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Underground Utility Expossure & Protection During

In response to the recent Hi-Po incident related to damaged underground utilities during excavation at AWP
involving inadequate protection & supervision for the exposed underground utilities such as Electrical cable
FOC cable etc. necessity has been felt to educate the work force on potential risk of damaging underground
facilities (especially HT electrical Cables) while performing excavation and trenching activities.
In Cairn Projects we routinely perform excavations for construction activities. Never forget or ignore the
potential hazards associated with excavation work and follow the procedures and safe work practises.
Excavation Inspection Tag
Common Excavation Hazards
 Damage to underground utilities (electrical, FOC Cables, Pipe lines etc.
 Damage to adjoining or existing structure
 Excavation cave-in & collapse
 Being hit, or crushed by machinery
 Fall in to excavation, Electrocution, Engulfment, Asphyxiation

Aerial View of Incident Location Exposed pipeline provided Exposed cable provided
additional support to avoid sagging additional sleeve protection

Control measures
 Mark the area of excavation and arrange the resource as per the depth of the excavation.
 Conduct underground survey (Using Scanner and / Trial pit) and identify the underground facilities.
 Obtain work permit and excavation certificate. Implement all PTW control measures and JSA.
 Don’t perform mechanical excavation within 1m radius of identified underground facility.
 Perform mechanical excavation only if work permit is permitted to do so.
 A close supervision shall be provided for all excavation activates.
 Continuous and effective supervision should be carried out for identified underground Cables, Pipes etc.
 All identified cables and pipeline shall be protected properly with additional sleeve or any other means.
 Any excavation more than 1.2 meter deep must be adequately supported on the sides by proper slopping /
benching / shoring or shielding for personnel protection.
 Stability of adjacent structure need to be ensured and provide adequate support for the same if required.
 Excavations deeper than 1.5m shall be considered as ‘Confined Space Entry” and comply with relevant
controls. Such as entry certificate & gas test etc.
 Excavated material should be kept at least 1m away from the top edge of excavation.
 Ensure safe means of access and entry / exit for excavations deeper than 600 mm
 No heavy equipment, vehicle is permitted near to the edge of the excavated area.
 Provide adequate cave-in and collapse protection for all excavations edges. (Sloping, Shoring etc..)
 Excavated area shall be barricaded by hard barricading and installed sign boards.
 As a part of identified fatal risks, excavation safety training is mandatory for all exposed personnel.
 Expose underground utilities route completely before starting any mechanical excavation.
Bulletin Dec. 2018

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