G (12) 3 Hours Question 4.3.2024

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Mock Test (4-3-24)

Grade (12) English Time allowed (3) hours

I. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given. (10marks)
1. Being p______ means you have a strong feeling of excitement and love for something you enjoy doing.
2. When someone is sick, we can show s______ by wishing them to feel better soon.
3. Going to school gives you o______ to learn and make new friends.
4. Taking a big test can be s______ because you might feel worried or nervous.
5. The thief was caught r_____ while trying to steal from the store.
6. The term ”selfie” was c______ by a photographer in 2002..
7. C______ means things that are special and unique to a particular group of people, like their traditional food.
8. The kitchen a_____ , including the microwave and blender, were all brand new.
9. Fertilisers and pesticides are hazardous substances that can c_____ the earth’s top soil.
10. In spite of being an i______ child, Helen had no language.
II. Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentence. (10 marks)
1. The company’s success _____ on the dedication and hard work of its employees.
(A) encounters (B) adopts (C) depends
2. After a ten-hour flight, grandma looked ______.
(A) pink (B) yellow (C) green
3. The ____ of the research findings led to further investigations in the scientific community.
(A) significant (B) significance (C) signifying
4. The industrial _____ brought significant changes to society through mechanization and mass production.
(A) invention (B) revolution (C) promotion
5. The new educational _____ aims to promote creativity and critical thinking among students.
(A) list (B) schedule (C) programme
6. Using a password manager to store your online passwords is a ______ way to protect your accounts from
(A) easier (B) safer (C) faster
7. I'll join you for lunch ______ I finish this task.
(A) as (B) where (C) once
8. She always carries a first-aid kit in her car, just ______ of emergencies.
(A) so that (B) if (C) in case
9. I will wait here ______ you finish your meeting, and then we can grab a coffee together.
(A) until (B) when (C) as
10. You can use my computer ______ you return it in the same condition.
(A) if (B) as long as (C) unless

III. Rewrite the sentence according to the instructions given in brackets. (10 marks)
1. Although the situation was difficult, the parents were always there for their children. (Join the sentences,
using "No matter how ...")
2. I brought an umbrella. I want to stay dry in case it rains. (Join the sentences, using 'so as to")
3. She wanted to come to the wedding, but she was not invited. (Use "the third conditional")
4. Arr Mhan told Aung Khant that he would return his camera the following day.( Change the sentence into
direct speech.)
5. I play with my friends at the park after school. (Use 'introductory phrase")
6. He ran. He was not being chased by a tiger. (Join the sentences, using 'as if /as though')
7. She ate the vegetables. She doesn't like them. (Join the sentences, using appropriate 'subordinating
8. The car is parked in front of the house. It belongs to my dad. (Join the sentences, using 'relative pronoun")
9. The new smartphone boasts a sleek design features cutting-edge technology, (Join the sentences, using
'not only... but also')
10. The picture was beautifully painted. It hung on the wall. (Join the sentences, using "Participle phrase")
IV (A) Write the appropriate words or phrases to complete the lines of verse. (5 marks)
1. ______ that books can bring
You'll find inside those walls.
2. Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks ______ with attire:
3. I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ______ hence:
4. Whenever the moon and stars are set,
______ is high,
5. And both ______ equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
IV (B) Answer the questions in complete sentence.(5 marks)
6. What should certainly reduce social conflicts?
7. Give two prerequisites to improve communication skills.
8. Where and when was Helen Keller born?
9. Why isn't biomass used to generate energy on a large scale?
10. What do these lines mean?
Late in the night when the fires are out,
Why does he gallop and gallop about
V. Read the following passage (Seen Passage)
The ill effects of light pollution are many. For instance, light that is too bright can damage our vision; so
does insufficient light. A bright light has been found to cause sleep disorders such as sleep deprivation,
which in turn causes stress, headaches, and increasing anxiety. Bright artificial night light has been found to
upset the food hunting pattern of many nocturnal and crepuscular creatures. To minimize the effects of
environmental pollution, what should we do? What are the possible solutions to some environmental
problems that come about as a result of pollution? We must reduce our use of fossil fuels and promote the
use of friendly sources of energy, like the sun, wind, and water. Although it is impossible to shut down
factories, there should be stricter laws to prevent them from polluting the environment. Forests must be
protected because trees take in carbon dioxide. Fewer fertilizers and pesticides should be used in agriculture.
We should also try to produce less waste and recycle lots of things that we throw away. And we should be
judicious in using light during the night as well as day. If we do not do something to combat pollution, a
hazard to our environment, we will all be losers with dire consequences to face.
A Write the correct word or words to complete the sentences. (5) marks
1. Excessive artificial ______ can lead to sleep disorders.
2. The food hunting pattern of nocturnal creatures is disrupted by ______ artificial light.
3. Friendly sources of energy include the sun, ______ and water.
4. Instead of shutting down factories, we should enforce ______ laws to curb pollution.
5. Trees absorb ______ which makes forests essential for a healthy environment.
B. Answer each question in one sentence. (5) marks
1. How does bright artificial night light affect nocturnal and crepuscular creatures?
2. Why is it essential to protect forests in relation to pollution?
3. According to the passage, what consequences will we face if we don't combat pollution?
4. What are the friendly sources of energy as mentioned in the passage?
5. Who do you think are the most responsible for environmental conservation and why?
VI. Read the following passage. (unseen Passage)
Throughout history, humans have always created ways to help people with disabilities. For those who
cannot see, the world of letters and words can be a challenge. But thanks to the invention of the Braille
system, the blind have a unique alphabet of their own. With raised dots that can be felt with fingertips,
Braille allows them to read and write, bringing the world of literature and knowledge to their fingertips.
For those who cannot hear, spoken words may be silent, but communication is still possible. Sign
language is a special language using hand gestures and facial expressions. With it, the deaf can have full
conversations, express feelings, and share stories. It's a beautiful and expressive way to communicate
without sound.
Today, modern technology is making an even bigger difference. Wheelchairs that can be controlled by
eye movements, computers that can be operated by voice, and apps that translate spoken words into sign
language are just a few examples. These tools give people with disabilities more freedom and the ability to
do things that were once difficult or impossible.
In conclusion, from alphabets to technology, society has always strived to find ways to help the disabled.
These tools not only give them access to the world but also allow them to share their own unique voices with
A Find the bold-faced words is the passage that are similar in meaning to the following. (5) marks
1. Unable to be done or achieved
2. Act of giving or exchanging information
3. Work hard, make great efforts to achieve something
4. Not like anything else in particular
5. Facial reactions or gestures
B. Answer the following questions. Give complete answers.
6. How does Braille enable blind individuals to interact with literature?
7. What is the means by which deaf individuals can have full conversations?
8. Why do modern tools and technologies play a crucial role for people with disabilities?
9. Who can benefit from the invention of the Braille system?
10. When looking throughout history, what has society constantly done for the disabled?
VII(A). Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra. (5 marks)

I love Italian cuisine Thanks for the suggestion The chef is from Italy
the prices are reasonable It tastes really good Is the food authentic

A: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant on Main Street?

B: No, I haven't. (1)______ ?
A: Absolutely! (2)______, and the dishes are made with fresh ingredients.
B: (3)______ Is it a fancy restaurant?
A: It has a classy atmosphere, but (4)______.
B: I'll make a reservation for my date tonight. (5)______!

VII(B). Complete the exchange using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra. (5 marks)

Try some relaxation techniques Would you like to try it someday

I'm not feeling well today Have you started taking lessons
That's a wise choice Do you prefer quieter settings

6. A: ________.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should rest and drink some tea.
7. A: I'm trying to eat healthier.
B:________! What changes are you making to your diet?
8. A: I don't like crowded places.
B: Crowded places can be overwhelming.________?
9. A: I've never been on a boat before.
B: Boating can be a fun experience. ________?
10. A: I want to learn to play the guitar.
B: Learning to play an instrument is rewarding. ________?
VIII. Choose a situation given below and a write a letter. Do not write more than 300 words. (10
You are Nilar. You live at No. 77, Park Road, Sittwe. Write a letter to your friend Kyaw Moe, who has poor
eyesight and cannot study well, and is feeling greatly depressed, encouraging him never to give up no matter
what difficulties he faces, and telling him about a disabled person you know or you have heard of.

IX. Write an essay on ONE of the following. Do not write more than 500 words. (15 marks)

Modern technology has more advantages than disadvantages

Benefits of school libraries for students
The adverse impacts of global warming

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