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UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE Noun 1 Housework fhaoswack/ Vide nha 2 Housewife fhaoswaif/ Ba nditre 3 | Benefit benifit! Lot ich 4 Task ftarsk/ Nhiém vu, viéc phai lam 5 Bond /bond! Su gin ket 6 | Value i vealjucs Gid tri Verb 1 | Divide fdi'vaid/ Phan chia 2 | Lookafter flok ‘ofall? Chim sée 3 Tidy up Jtadi apf Bon dep 4 Strengthen /'streqk6n/ Tang curéng, cling cé 5 | Develop fdr velap/ Phat trién 6 | Damage fderndg/ Pha hy, lam hong 7 Grow up /grau aps Lom lén 8 Celebrate f'selibreity Té chife, ki niém ‘Adjective Traditional Thudc vé truyén thing 2 ‘| Proud /praud/ Ty hao household chores | / haushaold tfa:{rlz/ | Viée nha 2 | homemaker J haommeika(r)/ Newai ndi tre 3 breadwinner / bredwina(r}y Tag ct gia dinh | 4 | Earnmaney fain ‘manif Kiém tién | 5 | do the heavy lifting | fdu: da ‘hevi liftin’ Lam vite ning | 6 | do the laundry /du: da taindrif Gidt la | 7 | study for exams /'stadi fa(r) ig zeema/ | [oe Gn thi | & | Life skill Hlarf skil/ Ki nang song | 9 | Take responsibility | /teik rsponsa'bilatl/ | Cd trach nhiém | 10 | Take care of /teik keafr) av/ Chim sac | 11 | routine task fru:'tisn to:ské Cong viéc hing ngay 12 | Do the washing-up | /du: da wolinnp/ Tela chén, bal Label the picture with a correct phrase given. liftheavy things | Dothecooking | Cleanthe house | Dothe laundry Repair the water Put out the Shop for Water the plants pipes rubbish groceri ies Prepare the | Arrange flowers | Washthe dishes | Study for exams meals Match, 1. prepare a.a lot of money b. responsibility 3.earn c. the heavy lifting 4. clean d. favorite TV programs 5. put out e. the house 6. answer f. the laundry 7. divide g. birthday 8. wash h. the phone i. the household chore equally 10. watch j. dinner for the family 11. take k, the rubbish 12. celebrate |. dirty clothes GAME circle the best word. 1. Jane can’t make/do the cooking because she is studying for her exams at the moment. 2, A homemaker is a person who doesn’t go out to work but stays at home to take/look after the family. 3. Why don’t many parents make/ask their kids do the housework? 4, There are some reasons why/which children should do the housework. 5. Your great ideas are really helpful/useful for my project, Susan. 6. She is proud that she can run/organize the dishwasher. 7. Peter's father is responsible for making/doing the heavy lifting and repairing the water pipes. 8, Family time is when all family members do things together/another. 9. What do think about the family value of being true/truthful and honest? 10. Children should do their homework by themselves so that they can become dependent/independent. [RED Put the verbs/phrasal verbs in the correct row. it, tidy up, put out, prepare, do, follow, take care of 1. ‘small children the rubbish the household chores the house meals for the family grandparents in the countryside s] oe] af ay ey traditional family values UNIT 2; HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Noun 1 | Aim feim/ Muc tiéu 2 Environment /in'vairanmant/ Méi trudng 3 Lifestyle /'lafstail/ Phong cach s6ng 4 Ceremony /'seramani/ Budi lé 5 Issue fs Van dé 6 | Event /ivent/ Sy kién 7 Change /tfeind3/ Su thay déi 8 | Chemical /'kemikl/ Chat héa hoc 9 Material /ma'tiarial/ Vat li@u 10 | Temperature /‘tempratfa(r)/ Nhiét do Verb 1 Attend /a'tend/ Tham dy 2 Set up /set ap/ Thanh lap, thiét lap 3 Improve /im'pru:v/ Cai thién, nang cao 4 | Encourage /in’karid3/ Khuyén khich 5 Adopt /a'dopt/ Thu nhan 6 Organize /'2:ganaiz/ T6 chire 7 ‘| Reduce Ini djuss/ iam 8 [Welcome T welkom/ Chao don 9 | Protect Ipra'tekt/ Baové 10 | Achieve /a'tficv/ Bat duge 11 | Remember {r'memba(r)/ Ghinho 12. | Remind {r'maind/ Nh&c nhor 13. | Discuss /di'skas/ Thao luan 14 | Prevent {pri'vent/ Ngan ngira 15. | Recycle {ri:'saikl/ Tai ché 16 | Damage [demids/ Pha hay 17 | Pollute [pa'lu:t/ Lam 6 nhiém 18 | Increase [in'kri's/ Gia tang Adjective 1 [Harmful Tha:mfl/ Co hai 2 | Compulsory Tkom'palsari/ Bat budc 3 Dangerous I'deindgeras/ Nguy hiém Phrases 1 [Raise awareness |/reiz o' weonos/ Nang cao nhan thie 2 | Youth Union /ju:8 ‘ju:nian/ ‘Doan Thanh Nién 3 [Pickupthe litter [/pikap do ‘iito(r)/ | Nhat rdc 4 | Make decision Tmeik di'sign/ Quyét dinh 5 |Greenproduct — |/grin prodakt/ San phim xanh 6 | Electrical appliance |/r'lektrikla'plarans/ | Thiét bi din 7 Plastic waste. /'pleestik weist/ Chat thai nhya 8 | Save energy /sew ‘enadsi/ Tiét kigm nang lveng 9 | Used item [just “artom/ Vat dung d& qua si dung 10 [Natural resource | /‘neet{ral ri's3:s/ Ngudn tai nguyén thién nhién 11 | Rubbish bin Tabi bin/ Thing rac 12 | Public place 7’pablik pleis/ Noi céng céng 13 | Cutdownon /kat daon pn/ Cat giam Circle the best word. 1. We are going to set up/attend the first meeting with our new partners tomorrow morning. 2. The children will clean up/down the classroom right after the ceremony. 3. The leader hopes that the local peole will be able to do more to protect/support the environment. 4. They have already done/made an important decision to buy a new house in the big city. 5. The teacher told/said the students to put all the rubbish in the bins after the party yesterday. 6. Itis a choice we make/do to change our daily habits to a greener lifestyle. 7. It is one of the easiest way to protect/save the energy and reduce pollution. 8, It makes/takes many years for plastic waste to break down into smaller pieces. 9. Our group is going to pick up/down rubbish in the city center after the lesson. 10. | am going to give/do a presentation on climate change next week. Match the verbs/phrasal verbs in column A with suitable nouns or noun phrases in column B. A B 1. set up a. the classroom 2. adopt b. the rubbish 3. cleanup c. Go Green Club 4. make d. the electricity usage 5. raise e. clean-up activities 6. turn off fa greener lifestyle 7. pick up & the volunteer program 8. organize ia big difference 9. cut down on j. electrical appliances 10. take part in I. people’s awareness attend a. the English dub 2. join b. energy bills 3. make c. litter in the street 4, pass d. new houses 5. plant e. the school meeting 6. drop . the right decision 7. use & Organic products 8. build h. a lot of trees 9, reduce i. plastic bags 10. buy j. the final exam UNIT 3: MUSIC 1 Idol fandl/ Thin tugng 2 Fan ffean/ Neuer ham mo 3 | Award foward? Gla! thudng 4 Trumpet /'trampity Cai kan 5 | Comment /koment/ Sy binh lui 6 | Artist Joust! Nghé sT 7 Audience /'xdians/ Khan gla 8 | Competition fkompa'tin/ Sy‘ canh tranh 9 | Judge fdgada/ Ban gidm khae 10 | Performance /po'fa:mans/ Man trinh didn 11 | Career fia’ rate) Sy nghiép 12 | Participant épa: tisipant/ Nguei tham dur 13° | Event /venty Su kién 14 | Atmosphere /‘wtmastia(r)/ Khong khi 15 | Experience /ik'spiarians/ Trai nghiém 16 | Stage fsterdgf Sdn khau 17) | Stadium i'steidiam/ San vin dong 18 | Costume /'leastju:m/ Trang phyc 19 | Festival ‘festivif hdl 20 | Composer /karn'pacza(r}/ Wha soan nhac 21° | Contest /‘kontest/ Cube thi 22 | Wiewer fvjura(ry Nguéi xem 23° | Works fwacks/ Tac pham Verb 1 Receive fn'sinf Nhin duoc 2 | Perform fpa'farm/ Biéu dién 3 Upload fap'leud/ Tai lan 4 | Reach frict|/ Bat tei 5 | Decide {di'sad/ Quyét dinh 6 Participate (in) {pa:'tsipert/ Tham gia 7 Relax. {n'beeks/ Xa hei, nghi ngoi Adjective 1 Talented /tzelantd/ Tai nang 2 | Latest flerust/ Mai nhat, gin nhat 3 Well-known /wel ‘naanf Ndi tiéng Phrases 1 | Social media f'savfl ‘midiaf Mang x8 hai [2 |Take place [jtekplesy «| DEnraxdyra | 3 | Art exhibition faiteksi'byn/ Tridn [dim nghé thuat 4 | Musical f'mjurzikl Nhac cy instrument ‘instrament! 5 |Family gathering | /‘faemali ‘gaedarin/ Budi ty hop gia dinh 6 | Look forward to luk 'fo:wed ta/ Tréng mong, che dei Choose the best answer. Aim learnt to play. piano, drums, guitar and trumpet by himself. Aa B.o C. the 2. As the concert did not lace, we had to stay at home. A. take B. make C. organize D. perforin 3... three players with the highest scores can remain on the show. A, Even 8. Only C. Among D. Between 4. They are using eco-friendly materials to their houses. A. design 6. develop C. upload D.. build 5. Teenagers all over the world seem to have the same ............. In music. A. taste B. level C. favour O.ear 6. His father taught hime how to play the guitar at the .......... of 12. A. grade B. age C.old 0. year 7. The man has written many warks about heroes and the fight... enemies. A. over B. with C. for D. against 8. Celine Dion is my idol. | am one of her biggest ws see A. lovers. 8. partners: C. fans 0. audlences 9. The new album released by the boy band has sold at least two MILLION, ..rsererseors A. copies B. versions €. songs D. hits GBI: circle the best word. 1, She is a popular teen/teenager idol all over the world mow. 2, We are making/doing a research on traditional music in Vietnam and some other Asian countries. 3. The perforrnance was so boring that it made all of us fall/feel asleep, 4, The singer has to practise so hard/hardly for the show tonight, 5. He is one of the country’s most/ famous singer/singers but he didn’t release many albums, 6. My close friend has participated in many talent/talented competitions. 7. We encourage our daughter to sing at family gatherings and she has become/turned more confident. 8. My favorite artist is Mr. Carol because he is one of the judges on a popular TA talent show/performance. 9. How did the boy feel when going/attending the event yesterday morning? 10. The children have passed the final exam and they all feel relaxed/relaxing Complete the word below each picture. UNIT 4: FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY 1 | Community 7ka mjucnatiy Céng ding. 2 | Volunteer Jvolen tain)? Tinh nguyén wien 3 | Developrnent fdr'velapment! Sy phat trién 4 | Advertisement —_| /ad va:tismant/ Tinh nguyén 5 | Service fssusf Dich vu 6 | Confidence [konfidans/ Syturtin 7 | Opportunity Jopa tu:nati/ Co hal 8 | Orphanage fafand3/ Trai tre mo coi 9 | Charity 7 teerati Ti thign 10 | Experience 7ik'sprarians/ Kinh nghiéem 11 | Purpose 7 paipas/ Muc dich 12, | Aim feumi Muctiéu 13 | Career ko'nalr)/ Suenghiép Verb 1 |apply (forajob) — [/a'play/ Xin vide 2 | Benefit, Tbenifity Lam igi 3 | Organize Txganaz] Té choc 4 | Boost Tou'stf Tang cvéng, ndng cao 5 | Donate Tdau nents Quyén gop 6 | Deliver Jar twain) Giao hang 7 [Gain 7gein/ Thu durge & fim'prucwf Cai thign 9 [sa pot? Ho tro 10 Fireinf ivan luyén, Gio tao. li Teleit? ‘Taoza Adjective 1 [Regular egjala(r)/ ‘Bey dan 2 | Generous dgeneres/ Hao phong a | Remote /a'mact/ Xa xGi, héo lénb 4 Homeless J baumlas/ ‘V6 gia cu 5 | Essential Avsenjif ‘Cha thift, quan trong 6 | Available Ja'vellabl/ C6 sin 7 Cheerful ftpetlf ‘Vui vé Ts [Confused Ss /kan'fjuzd/ —Ss=*«*~dN Em SC=C* 9 | Disappointed /dise paintidy That vong, 10 | Grateful Fqreitti/ Bitton Phrases 1 |Get involved Jgetin'valvay Tham gia 2 | Local business 7 leokl 'biznes/ Doanh nghiép dia phuong 3 | Raise money Jreiz manif ‘Quyén tin 4 [Communication — | /ko,mjucni'keljn skal/ | KT nding giao tiép skill 5 [Time management | /taim ‘maenidgmant/ | Quan li thai gian 6 | non-profit Joon ‘profit Té ehiie phi lgi nhudn organization foganarzeifnf (EMD): Label the picture Collecting Planting trees Teaching small Donating old garbage children books Geaning the | Watering plants | Donatingblood | Repairing water streets pipes Cooking free Helping the Sewing clothes | Building houses meals elderly GL circle the best word. 1. My uncle is working as/like a volunteer at a local organization for community development. 2. Our class find community work very interesting/interested. 3. My lends and | are so exciting/excited about volunteering at a remote village. 4. How can Jane apply with/for volunteer work at this centre? 5. During our presentation, the audience confused/raised a lot Interesting questions for the topic. 6, Bath Jim and Michael are talking about/on the plan for new activities 7. Susan was tallking with some children when/while she was waiting for her mother. 8. We need to join hands/legs to help improve the community and reduce pollution, [ARTI choose the best answer. 1. The father came to pick the little boy . .. after school yesterday Aon B. up C. with: Din 2. They decided to help poor villages. a community centre far young people in some A. make B. design C. visit D. build 3. The group hes .. a program to help poor children in many remoted areas. A. joined B. benefited C. applied D. raised 4. Our class... around five million VND to help people in flooded areas last, year. A. exchanged B. raised C. collected D. took 5. The Club has organized many volunteering for all students to- participate, A act B. actions C. activities D. acted 6... Of aur club members help cook free meals for poor families in the city. A. Some B. Any C. Bach D. Among 7. If you ........,@ member of the Volunteer Club, what could you do to help? Aare B. become C. were D. joined 8. We . the Volunteer Club when we started secondary school. A. attended 6. applied C. joined O. participated wold textbooks and send them to 9, At the end of each school year, wi poor students in remate areas. A, sell B. collect C. exchange D. desing 10, They need more volunteers to js.un.nat the food bank this weekend A. work B, Join C. participate ——_—D, organize UNIT 5: INVENTIONS 1 | App feapf Ung dung. 2 Smartphone /'sma:tfaun/ ‘Bién thoai théng minh 3 Device /di'vaisf Thiét bl 4 | Distance /'distans/ Khodng cach 5 Emation /imaujny Carn xe 6 Result Jrv'zalty ét qua 7 | Experiment /ik'sperimanty Cute thi nghiém 8 | Discovery /di'skeavarl/ Su khdm phd 9 | technology ftek'noladsi/ Céng nghé 10 | Laboratory fla‘boratrif Phéng thi nghiém di | Function J'fankfnf Chie ning 12. (| Tool ftu:lf Cong cy 13 ‘| Tablet /'teeblaty May tinh bang Model J mpdl/ Kigu mau Verb 1 | lewent. fin'vent/ Phat minh 2 | Improve fim'pruswf (Chi thién, nang cao 3) | Allow fa'lauf ‘Cho phép }4 | Communicate /ka' mjucnikerty ‘Glao tiép 5 | Change /tfeind3/ Thay dai 6 | Create dkri'eity Tao ra 7 | Control /kan'traul/ Kiém sot 8 Store fstac(r)/ Lutu tro 9 Research fn’sactf/ Nghién ctru 10 | Recommend freka'mend/ Goi, de xudt Adjective 1 Suitable /'sustably Pho hop 2 Convenient /kan'vicniant/ Thuan tién 3 | Educational Jedgu keifanly Thudc vé giao duc 4 | Valuable / weeljuabl/ Cosi 5 Useful J justly Hitu ich 6 | Modern fimodny Hin dai Phrases 1 Press the button =| pres a ‘batn/ an nut 2 Charge the battery | /t/ond3 de ‘'betri/ Sac pin Complete the word below each picture. Use (BI: Circle the best word. 1, Robots are one example of Artificial Intelligent/Intelligence known as Al 2. The internet ean help us to communicate over/on long distances. 3, All you have to do Is to push/press the button to start the device, 4, [need ta charge the mobile phone because the battery is quite high/low. 5, You need to study the Information carefully before choosing the best/highest computer. 6. It is a modern device that allows/agrees us to store a lot of information. 7. Scientists have searched/researched for years into the new ways of curing cancer patients, 8. Mobilephene is widely/largely used nowadays as it brings humans a lot of advantages: 9, It is quite Impossible to imagine/examine the internet without personal computers, 10. Many youngsters use computers to play games rather than study or wait/look for information. in the gap with a suitable word given in the box. ‘communicate | programs modern emations camera useful allows | destinations | computers | language 1. It is interesting to know that the robot can show different. talking to human beings. 2. Using laptops .....:ue human beings to study better and work faster. 3. We like the new apps because they allow us to . the same time, and study at 4, This new rebot can communicate with people using hurnan .. expressing emotions. and 5. Some .... the furniture. ~. devices can measure the room size and recognize 6. Some computer .. book flights and hotels. .. can help customers plan their holidays, 7. The men have just installed some interesting software on the school 8. With a smartphone, users navy can surf the web and use maps to look. for their ou... 9. With a digital .............., my father can quickly view and delete photos and transfer them to his computer. 10. This device has a lot of ... not have, .. features that other new models do 2. Mader devicas have changed the other. we communicate with each A. sort B. kind C. way D. type 3, When you are.... forced to do. ato do something, you will de things withaut being A. ready B. voluntary C. free D. compulsory 4, What are the types of community service and the benefits of A.volunteer —-B. volunteered. tovolunteer__D. volunteering 5. The company has just intraduced a new kind of smartphone which fantastic. A. looks B, sees C. watches D. views 6. | can carry my laptop around because itis Very ....0..and light. A. heavy ©, useful €. small D. big 7. Same driverless €at$ in still wooo development in many countries, Avin B. on Cover D, about 8. Many people may become ... technology. A. employed B.unemployed C.employment —D. unemployment 9. Mr. Smith has just told me A. whether 8. which C. how D. what in the future due to the development of to use this new device. 10. The equipment has a touchscreen and it can be......... n smartphones, laptops ar even tablets. A, used B. taken C. started D, transferred

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