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Humming bird

Humming Bird. Escritora de México. Cuentos en inglés. Cuentos de pájaros.

Under the shadow of a reddish tree it was playing a pretty little humming bird, when
suddenly a huge cloud came by and said : “ humming bird, humming bird what are you
doing so lonely over there? Come with me and I´ll turn you into a cloud and then you´ll
see how beautiful is to go round and round the world”.
- But my mother awaits for me at home, and I want to see the world by her side, tell me
traveller cloud can you promise me that when I become a cloud my mother will be a
mountain and I will rest on her snowy top?
- No, I cannot promise such thing.
- Thank you then, and good luck on your way.
The wind that had heard everything came close and said : “humming bird, humming
bird what are you doing so lonely over there? I could turn you into a breeze, we will
play all day and all night, we won´t have rules or punishments, we´ll be so free!”.
- But if I go away with you can you promise me that I will come home every night to
sleep between my mom´s warm wings?
- No, I can´t promise you that.
- Thank you then, and good luck on your way.

Flying over here and over there the humming bird got to a seashore and saw a playful
wave appear and disappear, but it finally got close and said : “humming bird, humming
bird what are you doing so lonely over there? don´t you want to come away with me
and be a wave so we can travell through the oceans to fight with pirates, to look for
treasures, to dance with dolphins and sing along with the mermaids?”.
- if I go away with you can you promise me that at the end of the day, when I feel tired
or scared my mother will be a beautiful beach and she will cover me up on her soft
- No, I cannot promise you that.
- Thank you then, and good luck on your way.
Flying over here and over there the humming bird returned home, and his mother said :
“ humming bird, humming bird why are you so late?
- Today, a cloud, the wind and a wave invited me to go away with them, they spoke
about journeys, games and adventures, but I didn´t want to go with them because I
would have to go without you.
- Humming bird, humming bird, my little humming bird, I know one day you shall fly
away, but I can promise you I will always be by your side; I´ll be the wind under wich
you will fly, I´ll be the blooming tree on wich you will rest at night, and whenever you
miss me , just remember I will be the sun that will hold you from dawn to dusk. And, at
night, if you ever feel scared I will be moonlight that will calm your dreams. Humming
bird, humming bird, my little humming bird, don´t you ever be afraight to see the world,
because I will be around. And, if one day you want to return to me and for some reason
you can´t find the way back, just listen inside of you, because I will be the rithm of your
heart, and we will always be toghether in there, that will be our everlasting home.

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