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Searched for : prism In folder(s) : E:\JOBS\Programming\Documents\Learnning\dotNET\Silverlight Results : 6 document(s) with 51 instance(s) Saved on : 11/11/2011 1:32:07 AM

File Title Subject Author Keywords

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: Apress.Pro.Business.Applications.with.Silverlight.4.Aug.2010.pdf : : : :

the following: Prism: An open source framework for creating modular applications, and corresponding

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may choose use Prism, or perhaps no framework at all. For the purpose of

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DelegateCommand command in Prism (see the Frameworks section later in this chapter).

Page: 423 Prism: Caliburn:

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Silverlight applications include Prism and the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). Downloading Modules on on Demand Using Prism Prism is both a framework for creating modular applications, and

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out more about Prism and download the framework from You demand loading in Prism and Silverlight written by Nigel Ferrissey here: com/KB/silverlight/sl3prismnav.aspx. Downloading Modules on Demand Using MEF MEF is another to that of Prism. MEF is a framework for creating extensible applications and could in conjunction with Prism, replacing Unity that Prism uses as its dependency injection framework. replacing Unity that Prism uses as its dependency injection framework. Prism has a broader dependency injection framework. Prism has a broader focus than MEF, with a focus on framework such as Prism or MEF, but simply works with the navigation framework as

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smaller modules, 502 Prism, 505 ProgressBar control, 498 providing a low-friction install experience,

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PrintPageEventArgs object, 408 Prism, 505 Product entity, 114 Product property, 396 ProductClassValidation attribute, 117

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: : : : :

mvvm/getstarted) or Prism ( Its also beyond the scope

File Title Subject Author Keywords

Page: 37

: : Silverlight 4 in Action : : Pete Brown :

as MVVM and Prism, and entire middle-tier frameworks such as WCF RIA Services,

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: silverlight (1).pdf : 0132640643.pdf : : :

594 What About Prism? . .........................................................................603 Using an MVVM Framework . ....................................................................604

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consequent. What About Prism? Prism is a guidance developed by Microsoft to create composite an application. While Prism is for UI applications only, MEF and Unity can be

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and Maintainable Applications Prism is more complex to use than MEF. In fact, the next version of Prism (v4) will use MEF under the covers for its modularity infrastructure. Although Prism absolutely makes sense in certain situations, it may be too the use of Prism in an application and to consider starting with MEF and to solve issues), Prism (of which some components can be used specifically for

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(14.15), 377 Prism, 603-604 property triggers, data bindings 701 processes monitoring, 626

File Title Subject Author Keywords

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: Silverlight.4.Business.Intelligence.Software.pdf : Czernicki 3060-1(LSI).indd : : :

Framework (MEF), PRISM are not covered either. I felt this would overcomplicate even

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a technology called Prism that lets you create web applications easily. It has similar on the Mozilla Prism platform, go to Figure 2-4 Figure 2-4 includes other technologies based on the Web,

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like Gears and Prism. However, just like the Gears and Prism frameworks, HTML 5 the Gears and Prism frameworks, HTML 5 alone will not provide users with a

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MVVM and the Prism framework without taking into consideration optimizations such as the one

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with the MEF/Prism frameworks described later in this chapter). Listing 11-4. Dynamically

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Guidance Libraries (Prism):

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Guidance Libraries (Prism): Prism is a set of related libraries provided by Microsoft like MEF. However, Prism includes a richer set of libraries that contain important features missing in MEF. Prism also allows you to share code between WPF and Silverlight

Page: 566
Guidance Libraries (Prism), 387388 composite dashboards, 375 composite visuals, creating, 227235

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Mozilla, 40 Mozilla Prism platform, 40 MSAF (Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework), 264


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support for, 69 Prism, 40, 388 privacy laws, 264 processor affinity mask, 323 processor

File Title Subject Author Keywords

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: Silverlight.4.Unleashed.pdf : 0132640643.pdf : : :

594 What About Prism? . .........................................................................603 Using an MVVM Framework . ....................................................................604

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consequent. What About Prism? Prism is a guidance developed by Microsoft to create composite an application. While Prism is for UI applications only, MEF and Unity can be

Page: 629
and Maintainable Applications Prism is more complex to use than MEF. In fact, the next version of Prism (v4) will use MEF under the covers for its modularity infrastructure. Although Prism absolutely makes sense in certain situations, it may be too the use of Prism in an application and to consider starting with MEF and to solve issues), Prism (of which some components can be used specifically for

Page: 726
(14.15), 377 Prism, 603-604 property triggers, data bindings 701 processes monitoring, 626

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