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Contextualized to the Academic Track

Business Plan Outline
You will present an introductory part of the business plan you have in mind. The focus of
the introductory part can be reviewed in Lesson 2 of this unit (Introduction, Executive
Summary, and Proponents).


Performance Present an acceptable detailed business plan.

Content Demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying principles, and

processes of developing a business plan.

● Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Opportunity to ● Collaboration
Practice the Following ● Initiative and Self-Direction
21st-Century Skills

Task Context
Entrepreneurs should plan carefully on the business that he or she will establish. With
your business in mind, an introduction to a business plan will guide you to further
analyze the details of your business. With these details, you can create a more detailed
plan that will help you now to attract investors or shareholders.

Unit 2: The Business Plan 1

Contextualized to the Academic Track

Task Instructions Date

1. The group will craft the introductory part of your business plan.
2. The initial outline should consist of the following sections of the business plan:
● Introduction
● Executive summary
● Business proponents
3. It is assumed that upon doing this unit performance task, your proposed product or
service has been initially approved by your teacher.
4. The introductory part of your business plan shall be submitted to the teacher in
both in soft and hard copies.

Rubric for Grading

1 2 3 4 points
Content 60%

Accuracy The content is The content is The content is The content is well-
poorly- somewhat researched, with a researched,
researched, with considerable
researched, minimal amount of evidence. supported by
without any supporting evidence, no 40%
supporting evidence. errors.

Completeness Less than 25% of Less than 50% of Less than 75% of All the required
the components the components the components are components are
are present. are present. present. present. 10%

Mechanics There are many There are few Almost no No grammatical,

grammatical, grammatical, grammatical, spelling, or
spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or punctuation errors
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors found.
are found.

Unit 2: The Business Plan 2

Contextualized to the Academic Track

1 2 3 4 points
Presentation 25%

Professionalism The plan is not The plan is not The plan is The plan is
submitted on time, submitted on time, submitted on time, submitted on time,
and lacks with a good degree with a good degree well-written, and
comprehen- of of comprehensibility. has a high degree 15%
sibility. comprehensibility. of comprehen-

Aesthetics The plan did not The plan minimally The plan followed The plan followed
follow the desired follow the desired the prescribed the prescribed
format and looks format, and format, considerably format, organized,
as if done in a somehow organized and neatly and very neatly 10%
haphazard disorganized. done. done.

21st Century Skills 15%

Critical Thinking Conclusions based Conclusions based Conclusions based Conclusions based
and Problem on analysis and on analysis and on analysis and on analysis and
Solving synthesis of all synthesis of all synthesis of all synthesis of all
available available available information available 5%
information is not information is is evident. information is very
evident. somewhat evident. evident.

Collaboration It is not evident It is somewhat It is evident that the It is very evident

that the students evident that the students exhibit that the students
exhibit respect and students exhibit respect and valuing exhibit respect and
valuing for own respect and valuing for own and others’ valuing for own 5%
and others’ roles for own and others’ roles and and others’ roles
and contributions. roles and contributions. and contributions.

Initiative and No evidence that The students The students The students
Self-Direction the students somewhat monitor evidently monitor consistently
monitor one's own one's own one's own monitor one's own
understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and
learning needs, learning needs, learning needs, learning needs,
does not show understand basic going beyond basic going beyond basic
basic mastery of mastery of skills to mastery of skills to mastery of skills to 5%
skills to explore explore and expand explore and expand explore and
and expand one's one's own learning one's own learning expand one's own
own learning and and opportunities and opportunities to learning and
opportunities to to gain expertise. gain expertise. opportunities to
gain expertise. gain expertise.


Unit 2: The Business Plan 3

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