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School Evaluation Summary School Demographics: The school referenced in this report by the name Tyler, is a Title 1 school

located in the Washington D.C. area. Tyler has around 800 students and is housed in a school building that is only 2 years old. The school is starting to see a gradual decline in the number of free and reduced lunch students and more affluent, white collar type families are moving into the area. Administrative Filter Policy Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Planning Behavioral: Islands Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent Budget Behavioral: Islands Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Administrative Information Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Summary: Tyler school is well equipped with technology given its socio-economic status. Most teachers embrace some part of the technology whether its the interactive boards, class webpages, or mobile devices. There are policies and procedures in place for purchasing technology but no formal plans on implementation. Planning takes place with individuals throughout the school but it is limited to short term in length. There are funds allocated for technology. The manner in which the funds are spent is pretty wide open as long as it is educational in nature. There are specific projects that are emphasized each year and those consume a good majority of the budget. Staff and Administrators use electronic systems daily for attendance, grades, electronic communication, and planning. Overall, I would place an islands ranking for the administrative filter. Tyler School has a lot of technology but there are no formal implementation systems in place. Administration is eager to push technology but has not had the people in place in years past to facilitate growth, thus the school is, technologically, a few years behind others in the area. Curricular Filter Electronic Information Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Assessment Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent

Curriculum Integration Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Teacher Use Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Student Use Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Summary: Tyler school is equipped with many hardware and software technology resources. Students and staff use multiple technologies daily. These technologies may not be on the cutting edge, but systems are being put in place that will guide the school in that direction. All students have access to curriculum based technology in the classrooms, library, and computer labs. Many assessment software programs are in place for all subject areas. Teachers and administration use reports from these systems to guide instruction. These resources are not the primary means of instruction for most teachers but greatly facilitate and complement what is already being done. Technology integration at Tyler School is seen more as extension activities, and not what teachers solely rely upon for their instruction and evaluation. For being a Title 1 school, most students do have internet access at home and all are given access many times during the day at school. I would give the curricular filter an integrated ranking on the scale. Most of the individual rankings are in the "intelligent" category but true technology integration with respect to the curriculum is still a work in progress. Getting teachers past the mindset of technology being a time filler to a mindset of technology as a primary means of instruction and learning is the next step. Support Filter Stakeholder Involvement Behavioral: Islands Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Administrative Support Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Training Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Technical and Infrastructure Support Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Summary: Tyler school is very reactive in their approach to technology. Communication is in much need of improvement. If a mandate comes down regarding a new program, policy, or procedure, most groups are not made aware of this by the

proper personnel. After staff hits the panic button, planning, collaboration, and training takes place. I feel if the school could move to a more proactive state, technology implementation could be seen in a more positive light. Just this year 3 new software programs were introduced along with a new student management system (attendance, gradebook, report cards, etc). This was quite overwhelming, even to the tech savvy teachers. In the previous 2 years, the staff was not made aware of the upcoming changes and expectations that would be placed on them. If you take these changes, combined with existing expectations that may or may not have been emphasized, you have a school of teachers and staff members wondering what is going on. On-going trainings have been offered to catch the school up to meet district expectations. Planning policies and procedures are not being put in place to keep the staff members abreast of changes. I would give the support filter an integrated ranking on the scale. Decisions at Tyler School have been made by 1 or 2 people and not been clearly communicated with the rest of the staff. The staff members are willing and eager to learn but are not clear on the expectations that are on them. All staff is involved in training but only for what they need (reactive) not what they will need (proactive). Connectivity Filter Local Area Network Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent District Area Network Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Internet Access Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Communication Systems Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Summary: Tyler School is in a very large district in a metropolitan area. Due to the size and location of the school and district, hardware and network resources are widely available. All staff and students have access to high speed internet, video conferencing, and wireless connections. Email is used by all adult staff members. District policy does not permit the teacher facilitation of email but interactive class webpages allow teacher/student communication for academic purposes. Tyler School can be placed in the "intelligent" category for the connectivity filter. Most schools that I have seen with the network, connectivity, and hardware capabilities of this school exist primarily in larger districts. That being said, stricter policies are in place for certain websites and programs. For instance, sites like YouTube and Facebook are blocked but smaller districts in the area allow for resources like these to be used. In the words of the IT department, Larger districts have the potential for larger problems. If

an issue arises on a Facebook page, it is more likely to hit the news and become a big problem as opposed to the same incident would occur in a small, rural school district (name not given for purposes of this project). Innovation Filter New Technologies Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Comprehensive Technologies Behavioral: Integrated Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Summary: As said earlier, Tyler school is well-equipped with technology but the implementation and integration portion is still a work in progress. Staff members love new technology but are reluctant to try them for reason such as: previous lack of support, lack of training, fears they will break or mess the equipment up, etc. The hardest part of technology integration is getting most staff members past these fears. The technology at Tyler School cannot be fully implemented and utilized until staff members learn the basics of these tools. Tyler School would fit in the "integrated" category on the scale. There is great potential for technology integration and implementation at this school given what the school already has. Final Summary: Overall, I would place Tyler School in the "integrated" category. I feel that the school has the hardware, network, and trainable staff members in place already. The key from this point forward will be to develop clear expectations, policies, and procedures for technology integration. These plans must be supported by administration and staff members must be held accountable to see these accomplished. Once staff members are trained in the specific technologies that already exist, more formal, complex implementation strategies can be developed to move the school from an up-to-date, reactive status to a cutting edge, proactive status.

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