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International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology , Vol. x, No.

x, 2022 1

Big Data visualization and you : An empirical


Rania Mkhinini Gahar

Computer Department, National Engineering School of Tunis,
OASIS Research Laboratory,
University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis 1068, Tunisia

Olfa Arfaoui
Computer Department, University Of Carthage, Tunisia
E-mail: olfa.arfaoui@—–

Minyar Sassi Hidri

Computer Department, Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies,
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia

Abstract: Data is growing every day at a faster rate in practically every field. Indeed,
the traditional process of managing and processing ”classic” data cannot analyze these
massive volumes. Hence, the implementation of a Big Data Analytics system is therefore
essential to be able to take advantage of all these voluminous datasets and this ”gold
mine” of information. Therefore, with these new opportunities also appear new issues of
processing very high data volumes which continue to push companies to call on solutions
specialized in Big Data. Data need to be analyzed to make decision, and the data
visualization could be a way to lead to this goal. In this paper, we discusses about the
Big Data Visualization project, its characteristics, benefits, issues and we overview some
popular tools for beginners as well as experienced users.

Keywords: Big Data, DataViz, tools, issues, decision, prevision, challenge.

1 Introduction to make decisions faster (Walter et al. 2021).

Data’sources are mmultiple, namely sites, databases,
telephones, servers. Data could be analyzed to for
Big data (voluminous data) refers to sets of data that example, detect customer feelings and reactions or
becomes so large that it becomes difficult to work critical or life-threatening conditions in the hospitals,
with classic basic management tools data or information and in time to intervene, also to predict weather patterns
management. Every day we generate 2.5 trillion bytes to plan the optimal use of wind turbines, make risky
of data. In fact, 90% of the world’s data was created in decisions based on transactional data in real time or may
the past two recent years only (Torphy et al. 2020). The be to identify criminals and threats from videos, sounds
data comes from different sources, namely the sensors and data streams and studying student reactions during
used to collect climate information; social Media Posts; a lesson, predicting which ones will succeed, based on
digital images and videos posted online; online Purchase statistics and models gathered over the years (Big Data
Transactional Records; and GPS signals from mobile in Education field).
phones (Wright 2019).
This data is called Big Data or Massive Data. These Big data is the result of the meeting of three essential
latter present interest to several people. In addition, 1/3 elements which are Internet, Social networks and Smart
of business leaders make decisions based on information devices (computers, tablets, smartphones, connected
they don’t trust, or don’t have. Moreover, half of business objects...). The Internet allows the transmission of
leaders say they don’t have access to the information information regardless its form on smart devices: Smart
they need to do their job and 83% of CIOs cite analytical device (1): data creation; User of social networks (2):
business intelligence as part of their plans to improve consumer; and Internet (3): vector of transmission.
their competitiveness. Further, 60% of of CEOs need to Research on Big Data analytics is entering in the new
improve the capture and understanding of information phase called fast data where multiple gigabytes of data

arrive in the Big Data systems every second. Modern Big representations lead to decisions. Visuals are not
Data systems collect inherently complex data streams effective without context.
due to the 3 basic Vs (Gorodetsky 2014) which are But the solution is fairly simple: let the tools and
Volume, Velocity and Variety and to which added people do their work. As long as you use the right tools,
Veracity, Validity, Vulnerability, Volatility, Visualization and as long as the people doing the data analysis know
and Value and consequently give rise to the 10Vs where the data came from, who can consume it, and
(Manogaran et al. 2017) of Big Data. know how it will be processed and translated, the data
The well-designed Big Data systems must be able visualization will be on a much clearer path toward
to deal with all 10Vs effectively by creating a balance driving those big decisions.
between data processing objectives and cost (i.e., Every day it is discovered how important data
computational, financial, programming efforts) in Big visualization is in the field of business information. As
Data systems. Data collection and storage capabilities high-performance analytics tools that provide better
have enabled researchers in diverse domains to observe ways to analyze data faster than ever before, they have
and collect huge amount of data. However, large data the ability to not only provide meaningful data, but
sets present substantial challenges to existing data understand how to process it that ensures the company
analysis tools. stays competitive.
We will focus in our paper on one of the most In fact, Visualization is critical in today’s world.
important Big Data’ Vs which is data Visualization. Big data is difficult to visualize. Due to in-memory
Companies surrounded by a virtual environment technology limitations and low scalability (scaling
of data. Information of great value is constantly up), functionalities and development time response,
flowing, both internally and externally, so at least many visualization tools, current Big Data are faced with
companies are aware of this. But to show the value more technical challenges. Traditional graphs cannot be relied
clearly there has to be a way to collect the data and make upon to attempt to plot a billion data points. We
it understandable and meaningful. Through business therefore need different ways of representing data. If we
intelligence solutions, the company collects, organizes, take into account the multitude of variables resulting
analyzes and transforms data into actionable insights. from the variety and speed of Big Data and the complex
These strategies transform raw data into decisions, which relationships that unite, we can see that developing a
allow businesses to operate efficiently and competitively. visualization significant is not so easy.
But to turn that raw data into such decisions, it has to Using charts and graphs to visualize large amounts
be processed in order for the data to be understandable. of complex data is much more effective in conveying
Data visualization is one of the most important and meaning than spreadsheets and reports chock-full of
valuable tools for understanding business information. numbers and formulas. Current Big Data visualization
That’s why, one picture is worth a thousand words. tools face technical challenges due to limitations of in
Humans have been visually displaying data for hundreds memory technology and poor scalability, functionality,
of years. From maps to charts to graphs, we’ve taken and response time. You can not rely on traditional
data, arranged it, and formatted it, in this way it tells a graphs when trying to plot a billion data points, so
better and deeper story than it might alone. you need different ways of representing data such as
With the boom in technology, the data boom. data clustering or using tree maps, sunbursts, parallel
And this same technology has allowed us to process coordinates, circular network diagrams, or cone trees.
increasingly larger amounts of data at an ever-increasing If one combines this with the multitude of variables
speed. Trends, patterns, and other insights may not be resulting from Big Data’s variety and velocity and the
easily visible in the first text format, which is quickly complex relationships between them, and you can see
caught using data visualization software. that developing a meaningful visualization is not an easy
Once reports and dashboards replace them, the most matter (Khalid et al. 2021).
powerful approach becomes visual data displays because
they can convey large amounts of information in small
spaces. It can take a person hours, days, and weeks to 2 The DataViz and you: Presentations
delve into the long data sets and visual presentations
that allow for fast and efficient translation. 2.1 Definitions’Anthology
Thanks to the advanced technology, many data
visualization tools allow for interactive functions. This Many data scientits define data visualization in different
flexibility provides the ability to switch and change ways. Indeed, they agree that it is indeed a visual form
quickly, which helps the user to discover and learn about to visualize and this by facilitating access to it.
alternative viewpoints. This comprehensive, interactive • Visual form: it is a question of representing the
presentation can rarely be achieved quickly by processing data in a visual way, graphic;
raw data without visualization software.
The quantitative factor is a common and common • Facilitate access: The graphic representation is not
challenge facing information business. It takes a free, it is for the service objectives, the first of
good understanding of data to know that visual which is to provide greater access easily to the
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 3

information conveyed by the data. It is indeed optimal analysis and to consider using all the data
easier and more pleasant to consider a graph than at your disposal. This allows you to cross-reference
a series of figures. information and thus bring out a more complete
analysis to better support your digital marketing
Another data experts’group agree that data visualization department(Rodrigues Jr et al. 2003).
is meaningless if it does not encompass understanding,
exploit and decision-making, speed and information
sharing. 2.2.3 Be innovative

• Understanding: it is a question of giving meaning Finally, data visualization is only of interest if it

to the data, to derive information from it; brings new information, originality, if it gives a
perspective unpublished on a subject. It provides
• Exploit, decision-making: the dataviz does not only a different perspective, to illustrate an analysis
allow intellectual understanding, it transforms a (Galletta et al. 2018, Kirk 2012).
set of raw data into information allowing to act;
• Faster : dataviz accelerates understanding, 2.3 Brief history of dataviz
decision-making and the action we have just
mentioned; Originally, it was a simple human limitation that
• Information sharing: A mode of communication, spawned the Data Visualization approach: our
allowing data not to remain confined to the brain is simply unable to easily process large
universe of BI or statistics but to infuse the entire volumes of raw data to extract useful information.
organization and become a decision support and Maybe we can do it occasionally, but certainly not
collaborative work. every time, let alone many times every day.
However, Data Visualization is not just about
2.2 DataViz features graphical representation of data. It is also a story
that is told with the help of these representations.
The value of data visualization lies in its ability to The first successful expression of this approach is
meet three main imperatives namely interpretable, a flow map that tells the story of the Russian
relevant and innovative. campaign led by Napoleon. We owe it to the
engineer Charles Joseph Minard who represents,
at the beginning of the 19th century, the story of
2.2.1 Be interpretable
the colossal human losses of the Russian campaign
during which the Napoleonic army arrived in
In a context where the volume of data is
Moscow with less than a quarter of its starting
exploding with the exponential growth in the
use of the Internet and in particular Google, so-
called ”unstructured” data experiences the same
evolution. But a data visualization starting from
these data which would not be interpretable
(Vellido 2020), that is to say clear, would be
useless. There must be some clarity regardless of
the volume or source of the data (Lensen et al.

2.2.2 Be relevant
Figure 1: Charles Joseph Minard’figurative Map.
At a time when Big Data is a central issue for
companies, several techniques to process this mass
of information in a relevant way must be put in Shortly after, nurse Florence Nightingale had the
place. idea of using graphic representation to allow her
Relevance is linked to interpretability. The data reader to compare facts with complex correlations
visualization must make it possible to answer (Magnello 2012).
questions in a defined context and aimed at specific She presented, for the attention of Queen Victoria,
objectives (Deller et al. 2007). the main causes of death of British soldiers engaged
Data sources must be reliable. Data integrity is in the Crimean War. His graphic support, dated
the basis for meaningful data visualization. You 1858, allowed him to eloquently highlight that
must ensure that your information is correct and epidemics were much more devastating on the
up to date. It is necessary to sort the data for workforce than the injuries suffered in combat.

Florence Nightingale has therefore used a graphic

support of data to communicate information, of
course, but also to convince, that is to say, to orient
the conclusion that one draws from it (Brasseur
2005, ?).

Figure 2: Florence Nightingale’Diagram.

Figure 3: Jacques Bertin’graphic semiology.

It is by applying these new – but common

Until the 19th century, Data Visualization
– rules that we have gradually managed to
therefore evolved through isolated, independent
remove superfluous graphic elements and define
attempts, which explored both the possible fields of
what characterizes a relevant Data Visualization.
application and the possible graphical approaches.
This distinction between good and bad Data
In other words, the discipline was forging a
Visualization was notably formalized by Edward
vocabulary but it still lacked common rules – that
Tufte in his book ”The Visual Display of
is to say, a grammar.
Quantitative Information” (Tufte et al. 1998).

This grammar was laid down by Jacques Bertin Finally, we cannot evoke contemporary thinkers
who in 1967 developed the real bases of graphic of Data Visualization without citing Ben
language. Shneiderman and Stephen Few.

Ben Shneiderman is the inventor of the Treemap,

Jacques Bertin defined graphic semiology, i.e. or proportional map. This Dataviz approach allows
the elements that can be modified in a Data a hierarchical representation of data in a defined
Visualization to represent information. Identifying space (Shneiderman & Plaisant 1998). As for
and clearly defining these graphic variables (color, Stephen Few, his work ”Information Dashboard
size, surface) was simply the grammar that was Design” is still a reference in the design of
missing from the graphic language (Morita 2011). dashboards.
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 5

In our modern economy all directions need manage

their organizations as finely as possible by relying
on numerous and rich data and by producing
relevant dashboards.
”A picture is worth a thousand words” (Leung
et al. 2021) and nowadays ”the image takes
precedence often on words” (Organisciak et al.
Data visualization is the art of telling figures in a
way creative and gameful (Jung et al. 2021).

2.5.2 To improve the customer relationship

Figure 4: TreeMap example.
Marketing and customer relationship management
are two functions of choice for data visualization.
2.4 The DataViz is pretty, but what is it for? We visualize customer data to improve Customer
relationship management (CRM) multi-channel.
Data visualization concerns a wide range of In addition, the dataviz is better to qualify the
business sectors. If we stick to our panel, several customer base.
areas are represented, namely consumer goods,
business services, industry, media, marketing and 2.5.3 To define the company’s own offer
advertising, scientific research, public service,
telecom, transport and logistics, etc... At the opposite end of the spectrum, data
visualization provides companies with tools to
All companies use data visualization either to
better define their offers. Moreover, the exploration
do certain things they were already doing better
of collected customer data and the ability to test
(optimization), or to enrich their activity with
different hypotheses prove particularly valuable.
value-added tasks (innovation).
In terms of optimization, the dataviz allows, for
2.5.4 To Contribute directly to the company
example, to Lagardère Active to accelerate the
production of its reports and STMicroelectronics
to make its manufacturing process more efficient;
The dataviz serves to better understand your
In the area of innovation, PagesJaunes discovers competitive positioning. That’s why, the Data
and rectifies, thanks to data visualization, the visualization could be considered as a relevant
shortcomings of its indexing, source of value and differentiation which
launches a new innovative service (Mytripset), immediately identify customer postponements.
Alcatel Lucent imagines the mobile applications of Here, data visualization could directly influences
tomorrow, etc. the business’economics model (Zhang et al. 2021).

2.5 Dual purpose of 2.5.5 Empowering citizens

Data visualization also finds its usefulness outside
More specifically, 5 use cases illustrating this dual the walls of the company. It can contribute to
purpose optimization and innovation: the use of better informing the citizen and therefore giving
DataViz to: him the means to act.
1. Improve the company management; In fact, company can allow citizens to think
through ”Citizen dataviz” projects may take a
2. Improve the customer relationship;
longer turn activist (Forkan et al. 2019, Nærland &
3. Define the company’s own offer; Engebretsen 2021, Raineri & Molinari 2021). This
4. Contribute directly to the company business; is the case, for example, of the ”pariteur” of France
5. Empowering citizens. Télévisions.

2.5.1 To improve the company management 2.6 DataViz and Infographics

One of the first uses of data visualization is The Dataviz takes the information a person
to contribute to more effective management of needs and presents it in a way that it is easily
activity and performance, oriented towards action. understandable.

Infographics are a mix between Dataviz, When I reflect for a few moments on the term
journalism and marketing. They use strategically “data”, I realize that it is particularly ambiguous
chosen data visualizations and lexicon to explain and vague. What does data represent in an
a complex story easily. organization? Figures, indicators, tables. . . It is
The confusion in terminology is understandable true that data is ubiquitous today and seems
however the terms are not interchangeable. Both obvious. However, they are very difficult to grasp.
turn data into easy-to-understand visualizations. The data that are thus available to professionals
These tools are extremely powerful when it comes to guide them in their decisions are increasingly
to explaining numbers in an educational way to numerous and multi-structured. But how not to be
people who are reluctant to analyze data. This is overwhelmed and make it a real tool for reflection
their only common point. Here is a definition for and decision-making? How to obtain answers to
both forms of presentations. fundamental questions whose answers are for the
Some distinction points between these two terms moment totally unknown?
can take place in Table 1. It is in the face of these requirements that
the dataviz takes on its full meaning. The
2.7 Main reasons for using DataViz representation of data in the form of images
makes it easier to understand them. There are
several definitions of dataviz in the academic
Three main reasons explain the use of data
and industrial state of the art. These different
visualization namely confirm or refuse hypotheses
definitions all converge on the fact that dataviz
on a market, educate and explore.
is a way to give meaning to data in order
– Confirm or refuse hypotheses on a market to extract information from it and therefore to
exploit it. Dataviz not only enables intellectual
∗ The DataViz can then take the form of
understanding, it transforms a set of raw data into
a dashboard, making it possible to make
actionable information. In addition, it accelerates
a decision while having a global vision of
the understanding, decision and action that we
the studied market.
have just mentioned. It is also a mode of
– Educate communication, allowing data not to remain
∗ Internally, companies use the DataViz for confined to the world of BI or statistics but
research work reporting or brainstorming to infuse the entire organization and become
sessions. a support for decision-making and collaborative
∗ It can be a good complement to creative work.
approaches such as ”gamification” The dataviz has many uses and leads to a
– Explore variety of benefits for the organization. First, it
contributes to a more effective management of
∗ This is the most futuristic aspect of activity and performance, oriented towards action.
data visualization, which certainly will This improvement in management is manifested by
develop. taking a step back in addition to other tools whose
∗ Dataviz can help build predictive models. horizon is in the shorter term. In other words, the
We are then in the field of data analysis dataviz can be used as a decision-making, strategic
tool, usable by a local manager to manage his
2.8 The DataViz: buzzword or real performance.
innovation? Another important use of dataviz is the reinvention
of customer service to improve its efficiency.
Over the past 3 years, there has been a very strong SFR, with the aim of improving the management
craze for dataviz. However, some companies and and understanding of their KPIs, uses dataviz
startups, who are thinking about turning their to identify causal relationships in their data
deluge of data into insights, are beginning to sources in order to find hidden patterns through
wonder if this is a buzzword commercial term or a their main sales channels. A good customer
real reality in companies. ? relationship is based on perfect knowledge of the
customer himself. What are their characteristics
One piece of information could, however, put us
and behaviors? How to segment and classify them?
on the alert in the answer to this question: the
The exploration capabilities in the data enabled
company Tableau Software raised $254m on the
by data visualization find their full meaning in
NASDAQ in May 2013 (Huang 2018). If behind
providing answers to these questions.
this company there was only a passing craze, I
think investors would have been hesitant to invest Another key point about dataviz is its ability
so much money. to foster innovation and its potential to get the
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 7

Table 1 Infographics versus DataViz

Infographics DataViz
Promotes the information understanding that we Bring out information that was unknown by analyzing
already know by representing it in graphic form. data presented in graphical form.
Modest data amount. Huge data volume.
Good design makes a product useful. Good DataViz makes information useful.
Good design is aesthetic. Good Data is aesthetic.
Good design makes a product understandable. Good DataViz makes information understandable.
Good design is honest. Good DataViz is honest.
Didactic approach focused on others. Self-knowledge tool.
Understanding support. Decision support.

business to consider new possibilities. In particular, visualization. These visual representations make
it is a testing ground for new modes of interaction it easier to understand raw data and thus help
with users. in decision-making. Big Data, is not just “more”
data. It is so much data, that is so mixed and
unstructured, and is accumulating so rapidly, that
3 The dataViz’s benefits traditional techniques and methodologies including
“normal” software do not really work (like Excel,
Crystal reports or similar).
In a context of ever-increasing and often highly
complex volumes of data, dataviz has many The DataViz makes it possible to make the most
advantages. comprehensible data important and what they
Data visualization is far from being an accessory mean, regardless of the audience concerned. Its
intended to embellish your website or your effectiveness is based on the fact that a majority
presentations. of us grasp and retain information better when
it is represented visually. The following image
In a synthetic way, we can say that the dataviz illustrates this fact, which was studied by an
improves: American psychologist.
– The data understanding;
By looking very quickly at this visual, we perceive
– The data communication; important information (the red dot) immediately,
– The decision-making; without no special effort on our part. Of course, for
this approach to be effective, the data visualization
– The ability to innovate.
must play on well thought out visual choices.
DataViz’benefits could be described more in the
figure 5.

Figure 6: Red dot perception.

Unlike a table filled with figures, the dataviz helps

Figure 5: DataViz’benefits. to highlight information that seems complex, or
drowned in a large amount of parameters. The
following example illustrates this fact well. For
3.1 Dataviz makes it easier to understand example, we want to analyze the visit rate of
data European countries.

With the Big Data advent, and the proliferation of The table shows us the values for each country, of
data sources, companies are increasingly using data course.

3.2 Dataviz improves communication

Data not only reflect reality, they are not just

a steering lever. They are also a communication
tool. Unfortunately, few of us are fluent in their
language. Most of us need an interpreter to make
us penetrate into the intelligence of the data. This
is where data visualization comes in.
Moreover, Communication is the major asset of
the dataviz for coordinate the teams. Indeed, the
infinite volumes of data stored by companies are
Figure 7: Visits per countries. generally only within the reach of data analysts
and other technical profiles. But once put into
images, this data is accessible to everyone without
any prior training. The support generated by the
But is it really ideal for ordering easily and between dataviz makes it possible to unify the discourse,
countries quickly? And explain it in a few seconds and to convey clear and unambiguous messages.
to his audience? We can truly speak of a democratization of access
On the other hand, if we transcribe this to given (Holbrook 2019).
information on a map, with more or less bright
colors depending on the strength of the index, 3.3 Dataviz optimizes and accelerates
everything becomes clearer. We want to quickly
understand which countries have the highest rate
of visits. The figure 8 allows us to assess at a
glance the three countries with the highest rate This is the logical continuation of an easier
of visits. Analyzing an Excel file is much faster understanding of the data. The dataviz allows
by visualization, especially if the data is large and the development of interactive dashboards. Unlike
complex. static charts, such as those in Excel, interactive
dataviz allow the exploration of data in depth,
with less effort. In a few clicks, it is now possible
to release correlations between the operational
actions put in place, and the performance, their
impact. It is also much easier to compare its
indicators to the market, to competitors. Once
the data has been clarified and better identified,
decision makers can focus on the essentials and
make choices in a way more simple.

3.4 Dataviz promotes innovation

Finally, we cannot close this part on the benefits of

data visualization without examining its potential
Figure 8: Visits per countries with a map in terms of innovation. Indeed, dataviz is also a
representation. field of research that can encourage the company
to consider new possibilities.In particular, it is a
testing ground for new ways of interacting with
users (Basole et al. 2017, Sarica et al. 2019).
Our brain needs less than 250 milliseconds to
enter (1), understand (2) and respond (3) to
information under visual form. Whereas compare
raw data in tabular form requires an effort
4 Characteristics of DataViz projects
of memory which quickly reaches its limits.
Ultimately, data visualization invites us to take up The deployment of dataviz software is a crucial
the classic distinction between data, information step that must be perfectly orchestrated to
and knowledge. If the data are unitary, raw guarantee the success of the project. This later
elements, reflecting a reality, the information is must be both fast and light (McCosker & Wilken
their coherence to give them meaning. 2014, Kirk 2016, Burnett et al. 2021).
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 9

4.1 DataViz project’speed 4.3.1 Prepare the project well

– The first secret to success is preparation. This

A first characteristic of dataviz projects is that
is understood on two levels: the content of the
they are, all in all, quick to conduct. Their big
data visualization, on the one hand, and the
advantage is in particular to reduce the time
project approach, on the other hand.
between the launch of the project and the ability
to show a first operational version (Raineri & – The dataviz is not a panacea and, to be useful,
Molinari 2021). it must be well thought out.
There are several reasons for this speed. One of – On the methodological aspect, the
them is that dataviz projects require hardware and preparation consists of implementing
software resources that interfere little with existing establishes a process for collecting, analyzing
architectures. and representing data that is viable over
They therefore do not require long and time, but also sufficiently flexible.
complex budget validation cycles: the necessary
environment can be available in a short time.
4.3.2 Target data and visualizations
Another reason is that data visualization lends according to the profile of the users
itself well to ”POC” (proof of concept) type
approaches, experimentation, trial and error
A second success factor is related to the nature
iteration loops.
of the data visualization, namely a communication
Dataviz projects have a very empirical side, tool. However, for communicate effectively with
completely in phase with current development someone, it is important to meet his need, with
approaches, such as agile methodology, Rapid clarity and in a form he understands.
Agile Development or SCRUM.
Three key questions to ask yourself to choose the
best representation :
4.2 DataViz project’lightness
1. What question do we want to answer?

Lightness is involved in the technical resources – All the graphs do not make it possible to
required which are quite light. Example: present the same analyzes (distribution,
Recent technological developments, such as the evolution, decomposition. . . ). Hence the
development of json-type formats (DS.JS3), put importance for the designer to question
us in direct connection with data. Thanks to his intention.
these formats, we can recover varied data from 2. Who are we talking to?
all horizons, using standard applications. A real
human-data interface is thus being established. – Is he an expert or a layman? What should
he do with the information (e.g. retain
the information for later or make an
4.3 Success key factors immediate decision)?
3. In what context is the interlocutor?
To succeed in a data visualization project, it is
– The good reception of the graphic
necessary to bring together key success factors that
does not only depend on the graphic
can be classified into three categories.
itself, but also of the intellectual and
First of all, there are the classic good practices visual availability of the reader. All
of any project: ensuring preparation and planning, that the graphic designer can do is to
choosing the right scope, implementing the try to anticipate this greater or lesser
appropriate methodologies, etc. availability, in order to choose the most
suitable representation.
The second category is that a dataviz
project concerns data: their targeting, their
The difficulty increases when the data visualization
quality, respect for confidentiality and access
must address different audiences. It is then
authorizations, are therefore essential.
necessary to provide modes of representation
Finally, of course, ergonomics and graphic adapted to each of them. This is the case, for
intelligence play a key role in the acceptance of the example, of the Belgian FPS Economy, which
dataviz and its effective use (although, by the way, communicates with both the general public and
these aspects should be part of any IT project...) professionals.

4.3.3 Start on small perimeters, to learn 4.4 Pitfalls to avoid

Another good practice is to ”get your hands If certain good practices maximize the chances
dirty” on first restricted perimeters, if possible as of succeeding in your data visualization project,
controlled as possible. This allows you to move you can expect, as with any project, to encounter
forward, without too many risks, in trial and error difficulties:
mode until a first satisfactory solution is obtained.
1. The risk of overloading it with information
2. A General Management that does not
4.3.4 Ensure data quality at source
necessarily perceive the interest of data
visualization immediately
In Business Intelligence (BI), you reap what you
sow or, to put it more lapidary way: garbage 3. Skepticism about the performance of the tool
in, garbage out. In other words, if we want data 4. A pitfall to avoid: forget your classics : We
visualization to be able to communicate the right should not confuse simplicity with simplism
messages, to make it possible to make informed (Nielson 1995, Deng et al. 2005).
decisions, to explore unknown territories, there is
one condition to be met above all: to have quality
data entrance. In return, the DataViz improves the 4.5 The DataViz’s impact on the
quality of the data. First, because it compels a relationship between IT and business lines
certain discipline; then, because it also visualizes...
the non-quality of the data. Repeated outliers may Data visualization projects have the particularity,
appear at first glance as oddly placed dots, for as we saw previously, of offering great autonomy
example. to users. users. This is why, in this area, the
relationship between IT and the Professions are set
to evolve. It has happened that friction has arisen,
4.3.5 Focus on cooperation between several with the IT Department feeling deprived of some of
departments its prerogatives. These tensions have unfortunately
been maintained by some providers of dataviz
Another ingredient of success lies in the solutions by addressing only the Business Lines
cooperation between the actors of the project. without going through the IT Department to win
The DataViz thus contributes to breaking down contracts (Magee et al. 2016, Grant 2019).
the silos that may exist in the company and
Thus, we cannot speak of a loss of prerogatives of
contributes to greater cross-functionality.
the DSI or the BI teams. Simply, data visualization
raises new questions about how to represent data,
4.3.6 Train the teams about the distribution of roles and responsibilities
between the business lines and the IT department,
Data visualization does not really require side about how to conduct projects (Graessley et al.
training users. On the contrary, we can say that it 2019, Villars et al. n.d.).
is fully successful when it is immediately adopted. CIOs understand this. Even those who were
For this, simplicity and intuitiveness are essential. initially reluctant are realizing that data
But offering a simple rendering can be extremely visualization is not a threat, and are softening
complicated. This is why the training of those who their stance (Santolalla 2020, Howard 2013).
produce the visualizations is an undeniable plus.
In truth, data visualization is a chance for CIOs
and BI teams. On the one hand, it will relieve them
4.3.7 Using aesthetics as a lever for of time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus
appropriating information on their missions with higher added value. On the
other hand, they even have a unique opportunity
Data visualization cannot be reduced to a to invent a new form of BI and relationship with
representation aesthetics of data. One can make business (CADENAZZI 2020).
pretty representations that are perfectly useless. What we can remember is that data visualization,
But that’s not to say that aesthetics don’t play even if it provides great autonomy to the
a role. Used well, it is an essential criterion business lines, is a question that should interest
of efficiency for the dataviz. In this concern to the IT department and the BI teams, quite
combine aesthetics and efficiency, companies have simply because it touches the data. Autonomy of
every interest in being imaginative and going businesses is useful if it is implemented in a smart
beyond traditional Excel-type charts, if that makes way and if it allows them to obtain even more value
sense. from the CIO and the BI (Schaeffer et al. 2017).
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 11

Presumably, by accustoming the Professions to You can improve your Excel experience with
speaking the language of data, thanks to graphics, add-ins. These latter allow users to extend the
the dataviz will contribute to the taking of functionality of Microsoft Excel and help save their
awareness of the value of data. It can therefore play time and effort (Ali et al. 2016). Excel add-ins work
a role unifier, at the service of business creation like apps that you download or buy for your mobile
(Chatfield & Reddick 2018). phone or computer. They are mini software tools
that you can install in Microsoft Excel and add
many features such as shortcuts, tasks and time
saving options that you cannot find in a standalone
5 which tools for which data Excel application.
Third parties create Excel add-ins to provide Excel
users with extended functionality and save their
With the advent of the Big Data era come new time and effort. Developing these add-ins requires
challenges for Information Visualization. First, coding expertise in languages such as XML and
the amount of data to be visualized exceeds the VBA and providing an easy-to-use interface that
available screen space. Second, the data cannot be complements Excel.
stored and processed on a conventional computer.
Table 2 overviews some Excel add-ins for dataviz.
To alleviate both of these problems, a Big Data
visualization system must provide perceptual and
performance scalability. Libre Office. “A picture says a thousand words.”
These days, data comes in a variety of forms,
In this section, we will focus on some data but cannot be interpreted easily most times. At
visualization tools for beginners as well as for this point, data visualisation becomes more and
experienced users. more important, as the human mind captures and
interprets data more easily through vision than
5.1 Tools accessible to beginners any other sense. Although spreadsheet applications
provide numerous ways to process data and adapt
it to the user’s needs, it is often easier to just look
tools for beginners are available to allow them to at a diagram to see trends or get a general overview
create dataviz without resorting to programming of a particular dataset.
or its basis and no expertise is required.
Libre Office is a free and open-source office suite,
derived from the project, created
5.1.1 office software and extensions and managed by The Document Foundation.
LibreOffice is notably supported by the Free
Excel. spreadsheets aren’t as popular as they Software Foundation and brings together a large
were ten years ago. While still great for entering part of the former “ community”. It
and calculating data, all those cells and formulas supplies extensions to make different tasks such as
can be cumbersome (Lee et al. 2019, Oike et al. visualization.
2019). Despite the volume of large data, Excel still Libre Office extensions are software plug-ins that
remains the reference in many companies and is you install as an extra to the standard LibreOffice
the only way to process data (Patel 2022). Most suite and which add additional functionality to the
customers approach companies with spreadsheets suite, either to a particular application (Writer,
full of data, and we use the same analytics process Calc, Impress, ), or to all applications. In figure 9
for many of us to tell their data story, visually. We a dataviz example with the Libre Office using the
collaborate with customers from data to visualized chart type.
product, but sometimes you don’t have the time to
hire a vendor to do the job.
Excel remains one of the basic tools for data
visualization. The maximum number of values in
a column is about 1,999,999,997 (Hiljazi & Curtis

Excel in 2016. Excel 2016 is the very recent

(released on September 22, 2015) successor to
Excel 2013. The majority of the functionalities
have not changed but Microsoft has prepared some
new features for us both in the user interface and
in the very functionalities of Excel. Figure 9: Libre Office : a chart example.

Table 2 Some Excel add-ins for DataViz.

Add-in Description Illustrative Example

– Is used to display high-level chart data within a map.

– Filled Maps are beneficial in visually displaying data
Filled Map sets by geographic location.
– This map type currently has significant limitations on
the type of information it can display.

– Microsoft 3D Maps for Excel is a three-dimensional

(3D) data visualization tool that lets you look at
3D- information in new ways.
Mapping – 3D Maps lets you discover insights you might not see
in traditional two-dimensional (2D) tables and charts.

– The Bing Maps add-in makes it easy to plot locations

and visualize your data through Bing Maps in Excel;
– Bing Maps app for Office helps you use location data
Bing Maps from a given column and plot it on a Bing Map;
– It also provides basic data visualization using your
location data.

– It akes your typical bar chart data and shows it on a

circular plot;
– Your visual analysis benefits from all of the advantages
of both bar charts and circular graphs in this one
Radial Bar visualization;
Chart – Thanks to the unique design of the Radial Bar Chart,
it’s a highly versatile visualization;
– You can track progress, compare categories and
perform detailed analysis.

– you can quickly visualize data in your Excel

– You can use to App to create 8 different chart types,
XLMiner including advanced multi variate charts such as a
Data Scatterplot Matrix or Parallel Coordinates chart;
– You can quickly change the variables plotted on each
axis, ”size by” and ”color by” categorical variables for
quick insights, zoom in and out, and apply filters to
highlight data of interest.
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 13

Some examples of Libre Office extensions dedicated Online, Teams and Yammer. The Office suite
to data visualization can be presented in the table allows work in offline mode like a perpetual suite,
3. which distinguishes it from Office Online, which
is used from a Web browser. The principle of
5.1.2 online office suites Microsoft 365 is to be updated as new versions of
Office are released (Wilson 2014).
Google Drive. When choosing between data Office 365 provides also some integration apps to
visualization tools, one option worth considering visualize you data in an interpretable, innovative
is Google Sheets. Google’s spreadsheet application and relevant way. Table 4 describes some ones
can be used to generate charts, tables and even highlighting their main functionalities.
maps that can be embedded on a website. They’re
easy to make and can be configured to update
automatically (Dougherty & Ilyankou 2021). 5.1.4 Simple online tools
It’s not for every visualization need. Some projects
Tableau. Tableau Public is a free platform
require more complicated data visualization
for exploring, creating, and publicly sharing
techniques and more customization than what
data visualizations online. Anyone can create
Google Sheets provides. An example can be
visualizations with our web authoring platform or
described in figure 10.
Tableau Desktop Public Edition which is available
for free. Users with Tableau Desktop Professional
Edition can also publish to Tableau Public for
free (Kennedy & Allen 2016). With millions
of inspiring data visualizations to discover and
explore, Tableau Public makes it easy to develop
your own data skills and build a portfolio of work
online. Join the Tableau Public community where
you can grow and learn from each other while
bringing data into your daily life. More advantages
are presented in the Figure 11.

Figure 10: Google sheets dataviz example.

Google drive extensions can also help novice users

to perform data visualizations, namely Fusion
Tables (Doshi et al. 2014), Slemma (Cardona
& Garcia 2017), Geckoboard (Orlovskyi et al.
2019), VizyDrop (Poola n.d.), BIME Analytics
(ur Rehman et al. 2016), Cyfe (Olivér 2020) and Figure 11: 5 criteria ranking: Tableau Public.
Datahero (Atwood & Reznik-Zellen 2018), .

Canva. Unlike other charting tools, Canva is

5.1.3 Office 365 quick and easy. There’s no learning curve –
you’ll have a beautiful graph or chart in minutes,
Microsoft 365 is the brand designating a turning raw data into something visual and easy
subscription to the latest version of Microsoft to understand. This tool offers over 20 professional
Office and a set of cloud services, as opposed to chart types to choose from professionally designed
so-called perpetual licenses which are installed for templates to speed up your workflow. Moreover,
an indefinite period on a single computer at a Data visualization is made simple and especially
time. As of November 2021, Microsoft 365 has with no complicated software to learn. Also, with
approximately 50 million subscribers. Canva, we can publish, share or download your
Microsoft 365 is made up of the Office suite (Word, high resolution graphic and we easily embed our
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher chart in presentations, reports, and more. In fact,
and Access), as well as a set of online services simple drag-and-drop tools are accessible to non-
such as OneDrive, Exchange Online, SharePoint professionals (Ahn 2019).

Table 3 Libre Office Extensions.

Extension Description Illustrative Example
– Insert map images directly into your document from
address information;
– Select an address and click the icon or just click the
icon and enter the address;
GeoMap – An image map will be inserted into your document;
– Select an existing GeoMap image and click the on icon.
– You will see that the information from the original
map image is prefilled ind the dialoque.. . .

– This free solution proposes to carry out thematic maps

with the LibreOffice tools:
∗ Draw : for the formatting.
∗ Calc or Base: To store data you want to
GeOOo analyze.
– Once generated the map is editable.
– You can be exported to different formats (pdf, png,
svg. . . )

– Is a LibreOffice Calc extension that clusters the rows

in a table and colors them to indicate the clusters;
– The project does not depend on any machine learning
ClusterRows or linear algebra libraries;
– Full source code is made available under GPL3 license.

– Adds a ”Gallery” with 1600 maps, diagrams, graphs,

for geography and history classified by 96 themes
OOoHG Gallery (bitmap and vector graphic format). All countries, all
states, all regions and all historical periods. . . .

– This template is using OpenStreetMap Datas as

Background for nice presentations !
OpenStreetMap – The license of this presentation is CC-By-Sa Léo
Presentation SERRE
– Download the .odp file and open it in LibreOffice.
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 15

Table 4 Data Visualization Apps Integrated with Microsoft 365.

Apps Description
– Is a cloud-based enterprise planning software, which offers tools to help businesses
collaboratively plan using tools for modeling, budgeting & forecasting;
Adaptive – It offers features including balance sheets, expense tracking, workforce modeling, and more;
Planning – It helps people in companies collaborate, gain insights, and make smarter decisions using
powerful modeling and analytics.

– It is an enterprise decision management platform suitable for IT, government, legal, and
marketing teams;
– It can be adapted to any type of business and easily mapped to existing processes and
Coras governance;
– It allows every team member to stay on top of their tasks with the Coras workload
visualization feature which can be in the form of a mind map, Kanban board, Gantt
timeline, or a range of other visual displays.

– Microsoft Power BI is a data analysis solution from Microsoft;

– It enables the creation of personalized and interactive data visualizations with an interface
Microsoft simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards;
Power BI
– It is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to transform
different data sources into visual, immersive, and interactive information.

– It is an all-in-one dashboard app that helps users monitor & analyze data scattered across
Cyfe all of your online services like Google Analytics, Salesforce, Google Ads, MailChimp,
Facebook, Twitter, and more from one single location in real-time.

– It is an ad-hoc reporting and business intelligence solution which provides businesses with
the tools to design and deploy custom reports on business metrics;
– It offers features including a report and dashboard designer, online report deployment, a
DBxtra report scheduler, and an excel reporting service;
– With DBxtra even non-technical users can generate interactive business intelligence reports
and dashboards, and deploy them across the web.

– It helps business people make faster, better business decisions, empowering them with
self-service tools to explore data and share insights in minutes;
Analytics – Simple drag-and-drop tools are paired with intuitive visualizations;
– Quick connections to any data source are combined with one-click sharing of any insight.

– It is the cockpit from which you can fly your business;

– supports integration with host of popular business software including accounting, POS,
9 Spokes inventory, marketing, and more;
– It builds your business dashboard. One view, with 360-coverage of your business so you’re
always 100% informed.

– It is a cloud-based business planning software powered by Microsoft BI;

– It combines budgeting, forecasting, BI reporting, and intuitive modelling technology in a
Kepion single, centralized platform, enabling users to produce and plan applications around the
way their organization works;
16 Is knwons as ”A must know tool for Chartblocks. This is an online charting software.
building visualizations”. Plotly is an open source It helps to create basic charts quite quickly and to
visualization library for data visualization and import more data from different external sources.
analysis. Plotly provides many products including With this tool, you will have the possibility to
Dash, Chart Studio, a Python framework, R and export your visualization in SVG or PNG format
recently JULIA for building fast, easy and powerful and also add it to your website and then share it
analytical applications. It is a bookstore use for on social media platforms (Fahad & Yahya 2018).
data visualization. he takes in supports various
graphs such as scientific graphs, 3D graphs, charts
Periscope Data. Is a powerful platform
statistics. It gives the hand to draw several types
dedicated to Data-Analysis. It can gather all the
of graph such as 3D graphs, histograms, easy to
data of your company and create reports. With
use and handle, totally free and very interactive
this tool, you can easily convert your figures
and flexible. More advantages are presented in the
into an easy-to-understand graph or report. It is
Figure 12.
powerful, but quite expensive to buy (Pattanaik
& Wiegand 2021).
Periscope Data enables analysts to turn their
SQL queries into interactive dashboards, charts,
and reports for data consumers with frequent
data needs. Periscope Data’s breakthrough data
warehouse infrastructure quickly connects to your
databases to deliver incredibly fast, low-cost
query processing. Unlimited users and no query
limits remove workflow barriers and promote data
literacy across your organization (Richardson et al.

Figure 12: 5 criteria ranking: Plotly.

Holistics. Is an intelligent data reporting and
BI platform that lets you answer your own data
PowerBI. Is a data analysis solution from questions and issues without having to rely on
Microsoft. It allows for the creation of personalized technical support. It eliminates the need for
and interactive data visualizations with an request queue irritation for business and data
interface simple enough for end users to create teams. With Holistics, data teams can design and
their own reports and dashboards. Power BI has manage a set of business KPIs, and business users
been ranked a leader for several consecutive years can access their own data without writing SQL or
in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant (VIOREL & LUCIA messing with data teams (Khan 2021).
2019). The data team can use Holistics to provide a
common definition of metrics and then organize
From a functional point of view, the Microsoft
datasets for business users to see. Without coding
Power BI tool can be classified in the category of
SQL or depending on technical colleagues, business
BI Self-Service and Data Visualization solutions
users can evaluate and create their own reports
oriented towards business users. Indeed, the tool
and visualizations using this platform. Users can
allows non-IT users to produce ”sexy” reports
transform business logic into data logic, update
without requiring any real technical skills. More
data in a central location, and push the change
advantages are presented in the Figure 13.
to all dependent models, datasets, and reports
with Holistics. You can share information with
stakeholders with a single click and send it via
Slack, email, webhooks and other methods. Users
can additionally browse their favorite dashboards
using explorations and receive notifications when
something important happens.

Cluvio. Is a cloud-based analytics and business

intelligence solution that allows companies to
analyze data using a dashboard. The solution
allows running queries, filtering results and
displaying data on charts and diagrams. Its key
Figure 13: 5 criteria ranking: Power BI. features include an SQL editor, customizable R
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 17

scripts, push notifications, sharing dashboards Chartio. Chartio is a cloud-based business

with customers, and more (Srivastava & intelligence and analytics solution that allows
Venkataraman 2022). The Cluvio dashboard can its users to easily analyze data from business
also be shared with colleagues using a link allowing applications and represent it through various
them to access it without logging in. Users can customizable charts. Chartio is suitable for people
drill down data, specify date ranges, and configure with no technical background and professionals,
aggregation settings. Cluvio can integrate with as you can choose between intuitive Interactive
various databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL modes (David 2020). Chartio integration
Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, makes data analysis and visualization available
Microsoft SQLServer, Amazon Web Services, for people with no technical background (however,
Oracle, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Aura, it gives you the opportunity to learn basic SQL
and Exasol. Services are offered on a monthly as well). It facilitates operations management as
subscription basis. Support is provided by email well, as the interactive dashboards can be easily
and through an online portal. shared with your co-worker or team. Chartio’s
visualization tool allows users to create custom
Klipfolio. Is a cloud application for creating and graphs, charts and reports, which can be shared
sharing real-time dashboards on web browsers, instantly through email, Slack or downloads.
TV screens and mobile devices. Subscriptions
start at just $29/month and you can try it
for free at Connect to hundreds DataWrapper. Datawrapper is another great
of online and offline data sources (including data visualization software on this list. Your
web applications such as Salesforce and Google target audience should be able to understand the
Analytics, databases, spreadsheets, servers or type of chart you are creating. Also, the Excel
files), leverage a robust library of pre-built data screenshot looks great on your desktop, but it’s
visualizations or create your own powerful editor barely readable on mobile.
from scratch (Amer & El-Hadi 2019). And Datawrapper solves this problem
automatically. All charts, tables and maps you
Clicdata. Was born from the observation that, create with DataWrapper are easily readable on
regardless of the amount of investment in servers, all devices. The good news is that you don’t need
software and integrators, business intelligence any coding skills to create the graphics. Since
suffers from a lack of flexibility. ClicData is a 100 Datawrapper is a non-commercial platform, it is
Where most players are just visualization, IL best suited for students and small organizations
allows businesses to connect and consolidate their that need basic data visualization features (Islam
data, then shape it into charts from a single & Jin 2019). More advantages can be presented in
platform. the Figure 14.
It offers a more modern vision of the software
by offering in particular the possibility of
importing data regardless of their format and
cross-referencing information from different tools.
In addition, with ClicData, all processes are
automated because extremely dynamic data, such
as cash register files in the retail sector, requires
very fresh data rendering, without the user having
to need to update each time and giving it
the possibility of being notified of each relevant
element of the reporting that concerns it (Viljanen

Figure 14: 5 criteria ranking: DataWrapper.

Qlik Sense. An effective visualization clearly
presents the relationships between many values
and allows you to analyze data at a glance. Qlik
Sense offers a wide range of visualizations and Venngage. Venngage is a web application, for
charts. Each chart excels at visualizing data in creating a range of data visualisations including
various ways for different purposes. Charts should infographics, posters, reports, and promotions.
be selected based on the data you want to see The basic version of the Venngage application is
in them. If you are unsure of which visualizations web based and does not require an installation. You
to use in your project, Qlik Sense can offer do, however, need a free account to start creating
recommendations (Vashisht & Dharia 2020). your own visualisations (Usova & Laws 2021).

Piktochart. Piktochart is a web-based graphic making the visual representation of complex data
design tool and infographic maker. With it, you can easy for everyone. Primarily conceived as a tool
create bar charts, maps, line graphs, scatter plot, for designers and vis geeks, RAWGraphs aims
and more. Create interactive data visualizations at providing a missing link between spreadsheet
with an easy-to-use dashboard.When creating a applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers,
new file, users can start from a blank sheet or OpenRefine) and vector graphics editors (e.g.
choose from one of the 600 templates offered, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Sketch) (Mauri et al.
arranged in a multitude of categories (Peddoju & 2017). Based on the svg format, visualizations can
Upadhyay 2020). be easily edited with vector graphics applications
The editor is intuitive and very easy to use. It for further refinements, or directly embedded into
is possible to add photos, videos, or icons to a web pages.
document via a simple ”drag and drop”. The fonts
and colors used are also modifiable. The tool also Wordle. Wordle is a tool for editing “word
allows you to synchronize with Google Spreadsheet clouds” based on the Wordle. The initial word
or SurveyMonkey to retrieve data and thus create cloud can be generated from the input text or
interactive graphs or tables. read from an existing one. You can re-font, re-
Another interesting feature is the ability to protect colore, resize, move, rotate, add and delete words
your work with a password if it involves sensitive to create custom visualizations (Viegas et al.
files for clients or colleagues. A formula dedicated 2009). Wordle’s main benefit is that it allows
to teams makes it possible to collaborate within a neighborhood-preserving editing process, which
the same platform and to have access to the keeps words at predictable and close locations
comments of the members involved. A very good during and after the editing process. Like Wordle,
tool for those looking for a simple and accessible the images you create with Wordle are yours to use
solution to create all types of presentations and however you like. You can save them to your own
communication media. desktop to use as you wish. An illustrative example
made with wordle for the DataViz context can be
infogram. Infogram is a web-based data presented in the figure 16.
visualization and infographics platform, created in
Riga, Latvia. It allows people to create and share
digital charts, infographics and maps.
Infogram helps create infographics, reports, and
maps for your organization. Infographics from
Infogram help you tell a compelling data-driven
story and present your content with easy to
understand data that grabs the viewers attention.
Infogram operates as a data visualization tool with
the goal of making your data easy to understand,
discovering unknown facts/outliers/trends, Figure 16: DataViz with Wordle.
visualize relationship patterns, and ask better
questions. More advantages are presented in the
Figure 15. is where people can visualize
information easily through quick infographic
creation and data visualization. No design
background required! is an infographic
design tool and can create any visualized content
as any kind of information. provides many
templates, themes and any objects to edit your
detailed information in their designs (Weiner &
Lorber 2021).

5.2 Tools accessible to experienced users

Figure 15: 5 criteria ranking: Infogram.

5.2.1 JavaScript libraries

JavaScript is one of the most widely used scripting

Raw. RAWGraphs is an open source data languages for the client-side and is now heavily
visualization framework built with the goal of used for creating appealing data visualizations
Big Data visualization and you : An empirical study. 19

Table 5 Top 15 JavaScript Visualization Libraries.

– Best for building dynamic and interactive data visualizations for web browsers.
– D3.js is one of the most popular data visualization libraries being used by developers across
D3JS the globe and is used to manipulate documents based on data.
– It uses modern web standards like SVG, HTML, and CSS for building graphs, maps, and
pie charts.

– Best for teams and developers looking for basic charting requirements and an open-sourced
Charts.js product.

FusionCharts – It is best for web and enterprise application charting and data visualization requirements.

Taucharts – Best for teams building complex data visualizations.

Two.js – Best for open-source library for rendering 2-D shapes.

Pts.js – Best for composing objects as you perceive them with a basic level of abstraction as points.

Raphael.js – Best for creating detailed drawings and graphics with very few lines of code.

– Best for creating powerful user interface animation with support for all major modern
Anime.js browsers.

ReCharts – Best for teams looking to create charts for React-based web applications.

– Best for building advanced charts primarily for web-based Forex and stock-trading
TradingVue.js applications.

– Best for teams looking for an extensive charting library for supporting multiple platforms
HighCharts like web and mobile.

– Best for creating basic charts across multiple programming language libraries like Python,
ChartKick Ruby, JS, etc.

Pixi.js – Best for teams looking for JavaScript libraries to create digital content based on HTML5.

Three.js – Best for generating 3-D graphics for web-based applications.

ZDog – Best for open-sourced doesn’t give creating and rendering 3-D images for canvas and SVG.

for modern web and mobile browsers. The Table interesting reports like this one (Serik et al. 2021).
5 including the top 15 libraries dedicated to Google Data Studio is essentially a streamlined
visualization will be able to describe them better. version of data visualization tools like Tableau and
Clickview. While you won’t have access to quite as
5.2.2 Dashboard builders many features or coding capabilities, the platform
is free and pretty easy to use.
Google Data Studio. Is an online data
visualization tool that helps users convert data into Unlike platforms like Google Analytics or
informative reports and interactive dashboards. HubSpot, Data Studio is not a data source.
It is a powerful tool to help marketers and business It doesn’t collect the data; rather, it combines
owners use their data effectively by creating data from different sources, analyzes it, and then

lets you create interactive reports, charts, and such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Sharing
dashboards. documents becomes more flexible, thanks to the
recognition of CSL format and text files.
Toucan Toco. Is a cloud-based data
visualization tool. Intended for non-technical
business executives, the objective of this highly
configurable data visualization solution is to
6 DataViz’ issues
provide essential information and data for decision-
making. With the application studio integrated A good visualization illustrates the data so viewers
into the Toucan Toco solution, any structure can quickly extract meaning. One of the most
can create and display personalized BI (business common data visualization mistakes is including
intelligence) applications (Arruabarrena 2017). too much information. This makes it difficult
These applications can then be deployed on for viewers to formulate takeaways. Likewise,
different media and devices, and each application visualizations suffer when designers include too
can itself be integrated into a dashboard, a many visual effects.
graph, a PDF document. . . Connectable to other
applications, including those used in the daily
routine of companies , Toucan Toco also develops 6.1 Why are most visualization designs
APIs that allow it to integrate with other IT ineffective?
solutions, such as Cognos Analytics and Salesforce,
for example. To retrieve the data to be used and Data visualizations are often ineffective because
then displayed, this advanced reporting tool is they are designed for the wrong audience in mind.
thus able to connect to more than a hundred The perceived value of dashboards is lost due to
applications: Excel, Google Analytics, Microsoft poor communication with end users. The data
SQL ServerIn short, according to Charles Miglietti visualization design process begins with learning
one of the founding members, of a kind of the audience who will use the dashboard.
analytical application WordPress.

Data Hero. Is a data visualization software to 6.2 What mistakes should be avoided in data
grow your business. DataHero is a cloud computing visualization?
business intelligence software platform specializing
in data visualization and dashboards. Visualize Common errors include duplicate data, missed
and analyze data from all your cloud services. data, unmarked NA values, etc. For example, in
DataHero is the fastest and easiest way to get this pie chart, the three sectors of the pie chart
insights from your data. Create charts, reports, and add up to 193%, which makes no sense. Such errors
dashboards from your business data that you can in the data would render your final visualizations
easily share with teams and clients (Pedersen & useless.
Bossen 2021).

Looker. Is a cloud platform dedicated to data 6.3 Does data visualization require coding?
visualization. It belongs to Google, and is its
analytics and business intelligence service. Its use You don’t need to write any code to easily create
offers a better exploitation of professional resources an interactive data visualization. When it comes
for different sectors of activity. As a business to presenting data, spreadsheets and text-heavy
intelligence platform, Looker integrates several reports aren’t enough to explain what we found.
features, including many options dedicated to data This is when we need data visualization to present
visualization. This includes the use of reporting data in a way that helps everyone grasp difficult
tools, the creation of dashboards, multicloud concepts.
storage, not to mention the customization of
the database. Coders have the ability to use
the LookML language to program visualization 6.4 Why is misleading data bad?
For professional use, Looker has many advantages. If there is too much data presented or irrelevant,
It is a cloud platform that does not require the audience may not see the relevant information.
the installation of any software or application. The more data displayed at once, the more difficult
The maintenance of the system is thus greatly it becomes to detect specific trends. Misleading
facilitated. In addition, its accessibility is with too much data is often used to mislead the
optimized for the vast majority of web browsers, public from small but relevant information.
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method used to obtain the data. For example, the International Journal of Computer Science and
size and type of sample used in any statistic plays Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) .
an important role – many polls and questionnaires
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target certain audiences who provide specific
métier en transition’, I2D-Information, donnees
responses, resulting in small and biased sample
documents 54(3), 7–8.
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to explore six freely available visualization
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