SPEAKING Ideas Unit1

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1. Describe one of your parents/grandparents

 Where was he/she born?
 When washe/she born? How old is he/she?
 How does he/she look like?
-haircolor and style (long; straight…)
 What is he/she like?
-strict or easy going?
-caring, helpful
2. Do you always obey your parents’ rules?
 why do we obey the rules? : the rules are reasonable, the parents
are scary, they are esay-going with everything, there are to
 why we don’t obey the rules?: there are to many rules, the rules
are unreasonable, the rules are too strict, the parents areesay
going with the punisment, the rules are controling, the parents are
to controling
 what happens if we don’t obey the rules?, the parents saying why
was it wrong to disobey, they are going to talk about it with us the
perants going to argue with us, there are going to be punishment,
There will be nothing
3. Have you ever had an argument with one of your parents/grandparents?
 If yes: talk about with whom, what about, and what was the
end of the arguement, did you find an agreement at the
 If no: talk about the relationship between you and your
4. ’Teenagers would hate it if there weren’t any rules to break.’ Do you
 Agree: would get bored; could get hurt/hurt others; could fail in
school; could get arrested
 Disagree: can do whatever they want; there wouldn’t be
consequences; nobody would tell them what to do, they could tell
their own opinions
5. If you have your own children, which rules will you have for them when
they are your age?
 partying -> when, where and what and how many friends are you
going with
 grades -> not accepting bad grades but not too strict
 housework -> if I need help, my kid should help me, but doesn’t
have to do everything
 spending money -> if it’s necessarily, i’ll give him/her (not for
everyting and not for useless things)
 spending time together -> mothers need quality time to spend
with their children to take care of the relationship
 Reni: I don’t wanna be like my parents

 Eszti: I’m enjoying my life, how my parents raise me 😊

6. ’Always following the rules means that you never have to think for
yourself.’ Do you agree?
 No: If you can’t enjoy life with some exact rules
 Yes: If you don’t want to be punished

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