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bd eh tess muse se aU - MAPLE ABA LCA EF AIL: OLP ANF 1% PU > OLF" POON VES PCLONNECPFIATEIF Neon? fad wap 20134.9" ARMAND evan? PC 811/2013 AA? werPF NA OL AMT AK PU DLP Covarnk vid Per fot ACP RILIS Acvant PON coaré, US At wet Mee Ak AO berAee FAG AL ARO AT Pas PAE Ahaha NAL hA® oL Ams A nV OL PoomAS VEIT HeLa POPE Nom LFA WH ANAL UT Nett £1 comer orca: 1, Amo WAAN POGTET IMAL PAL LLOEC MAWES woth PAL APE &eC 1156/2011 AiR W71Aleo hme MAM comer pus comes harness: 2. APC Con LU overee “Nt wet PF WS ofr AMG FO PH LU OL LoraAk'd Ured- Preah oP ED NILIG AoowMir fon cvavee er 811/2013" tate Amba LAAT: 3. HCAD ANY cpand? hé109:~ 1. NPR MAT ChwET wets DAE APE ROC 1156/2011 VA% torre Directive No. 81/2021 Directive on types of works which are particularly hazardous or dangerous to the health and to the reproductive systems of Women workers Introduction. This Directive has been issued in order to protectwomen workers from occupational injuries or damages to their health that may result from engaging in work that is heavy, harmful to health, or that adversely affects child childbirth 1, Legislating Authority ‘The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has issued this Directive in accordance with the authority vested on it by Labor Proclamation No. 1156/2011 Article 171/1/d 2 tle This Directive may be cited as “Directive on types of works which are particularly hazardous or dangerous to the health and to the reproductive systems of women workers” Directive No 81/2021. 3. Definitions For the implementation of this Directive: 1, “Proclamation” means Labour proclamation No. 1156/2019. NAR oe” MN REY 7.0 heer hive MAL Pr BINAN AIC oe PANY PML Ped NIAID os bh L et Phar ge” IA Peco AFAIN Pokey Anes. FANT AT PETIT ULE PALME UT HAR AF eLShhA Trt Lara tre NFPA tos: howe A PUNE PREC He” It howe NI Nevaces MAB WLR PVE keO AT FAD IC RELL PE AE sarss FRA ME A MAT oR MRIS Perer1m At FAs: "Mee" It THO” foie hhas vPAy Arr FAR DLA Phar PAANHE TA PIL torre “AMS PH tur were At hee 2G MIR gato of9° a metEh ag WhAR AT AVANTE TA LANEA om LAFa- dna hewha: ay ALOre: ACHTLIAT ALKA MIE LAdFo wort LP Cpe NIPOIO PE Gams Pema VE eLeoh weer Nt fey TPAR MS FIC PeugahtA AF FOI -FATCAR OLY CLL NAOUT Ea MOLAR POPC Peenmito NCAT K~n . “Heavy Work” is work thatrequires the exertion of 7.0 kilo calories per minute of metabolic energy. . “Continuous Work” is uninterrupted and repetitious work that causes physical stress. “Sub — terrane anExcavation Work” is work that is carried out underground by hand or machine and is related to mineral extraction and exploration. “A Pregnant Woman” is one whose pregnancy has been certified medically. . “Radiation” is any electromagnetic wave that has the power to pass through internal organs and tissues, . “Works Harmful to Health” are those related to jobs or work processes that bring physical and psychological harm to women workers that may be caused by physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial agents. “Works that Adversely Affect Childbirth” are types of works in which carcinogenic, ‘mutagenic, and teratogenic compounds of lements are utilize and its effect on reproductive problems, and that interfere with natural embryonic development is 5. at wot oN -toPRh see net OLP PITRE TIC OUR IAI AL POON Pore HCE boss 9. OAPE AFR eAUZHe® FOIE ANY C0G0EL PER LUG Ar: 10.1 ag NOI =P PAR PAPIP PD LEAMA: 4, Rawamd Par PBI T LY rooms e PhUes wet TL APE PPC 1156/2011 NNET FO Awe At WORE AL PEI LUGO: ATA LAV NFO ethaha 96-2 1. Vor hed ty AE Ate POPE AL At WErEEY dre 1hd-% e-rhAnA dar: VNR REET how Ng ANH TAP LELAL OLF PPT REC EPH (en Neobaoe: Nootrne: Nevor.Ats NMI AT Newlant -d.7 ch OCT PF wre O<-ANLG 02 Ree herhae® Nowra me. mtd PARA Yar: 1, PROLAENT PADLOEA OVS: FRE NCE NeogenAMoowes AT Me AL APAO-D NLL7 » PAY OY LI MPAA Aven proven scientifically. 9. The definitions given in Article 2 of Labor ProclamationNo. 1156/2011 shall be applicable 10. Provisions of this directive set out in the masculine gender shall also apply to the feminine gender. 4, Scope of Application ‘This Directive shall be applicable to employers and women workers covered in Labor Proclamation No.1156/2011 5, Works Prohibited for Women Workers 1, Employers are prohibited from employingwomen workers in the following jobs: a. Mineral extraction and in sub-terranean works like digging deep wells or excavating caves, b.Preparation of pesticides and herbicides, whetherit is in compounding, mixing, filling, packaging, or spraying them. .Spraying of pesticides or herbicides in farm plots. Applying, filing, and poundingof asbestos and asbestos compounds. e.Working in a deep pool, or flowing water that can be easily poisoned, revtA Pea ont OY ahr Tt 6 AR fone RUTtT mt Td PLLNLA DO 296.2% TK ar rhe by 19 aerndne POPE AL OTN A Dore Ae foe RUNES Mk TAF ALRCOD ema: A: Mes Net FAM: MARE TAIT OWA MEP Are FN PT ACC hewn, oes PFT Nermbe CERF ee wen PE Nee LRA ALM AEC OAS ITE NICH AT CaReC PIR fooanT Ub ARNE WIS betes Pm Ne MEL REP omnT rang: AwePt ty AIF Atude Cyd NCEET NPAPAPE ade ararre AA Met BF GorIHR CMG PCOre PRED VU. PNY cobowen, NALANT Ur ALI” AIA — NowBs eye PORT A. ANS RIAA one -reOF OAT NRPS hhorr fone BA PC bee TR Paton PoP he PRIIL OF IN AT PRIDE ed PE 6. Works that Requires Special Occupational _ Safety __and Health Protection Employer shall provide special occupational safety and health protection for women working jobs listed below: 1, Undertakings engaged in metal melting, clectro- plating and mechanical works, battery factories, and in radiation- ‘emitting instruments shall not expose women workers to air levels of pollutants and radiation waves above thelimitsgiven in Annex 1, 2, Employers shall provide annual health ‘examinations for women engaged in the works and activities listed below: a. Those who work standing for a long time for lack of available appropriate seating arrangement. b. Those who work in health providing institutions and are in direct contact with blood and other bodily fluids c. Those who work in stone quarries, and in stone carving. NR ew ANGATOTE PeIEATS Poo at pent oO RARE PRAT TAAL S AOR PAR wes 6. Ned WES To here dud [old AT NEP ooh Ho AF Ped CC A RINIT dO PTR (Vibration) WCE PAFar weP Fis 7. AGA MCAT ALSO Ot wot FF Prhaha 6.9% My comes RIOR 5 AT 6 htmbo POPE bale AI VAT ebNeNe Ave PPAR MG FIC ODD AU IRE ets ere IC wURE AeTd FLL IAM ITO Pee NOPE ATC Het FET hos MAA AOH 6 wet LN ALLO wer PE erhaha- San 8. ALT wet PF Prod ChARt coms Ltt we FE PANE Noomey reruns For hag had As rerreata 1 footing + PAA + PHA s PeTERLR + LYM A 1 Pomrta 1 PavANT ROCA APF hiv borne Preonhta-d Chat com's ee ALAt ehsosn: V. APRS tar ae. Noo. MAE US: 4. Those who work in heating asphalt and spraying it in road construction. €. Those who work in cleaning toilets and drainage pipes, £, Those whose nature of work exposes them to very cold or very hot temperatures. g. Works that cause the body to shake orto limp. 7. Works Prohibited for P1 id breastfeeding women, Besides the works mentioned in Articles 5 and 6 above, those listed in Annex 2 that cause reproductive problems from direct exposure to elements and their compoundsare prohibited to pregnant workers and to nursing mothers for up to six months from the time of delivery 8. Weight Limit for Women Workers 1, Women workers should not engage in moving, carrying, transporting, lifting, unloading, loading, dragging, or pulling goodsthat weigh above the following ceilings: a. Where the activity is wholly manual: i. For continuous work: 15 1. Phare Adar yd ROH 15 ha 2 MALI Pho pe ANH 25 nu A. AFPASAO oA Nowa. IAB UT AVE LovwMts ALAT Coomes U4 MAN 1, meor thar ert haa ¢6Pa- hag Aah 10 1.7. 2 mea thaatert hare Pore HR AN 15 N.7. ah, NFPAFA@ AN NIL AIC 26 loomte hws Pro hag AnH 50h. 9. AA 24d TROP Nee Crt Nee onsor LFCOA: At were of TEN ac wer Pt OLE LLL dl ET rennet ye HAMA PERE UT RIT fee RETO Lomorro-t ALM OR AA frre OLA AO PENT AIH PHELT CT BA PONVET LITE . ANY wage etm ANA PARLIVEO LI AK Pome RUT MP TAP CNLNLAIEOS Prd APOPOPH hnwaht 0% wry yt 6 kgs. ii, For non ~ continuous work: 25kgs. b. Where the activity is wholly manual, but involves climbing up and downa slope: i. For continuous work:1 0kgs. i, For non ~ continuous work: 15 kgs. ©. Tf the activity is carried out on a one- wheel barrow, the weight of the material can be up to SOkgs. 9. Responsibility An employer has the —_ following responsibilities: 1. when found women workers, Pregnant workers or breastfeeding workers engaged in prohibited work, the employer shall transfer the worker to another job without a reduction in wage, or demotion in Job position, and ensure that they have not suffered from any harm to their health, 2. An employer should provide awareness training and information fon appropriate precautionsshall be taken_by women workersregarding ALLER AAI TI DCTS PT, Meal PPUCT oohent: 3. Rowe ray = AINE —Ake~aht- AEs OL AIA Ado AdMATT Porte OME P9107, THE 4. ANN OL AMA Ado AAdAN AV Four NIL 7h PARRY EF CH VPM LECATAH 10. Pom 725° TOP eLoAhta hha aL IA LV anaes -PIMER NIAV Loo-rane 18 Wales 11, aA een Tae hee MY vores e-bics LPH Nh MET wet BAL. APE hrc 1156/2011 0 Pn Proonte VIP VEIL LUA 12, cwove sary AA TAMA LUNES AEE Ck CULV oman se Ak" AtMPE AIOMI~ — ALTA LAAT: 13, PA ewonge Oat were hak of amsto- FoomAks Us AATLoh A eur OPED hov@ny UL 2005 4.7 Fone wovee VEZ: prohibited work, professional and health safety that have been incorporated in this Directive. 3. An employer should implement orders related to the Directive that are given by the Ministry or appropriate authority. 4. An employer should submit an implementation report to the Ministry or appropriate authority every six months, 10. Obligation to Cooperate Any stakeholder, corporate or individual, has the duty to cooperate in the implementation of this Directive. 11, Penalty, Any employer that contravenes the regulations listed in this Directive shall bbe subject to the penalties decreed in Labor Proclamation No.1156/2011. 12. Modification of the Directive ‘The Ministry may periodically assess the implementation of this Directive and modify it, 13. Repealed Directive ‘The Directive issued in April 2005 on types of works which are particularly hazardous or dangerous to the health and to the reproductive systems of women is here by repealed. 14. Effective date of the Directive This Directive shall be in effect from the date 14, avemd Par HACLOTNT 7,16 NNEC hers. coon £0 moves hid 12 4% 2013 9.9" Ere Pos of signing by the Minster on 18 August LUG A Te 2021. AAD ANA Addis Ababa ACID THER (B/C) ErgogicTesfaye (PhD) Minister of PETG NEL PAL UAT The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ANS 1: _AR Pow? LUNG MAT PS PLPNAIFO hevhtey v. helre 4. 1h ah, TH oo, HOLY A. AR / + CARL 2. Ache NCO Ah ONE ri MAT OUT . HTC! ooh) 6 er" t. ENGL F Geren annee F. Panee TIS | AGLI 0.05 71/7 NREC HEN APC 1.0 U7 NLC HEN APC 5.0 U7 NOLEC het APC 0.1 U7 NREC HEN APC 0.15 P17 NLAC HEN APC 0.20 917 NLIC HRN APC 3.5 U7 NTC HEN APC 10.0 WO NRC LEN AFC 0.1 UF NBEC HEN APC 0.4 U2 NREC he APC 30 U7 NBEC HEN APC 3-5 An Inter ANE ANNAN /Asbestos/ AhétS£42LA [Acrylonitrile / ht? | Antimony / APSLILF7 64.8717 / Ionizing radiation / ACALh / Arsenic / éh AAS / Boric Acid / 0.31.7 / Benzene / NéA4” | Berylium / nhewy | Cadmium / hen? PenrgZe | Carbon monoxide / ACM ALAASA* | Carbon disulfide / NCOY bhé-hied-2& | Carbon tetra chloride / hieevt® YCHCHM / Chlorinated Hydrocarbons / hérC.3t,4 / Chlorobenzene / haat /Cobalt/ 14-6 C#"/Chloroform/ [CL AT PheeLes @U-AF (Chromium & Chromium Compounds/ TAVSLA ECPHAAILE [Dimethyl Formaldehyde/ ATHAG 42264 /Epichlorohydrin/ APE ARROLY ttenten AAS/Ethylene diaminetetraacetic/ APPA ALNCTILL JAghhé-£.8/Ethylene dibromidedichloride / AALAT ANALS /Ethylene Oxide/ 10 hirCRrC%%t7 /Fee1/ /Chiorofloromethane/ A AT AL AHALL Lead & Lead Oxide ‘UhA | Nickel/ G2r2N hag / Nitrous Oxide / e121N | Manganese / Act? / Lithium/ 2Chré /Mercury | “LALA ALA h.#t (Methyl ethy ketone! PALA Fé-LbnALL (Molybdenum trioxide/ G2rEn bhALL | Nitric Oxide! TChirCa.+2£0.3 /Perchloro ethylene/ 4A /Phenol/ 6 62h / Phosphorus / TA.hieestX ILTLAN /Polychlorinated biphenyls! ‘Ait [Tolune/ FELNrCKALAY /Trichloro ethylene! tHE ALHNALS /Titanium dioxide | TLuA hiré-£8 [Vinyl chloride 4g0.7 (Xylene! Wh hive-22 [Zinc chloride /

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