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SCN110 Foundation Science

- The Balloon Rocket -

The process of investigating and experimenting is important to science. To succeed within the
science disciplines at University, you need to be able to work scientifically.

In this experiment, you will:

 Work in groups
 Design and conduct a simple experiment
 Identify and discuss the important components of an experiment
 Identify different variables in an experiment
 Use mathematic approaches to summarising data
 Describe mathematical relationships between variables
 Apply scientific reasoning to explain data patterns

Experimental Design

What happens to the distance travelled by the balloon rocket when the circumference of the
balloon is changed?


 3 x Balloons
 1 x Drinking straw
 9 x Sticky tape
 1 x Measuring tape/ruler
 1 x Scissors
 1 x Fishing line
 2 x Objects to ‘anchor’ fishing line


 Circumference: decide on three circumferences in mm
 Trials: trial each circumference three times

Drinking Straw
 Length: decide on the length of the straw used in mm

Sticky Tape
 Length: decide on the length of sticky tape used in mm

Fishing Line
 Length: decide on the length of the line used in mm

SCN110 1 Assignment
 Strength: decide on anchors which do not move easily


 Place a length of fishing line through a drinking straw

 Add a piece of masking tape over the straw

 Secure the ends of the fishing line to objects which hold the line tight and securely
 Inflate the balloon
 Hold it tightly so the air does not escape
 Gently tape the balloon to the straw
 Hold the balloon at one end of the fishing line
 Release the balloon and allow it travel along the length of the line
 The balloon MUST NOT hit the end of the line

 Measure the distance travelled (in mm)

 Record your data in the table provided

SCN110 2 Assignment
Experimental Data
1. Record your results as you carry out the experiment, using the following table:

Balloon Distance Travelled (mm)

(mm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

250 1,115 810 1,261 859

400 2,252 1,795 1,613 1515

450 2,610 2,655 2,483 2049.5

Note: Averages should be calculated to 2 decimal places

2. Draw a diagram of your experimental set-up below, including measurements (specifications

have been provided for you):

Length of line = 2,800 mm

Height of experiment from floor = 1,600 mm
Length of tape = 150 mm
Length of straw = 190 mm

Tape 150 mm
Straw 190 mm

Height from
floor to
Line or string
string is
2,800 mm
1,600 mm


SCN110 3 Assignment
Assignment Requirements
(References are not required)

1. Write one sentence explaining the purpose of the experiment, using the research question
as a guide.
(Hint: To …)
 To see or to determine if change in amount of air in the balloon can affect the distance
or speed travelled of the balloon

(References are not required)

2. Write one sentence predicting the cause and effect between the variables.
(Hint: If …, then …)
 If the circumference of the balloon is increased then the distance travelled by the
balloon will increase

Experimental Design
(References are not required)

1. List the dependent variable in this experiment.

2. Why is this the dependent variable?
 because you can not change the distance or speed at which the balloon travels
3. List the independent variable in this experiment?
4. Why is this the independent variable?
 Because you can change amount of air in the balloon to see if or how the amount of air in
the balloon can affect the speed of a balloon rocket.
5. List six controlled variables. How did you control these?
(Hint: These are items that you deliberately did not change during the experiment)
 String: controlled it by using the same length of string throughout the three
trials of the experiment.
 Balloon: controlled it by using the same brand, colour of the balloons in the
three trials.
 Air:
 Location: controlled it by using the same location for all three trials which was
the classroom.
 Straw: controlled it by using the same straw in the three trials
 Tape: controlled it by using the same tape size, brand and quality in all three
6. Insert a computer-generated labelled diagram of your experiment. Remember to include
measurements. The diagram must have a descriptive title.

SCN110 4 Assignment
7. Identify and explain four safety/ethical precautions you made to minimize the risk of injury
to yourself and others.

(References are not required)

1. Display your measurements in a table (Table 1). The table must have a descriptive title.

2. Display your trial data in a line graph (Figure 1). The graph must have a descriptive title.

3. Display your average data a line graph (Figure 2). The graph must have a descriptive title.

Results Interpretation
(References are not required)

1. Discuss the results and state a conclusion about the data in Figure 1. You need to identify
the patterns that you see in the data. Use specific data points from your graph as evidence
for your discussion.

2. Discuss the results and state a conclusion about the data in Figure 2. You need to identify
the patterns that you see in the data. Use specific data points from your graph as evidence
SCN110 5 Assignment
for your discussion.

SCN110 6 Assignment
3. Discuss any errors in your data.

4. Explain any problems that you encountered doing the experiment that may have affected
the accuracy of the results.

5. Provide two suggestions to improve the experiment and explain why.

(References are required)

1. Explain the science behind what you observed using the scientific terms below. Make sure
you understand their meaning so that what you write makes sense.

 Force

 Potential Energy
 Kinetic Energy
 Air Pressure
 Elasticity
 Friction
 Air Resistance
 Gravity
 Inertia
 Action-Reaction

(References are not required)

1. Discuss the extent to which the findings of your experiment support/do not support your

2. Discuss what you learned by doing the experiment.


 A minimum of five references should be provided

 These need to be in APA format (in-text and end-text)

 The heading and list of references should start on a new page at the end of the report

 Do not reference Wikipedia (only .gov, .edu, .org websites are acceptable)

SCN110 7 Assignment
Submission Information
Due Date Week 8, Monday, 9am
Marks 100

Weighting 20% of the total unit mark

Check the rubric before you submit to ensure you have covered all
Marks Allocation
required aspects

Follow Turnitin Link in Moodle

(Multiple submissions are allowed up until the due date)

Originality report must be below 20% or up to 4 marks will be lost

(1 mark per 10%)

Submission Follow formatting example provided in Moodle

Formatting 11 or 12 size font; double spaced; Word document

Five pages
Word Count
(Not including references and cover sheet)
Late assignments will incur a penalty of 5% per day (refer to Unit Outline)

Plagiarism and Collusion will not be tolerated, and will result in a grade of 0

SCN110 8 Assignment
Balloon Rocket Report Rubric
MARKING CRITERIA Present Poor Average Good Excellent
 Cover page attached
 Double spacing
0 1 2 3 4
 Correct font size throughout
 Subheadings provided
Writing Skills
 Correct grammar throughout
 Correct spelling throughout
0 1 2 3 4
 Each paragraph is cohesive
 Adheres to word count
 Worded correctly
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Includes correct variables
 Worded correctly
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Includes a reasonable prediction
Independent Variable
 Identified correctly
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Explanation provided
Dependent Variable
 Identified correctly
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Explanation provided
Controlled Variables
 Identifies 6 correct variables
0 3 6 9 12
 Explanation of how each is controlled
Scientific Diagram
 Computer generated
 Labelled (including measurements)
0 1 2 3 4
 No colour or shading
 All components included
Safety and Ethical Considerations
 Four considerations identified
0 2 4 6 8
 All considerations explained
Results - Table
 Appropriate title
 Correctly presented
0 1 2 3 4
 Computer generated
 Averages calculated to correct decimal places
Results - Trial Data Graph
 Appropriate title
 Appropriate line graph
0 1 2 3 4
 Computer generated
 Axes correctly labelled
Results - Trial Data Discussed
 Results of graph discussed
 Patterns identified
0 1 2 3 4
 Specific data points included
 Conclusion provided
Results - Average Data Graph
 Appropriate title
 Appropriate line graph
0 1 2 3 4
 Computer generated
 Axes correctly labelled
Results - Average Data Discussed
 Results of graph discussed
 Patterns identified
0 1 2 3 4
 Specific data points included
 Conclusion provided

SCN110 9 Assignment
Data Errors
 Data errors identified
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Data errors discussed
 Problems identified
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 Problems discussed
 Two provided
0 1 2 3 4
 Both discussed
 All 10 scientific concepts included
0 5 10 15 20
 All 10 scientific concepts correctly related to results
 Hypothesis discussed
0 1 2 3 4
 What was learned discussed
 Minimum 5 references included
 In-text correct APA format
 End-text correct APA format 0 2 4 6 8
 End-text references on new page
 Credible sources used

Total /100

= Score x 20%

SCN110 1 Assignment

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