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Parisan, Shan Kyre M.

ETHICS – Synthesis Report

Justice according to Saint Thomas Aquinas

Saint Thomas Aquinas outlined his views on justice as a cardinal virtue essential for a just and
harmonious society. Justice, according to Aquinas, involves giving each person their due,
ensuring individuals receive what they deserve in terms of rights, benefits, and treatment. He
identified four cardinal virtues of justice, each with its unique focus.

Distributive Justice, as explained by Aquinas, centers around the fair allocation of resources and
benefits based on individual needs and contributions to society. It emphasizes respecting the
dignity of each person by providing them with what they deserve.

Commutative Justice pertains to fairness and equality in transactions between individuals,

highlighting mutual obligations and rights to ensure just interactions.

Legal Justice refers to adherence to societal laws to maintain order, protect rights, and promote
the common good. It involves the just application and enforcement of laws within the legal

Virtuous or Moral Justice emphasizes being a good person and doing what is right for others’
well-being. It involves qualities such as honesty, kindness, courage, and fairness, going beyond
mere rule compliance.

Aquinas’s concept of justice revolves around treating everyone fairly, upholding their rights, and
working towards society’s greater good. It ensures individuals receive their rights, opportunities,
and respect, aiming to avoid harm and support others for a community where each person’s
dignity is valued.

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