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Firmansyah Ahzome1 Josua Parningotan P2 Tengku MHD Haikal3

Medan Tourism Polytechnic
Email: 1firmansyahah@గ్మైల్.com 2

Tangkahan tourist attraction Gunung Leuser National Park is a tourist attraction that has
great potential and attraction, where Tangkaahan tourist attraction is famous for a number of tourist
attractions including exploring the forest, bathing elephants and river tubing. Talking about the
potential of Tangkahan tourist attraction, development still needs to be done so that it becomes the
most popular main tourist destination in Langkat Regency. Therefore, a well-developed tourist
attraction development strategy is needed. This study aims to determine and explain the strategy of
developing Tangkahan tourist attraction Gunung Leuser National Park as a tourist destination area
of Langkat Regency using SWOT analysis. The type of research used in this study is qualitative with a
descriptive method approach. Data collection techniques are used in three ways, namely observation,
interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques by reducing data, presenting data (data
display), and concluting drawing. Tangkahan, an ecotourism destination hidden in the jungle
hinterland of North Sumatra, offers alluring natural beauty, including lush tropical forests, crystal
clear rivers, and stunning mountain panoramas. However, this tremendous ecotourism potential has
not been fully tapped, with tourist arrivals still relatively low. Therefore, this study aims to formulate
a Tangkahan ecotourism development strategy that aims to increase tourist visits. The research
method used is a qualitative study involving SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Threats) to evaluate the current situation and determine the strategic direction of Tangkahan
ecotourism development. Through interviews with local stakeholders, tourist surveys, and secondary
data analysis, the study identified internal and external factors influencing ecotourism development in
Tangkahan. The results of the SWOT analysis revealed that Tangkahan has potential strengths in its
natural diversity, strong conservation efforts, and local community involvement. However, there are
weaknesses related to limited infrastructure, lack of promotion, and deficiencies in management
capacity. On the other hand, there are significant opportunities in increasing environmental
awareness, infrastructure development, and partnerships with international conservation agencies.
However, Tangkahan ecotourism is also faced with threats such as climate change, destination
competition, and illegal activities. Based on the analysis, a series of strategies for the development of
Tangkahan ecotourism were prepared, including increased promotion and marketing, development of
tourism infrastructure, training and capacitation of local communities, and supervision of illegal
activities. By implementing this strategy holistically and sustainably, it is hoped that Tangkahan can
become a sustainable and attractive ecotourism destination for tourists looking for authentic nature

Keywords: Ecotourism, Destination Development, SWOT Analysis, Tangkahan, North Sumatra.



Tangkahan, a tourism destination hidden in the and stunning mountain panoramas, which attract
jungles of North Sumatra, has tremendous potential for tourists looking for an authentic nature experience.
sustainable ecotourism development. With its stunning This destination provides habitat for various
natural wealth, including dense tropical forests, crystal species of flora and fauna, including the rare
clear rivers, and diverse wildlife, Tangkahan has
Sumatran elephant, which can be a major attraction
become an attraction for nature lovers and adventurers
alike. Ecotourism development in Tangkahan is not
for ecotourism. The friendly local community and
just a necessity for the growth of the tourism industry, rich culture provide authentic cultural experiences
but also an effort to protect its fragile natural for visitors, including opportunities to engage in
environment and strengthen the local economy. By traditional activities.
combining nature conservation efforts and
empowering local communities, the ecotourism b. Disadvantages (weaknesses)
development strategy in Tangkahan has the potential to The cleanliness factor is less cared about by
become a sustainable model in tourism destination managers and visitors so that there is still a lot of
management. In this context, this introduction aims to garbage found and can reduce to the natural beauty
summarize the urgent need for an ecotourism of Tangkahan. Limited transportation access and
development strategy in Tangkahan, focusing on
lack of adequate tourism facilities can be obstacles
increasing tourist visits. An in-depth analysis will be
conducted to identify the potentials, challenges and
to the development of Tangkahan destinations. The
opportunities associated with ecotourism development lack of widespread promotion and marketing of
in the region. The end goal is to develop a strategy this destination can limit the number of potential
based on the principles of sustainable development, visitors who can enjoy the beauty and diversity of
taking into account ecological, social, and economic Tangkahan.
interests. Through a collaborative approach involving
the government, local communities, and other c. Opportunities
stakeholders, it is hoped that this strategy can create a Environmental education and awareness programs
significant positive impact on Tangkahan and the organized by governments and NGOs can help
surrounding region. With attention to sustainability, increase understanding of the importance of nature
community participation, and wise management,
conservation among local communities and
ecotourism development in Tangkahan has the
potential to provide long-term benefits for the
visitors. Support from the government and non-
environment, economy, and local culture. In the next governmental organizations for ecotourism
discussion, we will analyze in detail the challenges and development in Tangkahan Destinations The use of
opportunities faced by Tangkahan in the development digital platforms and social media to promote
of ecotourism, as well as concrete steps that can be Tangkahan destinations globally can increase their
taken to increase tourist visits in a sustainable manner. visibility and attract interest from wider market
d. Threats
SWOT analysis is one method of developing Increasing the number of local tourists and foreign
conditions and evaluating a problem contained in tourists which will result in the environment
Tangkahan Ecotourism or concepts based on around the tourist area in addition to illegal
internal factors (inside) and external factors logging, pollution will also threaten Tangkahan's
(namely strengths, weaknesses, 0pp0rtunities and natural tourism. Competition with other tourist
threats. to find a strategy to be carried out SWOT destinations that offer similar experiences can
analysis is the Tangkahan Ecotourism reduce Tangkahan's appeal as a top destination for
Development Strategy. tourists. Illegal activities such as timber theft and
poaching of wild animals can damage the natural
a. Strengths ecosystem of Tangkahan Namo Sialang and disturb
Tangkahan is known for its natural beauty, the habitat of protected wildlife such as Sumatran
including lush tropical forests, crystal clear rivers, elephants.



1 KEKUATAN Tangkahan terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya,

STS TS KS S SS Although tourism has a positive impact on the
termasuk hutan tropis yang subur, sungai yang jernih,
dan panorama pegunungan yang menakjubkan, yang 0 1 0 6 3 economy and environmental conservation, there are
menarik para wisatawan yang mencari pengalaman
alam yang autentik also challenges that need to be overcome. An increase
Destinasi ini menyediakan habitat bagi berbagai
spesies flora dan fauna, termasuk gajah Sumatera yang in tourist numbers can cause pressure on natural
langka, yang dapat menjadi daya tarik utama bagi 1 1 0 4 4
ekowisata. ecosystems, including environmental damage and
Masyarakat setempat yang ramah dan budaya yang
kaya memberikan pengalaman budaya yang otentik
bagi para pengunjung, termasuk kesempatan untuk 2 1 0 3 4
degradation of wildlife habitats. Therefore, wise and
terlibat dalam kegiatan tradisional.
Faktor kebersihan yang kurang di pedulikan oleh
sustainable tourism management is indispensable to
pengelolah dan pengunjung sehingga masih banyak di
temukan sampah dan dapat mengurangi ke indahan 0 0 0 6 4 ensure that Tangkahan's natural beauty can be enjoyed
alam Tangkahan.
Akses transportasi yang terbatas dan kurangnya
by future generations.
fasilitas pariwisata yang memadai dapat menjadi
hambatan bagi pengembangan destinasi tangkahan 0 0 0 7 3 .
Kurangnya promosi dan pemasaran destinasi ini secara
2. Debilitation
luas dapat membatasi jumlah pengunjung potensial
yang dapat menikmati keindahan dan keanekaragaman 0 1 0 6 3  Lack of Attention to Hygiene
3 PELUANG Program-program pendidikan dan kesadaran The problem of garbage that is still widely found in
lingkungan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah dan
LSM dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman
tentang pentingnya pelestarian alam di kalangan
2 0 0 4 4 Tangkahan shows the lack of attention from managers
masyarakat lokal dan pengunjung.
Dukungan dari pemerintah dan organisasi non-
and visitors to cleanliness. These garbage can reduce
pemerintah untuk pengembangan ekowisata di
Destinasi Tangkahan 2 0 0 3 5
natural beauty and damage local ecosystems.
Pemanfaatan platform digital dan media sosial untuk
Managers and visitors need to raise awareness of the
mempromosikan destinasi Tangkahan secara global
dapat meningkatkan visibilitasnya dan menarik minat
dari segmen pasar yang lebih luas. 2 0 0 2 6 importance of maintaining a clean environment and
implementing an effective waste management system.
ANCAMAN Meningkatkan jumlah para wisatawan lokal dan
4 wisatawan mancanegara yang akan berakibat pada
lingkungan di sekitar kawasan wisata selain illegal
Limited Transportation Access and Tourism Facilities.
0 0 0 8 2
logging, polusi juga akan mengancam wisata alam
Tangkahan Limited transportation access and lack of adequate
Persaingan dengan destinasi wisata lain yang
menawarkan pengalaman serupa dapat mengurangi daya
tarik Tangkahan sebagai tujuan utama bagi para
tourism facilities can be obstacles to the development
0 0 0 7 3
Kegiatan ilegal seperti pencurian kayu dan perburuan
of Tangkahan destinations. This limitation can hinder
hewan liar dapat merusak ekosistem alami Tangkahan
Namo Sialang dan mengganggu habitat satwa liar yang
dilindungi seperti gajah Sumatera. 0 0 0 6 4 the potential number of visitors who want to visit
Tangkahan. Improvement of transportation
The following are the results of the SWOT infrastructure and improvement of tourism facilities
analysis of the Tangkahan Ecotourism such as accommodation, restaurants, and other public
Development Strategy to Increase Tourist Visits. facilities can increase attractiveness and comfort for
The results showed that each respondent gave
Lack of Promotion and Marketing.
varying values. The calculation of respondents' The lack of widespread promotion and marketing of
scores is based on the average value of all Tangkahan destinations can also limit the number of
respondents. potential visitors. Although Tangkahan has amazing
natural potential, if it is not promoted properly, many
IV. CASE ANALYSIS people may not realize its existence or not choose it as
a tourist destination. Greater efforts are needed in the
1. Strength promotion and marketing of these destinations
 Natural Beauty nationally and internationally, through various
Tangkahan is known for its natural beauty which platforms such as social media, websites, and tourism
promotion campaigns.
includes lush tropical forests, clear rivers, and
stunning mountain panoramas. The existence of 3. Chance
unspoiled tropical forests and clean rivers  Milieu:
provides an authentic nature experience for Environmental education and awareness programs
visitors. This is the main attraction for tourists organized by governments and NGOs have an
who want to get away from the urban crowd and important role to play In enhancing these programs,
blend with nature communities can be given an understanding of
 Milieu conservation values, the negative impacts of
Environmental education and awareness programs environmentally destructive behavior, and ways to
organized by governments and NGOs have an contribute to the preservation of nature. Environmental
important role to play In enhancing these programs, education starting from an early age to adulthood can
communities can be given an understanding of shape attitudes and behaviors that care for the
conservation values, the negative impacts of environment.
environmentally destructive behavior, and ways to  Support from Government and NGOs for
contribute to the preservation of nature. Environmental Ecotourism:
education starting from an early age to adulthood can The support provided by the government and non-
shape attitudes and behaviors that care for the governmental organizations is very important in the
environment. development of ecotourism in Tangkahan Destination.
 Environmental Conservation Challenges The government can provide regulations that support
sustainable ecotourism development, including
environmental management and nature conservation.
NGOs can also play a role in providing resources and V. DISCUSSION
technical support for ecotourism management, as well
as advocating for better environmental policies. The existence of Tangkahan ecotourism in
 Utilization of Digital Platforms and Social the TNGL area has uniqueness and high
Media: biodiversity is a potential attraction in itself.
The use of digital platforms and social media can The growing and attracting interest of visitors
be an effective tool in promoting Tangkahan to Tangkahan resources has caused many
actors and actors involved in its
destinations globally. Through engaging and
implementation, thus creating diversity in the
informative content, such as photos, videos, and implementation of interests that are different
travel stories, these destinations can be promoted from the real purpose of forming ecotourism
to a wider audience in different parts of the world. in Tangkahan. There is an overlap of authority
In addition, promotional campaigns through social between local communities, regional
media can also involve community participation stakeholders and local governments in area
by encouraging them to share their experiences in management consisting of institutions, human
Tangkahan, thereby increasing visibility and resources, facilities / infrastructure, and other
attracting interest from wider market segments. technical problems caused by the uncharted
stakeholders according to their importance to
4. Threat the function of Tangkahan and the needs and
aspirations of each stakeholder have not been
 Environmental Impact of Tourism
accommodated properly. The implementation
Infrastructure Provision: of the role of each stakeholder and the support
The increasing number of tourists can lead to an of policies and laws and regulations are
increase in tourism infrastructure development, needed in the development of Tangkahan
such as roads, inns, and other public facilities. ecotourism by the government and parties
This development can threaten Tangkahan's through cooperation mechanisms between
natural environment by damaging natural habitats, stakeholders. This study aims to develop a
changing river flow patterns, and increasing the strategy for the development of Tangkahan
risk of water and air pollution. ecotourism governance through the
 Competition with Other Tourist Destinations: identification of roles, patterns of relationships
Competition with other tourist destinations that and needs of stakeholders, identification of
laws and regulations and development
offer similar experiences can reduce the appeal of
policies, as well as the formulation of
Tangkahan as a top destination for tourists. This strategies for developing ecotourism
can result in a decrease in visitor numbers and governance. The location of research activities
income, which then has a negative impact on was carried out in the Gunung Leuser National
environmental conservation efforts and the Park (TNGL) area. Tangkahan ecotourism
welfare of local communities. area is administratively located in 2 village
 Impact of Illegal Activities: areas, namely Namo Sialang Village and Sei
Illegal activities such as timber theft and poaching of Serdang Village, Batang Serangan District,
wild animals can damage Tangkahan's natural Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The study
ecosystem. Timber theft can lead to widespread was conducted from September 2020 to
deforestation, while poaching of wild animals can December 2020. The method used in this
upset the balance of ecosystems and threaten study is from the aspects of roles,
endangered species such as Sumatran elephants. relationships, and needs carried out with
Tighter law enforcement efforts and better oversight stakeholder analysis, while the policy aspect is
are needed to protect Tangkahan from these illegal carried out with Policy analysis. The next
activities. In facing these challenges, a holistic and stage is the SWOT matrix analysis. The
sustainable approach is needed. Environmental results showed that the parties that have the
protection measures, such as enforcement of highest level of importance and influence in
environmental regulations and species conservation the management of Tangkahan Ecotourism are
efforts, must be accompanied by responsible and BBTNGL, Disbupar Langkat and LPT. While
sustainable tourism development strategies. the lowest influence and importance are
Collaborative efforts between the government, local owned by Namosialang Village, Sei Serdang
communities, non-governmental organizations, and Village, PTPN 2 and community leaders.
tourism actors are needed to ensure that Tangkahan Where these stakeholders represent
remains an attractive natural tourism destination while government, community, and non-government
maintaining environmental sustainability and the well- parties. Planning and preparation for the
being of local communities. development of Tangkahan Ecotourism is a
form of collaborative management of model by making local communities the main
Ecotourism as an implementation of the partners of the park and maintaining the
Regulation of the Minister of Forestry surrounding park. In addition, the
(Permenhut) No. P.19 / Menhut-II / 2004 commitment of LPT members in maintaining
concerning collaboration in the management national parks for the past 20 years is the fruit
of natural resource areas and nature of strong norms, values, and beliefs between
conservation areas. The preparation of human members. In addition, the results of the FGD
resources and infrastructure is the main on sustainability show that all three
component in tourism in the Gunung Leuser categories: Social Process Category, Adaptive
National Park Area. Natural Resource Management Category, and
Impact/Condition Category are interrelated,
VI. CONCLUSION and this means that collaboration and adaptive
management in Tangkahan have resulted in a
With Tangkahan is an important example high level of sustainability. humanistic well-
or success story of the relationship between being and maintenance of ecological values,
the park and the community. After 20 years of favoring collaborative processes, and adaptive
running this initiative, they managed to protect levels. The study had some limitations.
the national park from illegal logging, Community-based ecotourism initiatives are
encroachment, and massive poaching. proven to still require facilitation and
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evidence; When local communities have the implemented consistently through a
opportunity to generate alternative local continuous learning process. Therefore, future
economic activities that significantly increase research on monitoring and evaluating the
their incomes, not from the point of view of success of Gunung Leuser National Park still
illegal logging, encroachment, and poaching, needs to be carried out to ensure the
but from the point of view of ecotourism, they continuation of this success.
are willing to maintain the national park in a
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