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Pitch for FMP:

Intro: Hi My name is Gabrielle, I’m going to pitch the idea of creating my own
podcast about Mental Health.

My idea: For My Final Major Project, I would like to produce a podcast about
Mental health and lifestyle. This podcast will be about the stigma of mental
health, the positives and negatives of mental health as well as interviewing
people that suffer from mental health issues. Within this, I can speak to the
wellbeing team, the head of safeguarding team, a progress tutor and my friend
too. I decided to create this podcast because on unit 5 of the course, I really
enjoyed learning about podcasts and their contents.

I have taken inspiration from my friends as they both suffer from mental health
issues. I have also taken inspiration from the well-being team at college,
because they help support students that are struggling with their mental
health. With taking this into consideration, I have realised that it is a strong
topic and has a lot of content that I can discuss as this is a real life subject that
people suffer from on a daily basis.

Examples of Work:
Some examples of the work that I am going to use will be from three different
podcasts such as: Tom Guest, Kendall Jenner and Mel Robbins.

What am I going to Research?:

For my research, I am going to look at what makes an effective podcast about
mental health, which is where I will identify the codes and conventions of
existing podcasts and analyse existing podcasts. When planning my podcast, I
will think about my target audience and who I want to target it too. As well as
this, I will distribute a questionnaire about what makes an effective podcast
and what sorts of content would my audience expect my podcast to be based
on. Finally, I will use screen grabs of each question and make them into a pie
chart as well as evaluating each one.

My plan is as follows,

By the 5th of April, I will have completed all the research that includes: using
the internet, questionnaire, codes and conventions and analysis of existing

By the 15th April, I will have distributed my questionnaire, analysed the results
and completed all the planning.

By the 30th April, I will have completed my plan for my podcast.

By the 10th May, I will have completed the production and development of my

By the 17th May, I will get the feedback on the completed podcast, complete
the evaluation and make sure everything is on my website.

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