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TEST I.17.1
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Please…………….off your shoes when you come in the house.
A. bring B. take C. remove D. put
take off cởi ra, cất cánh, thành công
to put off trì hoãn
to bring off hoàn thành, hoàn tất
to remove rời đi, dọn dẹp
2. She was very ill but now she’s got…………….it.
A. off B. over C. out of D. away from
To get over - vượt qua.
To get off xuống tàu. Xe
To get out of tránh, thoát ra khỏi
To get away from tẩu thoát
3. His girlfriend left him last month and he still hasn’t got…………….it.
A. over B. by C. off D. past
to get over vượt qua ( cú sốc, bệnh tật)
to get by xoay sở
4. She’s gradually getting…………….a bad cold, which kept her…………….work for several weeks.
A. over - off B. on - of C. over - from D. up - away from
to keep sb off work làm cho ai nghỉ việc
5. She’s a very good child. She always…………….her toys.
A. puts up B. takes down C. brings on D. puts away
to put away cất đi
to put up dựng lên
to put out dập tắt
to put sb up cho ai ở trọ
to put on bật, mặc vào ( quần áo)
to put A down to B = attribute A to B gán A cho là B
to put sb through to sb nối máy cho ai gặp ai
to put by để dành, tiết kiệm
to put aside đặt sang một bên, tiết tiệm
to put away cất đi
to put back đặt lại chỗ cũ
to put down đặt xuống
to put forward trình bày, đề xuất
to put in đệ ( đơn)
to put in for a job = to apply for a job xin việc
6. The report suggested…………….up links with local companies.
A. joining B. making C. doing D. setting
to set up dựng lên, lập ra
7. Don’t worry about me - just…………….on with what you’re doing.
A. stay B. rest C. carry D. hurry
carry on with = tiếp' tục.
8. He leaves work early to…………….his daughter up from school.
A. put B. pick C. take D. collect
to pick sb up đón ai
To pick smth up nhặt cái gì lên
Take up bắt đầu một sở thich, chiếm ( không gian), choán ( thời gian)
9. I suggest you…………….up a list of things to be done.
A. draw B. do C. put D. make
draw up = lập kế hoạch.
10. The situation calls…………….prompt action. Let’s call…………….our teacher and ask
him…………….some advice.
A. for - on - for B. on - for – about C. on - on - for D. up - in – 0
call on/ upon sb to do sth = kêu gọi, yêu cầu, mời.
11. The story she told you wasn’t true. She……………..
A. gave them back B. crossed it out C. filled it in D. made it up
to make up a story = to invent a story bịa chuyện
12. I ran in a marathon last week, but I wasn’t fit enough. I…………….after 15 kilometers.
A. dropped out B. moved in C. showed off D. closed down
drop out = stop taking part in something - rút ra khỏi (một hoạt động, cuộc thi,...), bỏ cuộc.
13. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she……………..
A. gave it away B. made it up C. turned it down D. filled it in
to turn down từ chối, vặn nhỏ
14. The baby is crying! Will you…………….while I prepare his milk?
A. look him up B. look after him C. care about him D. make him up
look after sb/sth = trông nom, chăm sóc; care about sb = yêu thương, lo lạng cho ai.
15.I had my doubts about her when I took her on, but now I’m pleased to say that she has…………….to be a
talented executive.
A. taken up B. made out C. turned out D. carried on
turn out = hóa ra, thành ra, sản xuất
16. The boy stands…………….from others because of his height.
A. in B. out C. up D. for
stand out = nổi bật lên.
17. Thank you for your support, which…………….me through the hard time I had last month.
A. pulled B. went C. led D. jumped
pull through = vượt qua được, thoát cảnh khó khăn.
18. If you don’t…………….that bike, it won’t last very long.
A. look after B. look out for C. look into D. look over
Look into điều tra
Look out for canhc chừng
Look over xem xét kĩ
19. What my grandfather said ten years ago about my future career…………….to be true.
A. turned down B. turned in C. turned out D. turned up
20. It was twenty years before the whole story……………..
A. came B. came off C. came out D. came through
come out = lộ ra, được xuất bản (sách báo...) = publish
21. He took…………….the business after his father passed……………..
A. over - away B. on - by C. away - down D. in – through
take over = kế tục, tiểp tục, nổi nghiệp; pass away = qua đời.
22. We are doing so well that we’ll soon have to…………….on new staff to help us.
A. take B. keep C. pay D. hire
take on = thuê mướn (người làm...).
To take over tiếp quản ( vị trí, tòa nhà)
To take up bắt đầu 1 sở thích, chiếm chỗ
23. As its sales have increased, that computer company is going to…………….more staff.
A. take in B. take on C. take over D. take up
24. After graduating from university, you still have to…………….studying.
A. get on B. go on C. go over D. get up
To go on tiếp tục, diễn ra
25. Everybody in the building woke up when the alarm……………..
A. went out B. went off C. got off D. got
go off = (súng, bom) nổ, (chuông, còi báo động) vang lên.
26. She’s gradually getting …………….a bad cold which kept her…………….work for several weeks.
A. over - off B. up - away from C. over - from D. on – off
get over = vượt qua, khỏi; keep.. .from = ngăn lại.
27. The government have tried to…………….the price of petrol, but they failed.
A. bring on B. put on C. get over D. bring down
bring down = hạ xuống; bring down prices = hạ giá cả.
28.I am so tired that I can’t…………….what you are saying.
A. give up B. carry out C. take in D. insist on
take in = hiểu, nắm được.
To take sb in lừa ai
29. No matter how often I explain, he doesn’t seem to……………..
A. put it through B. take it in C. take it on D. put it in
30. The class members told the monitor that she could…………….on their support for the party.
A. depend B. count C. base D. concentrate
count on/ upon sb/ sth - trông mong ở ai/ cái gì.
31. After standing in the sun for more than an hour, two of the people in the queue passed…………….and they
came…………….after some women threw water in theft faces.
A. away - round B. out - back C. away - by D. out – to
pass out = mê đi, bất tỉnh; come to = hồi tỉnh, tỉnh lại.
32.I wonder when I will have to …………….our assignment.
A. fill out B. apply for C. hand in D. look up
To hand in nộp
33. Nancy is a very careful person. Usually, Nancy doesn’t submit her test paper until she has……………. her
answer twice.
A. gone through B. signed up C. thought D. copied down
go through = kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng, xem xét tỉ mỉ.
34. Before I send this article to the editor, I’d be grateful if you could …………….it for me.
A. go through B. break through C. take over D. look up
35. The fire burned …………….more than 15 houses in the area last night.
A. down B. out C. off D. away
burn down/ burn sth down = thiêu huỷ, thiêu trụi.
36. Lisa is so excited about her 6th birthday that she keeps practicing blowing…………….birthday candles!
A. off B. out C. on D. away
blow out = thổi tắt.
37. It is necessary for a foreign centre to…………….up an English club.
A. turn B. look C. set D. get
To set up dựng lên, thành lập
38. The new student was very shy at the beginning, but then he…………….well with everybody.
A. caught up B. got on C. recovered D. make friends
catch up = đuổi kịp;
To get on/ along well with sb = hoà họp, ăn ý= be on good/friendly terms with = have a good relationship
to make friends with sb = kết bạn = to befriend sb
39. After you have…………….the costume you like best, it’ll take a week to get it done.
A. kept away B. turned down C. picked out D. put off
pick out = chọn ra; turn down = bác bỏ; keep away = cất đi; put off = cởi ra, hoãn lại.
40. Julie was very upset because her job application was…………….twice.
A. turned off B. turned on C. turned down D. turned out
To turn down vặn nhỏ, từ chối
To turn up xuất hiện
To turn off tắt đi
To turn out sản xuất, hóa ra
To turn in đi ngủ
To turn over lật, trở
To turn back vặn trở lại
To turn to chuyển ( trạng thái)
To turn into biến thành, hóa thành
To turn over a new leaf cải tà quy chính
41. Her brother was offered the manager’s job, but he…………….. He said he didn’t want the responsibility.
A. turned it off B. threw it away C. turned it down D. put it off
42. When she heard the bad news, she broke…………….and cried.
A. up B. into C. down D. in
break down = kiệt sức, suy sụp, hỏng (xe)

43. We can’t just…………….up at the party without an invitation.

A. turn B. go C. arrive D. reach
turn up =arrive đến nơi, xuất hiện.
44. Sam liked making…………….stories to tell to his children.
A. off B. up C. for D. out
make up a story = bịa, dựng chuyện.
45. Joe is an orphan. He was brought…………….by his aunt.
A. about B. up C. around D. on
bring up = nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ.
Upbringing (n) sự nuôi dưỡng
46. Can you look…………….a number in your telephone directory?
A. into B. up C. through D. after
look sth up = tìm kiếm trong tài liệu, tra cứu.
47. It took ages to…………….her round when she fainted.
A. bring B. come C. take D. look
bring round = làm cho tỉnh lại; faint = ngất đi, xỉu đi
48. In the end, the detective managed to…………….down the dangerous criminal.
A. find B. track C. get D. hit
to track down = theo dõi và bắt được.
49. If I put…………….this essay any longer, I doubt the teacher will let me even hand it…………….any more.
A. back - off B. on - along C. over - up D. off- in
put off = hoãn lại; hand in = nộp (bài vở...).
50. Peter and Julie had to…………….their farewell party until next weekend because of the awful weather.
A. put off B. pick up C. put aside D. cancel

7. carry on = tiếp' tục.

TEST I.17.2
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. It was his ideas that brought…………….changes in the village.
A. about B. back C. up D. round
bring about = làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra.
2. The police believe the attacks were…………….by criminals.
A. carried out B. carried on C. carried through D. brought about
carry sth out = tiến hành, thực hiện.
To carry sb back to smth gợi cho ai nhớ về cái gì
3. This magazine article has to do…………….environmental problems.
A. up B. with C. out D. on
to be/ have to do with sb/ sth = có quan hệ hoặc liên quan với ai/ cái gì.
4. After days of trying to persuade my parents to allow me to go on the field trip, they finally gave…………….and
agreed to let me go.
A. out B. up C. off D. in
give in = nhượng bộ, chịu thua.
5. The thieves broke …………….the jeweler’s shop during the night.
A. up B. down C. into D. out
break into = đột nhập, xông vào (nhà...).
6. Thieves broke…………….their house while they were on holiday.
A. down B. into C. off D. up
7. Before he leaves for work he looks..............his newspapers.
A. up B. through C. into D. after
look through = xem lướt qua, đọc lướt qua.
8. Some children manage to get…………….disobedience.
A. away B. over C. by D. away with
get away (with sth) = thoát khỏi bị khiển trách, tránh khỏi; disobedience = sự không vâng lời.
9. She set…………….some money each month for her holidays.
A. aside B. about C. back D. up
set sth aside = để dành, dành dụm= put by = put aside
10. Tony and Toby has their little differences at the beginning of their work but now they seem to
be…………….quite nicely.
A. getting through B. getting along C. doing up D. doing by
get on/ along (with sb) = hòa đồng với ai, có quan hệ thân hữu.
11.I can’t make…………….what it says; it’s a very old book.
A. for B. up C. out D. of
make out = hiểu, nhận ra.
12. Thankfully, the fire brigade managed to…………….out the fire in the South Hai Van forest.
A. make B. put C. carry D. hold
put out = dập tắt; thankfully = tôi/ chúng tôi rất vui mừng, may mắn.
13. The police are looking …………….the mysterious disappearance of three mountaineers.
A. after B. into C. up D. for
look into = điều tra.
14. I came…………….this old book while I was tidying up my room.
A. into B. up C. across D. out
come across = gặp một cách tình cờ= run into = to run across = bump into = meet chance
15. Could you tell me how you came…………….this unknown letter?
A. across B. through C. to D. along
16. The woman looked…………….the photos carefully to identify the pickpocket, but there were so many that it
was soon hard to distinguish one …………….another.
A. at of B. in - onto C. for - with D. over – from
look over = xem xét, kiểm tra; to distinguish A from B = chỉ ra sự khác biệt.
17. I can’t speak French very well, but I always manage to get…………….with a dictionary and a few gestures.
A. by B. over C. across D. through
get by = xoay xở, đối phó.
18. Although I spent only two months learning Chinese, I could…………….when was there last summer.
A. get over B. get through C. get up D. get by
19. It is not fair to put somebody…………….in front of their friends.
A. out B. up C. through D. down
put sb down = hạ bệ, làm nhục, bắt phải im.
20. However much he tries to persuade you, please do not give……………..
A. up B. in C. down D. to
give in = nhượng bộ, chịu thua; give up = từ bỏ, bỏ cuộc.
21. Police gave…………….all hope of finding the child.
A. off B. out C. in D. up
22.I …………….an old friend yesterday. It was really nice to see her after all this time.
A. ran after B. ran up C. ran over D. ran into
run into sb = tình cờ gặp ai.
23. She managed to…………….university the first time she tried.
A. come into B. get into C. pass to D. enter to
get into sth = bắt đầu (một nghề nghiệp...).
24.I have given…………….all my old books. We just didn’t have enough space in the apartment.
A. out B. away C. in D. of
give away = cho, phân phát.
25. The robbers packed the money into a suitcase and…………….in a van that waited for them in the street.
A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off
make off = đi mất, chuồn, cuốn gói.
26. I’ve borrowed the money from the bank, but I have to pay it…………….by the end of the year.
A. out B. down C. up D. back
pay sth back = trả, hoàn cái gì.
27. Don’t expect that the changes brought …………….by the new law will make everyone happy.
A. around B. over C. up D. about
bring about = làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra.
28. This news is too good to be true. I’m afraid Mark has…………….it up himself.
A. brought B. made C. put D. did
make sth up = bịa, dựng chuyện.
29. We don’t want our father to know about the trip. Please don’t give us……………..
A. off B. in C. on D. away
give sb/ sth away = tố cáo, phát giác, để lộ.
30. I am rather reluctant to use methods which have not been tried…………….before.
A. on B. up C. out D. for
try out = kiểm tra cái gì qua việc sừ dụng nó
try on = mặc thử quần áo.
31. “These trousers look nice. Can I……………., please?”
A. try them B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on
32. Dreams are commonly…………….both visual and verbal images.
A. made up of B. made of C. made from D. consisted of
make up of = cấu thành, cấu tạo nên.
33. We ……………. on our close friend on the way here. That’s why we are a bit late.
A. visited B. dropped in C. paid a visit D. came across
drop in on sb = tạt vào thăm; come across sb = gặp một cách tình cờ.
34. It was so foggy that the drivers couldn’t…………….the traffic signs.
A. make out B. break out C. keep out D. take out
make out = hiểu, nhận ra.
35.I need you to give 100% effort out there - so don’t…………….me down.
A. put B. let C. sit D. have
let sb down = get sb down làm ai thất vọng.
36. The old car is reliable; so far it hasn’t let me……………..
A. in B. down C. up D. through
37. The meeting was…………….off at the last minute because the papers were not ready.
A. stopped B. broken C. turned D. called
call off = hoãn lại, ngừng lại, bỏ đi.
38. My plans to travel around the world have…………….through because I couldn’t save enough money.
A. fallen B. dropped C. given D. put
fall through = thất bại.
Fall out with sb cãi nhau với ai
Fall out of smth ngã ra khỏi
Fall off a bike ngã xe đạp
Fall for sb thích, si mê ai
Fall over smth vấp phải cái gì
Fall down ngã xuống
Fall back on dựa vào
To fall in love with phải lòng ai
39.I was wondering if you could…………….me up at your place for the night.
A. give B. put C. live D. take
put sb up = cho (ai) trọ, trọ lại; put me up at your place for the night = cho tôi trọ qua đêm ở chỗ anh.
40. If too many species………
…….out, it will upset the ecosystem.
A. die B. go C. pass D. get
die out = biến mất, tan biến.
Die for thèm khát
Die of chết vì
Die down chết dần chết mòn
41. He is not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough to……………..
A. get through B. get by C. get on D. get up
get by - xoay xở, đối phó.
42. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species will be extinct.
A. die out B. die from C. die of D. die for
Die of chết vì
Die for thèm khát
Die down chết dần chết mòn
43.I…………….on George on my way home school. That’s why we are a bit late.
A. came across B. visited C. paid a visit D. dropped in
drop in on somebody = call on sb tạt vào thăm, nhân tiện đi qua ghé vào thẳm.
44. What’s…………….here? What’s happened to my desk?
A. going on B. going along C. going to happen D. gone on
go on = xảy ra, diễn ra, tiếp diễn.
45. The noise of the typewriter really…………….me off. I just couldn’t concentrate.
A. put B. pulled C. set D. took
46. Before you finish this project, check…………….the work ……………. your supervisor for further
A. on - to B. out - with C. back - with D. up – to
To check out làm thủ tục rời khách sạn, chấm công sau khi làm
47. He’ll be very upset if you turn…………….his offer.
A. away B. from C. down D. against
48.I find that my work…………….so much of my time that I don’t have any free time.
A. takes over B. takes after C. takes up D. takes off
take up = bắt đầu một sở thích, choán, chiếm (thời gian, tâm trí...), chiếm chỗ
49.I don’t believe a word he said; I think he just made…………….the story.
A. up B. down C. out D. off
50. He…………….so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered.
A. indicted B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted
to inflict on/ upon = giáng (một đòn), gây ra.
TEST I.17.3
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. It…………….out that the mayor had bribed several councilors to vote for him.
A. resulted B. pointed C. broke D. turned
turn out: hóa ra, sản xuất
2. Hello. Is that 22103575? Please put me…………….to the manager.
A. across B. up C. over D. through
put somebody through to sb = nối cuộc đàm thọai cho ai gặp ai .
3. The weather was fine, and everyone was…………….the coast.
A. going for B. making for C. joining in D. seeing about
make for = đi về (hướng nào).
4. After failing his driving test four times, he finally…………….trying to pass.
A. gave up B. gave away C. gave off D. gave in
5. All his plans for starting his own business fell……………..
A. in B. through C. down D. away
fall through = hỏng, thất bại.
6. The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes…………….for a cup of coffee.
A. over B. off C. on D. to
come over (to...) = ghé nơi nào hoặc nhà ai trong chốc lát.
7. The child was…………….by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
A. knocked B. run across C. run out D. knocked down
to knock sb down đâm ngã ai
8. The price they offered my car was so low that I…………….it down.
A. brought B. called C. turned D. shouted
to turn down từ chối
9. I…………….across this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
A. found B. came C. went D. looked
to come across tình cờ gặp
10. Let me just add…………….what I’m buying to see if I’ve got enough money.
A. in B. on C. up D. over
to add up tính tổng, cộng
11.I’ m saving all my pocket money…………….to buy a new PlayStation.
A. out B. down C. up D. away
to save up tiết kiệm đủ tiền
12. I’m going to stay at university and try to…………….off getting a job for a few years.
A. stay B. put C. move D. set
to put off trì hoãn
13.I know we had an argument, but now I’d quite like to……………..
A. look down B. make up C. fall out D. bring up
to make (it) up with sb dàn hòa, kết thúc cãi lộn hay tranh chấp với ai
to make up for bồi thường, bù
14. What chemical is this? It’s…………….a horrible smell.
A. giving over B. giving off C. giving down D. giving up
give off = tỏa ra, phát ra, (mùi, khói...).
15. Learning English isn’t so difficult once you……………..
A. get down to it B. get off it C. get on it D. get down with it
get down to something = bắt tay vào làm gì một cách nghiêm túc
16. On hearing the news, she fainted and it was half an hour before she came …………….again.
A. round B. up C. over D. forward
come round = hồi tỉnh, tỉnh lại sau cơn ngất.
17. We…………….with a swim in the lake.
A. got out B. took up C. cooled off D. gave in
18. Deborah is going to take extra lessons to…………….what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on C. put up with D. take up with
catch up on something = bỏ thêm thời gian để làm cái gì bù lại vì đã sao nhãng nó, làm bù.
19.I haven’t come…………….any name for my little puppy.
A. up with B. up against C. upon D. away
come up with sth = tìm ra lời giải của vẩn đề hoặc một ý tưởng.
20. We expected her at nine but she finally…………….at midnight.
A. came to B. came off C. turned up D. turned out
turn up = đến, xuất hiện.
21. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t…………….as usual.
A. ring off B. get off C. go off D. take off
22. Sometimes a postman …………….some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where the letter should go.
A. ran away with B. ran up with C. ran up against D. run without
run up against something = trải qua điều khó khăn.
23. When Sarah walked into the room and greeted everyone with a cheery “hello”, it seemed as if all the gloom in
that place was……………..
A. expelled B. vanished C. ejected D. driven out
drive something out = làm cái gì biến mất hoặc ngừng lại.
24. It is vital that we…………….a change in people’s attitude.
A. bring down B. bring back C. bring about D. bring away
bring something about = làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra.
25. Beaches were…………….as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from the damaged ship.
A. sealed off B. cut off C. washed up D. kept out
seal off = cô lập, vây chắn không cho vào.
26. The fact that trade links were well-developed at this time …………..some plausibility to his opinion.
A. provides B. supplies C. lends D. offers
The fact that trade links were well-developed at this time lend some plausibility to his opinion.
lend something to something else = thêm phần, thêm vào; plausibility (rì) = sự hợp lý, có vẻ đúng.
Thực tế là các liên kết thương mại đã được phát triển tốt vào thời điểm này khiến quan điểm của ông có phần hợp
27. She isn’t…………….well with the new manager.
A. getting on B. keeping on C. taking on D. going on
get on with somebody = ăn ý với nhau.
28. She went…………….a bad cold just before Christmas.
A. over B. down with C. through D. in for
go down with something = bị bệnh, bị ốm.
29. Mary was surprised when her guests…………….late for the party.
A. turned up B. came up C. looked up D. put up
30. He was completely…………….by her tale of hardship.
A. taken away B. taken down C. taken in D. taken up
take somebody in =take sb for a ride lừa phỉnh, lừa gạt
31. The new manager…………….very strict rules as soon as he had…………….the position.
A. laid down - taken over B. put down - taken over
C. lay down - taken up D. wrote down - come over
lay down = đặt ra ; take over = tiếp quản, tiếp tục công việc.
32. I think I should have…………….your mother while I was passing.
A. dropped in on B. come up with C. got on with D. run into
drop in on somebody = tạt vào thăm, nhân tiện đi qua ghé vào thăm.
33. The electronics company failed to make a profit and was eventually…………….over by a larger one.
A. brought B. taken C. set D. turned
take over = tiếp quản.
34. Look…………….! There’s a bus coming!
A. on B. up C. out D. at
Look out! = hãy cẩn thận, hãy coi chừng.
35. Mary is a friendly girl who............... everyone she meets..
A. gets up B. gets on with C. gets over D. gets out of
36. She was very proud of her qualifications and…………….down on people she thought were uneducated.
A. looked B. put C. took D. came
look down on somebody = coi thường, khinh miệt.
Look up to = respect sb kính trọng
37. Because of an increase in orders, the factory manager took…………….a hundred new workers.
A. on B. up C. over D. into
take somebody on = nhận vào làm, thuê, mướn (người làm...).
38. I’m sorry I offended you. I…………….what I said.
A. take back B. get back C. come back D. get away
take back one’s words = nói lại, rút lui ý kiến.
39.I don’t think he will get…………….the shock in a short period of time.
A. over B. through C. by D. off
Get over vượt qua
40.I want to lose weight so I am…………….on cakes and sweets.
A. cutting down B. keeping down C. turning off D. giving up
Cut down on = cut back on cắt giảm
41. We’ll have to call the barbecue…………….. It’s going to rain.
A. for B. cross C. up D. off
To call off = cancel hủy bỏ
42. Your grades are coming down. You should try to…………….the other students in your class.
A. get out of B. get along with C. keep away from D. keep up with
Keep up with sánh kịp, bắt kịp
43. I can’t understand how your father managed to …………….that man. He had deceived all the rest of us.
A. see off B. see through C. see to D. see out
see through = nhìn thấy rõ bản chất (sự việc...) (to realize the truth).
To deceive sb into doing smth lừa ai đến chỗ làm gì
44. The smell was so bad that it completely…………….us off our food.
A. set B. took C. got D. put
45. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could……………..
A. see them off B. see off them
C. see through them D. see them through
46.I applied for the job but was……………..
A. taken away B. turned down C. got over D. turned off
turn something down = bác bỏ, từ chối.
47. Did Mr. Pike…………….the class while Miss White was ill in hospital?
A. take over B. take away C. take off D. take up with
48. The concert didn’t come…………….our expectations.
A. up with B. up against C. up to D. round
To come up to one’s expectation đạt kỳ vọng của ai
49. If you need any support, you can rely on me to…………….
A. set you down B. face up to you C. back you up D. put you through
To back up sao (dự phòng), ủng hộ
To back out of rút lại
50. Don’t…………….! They can be recycled.
A. throw your empty wine bottles down `
B. put your empty wine bottles out
C. throw your empty wine bottles away
D. put your empty wine bottles down

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