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Họ và tên học viên (Student’s name): Lương Hà Nam Giang

Ngày sinh (Date of birth): 04/08/1998
Mã sinh viên (Student ID’s number): 820289
Lớp (Master class): MITPL
Khóa (Intake): 8B
Số điện thoại (Tel): 0914 354 898 Email:
Cơ sở đào tạo (Education and training unit): Trường Đại học Ngoại Thương
Tên đề tài (Topic): Globalization of Vietnamese Higher Education: Navigating
International Trade in Educational Services
Chương trình (Program): MITPL_A
Ngành (Major): International Economics
Cơ sở khoa học và thực tiễn của đề tài (Scientific and practical background):
Scientific Background:
In recent decades, globalization has profoundly influenced the landscape of higher
education worldwide. Higher education institutions are increasingly engaged in
internationalization efforts, including student and faculty mobility, curriculum
globalization, and collaborative research initiatives. This trend is driven by several
factors, such as the global demand for quality education, advances in communication
technology, and the recognition that cross-border education can foster cultural exchange
and drive economic growth.
The international trade in educational services is a crucial dimension of higher education
globalization. This phenomenon encompasses a wide range of activities, including the
recruitment of international students, establishment of offshore campuses, online course
offerings, and research collaborations between universities across borders. These
activities are underpinned by economic, political, and educational motivations, making
the internationalization of higher education a complex and multifaceted phenomenon.
Emerging trends in global educational services trade reflect the changing dynamics of
higher education. The growth of online and distance learning platforms, the increasing
flow of students between countries, and the diversification of revenue sources for
universities all contribute to the evolving landscape of international education. These
trends not only present opportunities but also pose challenges for higher education
institutions and governments alike.
The role of education as a tradable commodity in global trade is gaining prominence.
Many nations, including Vietnam, recognize the export potential of education services.
This recognition has led to the development of policies and strategies aimed at promoting
the export of educational services as part of their economic and trade agendas.
Consequently, understanding the dynamics of international trade in educational services is
of critical importance for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders in Vietnam.
Practical Background:
Vietnam, a nation with a rich cultural heritage and a rapidly growing economy, is
navigating its path through globalization. As part of its ambitious development goals,
Vietnam has identified higher education as a key driver of economic growth and
sustainable development. The country's higher education landscape has witnessed
significant expansion, with a growing number of institutions and a rising demand for
quality education.
The Vietnamese government has implemented various policies and initiatives to
internationalize higher education. These include efforts to attract international students,
establish collaborative programs with foreign universities, and enhance the quality of
education to meet international standards. The government recognizes that
internationalization not only benefits the country's educational institutions but also
contributes to the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Vietnamese universities have been actively seeking international partnerships and
collaborations. Joint degree programs, faculty exchanges, and research collaborations
with institutions from around the world have become increasingly common. These
initiatives aim to enhance the quality of education and research in Vietnam and promote
cross-cultural understanding.
Student mobility is a significant aspect of the internationalization process. Vietnamese
students are increasingly looking abroad for educational opportunities, while foreign
students are enrolling in Vietnamese universities. This mobility reflects a growing interest
in international education and a recognition of the value of cross-cultural experiences.
The implications of international trade agreements, such as the World Trade
Organization's General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO/GATS), on cross-border
higher education in Vietnam are also of interest. These agreements can influence the
policies and practices related to international education services and require careful
consideration by Vietnamese authorities and institutions.
In summary, the scientific and practical background underscores the significance of the
research topic. It demonstrates that the globalization of Vietnamese higher education
within the context of international trade in educational services is a dynamic and
multifaceted phenomenon that has important implications for Vietnam's socio-economic
development and its integration into the global knowledge economy.

Mục đích của đề tài (các kết quả cần đạt được) (Research objectives (what is intended to
This research is conducted mainly to identify several aspects:
 Examine Global Trends:
Analyze current trends and emerging issues in international educational services trade.
Identify key factors influencing the global landscape of educational services trade.
 Evaluate Impacts:
Assess the advantages and disadvantages of international educational services trade.
Evaluate its economic, social, and cultural impacts on Vietnam and its higher education.
 Explore Motivations and Strategies:
Investigate why Vietnam pursued higher education internationalization in the past decade.
Analyze strategies used by Vietnamese institutions for global competitiveness.
 Analyze WTO/GATS Influence:
Assess how the WTO/GATS Agreement affects Vietnam's higher education policies.
Identify specific agreement provisions impacting Vietnam's internationalization efforts.
 Offer Policy Recommendations:
Provide evidence-based policy recommendations for Vietnamese higher education
Propose strategies to maximize benefits while addressing challenges in

Nội dung của đề tài (các vấn đề cần giải quyết) (Content (what need to be dealt with)):
 What are the current situation in global educational services trade?
 What are the impacts of international trade in education services?
 To what extent does the WTO/GATS Agreement affect cross-border higher
education in Vietnam?
 How do government policies and regulations in Vietnam influence the
internationalization of higher education, and what strategies can be employed
to enhance the country's competitiveness in the global education market?

Dự kiến kế hoạch thực hiện (Plan of implementation): November 9, 2023.

Đề xuất người hướng dẫn (Proposal of supervisor): Dr. Luong Thi Ngoc Oanh

Hà Nội, ngày 30 tháng 10 năm 2023

Hanoi, October 30, 2023

Học viên cao học


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