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Muscle Resource (Back & Trunk) ASSESSMENT 3

Student Madena Merza

Student Number 19751397
Email Address
Unit Code HUMB1002 (Functional Anatomy)
Semester & Year Semester 1 2020
Due Date 05/06/2020

I declare that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted in any form for
another unit, degree or diploma at any university or other institute of tertiary education.
Information derived from the published or unpublished work of others has been
acknowledged in the text and list of references is given. I warrant that any disks and/or
computer files submitted as part of this assignment have been checked for viruses and
reported clean.

Student Signature:

Date: 05/06/2020

The way I chose to present my muscle resource was through an A2 visual diary, with notes
and colour coordinated drawings. I’m a visual learner and also retain information better when
it is handwritten. I also think colour makes the studying process far more bearable than plain,
black and white text.

Acland, R. D. (1995-2003). Acland’s video atlas of human anatomy. Wolters Kluwer:

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Allen, J. L. (2005). Pulmonary complications of neuromuscular disease. Pediatric

pulmonology (pp. 194-207).

Cassidy, A. (2019). The suboccipital muscles.

Dominguez, M. (2017). Abdominal wall hernias.

Jones, O. (2019). The anterolateral abdominal wall.

Jones, O. (2019). The muscles of the thoracic cage.

Jones, O. (2020). The intrinsic back muscles.

Moore, K.L., Dalley, A. F., Agur, A. M. R., & Dalley, A. F. (2017). Clinically oriented anatomy

(8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Netter, F. (2019). Atlas of human anatomy (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Palastanga, N., & Soames, R. (2012). Anatomy and human movement: Structure and

function (6th ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Rohen, J. W., Yokochi, C., & Lutjen-Drecoll, E. (2011) Color atlas of anatomy (7th ed.).

Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5825-5856-1

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