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Name: Ordaniel, Mikylla A.

Subject: NCM 102-RA Fundamental of Nursing Practice (Lecture)

Year & Section: BSN 1-2 Professor: Dean. Simon, Evangeline RN. MAN

Nursing Care plan

Case Scenario: Sleep Deprivation
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation
Subjective data:  Disturbed sleep  The client will Intervention Rationale  The client
“I'm having pattern related achieve restful  Assessing the  Daytime verbalized that
difficulties falling to disruptions to sleep by client’s daytime functioning can he obtained
asleep or waking up normal routines modifying functioning. lead to optimal
too early, not being as evidence by sleeping sleeplessness due amounts of
able to get back difficulty patterns. to fatigue, sleep, and
asleep.” as sleeping and  The client will headaches, and improvement in
verbalized by the fatigue. learn about the discomfort with sleep pattern.
patient. causes of sleep everyday routines. As evidenced
difficulties and  Encourage the  L-tryptophan, a by a rested
Objective data: various client to take component of milk, appearance,
Fatigue alleviation milk. enhances sleep. verbalization of
Baggy eyes strategies to aid  Advise  Lights in the feeling rested.
Restlessness in treatment. appropriate bedroom can  The client
 The client will lighting and disrupt circadian learned about
be able to temperature in rhythms and the causes of
regain normal the client’s decrease sleep difficulties
functioning in bedroom. melatonin levels, and various
his daily life. leading to difficulty alleviation
sleeping or waking strategies to aid
up too early. in treatment.
Furthermore, both  Partially goal
overly hot and met.
chilly surroundings
in the bedroom
 Encourage the might impair sleep.
client to  Exercise in the
exercise morning may
regularly. induce sleep.

 Promoting  Assisting with

Comfort and hygiene habits,
Relaxation giving loose-fitting
urination before
resting, and
ensuring smooth,
clean, and dry bed
 Addressing linens.
Emotional  Emotional stress
Stress affects the
 Recommended individual's
that the client capacity to rest,
keep a log of relax, and sleep.
his sleep to Slow and deep
improve their breathing methods
cognitive can be used for a
performance few minutes to
and general relieve stress and
well-being. promote peace of
Client’s Name: Michael Ordaniel Birth date: March 31, 1969
Age: 54 Sex: Male

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