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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

1. Personality-wise, who is the best suited to be Harry Potter's girlfriend?

a. Hermione Granger
b. Ginny Weasley
c. Lavender Brown
d. Cho Chang

2. Which one word would best suit Albus Dumbledore's personality?

a. Righteous
b. Disciplinarian
c. Easy-going
d. Moralistic

3. What, of the following, would be highly uncharacteristic of Harry Potter's personality?

a. Disobeying authority for its unjust rules
b. Asking a favor from a friend whom he (Harry) has helped before
c. Liking a person despite faults
d. Snubbing a girlfriend who nags

4. how do harry feel to kiss kierra

a. mad
b. sad
c. happy
d. wow

5. Who is Draco Malfoy's girlfriend?

a. Mildred
b. Pavarti
c. Pansy
d. He doesn't have one
6. Did Ron ever have a chance with Hermione?
a. NO!
b. no
c. yes
d. YES!

7. What was 1 of the horcruxes?

a. a lamp
b. a ring
c. a wand
d. the Harry Potter book series

8. Which founder of Hogwarts spent time in Albania?

a. Rowena Ravenclaw
b. Salazar Slytherin
c. Tom Riddle
d. none of the above

9. Where do the Weasly's live?

a. Catchpole st ottery
b. Privet drive
c. The Shreiking sack
d. Ottery st catchpole

10. What does Harry do after he has left school?

a. He becomes an Auror and marries Ginny and they have three kids
b. He finds all the horcruxes destroys the horcruxes then marries Ginny and has three kids
c. He finds all the horcruxes, destroys Voldemort then marries Ginny and has three kids
d. He finds all the horcruxes kills most of them, dies, defeats Voldemort after Nagini is
killed then marries Ginny and has three kids

11. What is Ginny's full first name?

a. Gwenuviere
b. Ginevra
c. Virgina
d. Ginny

12. Did Dobby die? If so, in what book?

a. No
b. Yes, in the last book
c. Yes, in the first book
d. no but if he did the fifth book

13. Who makes the Unbreakable Vow and to whom?

a. Narcissa to Snape
b. Snape to Narcissa
c. Malfoy to Snape
d. Malfoy to Bellatrix

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