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S. B. Roll. No………………………………………..

6 Exam/Elect/EEE/5229/Jun'2022
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 15x1=15
a. MCB stands for______
b. SF 6 gas is ______than air in the extinction of arc.
c. A fuse is normally inserted in ______wire.
d. ELCB stands for_______
e. The size of conductor decreases with the ________line current.
f. Arc is extinguished at ________current
g. Static capacitor are rated in term of________
h. A buchholz relay is used for the protection of________
i. First nuclear plant in India was started at______
j. An isolator is designed to open a circuit under _______load condition.
k. The higher transmission voltage used in India is______
l. The filler material in HRC fuse is_________
m. A lightning arrestor is always connected between ________and earths.
o m
n. The impedance relay _______have directional feature

o. Ground wire is used to protect transmission line against________ .r c
p e
Q2. Attempt any six questions.
.r c
i. What is Block rate, flat rate tariffs?

p a

p e
iii. Explain the causes of over voltage in over head lines.

b r
ii. What is the differentiate between a fuse and circuit breaker.

iv. What are Bus- Bar and its different types?
v. Why Lightning arresters are installed in Sub- Station?

r p
vi. Which Relay is used for motor protection?
vii. What are the main factors involved in fixing a tariff?

viii. Draw and explain schematic arrangement of switchgear.
ix. Explain with diagram Buchholz relay protection.

Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
a. What are relays and explain these according to construction, principle of operation, application and
b. What is earthing? What is its purpose? Explain system earthing and equipment earthing.
c. Which types of faults occurred in overheads and underground power system
d. Draw and Explain the working of SF6 Circuit breaker
e. Explain the Over-voltage Protection Scheme

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