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Appointment Letter

Ref: HR / 2008-09 DATE:-20 April, 2009



Dear Sir,

This is with reference to your application and the subsequent interview, you had
with us. We are pleased to appoint you as “Accounts Officer-Sales” On the
following terms & conditions:-
1. You shall join your duties on or before _________(Date) at our Plant Name
2. You will be paid Rs. /-CTC per month for a period up to 31st July 2009.
3. You will be paid emoluments Rs. /-CTC per month w.e.f.1st August 2009
and your salary details are as follows:

Particulars Amount in Rs.

Total /-

Our appointment will be governed by the annexure “A’ appended herewith.

We welcome you to this organization and trust we will have a long and mutually
rewarding association.
Please communicate your acceptance of this appointment by signing a copy of this
letter and returning it to us.
We wish you all the very best in your career with us, and we are confident that you
will continue to built on the good work you have started.

Yours faithfully,
For _________________(Comp Name)
Authorised Signatory




1. PROBATION PERIOD: You will be on probation for a period of six months

from the date of your appointment. During this period your work, attendance &
conduct will be under scrutiny. During this period your services can be terminated
without assigning any reason or notice thereof.

2. RESPONSIBILITY: You will act within the framework of organizational

structure and policies and directions as may be laid down by the management from
time to time. In view of your office, you must effectively perform to ensure
results. Your performance will be reviewed as per company’s appraisal system.

3. TRANSFER: Your service is liable to be transferred for work in any

department/ anywhere in India depending on exigencies of work. In such a case,
you will be governed by the terms and conditions of service as applicable to the
new assignment.

4. EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE (ESI): All employees drawing monthly

salary up to Rs. 10000/- as defined by ESI will be covered under Employee state
Insurance Act, as per statutory norms.

5. PROVIDENT FUND: You will participate in the provident fund scheme as

applicable to employees of the company.

6.SALARY INCREASE: Increase in your salary will be revived periodically as

per the policy of the company, Increment in the salary range applicable to you,
will be on the basis of demonstrated results and effectiveness of performance
during the period of review.

7. LEAVE: You will be eligible for privilege leave @ 15 Days per annum, Casual
leave @ 4 days per annum & sick leave @ 3 Per annum. Privilege leave
will not be allowed to take less than 3 days at a time & More than three occasions
in a year. Sick leave more than two days require medical certificate from qualified
doctor. Privilege leave required pre sanction of at least 10 days. Privilege leave
will be credited after confirmation in services.

8. TRANSPORT: You will make your own transport arrangements for reporting
to work according to the timings stipulated from time to time

9.CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIONS: You shall not give out any manner,

particulars or details of any research process, any trade secret, administrative and
or organizational matters of confidential nature etc.

10. PHYSICAL FITNESS: Your continuance in service is subject to your

remaining physically and mentally fit. As and when required by Management you
will submit yourself to medical examination by physician of the choice of the

11. RETIREMENT AGE: You are liable to retire on your attaining the age of 58
years or earlier if found medically unfit.

12. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: You shall keep the company informed about
changes if any in your residential address so as to facilitate Communication with
you, and all communications sent to you at correct address.

13. OTHER WORK: You shall not accept any other full or part time job whether
for any other monetary consideration or not, not to do any business and not to
acquire any financial interest anywhere without company’s permission in writing
during your tenure of service with company.

14. ABSENCE FROM DUTIES: Your absence for a continuous period of 10

days(including absence when leave though applied but not granted) or overstay
for a period of 10 days would make you to loose your lien on the job and your
services automatically come to an end without any notice in intimation from the
side of the Management.

15. NOTICE PERIOD: If you want to resign from the services, you will have to
give a three- month notice in writing.


personal responsibility to discharge all obligations arising out of any contract or
bond with previous employers.

17. ON TERMINATION: On termination of this contract, you will immediately

give up the company all correspondence, specifications, formulae, books,
documents, market data, literature, cost data, drawings, effect or records, etc,
belongings to the company or relating to its business and shall not make or retain
any copies of these items.

18. GENERAL: the above terms and conditions are based on company’s policy,
procedures and rules and regulations currently applicable to the company’s
employees and are subject to amendments and adjustments from time to time.

19. EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE: Experience certificate will be given only

on completion of minimum two years of service with the organization.

Please sign on the duplicate copy of this appointment order as a token of your
acceptance and return it to the company.

For ____________________(Comp Name)

Authorised Signatory

I accept the offer and terms and conditions mentioned in aforesaid letter and report
for duty on/or take charge on the post with effect from

Signature of applicant.

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