Group Work - Task

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Group Work 2:

1. Stand about CCTV in the context of Teaching profession.

- CCTV or surveillance camera is used by individuals and businesses for protection purposes.
Now a days it is also vital to put surveillance camera in schools for the security of our
students, teachers and personnels. In the year 2020, It has been mandated by the Ministry of
Education here in UAE to put a surveillance camera in kindergarten schools’ area (internal
and external). I somehow agree to this as it gives protection to our teachers specially that we
are working in a foreign land. Some students lie to their parents which escalates to school and
complain against the teacher and without a proof of evidence it becomes hard for the teacher
to prove it as parents tend to say that “kids don’t lie”. This adage is always used by the
parents to blindly accuse the teacher. On the other hand, this way also gives benefit to parents
if there’s CCTV in the classroom so they can see and appreciate the teachers hard work to
help their children learn. However, it's important to ensure that the installation and use of
surveillance cameras comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations. Additionally,
measures should be in place to safeguard the privacy rights of students, staff, and visitors
while still effectively enhancing security.

. Relevant laws regarding the use of CCTV in UAE.

- Under Educational Inspection Manual for General Education Institutions of 2020,

Kindergarten Building 5.01.19 states that Availability of internal and external surveillance
cameras. Supports to install CCTV cameras inside the school premises for the pupil’s security.
Installing internal and external surveillance cameras can provide additional security measures,
allowing school administrators to monitor activities and maintain a safe environment for
pupils. The presence of CCTV cameras may help to determine any potential security threats
and provide valuable evidence in the event of incidents or emergencies.

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