She Grew Up in A Haunted House: Choose The Best Answer. You Should Listen To The Audio Twice

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Part 1. In this part, you will hear a radio interview with a ghost hunter called Carlene Belfort. For questions 1-5,
choose the best answer. You should listen to the audio twice
1. How did Carlene become a ghost hunter?
A. she wanted to contact her dead grandmother
B. she grew up in a haunted house
C. her parents encouraged her
2. What, according to Carlene, do ghost hunters need most?
A. a special gift
B. equipment
C. an adventurous mind
3. Who does Carlene mostly work for?
A. people who want reassurance
B. people who want to contact loved ones
C. people who want to find a ghost
4. How does Carlene detect when ghosts are present?
A. She feels cold.
B. She gets evidence from her equipment.
C. She feels them touching her hair.
5. What does Carlene think about people who don’t believe her?
A. She doesn’t understand why they think that.
B. She thinks they don’t have enough evidence.
C. She wants them to experience it for themselves.
Part 2. You will listen to a piece of news about cycling. For questions 1-5, decide whether the statements are true or
1. Mr Jones is travelling on his own. True / False
2. Mr Jones only stays in hotels. True / False
3. Edward Genochio completed a 41.000km trip to China and back. True / False
4. Cycling is becoming more popular in the UK. True / False
5. Boris Johnson cycles to show people that he cares about the environment True / False

Part 3. You will hear the head teacher of a school talking to a group of parents about an international student
exchange programme. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORD for each answer.


 The school's exchange programme is called 1. _________Open Homes_______________
 A return visit is then arranged 2. _____________6 months___________later
 Children first get to know their exchange partners by taking part in a 3. _______pen-friend__
_ scheme.
 The programme is not only intended for students who enjoy using 4. ____FOREIGN
languages_____________ ________
 The two countries most often visited on the programme are 5. ________France and Germany
 Some students suffer from problems such as homesickness and 6.
 To help students who have problems, a qualified 7. __________group leader______________ is
always available.
 Local visits are described as being 8. ____________fun____________ and also 9.
_____educationally valuable____
 Students enjoy visiting 10. ___________wildlife_____________ parks most of all.


I. Circle the one word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the other words in the same
1. A. choose B. troop C. soot /sʊt/ D. noodle
2. A. everything B. bathe/beɪð/ C. thermometer D. youth
3. A. Congress/ˈkɑːŋɡrəs/ B. anguish C. congregate/ˈkɑːŋɡrɪɡeɪt/ D. singing/ˈsɪŋɪŋ/
4. A. caged B. dogged C. cursed D. crooked
5. A. stomach B. ache C. approach D. echo
6. A. anxiety B. exhibition C. example D. exactly
7. A. laughter B. dough/dəʊ/ C. enough D. trough
8. A. advantage B. dosage C. percentage D. garage
9. A. whether B. whoever C. wholesale D. whose
10. A. parachute B. chalet/ʃæˈleɪ/ C. pinch D. moustache/məˈstæʃ/

II. Underline the stressed syllable of each of the words below.

picturesquely emphatically inventories/ˈɪnvəntɔːri/ collaboration
pharmaceutical merchandise/ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪs/, contribution
cinematographer/ˌsɪnəməˈtɑːɡrəfər/ advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/ consequently


Choose the correct answer.
1. When facing problems, it is important to keep a sense of _____________.
Introspection(n):the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings and reasons for behaving in a particular
way,sự cẩn trọng trong suy nghĩ, hành động
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things).
A. proportion B. introspection C. relativity D. comparison
2. The witness’s account was not _____________ with the facts.
A. matched B. reliable C. consistent D. confirmed
3. Hourly new bulletins(bản tin) keep the public _____________ of current affairs.
Keep abreast of/with something: cập nhật tình hình
A. afloat B. abreast C. afresh D. afield
4. The pollution problems in the town have been _____________ by mass tourism in the summer months.
Exacerbate(v):làm trầm trọng hơn
A. exacerbated B. developed C. augmented D. contributed
5. The quality papers are a different _____________ of fish from the gutter press.
A different kettle of fish: một phạm trù khác
A. pan B. basket C. box D. kettle
6. Their flat is _____________ of a place I used to live in.
A. mindful B. reminiscent C. memorable D. retrospective
7. A new computer has been produced, which will _____________ all previous models.
Supersede(v): thay thế cgi đó lỗi thời
A. excel B. overdo C. overwhelm D. supersede
8. Despite being a very good student, she didn’t fulfill her _____________ later in life.
A. aptitude B. capacity C. potential D. makings
9. In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be _____________.
Paramount(a):more important than anything else
Tantamount(to)(a):ngang bằng, tương đương = equivalent (to)
A. paramount B. eminent C. chief D. prime
10. All candidates will be treated equally, _____________ of their age or background.
A. notwithstanding B. discounting C. irrelevant D. irrespective


I. Read the story and put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms/ tenses.
Several cars were involved in the pile-up because no one (1. try) tried / had tried to phone the police for help. If
someone (2. call) ______had called_______ the police immediately, they (3. be able) __would be HAVE BEEN
able______ to send an ambulance and also direct the traffic, thus (4. prevent) ______preventing_______ the other
accidents. A passer-by (5. tell) _________told____ police that he (6. decide) ______had decided_______ to free the
trapped driver before (7. phone) ________phoning_____ the police. He said that the trapped driver (8. beg)
______was begging__(HAD) BEGGED_____ him not to leave him. If he (9. go off) ______had gone off_______ to
look for a phone or to seek help, the driver (10. be) ________would have been_____ in the car when it (11. hit)
_______was hit______ by the second car.
II. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sally! I __________didn’t expect________ (not expect) to see you here! What________are you doing__________
(you do) in New York?
2. As soon as I _________have had _________ (have) a good look at the designs. I _________will send _________
(send) them back to you.
3. By the time you get back Harry _________will have left_________ (leave).
4. What a shame that it _______has been decided___________ (decide) to cancel the school play!
5. Unfortunately tomorrow’s match_________has been called off_________(call off).
6. For the past few days, I________have been working__________ (work) in Jack’s office, as my own office
__________is being redecorated_______ (redecorate).
7. That’s definitely the last time that I ________would lend_________ (lend) you any money!
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. Write your answers in the
space provided. (10 pts)
1. Going from air condition room to a natural environment can cause respiratory illness.
A=>air-conditined B C D
2. A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a
A B C=>is
basic part of the education of every child.
3. One or the other of the secretaries have to attend the meeting. But both of them are reluctant to do so
A B C=>has to D
4. Smoking has been made illegally in public places in some countries.
A B=>illegal C D
5. Though tired, he continued to search for twenty minutes and realized that the notebook
had been laying on the table the entire time
C=>lying D
6. That these students have improved their grades because of their participation in the test review class.
A=>bỏ B C D
7. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.
A B C D=>higher
8. Tea did not become popular in Europe until the mid-17 century when it has been first imported to England.
A B C=>was D
9. The writer was so successful in making the readers feeling the way her main character did.
A B C=>feel D
10. Anybody who plans to attend the meeting ought to send a note for the chairperson.
A B C D=>to the
I. Prepositions: Fill each blank space with the correct preposition.
1. I reckon Martin is ______on_______ the verge _____of_______ a nervous breakdown.
2. When some money went missing everyone in the bank was ________under_____ suspicion.
3. Ivan broke the record ______at_______ the third attempt.
4. That airline company has an excellent reputation ______for_______ safety.
Reputation for st
Reputation of being st
5. I know you feel strongly on this topic, but please look at things _______in__FROM____ my point of view.
6. Improvements in technology will result _______in______ more leisure time for working people.
7. Please send the letter ______without_______ delay.
8. We are _____ on________ very good terms _______with ______ our next-door neighbours.
II. Complete the following sentences using the verbs given in the box. You have to use the correct tenses of the
verbs and the appropriate particles.
break bring come get give
let live just set take
1. When I _______came round/TO______ after my operation, I couldn’t think where I was.
2. I didn’t think he’d win the race but he ________BROUGHT_____ it _______OFF______ magnificently.
Bring off: thành công
3. He escaped by ______LETTING DOWN_______ a rope ladder from the window.
Let down: to let or make something go down
4. The rain ______HAS_will set in______ for the day, I’m afraid.
5. She ______broke down_______in tears when she heard the news.
6. What exactly are you ________getting at_____? Why don’t you say what’s on your mind?
7. He eats like a horse but never ______PUTS ON_______ weight.
8. I don’t know how he manages ______to live on _______ the salary he gets.
9. She feels much fitter since she ____HAS TAKEN__took up_______ jogging.
10. The author refused _______to give away______ any secrets about the ending of his book.
Supply the correct form of the words given.
1. The failure of this scheme would have serious _______implications______. (imply)
2. Thieves dressed as policemen _______overpowered______ guards at a Boston museum. (power)
3. Lack of fertilizer had _____impoverished________ the soil. (poor)
4. I thought his explanation was ______unnecessarily_______ complex. (necessary)
5. Many of the children are ______undernourished_______ and suffering from serious diseases. (nourish)
6. The company was hit by a _______succession______ of crises. (success)
7. The minister gave _____evasive________ answers to the interviewer’s questions. (evade)
8. The inquiry decided that the police were not entirely ______blameless_______. (blame)
9. The government will be ________considerably_____ encouraged by three latest figures. (consider)
10. It seems to him a fairly ______INsignificant_______ sum of money to be arguing about. (signify)
I. Fill each blank space with ONE appropriate word.
In 1973, when the tiger appeared to (0) be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and (1)
_____the_____ Indian Government agreed to set (2) _____up_____ “Operation Tiger”- a campaign (3)
____to______ save this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (4) ______so____ that tigers
could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region (5) _____which_____ was quickly turning into a desert
(6) _____because_____ too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there (7)
_____were_____ just fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant
moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land (8) _____could_____ be handed back to nature.
Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall (9) _____enough_____ for tigers to hide in, and there
are now at (10) _____least_____ forty of them (11) ____in______ the park, wandering freely about. Other animals
have also benefited. For example, there are many (12) ____more______ deer and monkeys than before. The people
(13) _____who_____ were moved are now living in better conditions. They live in new villages away (14)
_____from_____ the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen such tiger
parks in India and the animals’ future looks (15) ____a______ little safer.
II. You are going to read a newspaper article about sleep. Five paragraphs have been removed from the
article. Choose from the paragraphs A – F the one which fits each gap (1 – 5). There is one extra paragraph
which you do not need to use. (10 pts)
Tiredness, it is often claimed, has become the modern conditions. As the richer, busier countries have grown, so
sleeplessness and anxiety have also grown in the popular psyche(tâm lí). Research in the USA has found 40 million
Americans to be chronically affected, and some recent best-selling novels in Britain have featured insomniacs as
protagonists(nhân vật chính), or sleep-research laboratories as their settings.
1 B
Recently, a sleep researcher fried an experiment. He offered his subjects the opposite of the modern routine. “I
allowed them to sleep for up to 14 hours a night for a month. It took them three weeks to reach an equilibrium of
eight-and-a-quarter hours. That indicates a great rebound of sleep – sleep that they hadn’t been getting.
2 F
For guinea pigs, they advertise in the student newspapers. Subjects are picked up by taxi, paid $ 5 an hour, and asked
to adjust their sleeping patterns according to instructions. Dr. Louise Reyner provides reassurance: “Some people are
quite worried, because you’re putting electrodes on their heads, and they think you can see what they’re dreaming or
3 E
The young men all deny they are going to fall asleep. Dr. Reyner has a video recording of one trying not to. At first
the person at the wheel is very upright, wet and bleary eyes determinedly fixed on the windscreen. Then he begins to
blink briefly, every now and again; then for longer, and more often, with a slight drop of the head. Each nod grows
heavier than the last. The blinks become a 10-second blackout. Every time, he jerks awake as if nothing has
happened. But the car, by the second or third occasion, has shot off the carriageway.
4 D
But apart from these findings, what else do we know about human sleep with any kind of certainty? It is known that
humans sleep, like other mammals, according to a daily cycle. Once asleep, they switch between four different stages
of unconsciousness, from stage one sleep, the shallowest, to the stage four, the deepest. When dreams occur, which is
usually during the lightest sleep, the brain paralyses the body except for the hands and eyelids, thus preventing
5 A
However, there is a strong degree of certainty among scientists that women sleep for half an hour longer than men,
and that older people require less sleep, though they don’t know why. When asked what sleep is for, some sleep
researchers reply in cosmic terms: “Sleep is a tactic to travel through time without injury.”
A. Beyond this, certainties blur into theories. It is often suggested, for example, that sleep repairs body tissue, or
restores muscles, or rests the frontal section of the brain that controls speech and creativity. But all of this may
happen more quickly during relaxed wakefulness, so no one is really sure.

B. Part of this interest is in sleep in general: in its rhythms, its uses and in problems with sleeping. But a central
preoccupation remains. “People need more sleep,” says one leading sleep researcher. “People cut back on sleep when
they’re busy. They get up too early to avoid rush hour.”

C. The sleep researchers seems interested in this theory. But the laboratory is not funded to investigate such matters.
Its sponsors what its research to lead to practical solutions such as deciding where Take a break signs should be
placed on motorways, and how different kinds of food and drink can affect driving and sleeplessness.

D. A coffee might have helped. Two cups, Dr. Reyner says, even after no sleep at all, can make you a safe driver for
half an hour or more. She recommends a whole basket of alertness products: tablets, energy drinks, caffeinated
chewing gum. Shift workers, she is quite sure, could probably use them.

E. In fact, the laboratory’s interest is more physical. In a darkened room stands a motorway simulator, the front
section of a car facing a wide projection screen. The subjects are always told to arrive at 2pm, in the body’s natural
mid-afternoon lull, after a short night’s sleep or no sleep at all. The projector is switched on and they are asked to
drive, while answering questions. An endless road rolls ahead, sunlight glares; and the air is warm.

F. In Europe, such propositions are perhaps most thoroughly tested in a small, unassuming building on a university
campus in the English midlands. The university sleep research laboratory has investigated, among many subjects, the
effects of fatigue on sailors, the effects of airport noise on sleepers, and the dangers of motorway driving for flagging


I. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as the ones printed before
1. I think it’s the manufacturer’s fault.
I would put _it down to THE BLAME ON the
2. “Why does the disease go undetected?”, the interviewer asked.
The interviewer wanted ___to know why the disease went
3. Bill hasn’t been to a football match for over twenty years.
It is ___over twenty years since Bill last went to a football match
4. You can’t translate this type of document easily.
This is __such a difficult type of document to translate/ NOT AN EASY TYPE OF DOCUMENT TO TRANSLATE
5. People think the accident was caused by the weather.
The accident ___is thought to have been caused by BEING BLAMED ON the weather
6. David has said that he thinks we should cut down that old tree.
David has suggested __that we cut down that old tree______________________________________________
7. The company presents an award to each of its long-serving employees.
Each _of it’s THE COMPANY’S long-service employees is presented with an award by the company
8. I really didn’t expect to be offered such a large sum of money.
Little __did I expect to be offered such __________________________________________________________
9. Graham regrets not going on holiday with his friends.
Graham wishes ___he had gone on holiday ________________________________________________
10. Sharon agreed to send Mr. Tibbs another copy of the letter.
Sharon said she ___would send MR.Tibbs________________________________________________

II. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as the ones printed before
them, using the words given. You must not change the words in anyway.
1. Gwenda has decided to take less sugar in her coffee. (cut)
___Gwenda has decided to cut down on sugar in her coffee
2. There is a surprising similarity between Gloria and Sylvie. (alike)
___There is something surpisingly alike between Gloria and Sylvie Gloria and Sylvie are surprisingly alike.
3. Terry really enjoys listening to old jazz records best. (pleasure)
__Terry takes great pleasure in listening to old jazz Terry’s real / greatest pleasure is listening to old jazz
4. This book should not leave the library for any reason whatsoever. (circumstances)
Whatsover: not at all, not of any kind
_____Under no circumstances should this book leave the library
5. Graham apologized for not attending the meeting. (absence)
____Graham apologized for his absence from the meeting
6. The variety of wildlife on the island was something I found amazing. (amazed)
_____I was amazed by the variety of wildlife on the island
7. I wasn’t surprised to see Roy leaving the party early. (came)
_____It came as no surprise to me to see Roy leaving the
8. Jane was the only guest to go down with food poisoning after the meal. (apart)
__Apart from Jane, nobody NONE OF THE GUESTS went down with food poisoning
9. The local football club has been defeated for the tenth time this season. (suffered)
_______The local football club has suffered the ITS tenth defeat OF THE this season
10. The annual general meeting of the village bows club was well-attended. (turnout)
______There was a good turnout for the annual meeting
Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a good passage. The paragraph begins with D.
0. D 1.___F___ 2.__B____ 3.___E___ 4.___A___ 5.__C____
A. Although David’s school, St Andrew’s, have given him special permission to be excused from some lessons,
David is not missing out on his education.
B. To most people, the idea of an 8-year-old boy beating a grand master is almost impossible to believe.
C. Next week, David will be playing in Greece and also in the world championship in Spain. With the right
encouragement, he could soon be the next world champion!
D. The defeat the respected chess master has just suffered has been unbelievable and just too painful to talk about –
but the 8-year-old boy who has just beaten him has been enjoying a family celebration.
E. David won after what seemed to be the easiest victory ever – in just 66 moves in a five-minute contest. His parents
are extremely proud of him so successful.
F. David Howell is one of the youngest players ever to beast a grand master. He has only been playing chess for three
years but he is very enthusiastic and has an amazing ability for the game.


There are fifteen mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. Follow the example.
I thought->was thinking I would let you know how much I enjoy->enjoyed our holiday together last week. The only
trouble with enjoying yourself->ourselves as much as we do->did is that life can seem so dull afterwards. Things
started to go wrong when I got to airport->TO THE AIRPORT and was told my flight would be delayed for at last-
>least three hours. There was really anything->nothing to do but wait. I felt very hungry but I could not buy nothing-
>anything to eat as I had run out of money. Time passed really slower->slowly. After about two and a half hours
there was an announcement say->saying TO SAY that there would be a further delay of up to two hours, and
passengers book->booking BOOKED on the flight can->could order a free meal in the café. I joined a->the long
queue and had just been serving->served when I heard another announcement to tell->TELLING passengers that the
flight was now->then ready for boarding. I had to leave my meal and rushed->rush to the gate. There was yet another
wait on->at the gate for half an hour but we did eventually leave more than four hours late->later. It is->was not a
very good end to what until then had been a fantastic holiday.
Example: 0. enjoy  enjoyed

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