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Course Outline & Quality HANDOUT No. 8

Assured Handouts paired with
MELC- Based Learner’s in Personal Development

MELC: 1. Explores one’s positive and negative emotions and how one expresses or hides them.
(EsP-PD11/12EI -I j-8.2)
2. Demonstrates and create ways to manage various emotions.
(EsP-PD11/12EI -I j-8.3)

Semester: 2nd Week No. 8 Day: _______


The journey to personal development entails knowing how to manage your emotions. You have to manage
and understand how your emotions influence the way you think and how you act upon your experiences. You need
to be emotionally intelligent so that you can cope well and enjoy your journey in school and in life

TOPIC 1: Positive and Negative Emotions

Emotional Intelligence – is sometimes called emotional quotient. It is the person’s ability to understand,
use, and manage our emotions. This helps us build strong relationships and make good decisions, and deal
with difficult situations.
Emotions are measured through behavioral manifestations such as facial expressions and tone of the voice.
To illustrate, you do not talk to people when you are angry or you leave unfinished tasks when you are
Your emotions tell you when something is wrong. When you feel that something is not right, listen to your
body. Your intuition may be guiding you on what to do in particular situation. Your feelings of unease or
discomfort can alert you on a potential danger or misfortune. These feelings are prompting you to
respond and guide you to not to make any hasty decision. More so, your emotions allow you to maintain
and develop your relationships into meaningful ones
Being Aware of Your Emotion

Simply noticing them as we feel them – help us manage our own emotions. It also helps us understand how
other people feel.
Understanding How Others Feel and Why
People are naturally designed to try understand others.
Part of EQ is being able to imagine how other people might feel in certain situations. It is also about
understanding why they feel the way they do.
Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling (even when you don’t actually know)
is called empathy.
Managing Emotional Reactions
Managing your reaction means knowing when, where, and how to express yourself.
When you understand your emotions and know how to manage them, you can use self-control to hold a
reaction if now is not the right time or place to express it.

Choosing Your Mood
Moods are emotional states that last a bit.
We have the power to decide what mood is right for a situation, and then get into that mood. Choosing the
right mood can help someone get motivated, concentrate on a task, or try again instead of giving up.

Different Types of Emotions

Positive Emotions
 May help you become more motivated in doing your tasks; they may even develop your creativity or
establish harmonious relationships with others.
 Are also associated with good physical and psychological conditions. Some of the positive emotions
are happiness, love, joy, hope and excitement.

Positive Emotions Images/Pictures

HAPPINESS – feeling of contentment,


LOVE – intense feeling of deep affection

JOY – feeling of great and happiness

HOPE – feeling expectation & desire for

certain thing to happen

CONFIDENT – feeling able to do something

ENERGETIC – feeling full of energy

EXCITED – feeling happy and aroused

GLAD – feeling joy and happiness

PROUD – feeling pleased for doing well

Negative Emotions
Some of the negative emotions are anger, rage, boredom, shame, guilt and pride and disgust that may reduce your
efficiency and even your motivation to perform certain tasks. However, when emotions are too strong and we
lose control of handling our feelings, our thoughts and even our actions are affected. Thus, we must know how to
manage our emotions

Negative Emotions Images/Pictures

AFRAID – feeling fear and worry

ANGER – feeling mad with a person, act or


ASHAMED – feeling bad after doing wrong

EMBARRASSED – feeling worried about

what others may think

DEPRESSED-feeling sad, discouraged &


LONELY – feeling alone and that nobody


STRESSED- feeling tense, tired, uneasy &


CONFUSED – feeling unable to think clear

 Emotions that we call negative, such as shame, guilt and pride, allow us to realize that we have done our
friends wrong and that we need to make amends. Positive emotions, on the other hand such as feeling
accepted or understood, warm our hearts and make us value our relationships. Such emotions enable us
to respond lovingly and supportively.
Managing Emotions
 To manage your emotions, you need to notice and be aware of your emotions. You have to recognize what
you feel in a particular situation
 Take time to understand why you feel the way you do before acting upon your emotions. It helps you deal
with the situation wisely.
 Be honest of what you feel. It means knowing how, when and where to express it.
 Create your mood. Uplifting mood inspires you to be more creative and motivated.

“Be the Boss of Your Feelings”

A part of growing up is learning how to “Be The Boss of Your Feelings.” It is normal to experience many
feelings, and you develop tools to help them to express and manage their difficult feelings. Here some challenges
that can help to manage your emotions:

The Smile Challenge: Next time you are feeling sad or grumpy, smile at someone or try to make someone laugh.

Notice how making someone laugh or smile makes you smile too.

The Breathing Challenge: Who controls how you breathe? That's right, you do! So here is a challenge. Next time
you are upset, feeling nervous, or can't get to sleep, take your hand and put it on your heart or your tummy. You
may like to close your eyes as we count five breaths. With each full breath, that's one breath in and one breath out,
press one finger, and then the next, against your tummy. Let's do this five times with long, slow, easy breaths."
After the five breaths, say, "Open your eyes. Do you feel better? Tell your teacher if it works for you. Maybe you
can all do it as a class if you need to take a break, to turn the day around, or to get ready for a test.”

The “Bee Breath”: If you start to feel angry or upset, sit quietly with your hands in your lap. Close your eyes and
make an angry face. Then take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, hum or buzz that angry bee out. Keep
buzzing using all your breath. Now make a happy face, breathe in again, and make a happy humming or buzzing
sound as you breathe out. Keep buzzing until you feel that the angry bee is gone.


 Department of Education Personal Development Reader. Department of Education. Republic of the

 Personal Development. Quarter 1 Module 2: Aspects of Personal Development. Department of Education.
Republic of the Philippines
 Myreen P. Cleofe Diwa Textbook
 @ Copyright 2020 World Vision Development Foundation, Inc.

Prepared by:

Contact No. 09354433506


Contact No. 09354425731

Contact No. 09976319931


 Personal Development Reader. Department of Education. Republic of the Philippines

 Personal Development. Quarter 1 Module 2: Aspects of Personal Development. Department of Education.
Republic of the Philippines

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