoved her fingers down his throat
to make him vomit, then she forced
him to eat what he regurgitated.

The summer of 1971 during the
time, David lived with mother.
Food was more than a fantasy for
David. One day in special David
need to clean the dishes as always
but something went out of control.
Mother start telling him to look at FALSE
her eyes as David obey making her
more angry she took a knife from
the kitchen pointing him,
threatened that she would kill him. David think father would help him
At one point Mother loose her about his injurie but it wasn´t like
balance and stab him that. Instead of helping David he
only got in shock and doesn´t made
anything, just breathed and said
"Just go back in the kitchen and do
the dishes. Mother scares father a

David´s father start to spent less
and less time at home and more at
work. That were very bad news for
David, because mother´s mood is
so different when father is at
home, mother still adding
punishments to David but not at an
extreme level because father.
When father is at home, David is
“safe” but father can´t help him a AMONNIA AND
lot because scare of David´s
mother, his wife

David´s mother had a favorite

game for him while father was
away. She sent David to the
bathroom to clean but in that
case, she filled a bucket with a
mixture of ammonia and
Clorox, in the room with David
and the door close. David
collapsed and began spitting
up, his throat felt like it was on
fire, made his eyes water and
THE LORD´S PRAYER think he would cough up his

During this time when David

was in fifth grade, he starts
hating everything and
everybody, worrying about
nothing. For David there was
no God, he had totally
disconnected from all physical
pain. At some point he hopes
mother would simply kill him.
So, he began to purposefully
irritated her hoping he can
provoke her enough that she
can end his misery.

One day father came
staggering in with a friend from
work. He never has seen him,
so drunk. Even before he opens
the closet door, David knew he
just came home to pack up and
leave. Before leaving he just
said "I... I'm... I'm sorry".


This chapter tell us how David

life was, a sad life where David
is a kid that´s abuse by his mom
frequently, mother abuses him
with different types of chores
and punishments, punishments
like don´t eat a complete
breakfast just the leftovers
from his brothers.


The school authorities had

discovered the domestic
problem with David and inform
to the police, he discovered the
abuse that David´s mother do
and they took David to the
police station for keep him safe
of his mother. At the end, David
´s life had a huge change,
officer tell him he is free of all,
no more punishments, abuses,
extreme chores for him. David
was free


The memoir ends with Dave as an

adult, looking back on his old life.
Like a piece of wood, Dave was
once at the mercy of powerful,
cruel forces above all, his cruel,
manipulative mother. David
returned to the Russian River
with his son. David closed his
eyes and remembered all those
things that he had past opening
back his eyes while a single tear
rolls down his cheek, he listens
his son saying, "Love you dad."
"Love you too, son." he reply.
Crying in joy David finally feel

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A Child Called It TimeLine

D Dylan Pineda | 2021-07-28 10:11:23am

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