8th CBSE Enhanted Pool TEST Paper

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8th CBSE

Enchanted Pool
Test [25 MM]

(A) Answer the following Questions with reference to the content: [ 15 MM]
1. He thought they would be more cheerful with something to do. He was tormented with
thirst and so he said to Nakula:”Brother, climb that tree and see whether there is any
pool or river nearby.”
(a) Who is ‘he’ referred to in the above extract? Where are they? [1 MM]
(b) Why did the speaker ask Nakula to look for a pool or river nearby? [ 1 MM]
(c) Who is sent to look for the pool? What does he do when he gets there? [ 1 MM]
(d) Who stops Nakula from drinking the water? [1 MM]
(e) Does this person stop from drinking the water? What does he do? What happens
then? [3 MM]
2. When Sahadeva reached the pool and saw his brother lying on the ground, he
wondered whether any harm had come to him. But before looking into the matter
further, rushed irresistibly to the water to quench his burning thirst.
(a) Where is Sahadeva? Who has sent him there? [1 MM]
(b) What happens to Sahadeva at the pool? [1 MM]
(c) Who is sent next when Sahadeva and his brother do not return? [1 MM]
(d) From drinking water from the pool? [1 MM]
3. “What is more nobly sustaining than the earth?”
(a) Who asks the above question? Who is the listener? [ 1 MM]
(b) What answer is given by the listener? [1 MM]
(c) Is the listener able to answer all the question? [1 MM]
(d) What is he then allowed to choose to bring back to life? [ 1 MM]
(B) Fill in the blanks from the word bank: [10 MM]
[hues, convivial, fervour, splash, exuberance, delicacy, smeared, vibrant, exhilarating,
(i) The coach ordered the children not to ………….. around in the pool.
(ii) A …………….atmosphere is essential for learning.
(iii) The ……………. of the performer took the breath away of the audience.
(iv) The orange ……………..of the sunrise from the hill top was breath taking.
(v) Ramnavmi is being celebrated all over the country with religious ………………….
(vi) We Enjoyed out ………………. Trek to summit.
(vii) She brushed away a tear, leaving a streak of ………………….. mascara.
(viii) The city streets were ……………….with vehicles.
(ix) Snails are considered a………………………..in France.
(x) She looks best in …………… colours like red and pink.

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