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 Initially, since I can earn myself a small amount of money, I still set a budget of 50$ to spend on

buying things as extravagant with the exception of gas and daily supplies. Furthermore, the
accessibility when buying things without involving self-transport made me want to do more
online shopping. But ultimately I would like to purchase 1 times monthly and depend on their
price, I would consider make a double or triplet the purchases.
 Recently, I just buying digital accessories such as headphone, LED to support lightning my room,
and some goods related to my hobby, comics, posters are put on the wall of my room as a
decoration. The latest items I bought on online shop is the computer mouse. Since the previous
one had surpassed the guarantee, causing me lots of troubles while surfing webs and enjoying
games with my pals.
 For this question, “Yes” is my first thing that I or many individual would say. But with my
experience using online shopping platform for years, I found that there are some hidden fees
that sellers didn’t include in and push the price of that product went high. For example, the
“Shopee” platform is the most used one to purchase essentials. But this platform charged a 2%
addition fee for each items. In extend, when this platform offer a discount, they have already
charged another 2% of the total fee, but still not including shipping fee. So wisely advised is
buying things that have a favorable location first, then purchase far-items when needed.
 I can firmly say NO to this answer, since the appearance of online shopping in Vietnam. I haven’t
seen any shifts or reduce in shops. The majority of the sellers still maintain their habit:
introducing items to public to by, allow customers to make a physical contact- this is the key
factor when doing business in Vietnam. And internet purchase from public is an addition
method to help them earn more. In fact, some might opt to the full-time online selling, due to
the global economy crisis. But, other will keep the market-selling culture.

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