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Present & Past Tense Verb Review

Simple & Continuous forms

Present Simple and Present Continuous Fill ins

1. ________ you often ________ (write) e-mails to 1. This Nerf gun ____________ (belong) to me, it
your friends? No, I ___________. ________________ (not/belong) to my brother.

2. _________ your father _________ (take) the 2. Birds __________ (fly) south in the winter.
train to work? Yes, he __________. Look! There _______ thousands of geese
_____________ (fly) overhead.
3. I ________________ (not/understand) what you
are saying. 3. Ice ___________ (freeze) at zero degrees
centigrade. It ______________ (not/freeze) when
4. At the moment I _________________ (read) an
it is 10 degrees.
interesting comic, I ______________________
(not/do) my homework.
4. _________ you ____________ (learn) how to
5. Mike _________________ (play) Farmville on the speak English in school this year? Yes, I ________.
computer now. Every day he _________________
(grow) many new vegetables and fruits. 5. We often __________ (bring) snacks to school.
________ you ________ (eat) a snack during the
6. This morning he ______________ (pick) his latest breaks?
crop. Then he usually ___________ (sell) them at
the market. But today he ____________ (not/pick) 6. Lionel Messi ___________ (make) a lot of goals
any crops because they aren’t ready. every year. He rarely ___________ (miss) a goal.
7. The sun always ____________ (shine) in Greece
7. It ________________ (get) colder now, I
in the summer. In Greek summer _____________
(mean) good weather. ________ (think) I need to put on a sweatshirt.

8. However now it is November and today the sun 8. ______ they __________ (leave) for football
___________ (not/shine). ________ it __________ practice now or _______ they _________ (watch)
(rain) in the winter in your country? TV at the moment?

1. ________ you ________ (feel) all right? No, I ________________ (feel) sick at the moment.

2. Children ________________ (grow) taller every year. I know I ________________ (grow) at lot this year because
none of my clothes ____________ (fit)

3. ________ you _________ (hear) the dog barking? Yes, today it _______________ (drive) me crazy. Be quiet!

4. My dog ___________ (hide) his bones in the garden. He ______________ (not/hide) them in the house.

5. My parents _________________ (travel) to Barcelona this morning. They often ________________ (travel)

6. _______ your cat __________ (drink) milk every day? Yes, it __________________.
Past Simple

Past Continuous Tenses

Fill in the correct tense

1. While I ________________ (feed) my dog Tigra, I ________________ (hear) another dog barking.
1. When I _______________ (put) on my coat for school, I ____
2. He ______________ (buy) vegetables at the open air market, when it ____________ (start) to rain.
2. The students ____________________ (not/sing) Christmas ca
3. The dog __________________ (bite) me when I ___________________ (pet)
dog! __________your bike when your mobi
3. __________
4. What ________ you _________ (do) when the earthquake __________________ (happen)?
4. ________ he _____________ (sleep) when the thunderstorm
5. I ______________ (dream) about Christmas vacation while my sister
5. He_______________ (talk) to mehis
about school.
_____________ (not/spend) money on fancy cars, he _
6. We ________________ (eat) pizza while we _________________ (listen) to the weather report.
6. The robber ___________ (steal) the jewels from her hotel roo
7. Dad ____________ (not/drive) the car when the earth ______________ (start) to shake.________ youwhen
____________ (study) th
7. I _______________ (lose) my keys I ________________
8.______ you __________ (remember) to lock the door? No, I ___________ (forget).
9. George ______________ (not/play) a computer game last night, he __________ (write) a book report.

Time Words for

Time Words for Time Words for Time Words for
Present Simple
Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous
1. ___________ 1. ____________ 1. ____________ 1. ___________
2.___________ 2.____________ 2.____________ 2.____________
3.___________ 3.____________ 3.____________
4.___________ 4.____________ 4.____________

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