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I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. The bead master told the students to b______ politely during the school assembly.
2. All the staff in this company are very friendly and h ______.
3. After drinking a can of soda, he b ______ loudly.
4. Time management skills are v ______ for achieving success.
5. If you ask in a p ______ way, you might get what you want.
6. Children i ______ their elders and they acquire their elders' manners.
7. A school is a place where good manners are i ______.
8. Normally, students imitate their teachers' manners and b ______.
9. We should not use bad language in polite s ______.
10. How long will it take to a ______ good knowledge of English?
11. I don't want to i ______ you. It must be your own decision.
12. The noise is so loud that I cannot t ______ it.
13. When you join an association, you have to a ______ by its rules.
14. I always try to arrive at my appointments on time because I value being p ______.
15. The new headmaster tightened d ______ in the school.
16. The Ayeyarwady dolphins are now in d ______ of extinction.
17. It is said that most t ______ are often influenced by celebrities or films.
18. These films are not suitable for teenagers. They are for a ______ only.
19. Cutting down more trees has a n ______ effect on the environment.
20. Both parents are equally r ______ for raising their children.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. All the staff in this hotel always ______ very badly towards their guests.
A. act B. perform C. behave
2. Some people think it is ______ to ask someone's age.
A. polite B. impolite C. tolerated
3. Such bad language should not be used in educated ______.
A. environment B. society C. community
4. In some countries, smoking in public areas is an/a ______ manner.
A. unacceptable B. polite C. unaccepted
5. Ko Ko Maung asked Ma Thanda to marry him and she ______.
A. permitted B. allowed C. accepted
6. He is so rude. We will not ______ his behaving in this way.
A. allow B. tolerate C. permit
7. Children ______ manners by imitating their elders.
A. acquire B. receive C. obtain
8. A company ______ my brother a well-paid job and he accepted it.
A. gave B. sent C. offered
9. I really ______ you for your honesty.
A respect B. accept C. influence
10. Whenever I come back home, my dog warmly______ me at the door.
A. neglects B. greets C. takes
11. It is very ______ to interrupt when somebody is speaking of our elders.
A polite B. rude C. respectful

12. We were brought up to be______.
A. respectful B. polite C. rude
13. At weekends, I always meet my ______ to discuss our school lessons
A. colleagues B. partners C. classmates
14. As a good citizen, it is important to ______ by the law.
A. live B. abide C. stay
15. It is ______ who often influence teenagers and young adults.
A. books B. films C. celebrities
16. A ______ is typically someone between the ages of 13 and 18.
A. child B. teenager C. adult
17. Tin Maung is very ______ and everyone in our class loves him.
A. helpful B. tolerable C. unhelpful
18. Students should not be late for class. They must be ______.
A. disciplined B. punctual C. honest
19. A ______ person always fulfills their duties and obligations.
A. friendly B. responsible C. disciplined
20. He cannot ______ himself for not looking after his grandpa before he died.
A. remember B. forget C. forgive
I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest s______ of the 20th century.
2. 'Happiness' means 'a state of well-being and c ______.
3. The a______ of using Facebook outweigh its disadvantages.
4. After an hour of work, he sat in a chair, listened to a song, and felt r______.
5. He tried as much as he could, and finally he a______ success.
6. Spending time with your family can help you release your s______ feelings.
7. According to a recent survey, m ______ 7 is the best way to reduce stress.
8. It is wise to treat everyone k ______ to achieve happiness.
9. My parents have been together for 50 years, yet they still have a loving r ______.
10. I visited Bagan with my friends last month, and the trip was really e ______.
11. People should try to replace envy with s______ or empathetic joy.
12. I consoled my friend not to be d______ when he said that he lost his job.
13. Their task was to build a bridge across the river, and they a______ it on time.
14. Having a positive a ______ to life is a good way to find happiness.
15. Nilar is really g ______ and she always donates what she owns.
16. U Thura is a good doctor, and he always t ______ his patients with kindness.
17. Sanda won the gold medal in the essay competition, and this achievement brough s______ to
her parents.
18. In every sector, equal o______ should be given to women, just like men.
19. Being physically and m ______ healthy can give us true happiness.
20. We should learn how to live c______ despite ups and downs in life.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. You ______ a lot since I last saw you.
A. changed B. have changed C. change
2. When you have no stress to think about, you are likely to feel ______.

A. relaxing B. relax C. relaxed
3. You will not get good grades in all subjects ______ you study hard.
A. unless B. if C. when
4. This programme will bring great ______ to the local people and the area.
A. improvements B. developments C. benefits
5. 2020 was a ______ year for the company as it gained significant profits
A. prosperous B. beneficial C. advantageous
6. When you feel depressed, you should ______ with your friends.
A. hang on B. hang out C. hang off
7. You tend to achieve happiness when you can accomplish the tasks you ______.
A. are undertaken B. have been undertaken C. have undertaken
8. You should treat everyone with ______.
A. kindly B. kindness C. kind
9. She became severely ______ after her mother's death.
A. depressed B. stressful C. excited
10. People who are ______ of others are more likely to experience negative emotions
A. helpful B. generous C. envious
11. To ______ true happiness, you must be physically and mentally fit.
A. achieve B. acquire C. obtain
12. Owing to world business depression, things are getting ______.
A. cheap B. expensive C. reasonable
13. The robbers ______ hiding in a small cave near the hill.
A. discovered B. had discovered C. were discovered
14. My grandpa is 80 years old, yet he can still moments of his youth ______.
A. recall B. recognize C. memorize
15. Having a positive ______ to life is a good way of finding happiness.
A. mind B. attitude C. thought
16. It is our duty to ______ our environment from being polluted.
A. prevent B. protect C. defend
17. Most people are likely to be happy if they ______ in their careers.
A. success B. successful C. succeed
18. Heart is one of the ______ organs in the human body.
A. special B. vital C. important
19. By the time you ______ some difficulties, it is important to solve them calmly.
A. encounter B. find C. see
20. I hope my proficiency in Japanese will ______ when I go and work in Japan.
A. increase B. develop C. improve
I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. My new car has a large engine, but it c______ less fuel.
2. In order to stay healthy, we all need to take physical exercise r______.
3. A nutritious diet is a mixture of all the nutrients that our body needs to s______.
4. Teenagers are often i______ by the older peers around them. for our body can be found in the
food we eat.
5. The nutrients which are e ______ for our body can be found in the food we eat.
6. She has the n ______ qualifications to be a successful teacher.

7. My writing ability has declined because of the l ______ of practice.
8. Using excessive e ______ on crops and plants can lead to soil degradation.
9. Using excessive pesticides on farms is really h ______ to our environment.
10. Fried foods are not good for our health because they contain s ______ fat.
11. The audience stood and showed respect to the n ______ flag before the film began
12. Taking regular exercise offers numerous health b ______.
13. You are gaining weight. You should adjust your d ______.
14. Lack of vitamins may stunt the g ______ of children.
15. Plants obtain minerals and n ______ from the soil in which they grow.
16. There is a good r ______ between the teachers and the students in our school.
17. If you want to be healthy, you must a ______ smoking and drinking alcohol.
18. D ______ poses a big threat to the environment, so we should reduce tree cutting
19. The a ______ weather conditions have made the farmers struggle.
20. Malaria is a kind of i ______ disease transmitted by mosquitoes.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. The body requires a sufficient amount of ______ to support energy production.
A. diet B. nutrition C. nutrient
2. Diet and nutrition are the most fundamental of human ______.
A. wants B. needs C. desires
3. Plants ______ nutrients from the soil in which they grow.
A. acquire B. attain C. obtain
4. A nutritious diet is a mixture of all the nutrients that our body needs to ______.
A. maintain B. keep C. survive
5. This book will ______ you with all the information you need.
A. provide B. supply C. give
6. A balanced diet ______ of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals,
A. composes B. consists C. contains
7. Grains such as wheat and corn are energy-giving foods that provide______.
A. minerals B. carbohydrates C. proteins
8. Fresh fruits and vegetables give us ______.
A. proteins B. carbohydrates C. minerals and fibre
9. Fish and other seafood and nuts are energy-giving foods that provide ______.
A. fatty acids B. fibre C. carbohydrates
10. If someone ______ capital, they cannot start their own business.
A. lacks of B. is lacked C. lacks
11. A balanced diet can strengthen our ______ system and protect us against illness.
A. immune B. circulatory C. respiratory
12. One of the important factors in remaining healthy is taking ______ medicine.
A. preventive B. protective C. productive

13. According to nutritionists, it is ______ that we should have a balanced diet.

A. possible B. advisable C. suitable
14. Foods such as fried foods and red meat contain ______ and they are bad for us.
A. protein B. minerals C. saturated fat
15. The root cause of environmental damage is ______.
A. soil erosion B. pollution C. acid rain
16. Meat, fish and eggs are a/an ______ source of complete protein.
A. advisable B. suitable C. excellent
17. ______ effects of food additives are digestive and nervous disorders.
A. Adverse B. Positive C. Suitable
18. Diabetic patients must be ______ to avoid eating too much sugar.
A. unsuitable B. recommended C. careful
19. Most homemade foods are free from ______ colours and flavours.
A. natural B. artificial C. chemical
20. A highly ______ diet contains many substances needed for life and growth.
A. balanced B. nutritious C. nutritional
I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. He couldn't hide the e ______ in his voice when talking about his only daughter.
2. The loud noise has a significant i______ on a student's ability to concentrate.
3. While visiting a beautiful beach, I could enjoy the beauty of n______.
4. My friend, Thiha, never tells a lie, and so everybody t______ him.
5. If we feel sorry for someone who is in a bad situation, that is s______.
6. When we understand someone's emotions as if they were our own, it is e______.
7. Our manager often tries to m______ us by offering encouragement and support. and raise our
8. Something unexpected can make us feel s ______.
9. The upcoming exam is causing the students a lot of a______.
10. When we lose a job or our children get ill, we feel w______.
11. Maung Maung couldn't control his a______ when he was insulted by a stranger.
12. She faced many c ______ while trying to study in the UK.
13. A strong feeling of dislike, annoyance or disapproval is d______.
14. I don't want to b______ anyone for the situation. It is all my fault.
15. Parents should think and act for the w______ of their children.
16. I was really a______ with Zaw Zaw's attitude toward the exam. enough, but can we trust him?"
17. Aye Aye said, "Kyaw Zaw looks h______.
18. Even though she comes from a rich family, she's always h and never proud.
19. My parents made many sacrifices, and I owe them a debt of g______ for this.
20. It is important to have c______ in order to achieve success.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. Emotions have a considerable _______ on our lives.
A. impact B. result C. affect
2. I love Thuzar, and she is my one and only_______ friend.
A. trust B. trusting C. trusted
3. I've had a very _______ day at work and I need to have a good long rest.
A. tired B. tireless C. tiring
4. I was so _______ with that lesson. I almost fell asleep.
A. interested B. bored C. excited
5. We all _______ a mix of positive and negative emotions in our daily life.
A. find B. meet C. experience
6. If an activity brings us joy, we tend to _______ it over and over again.
A. repeat B. allow C. forget

7. A strong feeling of caring about someone is _______.
A. loving-kindness B. sympathy C. jealousy
8. Something unexpected can make us feel _______.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising
9. If we are unhealthy, it is easier for us to get disappointed or distressed _______.
A. emotionally B. psychologically C. mentally
10. _______ is a normal human emotion that is found as a reaction to stress.
A. Sympathy B. Empathy C. Anxiety
11. She never does anything, instead she _______ others. It is really disgusting.
A. organizes B. recognizes C. criticizes
12. A feeling of sadness which is prompted by tragic events is called _______.
A. depressed B. distress C. disgust
13. I _______ for the exam since last month, and now, I am ready for it.
A. was preparing B. have prepared C. have been preparing
14. I have never been to Bagan, and I am really _______ by the idea of going there.
A. interested B. excited C. surprised
15. The children are playing outside noisily. They are really _______.
A. exciting B. relaxing C. annoying
.16. My uncle told us a very _______ story, and we listened to it with fear.
A. terrifying B. exciting C. annoying
17. Students should be _______ the danger of taking narcotic drugs.
A. upset by B. aware of C. interested in
18. Last night, Thinza saw her close friend's true colours, and she was _______.
A. shocked B. excited C. confused
19. We feel ______________ when someone tells us that we were talking during sleep.
A. frustrated B. disappointed C. embarrassed
20. I have been working in the garden all day. I am totally _______.
A. disappointed B. relaxed C. exhausted

I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. The clouds are drifting in the clear b _____ sky.
2. I enjoy m_____ work; it allows me to use my hands and physical skills.
3. She got b_____ and cuts when she fell off her bicycle.
4. Trading narcotic drugs is considered an i_____ business in many countries.
5. No one is a_____ to enter the meeting room without asking for permission.
6. Tomorrow, a p_____ will give a speech about the upcoming election.
7. At a school, the headmaster has the most powerful a_____.
8. The audience applauded when the magician made the rabbit d_____.
9. When a footballer v_____ a rule, he receives a red card and is sent off the pitch.
10. She had a l_____ feeling when all her friends went on vacation without her.
11. The police arrested him for c_____ a crime.
12. Naturally, t_____ experience various challenges during their adolescence.
13. Despite her fear, she gathered the c_____ to speak in front of the large audience.
14. The national flag is a s_____ of its value and prosperous future.
15. Tomorrow, we will go to the National S_____ to watch the final football match.
16. In the past, c_____ was commonly used as a fuel source for steam engines.
17. I always carry my i_____ card in my wallet when I travel.
18. When you work for a company, you must respect and follow its rules and r_____.
19. I don't want to work for a company, and I want to do my own b_____.
20. It needs to be ensured that all the banks in a country are t_____.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. I live alone but I never feel _____.
A. lonely B. excited C. boring
2 . The windows often _____ the bright afternoon sunlight.
A. appear B. reflect C. occur
3. _____ workers can expect to earn attractive salary after working a few months.
A. Trustworthy B. Ambitious C. Skilled
4. She studied hard _____ she could pass her exams with flying colors.
A. so that B. since C. because
5. Getting the green light means that someone _____ to go ahead.
A. has allowed B. allows C. is allowed
6. If someone is young and _____ he or she is a greenhorn.
A. unexperienced B. inexperienced C. experienced
7. He is spending all his money _____ he were a billionaire.
A. as B. as if C. so that
8. His joy soon turned to _____ when he found he was insulted.
A. anger B. anxiety C. sympathy
9. I went and saw her _____ I heard her news.
A. until B. so that C. as soon as
10. _____ you study hard, you will fail the exam.
A. When B. Unless C. If
11. She went to her work _____ she was feeling unwell.
A. because B. while C. although
12. We will not leave _____ you arrive here.
A. when B. if C. until
13. People use colours to express a/an _____ of group identity.
A. sense B. feeling C. emotion
14. Please take your umbrella _____ you won't get wet.
A. so B. in case C. so that
15. Should we bring umbrellas _____ it rains during our outing?
A. if B. in case C. so that
16. Never be jealous _____ others, as it can lead to negative emotions.
A. of B. with C. for
17. The shop is closed _____ for renovation, so please come back in a week.
A. temporarily B. immediately C. permanently
18. In a professional_____ it's essential to respect the opinions and ideas of your coworkers.
A. society B. environment C. surrounding
19. If we get up late, we will not the _____ early train.
A. miss B. get C. catch
20. I have already paid off the bank _____ and I am now out of the red.
A. debt B. loan C. money

I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. Mg Mg is very I ______ and I am sure he can solve this problem.
2. I thought someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a d ______.
3. Dinosaurs were e ______ creatures that no longer exist in this world.
4. These shoes are a bit smaller. I am not c ______ wearing them.
5. She showed her a ______ in the contest and won the gold medal.
6. The government plans to c ______ more jobs for young people.
7. A computer can p ______ many tasks at once.
8. Giving up smoking r ______ the risk of heart disease.
9. Public t ______ is essential for commuting in urban areas.
10. In the past, all houses in the village used candles for light but now, they have e ______.
11. He is a bad man, and I made a big m ______ by trusting him.
12. Within a few years, the place has d ______ from a small village to a big city.
13. 1 installed a s ______ camera at my front door to monitor any suspicious activity,
14. I cannot afford to buy this shirt because it is too e ______.
15. Many countries are now facing u ______ problems after the pandemic.
16. Thuta made some grammatical and spelling e ______ in his essay,
17. Stars were used for n ______ by sailors in earlier times.
18. Ko Than Naing was p______ from assistant manager to manager last year.
19. One of the d______ of living in a crowded city is the heavy traffic.
20. Despite her failure, she tried hard and finally achieved s______.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. Dinosaurs were ______ creatures that no longer exist in this world.
A. big B. small C. enormous
2. Great ______ in technology have made our life easier and more comfortable.
A. advances B. advancement C. improvement
3. The speaker was invited to ______ an address at the conference.
A. deliver B. speak C. make
4. In order to succeed, it is important to maintain a clear ______ on your goals.
A. focus B. thought C. idea
5. She ______ to the charity event by donating food and clothing.
A. collaborated B. contributed C. gave
6. All the students in the class worked together to ______ the complex equation.
A find B. solve C. answer
7. The teacher asked the students to provide answers to ______ the maths problems.
A. general B. specific C. random
8. With the of the ______ internet, communication has become more streamlined.
A. advances B. advancement C. advent
9. It is important for us to accomplish the ______ assigned before the dead line.
A. mission B. duty. C. task
10. The talented singer will ______ on stage tonight.
A. perform B. display C. showcase
11. The sun will ______ over the horizon at dawn.
A. appear B. disappear C. occur

12. The company is organizing a special ______ to launch their new product.
A. ceremony B. event C. occasion
13. Smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches are examples of popular ______.
A. gadgets B. appliances C. materials
14. Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle helps to ______ your head from injuries.
A. protect B. prevent C. maintain
15. The company plans to ______ their new product through advertising campaigns.
A. develop B. improve C. promote
16. In the ______ of education, Al can help teachers in grading tests and writing reports.
A. field B. environment C. society
17. One of the drawbacks of Al is that it is too ______ to create Al-powered machines.
A. expensive B. dangerous C. modernized
18. It is important to be aware of the ______ of the environment.
A. preservation B. prevention C. conservation
19. In operating a patient, ______ is crucial for the surgeon.
A. precision B. accuracy C. courage
20. I could not ______ my old classmate at once because he has changed a lot.
A. remember B. recall C. recognize


I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. Global warming and climate change are some examples of serious e ______.
2. The heart is an organ that purifies i______ blood from the entire body.
3. Air p______ problems from industrial emissions can have harmful effects on respiratory
4. The swimmer took a deep b______ before diving into the cold water.
5. The stronger the greenhouse effect, the w ______ our planet.
6. Both parents are equally r______ or raising their children.
7. It is said that two prisoners e ______ from the prison last night.
8. The volcanic e______ can result in widespread destruction.
9. Ozone d ______ is a serious environmental issue that can harm human health.
10. Heavy rain may cause f ______ and property damage
11. Industrial waste can d ______ the quality of soil and water in surrounding areas.
12. Wildfires and volcanic reuptions are natural e ______ that can cause air pollution.
13. Myanmar boasts an abundance of natural r ______ including timber, jade, and ruby,
14. Drinking contaminated water can lead to diseases such as diarrhoea and c ______.
15. We need to take caution when eating mushrooms, as some are t ______ and deadly.
16. It is advisable to quit smoking as it is highly h ______ to our health.
17. Cutting more trees can lead to d ______ which in turn can cause soil erosion.
18. Both excessive bright light and inadequate light can be harmful to our v______.
19. If you cannot sleep for several days, you are likely to suffer from sleep d______.
20. Reducing the use of f______ fuels is one of the solutions to the environmental problems

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. A reckless driver's actions may ______ a serious accident.
A. cause B. do C. damage
2. When you______, take air into your lungs.
A. exhale B. inhale C. sneeze
3. It is said that starting a new business involves taking on many ______.
A. risks B. dangers C. hazards
4. The team captain is ______ for the success of the team.
A. responsible B. irresponsible C. acceptable
5. It was so cold outside that she pulled the ______ over her shoulders.
A. pillow B. blanket C. dress
6. Regular exercise can ______ your stamina and endurance over time.
A. decrease B. maintain C. increase
7. It is said that the lunar eclipse will ______ tonight.
A. occur B. happen C. appear
8. The toy company uses sustainable materials to ______ their eco-friendly toys.
A. manufacture B. distribute C. operate
9. It is important to handle chemicals with care to avoid causing ______.
A. harm B. problem C. difficulty
10. She experienced a great ______ after her favorite team was defeated in the championship.
A. lose B. loss C. victory
11. The ozone layer ______ the earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
A. protects B. has protected C. is being protected
12. Water pollutants can cause some harmful diseases such as ______.
A. lung cancer B. hypertension C. cholera
13. ______ is another significant factor that causes soil erosion.
A. Deforestation B. Urbanization C. Ozone depletion
14. The ingredients for the recipe ______ flour, sugar, eggs, and milk.
A. involve B. include C. compose of
15. Farmers use ______ to enhance crop growth and productivity.
A. wastes B. chemicals C. fertilizers
16. We did not go to school ______ the heavy rain.
A. because B. because of C. since
17. People who work better at night than during the day are called______.
A. nocturnal B. diurnal C. crepuscular
18. People who work better during the day than during the night are called ______.
A. nocturnal B. diurnal C. crepuscular
19. When the throat muscles ______ wind pipe, we have trouble breathing
A. constrict B. beat C. pressure
20. The water in this lake is ______ with chemicals discarded by factories.
A. purified B. exposed C. contaminated

I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1 Across the globe, trees are being cut down at an a ______ rate.
2. Children should c ______ less sugary snacks for better health.
3. We need an English-speaking a ______ to improve our English language skills.
4. F ______ fuels are the main source of energy for many countries around the world.
5. The sun's energy is considered i ______ because it will never run out.
6. Harmful e ______ from vehicles contribute to air pollution and climate change.
7 Solar power, a r______ energy, is a clean substitute for fossil fuels.
8. Electricity can be g ______ by utilizing the power of moving water to spin turbines.
9. Industries release harmful p ______ into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution.
10 One of the drawbacks of hydropower plants is the high cost of i ______ the systems.
11. The high cost of living is one of the d ______ of living in a big city.
12. Excessive consumption of junk food can have h ______ effects on our health.
13. Most of the people in r ______ areas cannot have access to good healthcare services.
14. In today's digital age, having internet a ______ has become crucial in every sector.
15. Solar energy is the process of c ______ sunlight into electricity.
16. Leaving the lights and electric gadgets on all the time w ______ electrical energy.
17. Burning dead plants, rubbish, and organic wastes can produce b ______ energy.
18. Using renewable energy to generate electricity brings many b ______ to our environment.
19. A c ______ is a person whose work is to study the climate.
20. Using r ______ energy like solar and wind power can help us fight climate change.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. The natural environment ______ because of burning fossil fuels.
A. has destroyed B. was destroyed C. has been destroyed
2. It is important to use renewable energy as the earth ______ its fossil fuels.
A. is running out B. is running out of C. has run out
3. In order to ______ further environmental problems, it is essential to produce or recover
renewable energy.
A. produce B. prevent C. prohibit
4. Energy from the sun is considered an ______ source.
A. inexhaustible B. unexhaustible C. inexhaustible
5. Electricity ______ when water from the dam is released through turbines.
A. will generate B. generates C. is generated
6. Hydropower plants are eco-friendly because they hardly ______ pollutants into the air.
A. produce B. generate C. emit
7. Planting trees ______ the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A. reduces B. increases C. maintains
8. Unlike hydropower, wind power process is relatively ______ to run
A. expensive B. reasonable C. cheap
9. The process of converting sunlight into electricity is called ______.
A. photosynthesis B. photovoltaic C. photoelectric
10. The ______ of the solar pannels depends on their location.
A. quality B. efficiency C. capacity

11. Solar energy is popular in remote areas where there is no ______ to an electricity grid
A. relation B. connection C. access
12. Thermal energy is the energy that comes from ______.
A. light B. heat C. water
13. Biomass is mainly ______ rubbish and other organic.
A. made from B. made with C. made up of
14. Heat trapped in the ground is ______ into steam to turn turbines and generate electricity
A. formed B. emitted C. converted
15. The most active geothermal resources are usually found in areas near ______.
A. volcanoes B. cliffs C. coasts
16. Unlike coal power, solar power generation is relatively ______ to the environment.
A. harmful B. neutral C. beneficial
17. The ______ is a type of renewable energy that uses the heat stored in the earth.
A. solar energy B. geothermal energy C. wind energy
18. Wind energy is a renewable resource and does not emit ______ during operation.
A. heat B. pollutants C. electricity
19. Fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, are ______.
A. inexhaustible B. renewable C. non-renewable
20. Global warming can have a negative ______ on human life.
A. affect B. influence C. impact

I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. She was b ______ in a small town.
2. I think Tun Tun can solve this problem because he is very i ______.
3. My grandpa may not have heard what you've said because he is slightly d ______.
4. The v______ storm caused significant damage to the neighborhood.
5. Daw Than gave her son whatever he wanted. Now, he has become a s______ child.
6. How do you s ______ your name, Su Su or Hsu Hsu?
7. "How did the accident h ______ ?" asked the police.
8. He will g ______ from a famous college next month.
9. It was a m ______ that she survived the accident without any injuries.
10. The parents were r ______ when they heard their missing child is safe.
11. T ______ Bagan in a hot-air balloon was really exciting.
12. I don't have my own car, so I have to d ______ on the buses.
13. The girl s ______ loudly when she saw a snake in the pot.
14. I'm so e ______ to go on a vacation to Chaungtha Beach next week.
15. Her parents often f ______ her to study hard in order to become a doctor.
16. We should not be so p ______ of ourselves because life is full of ups and downs.
17. The snatcher g ______ the bag from her hand and ran off.
18. The children painted and glued pictures on the walls of my room, making it m ______.
19. My parents are very conservative, and they never a ______ me to stay out late.
20. She promised to be here at 4 o'clock but did not a ______ until six.

II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. Daw San Htay is so proud ______ her success in business.
A. with B. by C. of
2. Although the life of a teacher is not easy, I always take ______ in my work.
A. happiness B. advantage C. pride
3. Zaw Zaw is very ______ and he will be able to solve this problem.
A. proficient B. efficient C. intelligent
4. In January, 1882, Helen almost died ______ a mysterious illness.
A. with B. off C. of
5. The girl ______ when she saw a snake in the grass.
A. was screaming B. had screamed C. screamed
6. Thein Naing is very rude. I cannot ______ his manners and behaviour anymore.
A. put down B. put up with C. put out
7. Could you pick ______ my brother at the airport? He will arrive at 8:00,
A up B. off C. on
8. The thief went out of the house in ______.
A. silence B. silent C. silently
9. Don't be angry______ me. I am just joking.
A. by B. with
10. It is said that travelling in South-east Asia is very ______.
A. excited B. exciting C. excite
11. It is hot in here. I will ______ my coat.
A. put on B. put off C. take off
12. It is important for parents not to ______ their own children.
A. damage B. destroy C. spoil
13. Don't let your child ______ with fire.
A. play B. playing C. plays
14. I will ______ you as soon as I arrived in Yangon.
A. connect B. communicate C. contact
15. Young students should not ______ to smoke.
A. allow B. be allowed C. have allowed
16. My father ______ from Mandalay University in 1969.
A completed B. graduated C. finished
17. U Mya Aung is very gentle, and I have never heard him ______.
A. shout B. shouted C. shouting
18 : Don't act ______ to your younger brother. He is just three years old.
A. violent B. violence C. violently
19. Who is looking ______ your parents while you are away?
A. for B. after C. at
20. Never put ______ till tomorrow what you can do today.
A. on B. out C. off

I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. If a person has a positive a ______ towards life, they will likely be successful.
2. The i ______ between the teacher and students in this class was lively and engaging.
3. An architect needs to make p ______ calculations to construct a building.
4. We often use g ______ to help the listeners understand us better.
5. The teacher gave the students s ______ instructions to complete the assignment.
6. Our f ______ expressions can often indicate our emotional states
7. We should be a ______ of our surroundings when walking alone at night.
8. Judging someone by their a ______ can lead to incorrect or unreliable conclusions.
9. I don't know much about him because he is just my a ______ not my best friend.
10. U Tun Aung is a dutiful father, and he always tries to f ______ the needs and wants of his
11. If you want to attract more customers, try some a ______ in the newspaper.
12. Nowadays, many companies have promoted equal o ______ for women.
13. C ______ thinking skills are crucial for problem-solving and decision-making.
14. We all were amazed at his e ______ in public communication.
15. Parents need to provide their children with firm g ______.
16. All the students in the class are smart, and they possess good p ______.
17. The heart, the kidneys, and the liver are some of the v ______ organs of a human's body.
18. Reading many English books can e ______ our stock of vocabulary.
19. My first i ______ of the new apartment is that it is the perfect place for me.
20. After dinner, I often spent an hour s ______ the net to catch up on the latest news.
II..Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. The speaker used body language and vivid words to effectively ______ his emotions.
A. send B. show C. convey
2. The ______ between the teacher and students greatly influences the learning environment.
A. communication B. interaction C. interpretation
3. The teacher's instruction must be clear and ______ for the students to understand.
A. precise B. communicative C. vital
4. U Tun Maung is not a good ______. He always beats his workers very badly.
A. employment B. employer C. employee
5. The situation is not that simple. It is more ______ than we think.
A difficult B. complex C. important
6. Out appearance and the way we dress create the first ______.
A. impression B. attention C interpretation
7. His good ______ helped him to be successful in his career.
A. personalities B. appearance C. emotions
8. Our company's success is largely due to the ______ of our team members
A. expertise B. personality C. communication
9. I like to grab my laptop and casually ______ to catch up on news and entertainment.
A. apply the net B. use the net C. surf the net
10. I don't know about him because he is just my ______.
A. friend B. acquaintance C. relative
11. In Myanmar, the ability to use a foreign language, especially English, is in high ______.
A. demand B. supply C. increase

12. Reading all kinds of English books can ______ our stock of English vocabulary
A. provide B. apply C. enrich
13. The four language skills are ______ with one another.
A. integrated B. connected C. communicated
14. Travelling to new places allows you to ______ different cultures and traditions
A. experience B. find C. discover
15. TV programs often include ______ promoting various products and services.
A. advertisers B. advertisements C. advertise
16. Because of the market economy in Myanmar, there is a growth in employment ______.
A. development B. advantages C. opportunities
17. In learning a foreign language, learners should be trained to ______ their shyness
A. encounter B. overcome C. experience
18. Reading can ______ our knowledge about the world around us.
A. enlarge B. expand C. increase
19. If the topic is not informative, it will not be worth paying ______ to it.
A. attention B. communication C. interpretation
20. Using appropriate tone of voice and gestures can make the listener ______.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest

Unit 11
I.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.
1. Yesterday, I got wet in the rain, and I am a ______all over now
2. After losing the championship match, the team felt absolutely m ______.
3. Before using a new machine, make sure to read the i ______ carefully.
4. The doctor recommended a p ______ to help the patient with constipation.
5. My sister caught the f ______ and had to stay in bed for a few days.
6. After a week of taking the prescribed m ______ she recovered from her illness.
7. She s ______ over on the glassy floor and broke her leg
8. They offered my uncle a well-paid job, but he r______ it.
9. The doctor advised me to take some medicine to bring down my f ______.
10. This kind of medicine is available in tablet or c ______ form.
11. My friend, Zaw Zaw, is always b ______ me to lend him money.
12. If you want to stay healthy, try to a ______ excessive consumption of sugary drinks.
13. The intense heat of summer causes all the leaves to shed, leaving the trees b______.
14. In order to achieve success, we need to make changes when and where n______.
15. In terms of taste and texture, f ______ meat is not as good as fresh meat.
16. P ______ is a serious illness that affects our lungs and makes our breathing difficult.
17. I was very p ______ to hear that my cousin passed the final exam with flying colours.
18. Never s ______ at someone, as it is considered as an impolite manner.
19. People come to realize the i of health only when they are ill.
20. In the middle of a winter night, I saw a homeless old man s ______ with cold.
II.Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. The infectious flu virus made her feel extremely ______.
A. relaxed B. shivering C. sick
2. The child's forehead felt hot, indicating a high ______.
A fear B. fever C. frustration

3. The doctor told the nurse to ______ the patient's temperature.
A. obtain B. get C. take
4. In order to ______ the fever, the doctor gave the patient an injection.
A. bring down B. go down C. get down
5. Taking a ______can cleanse the digestive system and promote bowel movements.
A. painkiller B. purgative C. sleeping pill
6. "The germs of influenza can only ______in an acid condition," said the doctor
A stay B. live C. exist
7. The husband said, "Honey, don't worry ______me. I'll be fine."
A. about B. for C. with
8. The bus driver was a little bit drunk, and he was driving ______.
A. dangerously B. uselessly C. thoughtlessly
9. When I was young, my mother never let me out of her ______.
A. vision B. sight C. seeing
10. Last night, I saw the stars ______ throughout the sky
A. scatter B. scattered C. scattering
11. A company offered me a well-paid job, and I could not ______.
A. deny B. refuse C. reject
12. The police did not let anyone ______ into the crime spot.
A came B. comes C come
13. It _____ since morning, so I am still at home.
A. was raining B. has been raining C is raining
14. After working for hours, be sat in a chair and listened to his favorite song, feeling ______.
A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing
15. He always worries about small things that are of no ______.
A. important B. importance C. importantly
16: Before I entered the classroom, I beard the teacher ______ the lessons.
A start B. starts C. started
17. Yesterday, I got a stomach ache, and I ______ some medicines
A. drank B. took C. used
18. When I entered the room, I saw Ma Ma ______ at the blank wall of the opposite building
A. gaze B. gazed C. gazing
19. The old man was walking so slowly ______ he were about to fall at any moment.
A. as soon as B. although C. as though
20. The sky is filled with black clouds. It looks as if it ______ going to rain soon.
A. is B. was C. were

I. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The initial words are given.

1. It is said that the forests in Laos are rich in d ______ wild animals.
2. The doctor was so pleased that his patient made a r ______ recovery.
3. In Myanmar, agriculture is the backbone of state e ______.
4. When she returned from Shan State, she bought a beautiful e ______ dress for me.
5. My grandpa is very r ______ he always goes to the pagoda every day.
6. The rapid development of t ______ and has changed our lives significantly.

7. The c ______ be resolved. between employers and employees is a significant problem that
needs to be resolved.
8. Moe Aung felt e ______ when he tripped and fell in front of his classmates.
9. The constant noise from the construction site next to my house a ______ me.
10. What is the e ______ rate between the dollar and the kyat?
11. Teenagers need to develop an a ______ of how the internet can be used.
12. Than Than is my c ______ and we have been working in this office for years.
13. We use facial expressions and g ______ to convey our thoughts and emotions.
14. Aye Aye said, "Thein Naing, can you give me some s ______ to solve this problem?"
15. Studying abroad provides an excellent opportunity for i ______ learning and growth.
16. The chairman of our company will d ______ a speech at the meeting tomorrow.
17. When I was attending the university, there were not as many buildings on the c ______as
there are today.
18. Although she was still hungry, she was h______ to take another plate of rice.
19. The company will i ______ a new training program for its employees next month.
20. From the top of Mandalay Hill, we could p ______ the city skyline of Mandalay

II. Choose the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. The state ______ of our country is mainly based on agriculture and mining.
A. economic B. economy C. economics
2. The doctor advised his patient to avoid ______ with sick people.
A. connect B. contact C. communicate
3. In a discussion, disagreements can often ______ when opinions differ,
A. arise B. happen C. rise
4. When two people have opposing views on a topic, it can lead to a/an ______.
A. interaction B. discussion C. conflict
5. All the students were ______ about their upcoming field trip to Mount Popa.
A. exciting B. interested C. excited
6. Participating in a marathon can be quite ______ for many runners.
A. challenging B. dangerous C. risky
7. It was so ______ to slip before the classmates.
A. embarrass B. embarrassing C. embarrassed
8. In many cultures, it is important to avoid making someone lose ______ in public.
A. hope B. heart C. face
9. My sister is studying at Mandalay University, and she lives ______ the campus.
A. on B. in C. at
10. When your senior asks you something, you should ______ politely.
A. communicate B. react C. respond
11. In the office, it is important to maintain a professional relationship with your ______.
A. partners B. friends C. colleagues
12. Soe Aung, my friend, is a big ______ of Manchester United football club.
A. fan B. audience C. follower
13. When you are late for a meeting, it is polite to give an/a ______.
A. excuse B. reason C. explanation
14. To______ a new project, it is essential to have a clear plan and resources.
A. finish B. initiate C. cancel
15 . When someone ______ you, it's best to remain calm and not respond in kind.

A. praises B. greets C. insults
16. Understanding other people's ______ can help improve interpersonal relationships.
A. interactions B. emotions C. mistakes
17. In a diverse society, it's important to______ different cultures and beliefs.
A. tolerate B. ignore C. avoid
18. This hotel manager is good at ______ complaints from visitors.
A. asking for B. dealing with C. hanging out
19. After his graduation, he ______ his own business.
A. set up B. set in C. set aside
20. Does this photo ______ any memories of the first day at school?
A. bring about B. bring over C. back

Unit 2
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.

in a worry-free state home with satisfaction forget all our problems

being with my friends I'm really happy enjoy our lives

Student 1: I love playing football with my friends. I usually play football after school - mostly in the
playground but sometimes in the street. When my team wins, for example, it doesn't always
happen, but when it does, (1) ______.

Student 2: I love (2) ______. Eating out with friends is a great time for me. We usually have a chat
about friends, movies, and families - this makes us (3) ______. And we enjoy ourselves, reducing all
the stress we have at school.

Student 3: Happiness is when I'm (4) ______ at weekends. I can enjoy reading a good novel with a
cup of hot coffee. I really enjoy spending time like this at weekends, not thinking about busy
weekdays at school. Just living on my own makes me really happy.

Student 4: The thing that makes me really happy is going shopping. I like it when I go out shopping
for the things I really want. Even if I don't find the things that I want to buy, I do the window
shopping and come back (5) ______.


That sounds interesting the abstract paintings It's at the city gallery
Thanks for letting me know No, I haven't Absolutely

A: Did you see the new art exhibition?

B: (1) ______ Where is it being held?
A: (2) ______ The artist's work is truly unique.
B: (3) ______ Are there any particular pieces getting attention?
A: Yes, (4) ______ are receiving a lot of praise for their bold colors and textures.
B: I'll make sure to visit the gallery. (5) ______!

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


I don't like spicy food What kind of food will you bring
That's a healthy choice I want to travel more
Baking is fun Would you like to take swimming lessons

6. A: ______?
B: Traveling is a great way to explore new places. Where would you like to go next?
7. A: I'm going to bake a cake for my friend's birthday.
B: ______! What flavor of cake are you planning to make?

8. A: I'm not very confident in deep water.

B: Building confidence in the water takes practice. ______?
9. A: I'm planning a picnic in the park this weekend.
B: Picnics are enjoyable. ______?
10. A: ______.
B: Spicy food can be intense. What's your preferred level of spiciness?

I want to learn to cook better Do you see them often
I'm really happy Yes, I love the beach!
I love ice cream How do you usually celebrate your birthday

6. A: especially in the summer.

B: Ice cream is perfect for cooling off on hot days!
7. A: ________.
B: I like to have a small party with my friends and eat cake.
8. A: ________.
B: That's a great idea! You can start by trying out simple recipes.
9. A: Do you like going to the beach?
B: ________. Swimming in the ocean is so much fun.
10. A: I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
B: Spending time with family is always nice. ________ ?

Unit 3
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


pay a visit soon the atmosphere is really charming

specializes in homemade pastries that sounds delightful
No, I haven't Absolutely

A: Have you tried the new café that opened downtown?

B: (1) ______ What kind of food do they serve?
A: It's a cozy little place that (2) ______ and artisan coffee.
B: Oh, (3) ______. Are the prices reasonable?
A: Yes, the prices are quite affordable, and (4) ______.
B: I'll make sure to (5) ______ Thanks for the recommendation!


What kind of art is on display Absolutely Enjoy your visit

Have you looked Sounds interesting Have you seen

A: (1) ______ the new exhibition at the art gallery?

B: No, I haven't. (2) ______?
A: It's a collection of abstract paintings by emerging artists.
B: (3) ______. Are the artworks visually captivating?
A: (4) ______.The use of colors and textures creates a captivating experience.
B: I'll check it out this weekend. I appreciate the heads up!
A: (5) ______. Let me know your favorite piece.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the hot. There is an extra.


That's frustrating It looks yummy

Absolutely Glad to hear that
What was it about What a pity

6.A: I've just finished baking a delicious cake!

B: ______! Can I have a slice?
7. A: I saw the most amazing movie last night! You have to see it.
B Tell me more! ______?
8. A: This weather is perfect for a picnic!
B: ______! Where should we go!
9. A: My phone battery is dying, and I'm still miles away from home.
B: ______! Have you tried using a power bank?

10.A: Unfortunately, the train is delayed again
B ______. Do you have any idea how long it will be delayed?


What does it taste like Do you have a particular style you like
Do you see them often I've always wanted a pet
I like animated movies too What's your favorite season of the year

6. A: Have you ever tried sushi?

B: No, I haven't. Is it good? ________?
7. A: I have a cat named Whiskers.
B: Cats are adorable. ________.

8. A: ________?
B: I love spring because of the blooming flowers and mild weather.
9. A: My favorite movie is "Finding Nemo."
B That's a great choice! ________.
10. A: I'm going shopping for some new clothes,
B: Shopping can be fun. ________?

Unit 4
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra,


The game was intense the recent sports event Thanks for telling me
Who won the match Absolutely Which sport was it

A: Did you hear about (1), ______?

B: No, I haven't. (2) ______?
A: It was a soccer match between two top teams. (3) ______!
B: Oh, I love soccer! (4) ______?
A: The home team emerged victorious with a score of 2-1.
B: That must have been an exciting game. (5) ______!


That sounds amazing We should get ours soon Which artists are performing
Count me in Let's go They've got an incredible

A: Have you heard the news about the upcoming music festival?
B: No, I haven't. (1) ______?

A: (2) ______ including popular bands and solo artists.
B: (3) ______! Are tickets already on sale?
A: Yes, they just went on sale yesterday. (4) ______.
B: (5) ______! Let's make sure we don't miss this epic event.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


Keep up the good work Beach for me

I'm sorry, I can't Sure, let me see it
No worries I am so proud of you

6. A : I am struggling with this math problem. Can anyone offer a hint?

B: ________.Maybe I can break it down into simpler steps for you.
7. A:I am feeling lost and unsure about my future.
B: ______,it's just a common feeling.
8. A: You just won the school debate competition! ______!
B: Thanks so much! I am feeling on top of the world right now.
9. A: Let's escape the city this weekend. Any suggestions?
B. ______! I love the sand and sound of the waves. What about you?
10.A: Finally, I've mastered the new skill I've been working on!
B: Congratulations! ______.


How do you usually spend your evenings And print a new one
Good idea I'm taking a trip with my family
That's fantastic news I hope you have good weather

6. A: ________?
B: I often relax by watching TV shows or reading books.
7. A: I'm planning a picnic in the park next weekend.
B: Picnics are a great idea! ________.
8. A: I accidentally spilled coffee on my report.
B Let's get it cleaned up. ________.
9. A: I've been promoted to team leader!
B: ________! Your hard work has truly paid off.
10.A: Do you have any plans for the holidays?
B: ________.

Unit 5
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


Good to see you create a relaxing atmosphere thank you

Absolutely right delighted to welcome send a message
a lot of fast-food restaurants strength and dependability the colour of passion
pair with grey Thanks for your informative talk stimulates your digestion

Host: Colours influence everything from our appetite to our productivity. So here to tell us what the
four most popular colours truly mean, we are (1)______ a colour psychologist Dr. Thiri.

De Thiri: (2) ______, Thanks for having me.

Host: Colours really do (3) ________ without being overt, and how your mood can be changed by
colours. So let's start with the colour red. What does it say if you wear red or if you have red in your
I think I got it Let's meet again Almost there
Dr. Thiri: again
red is (4) ______.It canI also
appreciate youraggression.
represent patience Interestingly,
Now repeat red
is me
also an appetite
stimulant, so if you use a red plate while eating, it will make you want to eat more.

Host: Really? I see. This must be a reason why (5) ______ use red.

Dr. Thiri: Absolutely yes. It (6)______. Okay and then grey. Grey is sort of the opposite of red, you
know. It's a very neutral colour. However, I am worried if you paint your walls grey, it gives you a
sort of passive low-energy feeling. So grey is not a good thing to have in abundance. What will be
the next colour?

Host: Should we change the story with blue?

De. Thiri: Yes, blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean. If you wear blue, it's a great colour to
indicate that you are calm and you know what you are doing. On top of that, blue conveys

Host: Let's say if you painted your office wall blue, it'd help you have more work done.

Dr. Thiri: (8) ______. Blue makes you feel more productive.

Host: And, finally, purple. This is the perfect colour to (9) ______. Purple is the colour of luxury,
royalty and wisdom. People either adore or hate purple.

Dr. Thiri: That's fascinating. (10) ______.


A: Listen to me. Say this word: "through." (1) ______.
B: Throooo.
A: Close, but keep those lips a bit more rounded. (2) ______.
B: Throwoo?
A: (3) ______! Let's try together, "throooh."
B: Throooh! (4) ______.
A: Excellent Don't hesitate to ask if you need help with any other pronunciations.
B: Thanks, Ms. Lee! (5) ______.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


Setting a budget can help I'm having trouble sleeping at night I hope you feel better soon
How romantic I often doubt myself and feel unsure A new look can be

6. A: I'm thinking of dyeing my hair a different color.

B: Go for it! ________.
7. A: ________.
B: Try a relaxing routine before bed. Maybe read a book or listen to soft music.

8. A: I want to surprise my partner with a special dinner.

B: ________! I can help you plan the menu if you'd like.
9. A: I'm not feeling well today.
B: Take some rest and drink plenty of fluids. ________.
10. A: I'm trying to save money for a vacation.
B: ________. Maybe cut back on non-essential expenses?


I'm trying to eat healthier I like fruits and vegetables I'm so tired today
I love watching the stars at night Just be yourself and relax Need a hand

6. A: ________.
B: Maybe you should get a good night's sleep to feel better tomorrow.
7. A: You look like you're having trouble with math problem. ________?
B: Yeah, I'm a bit stuck on this equation, I'd love your help if you have a minute.
8. A: Are you nervous about your interview? Just be yourself and relax.
B: Thanks! I'm feeling a bit better already.

9. A: ______.
B: That's a good goal. Start by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
10. A: ______.
B: Stargazing can be quite relaxing, especially on clear nights.

Unit 6
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.

passionate about express my creativity That's fantastic
a priority for society enroll in a music class playing the guitar

A: Are you (1)______ learning a musical instrument?

B: Yes, I've always been interested in (2) ______.
A: (3) ______ ! Music can be such a stress-relieving and fulfilling experience,
B: Absolutely, and it's a great way to (4) ______
A: Have you considered taking guitar lessons or finding a online teaching platform?
B: Not yet, but I plan to (5) ______ soon.


It's addictive The storyline is interesting Did you look

That's great to hear Is it worth catching u Did you watch

A: (1) _____ the latest episode of that sci-fi series everyone's talking about?
B: No, I was busy last night. (2) ______ ?
A: Absolutely! (3) ______. and the character development is excellent.
B: (4) ______. I'll definitely add it to my watchlist.
A: You won't be disappointed. (5) ______ !

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


I'm getting better I have prior commitments That's fantastic

I am not well enough Thank you for asking It was my pleasure

6. A: I really appreciate your help with the project.

B: ________. I'm glad that I could assist.
7. A: Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?
B: Thank you for the invitation, but unfortunately, ________.
8. A: Guess what? I got the job 1 applied for!

B: ________ ! Congratulations!
9. A: You haven't been looking well lately, is everything okay?
B: I've been a bit under the weather, but ________. Thank you.
10. A: I heard about the storm in your area, are you and your family safe?
B: Yes, we're safe. ________.


See you then Can I have one You're welcome

Do they get along That sounds great I need your help

6. A: Shall we meet for lunch tomorrow?

B: ________, how about noon?
7. A: Thanks for sending the documents so quickly.
B: ________. I'm happy I could help.

8. A: Just to confirm, our meeting is scheduled for 3 PM tomorrow, right?

B: Yes, that's correct. ________.
9. A: I have a cat and a dog as pets.
B: Having both a cat and a dog must be fun. ________?
10. A: I'm going to bake cookies this afternoon.
B: Baking cookies sounds delicious. ________?

Unit 7
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


put them in the dumpster What should I do If I were you

You look so tired What's that Absolutely right
Don't mention it leak into water bodies Toxic waste
environmental pollution What a surprise land and water pollution

Khant Hpone: Hi, Kaung Htet. (1) ______ What have you got in that bag?

Kaung Htet:Hello, Khant Hpone. They are my old UPS and a broken printer. I'm not going to use
them anymore because I've got new ones.

Khant Hpone: You are going to throw them away, aren't you?

Kaung Htet : Right! I'll (2) ______.

Khant Hpone: Oh, no. Electronic waste like this is non-biodegradable. If they are brought to a

landfill site, they won't break down and will remain on the land for at least 50 years. That's why,
deadly chemicals from e-waste will contaminate the soil and (3) ______.

Kaung Htet: Hmm. I might be responsible for (4) ______.

Khant Hpone: Sure! Do you notice that we produce about 40 million tons of electronic waste every
year worldwide but only 12.5 of them are recycled? So it means among the whole toxic wastes all
over the world, e-waste comprises 70% of toxic waste.

Kaung Htet: (5) ______! How can e-waste be harmful to our life?

Khant Hpone: These electronic things contain deadly chemicals like mercury, lead and ar- senic. As
you've learnt in science lessons, combustion of e-waste emits gases which can damage our central
nervous system and kidneys. (6) ______! Even lower levels of lead can damage a child's mental

Kaung Htet: Oh, I see. They're really harmful to us. But our apartment is quite small and 1 have no
space to keep these old gadgets. (7) ______?

Khant Hpone: (8) ______. I would give them to other people who were in need. 1 usually post my e-
waste on the website like 'Freecycle'. In this way, I can give my old one to a person in need. There is
also an alternative.

Kaung Htet: Interesting, What's that?

Khant Hpone: You can send it to a certified e-waste recycler. Then it will be recycled in a safe and
responsible way.

Kaung Htet: Wow! Great idea. That's a good way to prevent (9) ______. I'll use these ways instead
of throwing my old things away. Thanks a lot. Bye!

Khant Hpone: (10) ______. I'll contact you if I find those who are in need. Bye!


challenging practicing exercise

relieve yoga breathing

A: Have you tried (1) ______ before?

B: Yes, I've been (2) ______ it for a while now.
A: It's a great way to (3) ______ and stay healthy.
B: I agree, and it's also a good way to (4) ______ stress.
A: Do you have any yoga tips for beginners?
B: Just start slow and focus on (5) ______.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


6. A: I'm not satisfied with the service I received.

B: ________. Let's see how we can make it right.
7. A: I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your email.
B: _______. I understand you've been busy.
8. A: I don't think that's the best decision for the team.
B: ________. We should consider all perspectives before the decision.
9. A: Be careful, the floor is slippery.
B: ________. I'll watch my steps.
10. A: My deepest sympathies for your loss.
B: ________. Thank you for your support during this difficult time.


That's why I'm late Interesting idea

No need to panic Maybe another time
Let me clarify that for you I sincerely apologize

6. A: The report is due tomorrow, and I haven't started it yet.

B: ______. I can help you get started
7. A: I'm not sure I understand the instructions.
B: No problem at all. ______.
8. A: Honestly, the pasta I received was undercooked and flavorless.
B: ______. Would you like a replacement dish or a full refund?
9. A: The traffic was terrible. ______.
B: I completely understand. Traffic can be unpredictable. Let's get started now.
10. A: I think we should try a different approach to solve this problem.
B: ______. Let's explore that option and see if it brings better results.

Unit 8
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the bas. There is an extra


Is the food authentic I love Italian cuisine

the prices are reasonable The chef is from Italy
It tastes really good Thanks for the suggestion

A: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant on Main Street?

B: No, I haven't. (1) ______?
A: Absolutely! (2) ______ and the dishes are made with fresh ingredients.
B: (3) ______. Is it a fancy restaurant?
A: It has a classy atmosphere, but (4) ______.
B: I'll make a reservation for my date tonight. (5) ______!

blooming hiking outdoor
botanical breathtaking breathing

A Have you been to the (1) ______ park recently?

B: No, I haven't. Is it (2) ______ right now?
A: It's beautiful this time of year. The flowers are (3) ______.
B: A: Great idea! What's your favorite (4) ______ activity?
A: I'd love to visit and have a picnic there.
B: I enjoy (5) ______ and taking photos of the scenery.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


I'm not feeling well today Have you started taking lessons Do you prefer quieter settings
That's a wise choice Try some relaxation techniques Would you like to try it someday

6. A: ______.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should rest and drink some tea
7. A: I'm trying to eat healthier.
B: ______! What changes are you making to your diet?
8. A: I don't like crowded places.
B: Crowded places can be overwhelming. ______?
9. A: I've never been on a boat before.
B: Boating can be a fun experience. ______?
10. A: I want to learn to play the guitar.
B: Learning to play an instrument is rewarding. ______?


Do they live far away Good luck I enjoy playing soccer with my friends
Try some relaxation techniques You should give it a try What's your new theme or style

6. A: I'm going to visit my grandparents next month.

B: Spending time with grandparents is special. ______?
7. A: I've never tried sushi before.
B: Sushi is delicious! ______.
8. A: ______.
B: Soccer is a great way to stay active and have fun.
9. A: I'm going to a job interview tomorrow.
B: ______! Remember to dress professionally and be confident.
10. A: I'm thinking of redecorating my room.
B: Redecorating can be exciting. ______?

Unit 9
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


Here we go hearing impairment his success

the sense of hearing his discovery the role of innovation
Absolutely right people with disability such a great piece of music
Ludwig Van Beethoven get a university degree high school students

TV Programme on International Day of Disabled Persons Contest 2023.

Music playing: Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5. 'Emperor’

Host : Hello, everyone, Welcome to our programme: The Intemational Day of Disabled Persons
Contest 2023. We are here today to hold a contest in celebration of Inter- national Day of Disabled
Persons 2023. We have five brilliant (1) ______ here with us to take the test. Let me introduce them
first. From the left Contestant I Nay Nay, Contestant 2 Nyi Nyi, in the middle Contestant 3 Moe
Moe, and on the right, Contestant 4 Nyein Chan and Contestant 5 Shwe Yee.

Nyi Nyi, Moe Moe, Nyein Chan and Shwe Yee: Mingalarbar!

Host: Today, I am going to ask you 20 questions related to the international Day of Disabled Persons
and also famous (2) ______. The contestants will take turn to answer my questions. Is that clear to

Nay Nay, Nyi Nyi, Moe Moe, Nyein Chan and Shwe Yee: Yes, we are,

Host: OK. (3) ______! Contestant 1 Nay Nay, what was the theme of the International Day of
Disabled Persons Contest 2022?

Nay Na : The theme was 'Transformative solutions for inclusive development: (4)______ in fuelling
an accessible and equitable world".

Host: Very good! Next, Contestant 2 Nyi Nyi, can you tell me the name of a deaf-blind person who
was the first to (5) ______?

Nyi Nyi: I think that was Hellen Keller.

Host: Correct. Hellen Keller was the first deaf-blind graduate in the world. My third question is "Do

you know the name of a famous music composer with (6) ______ ?" Contestant 3 Moe Moe, please?

Moe Moe: That's (7) ______ His Piano Concerto No. 5, 'Emperor' is my favourite. I heard it playing
when I came into this room.

Host: Fantastic! Beethoven was a famous music composer. He could create a new form of music
after turning deaf. Actually, Beethoven composed five very famous piano concertos. Now this is
your turn, Nyein Chan. My question is "How can a person with hearing impairment like Beethoven
compose (8)______?”

Nyein Chan: Well, I have heard of Beethoven from my father, who is a musician. Most people think
composing music is related to (9) ______. In my opinion, Beethoven couldn't rely on the sounds of
the outside world. It seems he continued to hear music in his mind's ear even though he was
physically deaf.

Host: Perfect. Actually, his loss of hearing could not stop him from composing beautiful music like
these concertos. It is said that Beethoven produced his most powerful piano concertos after he had
become deaf. He composed altogether 5 Piano concertos.
YeeNow, I have a question for Shwe Yee. Do you know the name of a physically disabled scientist,
who was famous for his discovery that black holes emit radiation?

Shwe Yee: That's Dr Stephen Hawking.

Host: Bingo! Well, (10) ______ has made the study of black holes a (The voice fades away.) Let me
get back to Nay Nay. success.


be with clear growing

spend gardening breathtaking

A: How do you like to (1) ______ your weekends?

B: I usually spend time (2) ______ in the garden.
A : That sounds relaxing. It's nice to (3) ______ nature.
B : Yes, and it helps me (4) ______ my mind.
A: Do you have any favorite plants to grow?
B: 1 love (5) ______ flowers and herbs.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra,

Good job It's an exciting experience That's a great idea
That's a great idea I've been feeling tired lately
How do you manage early mornings Stargazing is fascinating

6. A: ______.
B: Fatigue can be challenging. Are you getting enough sleep at night?
7. A: I'm not a morning person.
B: Many people feel that way. _____?
8. A: I enjoy watching the stars at night.
B: ______! Have you ever seen a shooting star?
9. A: I want to learn to cook better.
B: ______ ! What kind of dishes do you want to improve?
10. A: Have you ever traveled to a foreign country?
B: Yes, I've traveled to a few. ______?


What's your new theme or style I don't like rainy days

Can you help me find my lost keys What do you enjoy doing there
Have you ever traveled by train What kind of food are you going to bring

6. A: I love going to the beach.

B: Beaches are so relaxing. ______?
7. A: ______?
B: Of course, let's look around the house together.
8. ______.
B: Rainy days can be cozy. What do you usually do when it rains?
9. A: I'm planning a picnic in the park this weekend.
B: Picnics are fun! ______?
10. A: ______?
B: Yes, I've taken a train before. It's a unique experience.

Unit 10
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.

Both are good for health What have you been doing What about you
I think it's a good idea It doesn't cost me much Really good to know

Thinza: Hi, Su Mom. We haven't seen each other since the beginning of the Thidingyut holiday. (1)

Su Mon: I went on a trip to Bagan with my cousins. After the trip, I help my mum with the
housework. (2) ______? Did you go anywhere?

Thinza: No, I didn't. I just stayed at home, sitting in front of the TV right after meals for about four
or five hours every day, and now I've put on 5 pounds! If I go on like this, I'll gain 10 pounds by the
end of this month!

Su Mon: If it's your real concern, why don't you take up something challenging? Many people try to
reduce weight by doing workouts or doing sports. These will bum calories and make you more

Thinza: (3) ______. That will reduce my weight and I'll also have a chance to go out. What sports
would you recommend?

Su Mon: Well, you can take up either team sports of individual sports. (4)______. With team sports
you can develop a sense of fair play and social skills. Some of my classmates are doing team sports
like basketball, volleyball and football.

Thinza: For me, I prefer individual sports.

Su Mon: If so, choose the sports like swimming, gymnastics or kickboxing.

Thinza: I'll definitely choose swimming. (5) ______.

Su Mon: OK, then. You'd better start going swimming soon before you put on much weight.

Thinza: Thanks for your advice.


My favourite site is That's cool What about you

Sounds interesting What do you usually buy It's really exciting

Tun Tun : What do you do on the net, Than Than?

Than Than: I use it mainly for banking. It's good because I can check my balance anytime, transfer
money, and pay bills online,

Tun Tun: (1) ______. And you, Kyaw Kyaw, what do you do on the net?

Kyaw Kyaw: I do my weekly shopping online.

Tun Tun: (2) ______?

Kyaw Kyaw: Clothes, birthday presents, Christmas presents, books, music- the lot!

Tun Tun: Wow! Fantastic! What about you, Su Myar?

Su Myat: I use the net to look for jobs and flats, and to see what's on. I also use the net for Facebook.

Tun Tun: (3) ______, Su Myat! Do you use any specific websites for shopping, Kyaw Kyaw?

Kyaw Kyaw: Yes, Tun Tun. (4) ______.

Tun Tun: And Su Myat, what can we do on Facebook?

Su Myat You can post photos, share interests, and find new friends. (5) ______.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


6. A: Have you ever traveled by train?

B: Yes, I have. ________.
7. A: I thought of starting a small business.
B: ________! It can be challenging, but also very rewarding.
8. A: ________.
B: That's a great initiative. It is essential for effective writing.

9. A: I couldn't buy a ticket for the cinema.

B: That's unfortunate. ________.
10. A: I'm planning a picnic for next week.
B: ________! Don't forget to pack some delicious snacks!


That sounds like a fun project I would like to join you

That's fantastic I don't like it
What a pity It can really improve mental wellbeing

6. A: I'm considering taking a computer science course.

B: That could be very beneficial. ______.
7. A: I couldn't find my favourite book at the library.
B: ______! Maybe try an online library?
8. A: I've been working on my English pronunciation.
B: ______! Listening to native speakers can be a good practice.
9. A: I practiced meditation yesterday.
B: That's a great way to manage stress. ______.

10. A: I am planning to redecorate my room.

B: ______! No doubt, it is refreshing.

Unit 11
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There are two extras.

short stories and novellas Let's go not difficult to understand

a documentary film ‘Nick Adam Stories' What's that
Absolutely right renew this book What would you like to borrow
browse the shelf first By the way where are you going

Yoon Yati: Hi! Sandy, (1) ______?

Sandy: Hi! Yoon. I'm going to the library. I want to (2) ______ so that I can finish it at the weekend.
If you're free, would you like to accompany me?

Yoon Yati: Actually, I borrowed (3) ______ yesterday. Anyway, I will come along with you.

Sandy: OK, (4) ______.

Yoon Yati: (5)______?

Sandy: As a matter of fact, I haven't decided yet. I'll (6) ______. And what are you going to borrow?
I mean -short stories, novellas or novels

Yoon Yati: I prefer (7) ______ as they are not as thick as Novels.

Sandy: I usually read books that are (8) ______.

Yoon Yati: (9) ______, what's the title of the book that you're holding?

Sandy: It's Hemingway's (10) ______.


survive love valuable

friendship characters sacrifice

A: Ni Mar , do you like the short story "The Last Leaf?

B: Of course. I like (1)______ of the story, Sue, Johnsy and Behrman,
A: What do you think the theme of the story is?
B: I think It's about (2) ______. The characters share similar passions. All of them are artists and
they love
art. And when Johnsy falls ill, Sue manages all her care.
A: Mr. Behrman helps Johnsy (3) ______, too. He takes the risk of falling it he paints a green leaf on
wall opposite in the heavy rain. That's why I think the theme of the story is selfless sacrifice.
B: You're right. Sue is also willing to (4) ______ her wishes and time for her friend.
A: Yes, it proves that love and kindness is more (5) ______ than expensive material possessions.
B: Ah, I agree with you.

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra


Do you find it helpful That's lovely Sounds like fun

What field are you interested in I've started a new diet That's a good initiative

6. A: ________.
B: Great for you! What kind of diet are you trying?
7. A: I'm planning a surprise party for my friend.
B: ________! What's the occasion?
8. A: I'm considering a career change,
B: Career changes can be exciting. ________?
9. A: I've started doing yoga in the mornings.
B: That's a healthy habit. ________?
10. A: I've been taking online courses to enhance my skills.
B: ________. What specific skills are you focusing on?


That's a creative pursuit Do you have a favorite route

That's a healthy choice What field of study are you interested in
That's amazing Have you tried any relaxation techniques?

A: I enjoy going for long walks in the countryside.

B: Countryside walks are peaceful. ________?
A: I'm thinking of taking up painting.
B: ________. What kind of painting are you interested in?
A: I'm trying to eat more vegetables.
B: ________> What's your favorite vegetable?
A: I'm planning to pursue a master's degree.
B: That's ambitious! ________?
A: I've been feeling stressed about work.
B: Work stress can be tough. ________?

Unit 12
Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box. There are two extras.


I wish I were also there What did you see there snow statues and ice sculptures
That sounds amazing No way What's that
Sure, I did Lucky you Some musical performances
What a great idea By the way I stayed there for a month

Yadanar: It's nice to see you here again, Did you have a good time in Japan?

Nan Su: Oh, it's great! (1) ______.

Yadanar: Did you? (2)______! Did you visit any famous places there?

Nan Su: Yes, spuite a number of famous places. I sisited Hokkaido in February to enjoy the Sapparo
Soos Festival.

Swan Htet: Really? (3) ______.

Yadanar: What kind of festival is it?

Nan Su: It's a snow festival anually held in Sapparo. About two million people came to see hundreds
of (4) ______ in the Odori Park. The International Snow Sculpture Contest was also held in the park.

Yadanar: Wow! Interesting! (5) ______?

Nan Su: Statues of famous buildings, well-known people, popular events and so on. Around 400 in
total. There're a number of stages made of snow! (6) ______were held on those stages

Swan Htet:(7) ______! What did you do there? Did you sing on the stage?

Nan Su: (8) _____! But we enjoyed the long snow and ice slides. We also walked through a huge
maze made of snow.

Swan Hick: That's amazing! (9) ______.

Yadanar: Me too! By the way, did you try any Japanese specialties?

Nan Su: Yes, I did. Hokkaido is famous for a variety of local foods - Sushi, Sashimi, Lamb BBQ,
Hokkaido Ramen... and fresh fruits such as peaches and cherries.

Yadanar: That's really wonderful! Did you buy anything as a souvenir of Hokkaido?

Nan Su: (10) ______. Ice statues, but they melted on the way back home… Just kidding.


What do you mean Of course, you can Is the paint imported from China
Who are they trying to hide from Thanks, I'd love to It's amazing

Mary: Sandar! May I ask a question about Myanmar customs and practices?
Sandar: (1) ______! Please do
Mary: I'm not being impolite....but I am very curious.
Sandar: Please, feel free to ask!
Mary: Why do Myanmar people paint their faces yellow?
Sandar: (2) ______?
Mary: Everywhere I go, I see children men, women of all ages with yellow paint on their cheeks and
foreheads. (3) ______?
Sandar: [laughing] Mary, no they are not trying to hide from anyone or anything!
Mary: Do they wear it for religious reasons? Is the paint sacred? Does it come in other colours? (4)
Sandar: Oh Mary, you have many questions! First of all, it is not paint. it is thanakha!
Mary: Thanakha...
Sandar: Would you like to know more?
Mary: (5) _____!

Complete the exchanges using the expressions given in the box. There is an extra.


That's a healthy choice What's special about it That's a unique and relaxing pastime
What about you That's a useful and fun skill I'm trying to reduce my screen time

6. A : How do you usually spend your holidays?

B: I often spend time with family or take a short vacation. ______.
7. A: I'm planning to learn how to swim.
B: ______. Have you found a swimming class?
8. A: I've recently taken up birdwatching as a hobby.
B: ______. Do you have a favorite bird species?
9. A: I recently took up cycling for fitness.
B: ______.Where are your favorite routes for cycling?
10 A: ______.
B: That's a healthy goal. What activities are you planning to replace it with?

Are you looking for anything specific What's the weather like How's the weather like
That's a great initiative Start with simple recipes That's fantastic

6. A: I'm thinking of singing a song at the talent show.

B: _______! What song are you considering?
7. A: I'm going shopping for a new wardrobe this weekend.
B: That sounds exciting! ______?
8. A: ______?
B: It's sunny with a temperature around 36 degrees Celsius.
9. A: I don't have much experience in cooking.
B: Cooking is a skill you can learn. ______.
10. A: I've decided to improve my English grammar skills.
B: ______! How do you plan to go about learning?

Unit 1
Question No. I

1. behave

2. helpful

3. Belched

4. Vital

5. polite

6. imitate

7. imparted

8. behaviour

9. society


11. Influence

12. Tolerate

13. abide

14. Punctual

15. discipline

16. danger

17. teenagers

18. adults

19. negative

20. Responsible

Question No. II


2. B

3. B

4. A


6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. B

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. В


16. B

17. A

18. B

19. В

20. C

Unit 2
Question No. I

1. scientists

2. contentment

3. advantages

4. relaxed
5. achieved

6. stressful

7. meditation

8. kindly

9. relationship


11. Sympathy

12. depressed

13. accomplished

14. attitude

15. generous

16. treats

17. satisfaction

18. opportunities

19. mentally

20. contentedly

Question No. II

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. B


8. B

9. A

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. C

18. B

19. A

20. C

Unit 3
Question No. I

1. consumes

2. regularly

3. survive

4. influenced

5. essential

6. necessary

7. lack

8. chemicals

9. harmful


11. National

12. benefits

13. diet

14. growth

15. nutrients

16. relationship

17. Avoid

18. Deforestation

19. Adverse

20. infectious

Question No. II


2. B



5. A

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. B


15. B

16. C

17. A

18. C

19. B

20. B

Unit 4
Question No. I

1. emotions

2. impact

3. nature

4. trusts

5. sympathy

6. empathy

7. motivate

8. surprised

9. anxiety


11. Anger

12. challenges

13. disgust

14. blame

15. welfare

16. Annoyed

17. honest

18. humble

19. gratitude

20. Confidence

Question No. II

1. A

2. C


4. B


6. A

7. A

8. B

9. A

10. C


12. B

13. C

14. В

15. C

16. A

17. B

18. A


20. C

Unit 5
Question No.I

1. blue

2. manual

3. bruises

4. illegal

5. allowed

6. politician

7. authority

8. disappear

9. violates


11. Committing

12. teenagers

13. courage

14. symbol

15. Stadium

16. coal

17. identity

18. Regulations

19. business

20. trustworthy

Question No.II


2. B

3. A

4. A



7. B



10. B



13. A


15. B


17. A

18. B


20. B

Unit 6
Question No.I

1. intelligent

2. dream

3. enormous

4. comfortable

5. ability

6. create

7. perform

8. reduces

9. Transportation

10. Electricity

11. mistake

12. developed

13. security

14. Expensive

15. Unemployment

16. Errors

17. Navigation

18. Promoted

19. disadvantages / drawbacks

20. success

Question No.II


2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. A

12. B

13. A

14. A


16. A

17. A

19. A

20. C

Unit 7
Question No.I

1. environmental

2. impure

3. pollutants

4. breath

5. warmer

6. responsible

7. escaped

8. eruption

9. depletion


11. degrade/damage

12. events

13. resources

14. cholera

15. toxic


17. deforestation

18. vision

19. deprivation

20. Fossil

Question No.II

1. A

2. B

3. A




7. A

8. A

9. A


11. A

12. C

13. A

14. B


16. B

17. A

18. B

19. A


Unit 8
Question No.I

1. alarming

2. consume

3. atmosphere

4. Fossil

5. inexhaustible

6. emissions
7. renewable

8. generated

9. pollutants


11. disadvantages

12. harmful

13. remote

14. access

15. converting/ changing

16. wastes

17. biomass

18. benefits

19. climatologist

20. Renewable

Question No.II


2. B

3. B

4. A

5. C


7. A

8. C

9. B

10. B

12. B

13. C

14. C

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. C

20. C

Unit 9
Question No.I

1. born

2. intelligent

3. deaf

4. violent

5. spoiled/spoilt

6. spell

7. happen

8. graduate

9. miracle

10. Relieved

11. Touring

12. depend

13. screamed

14. excited

15. force/forced

16. proud

17. grabbed

18. messy

19. allow

20. appear/arrive

Question No.II


2. C

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. C

10. B

11. C

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. B

17. A

18. C

19. В

20. C

Unit 10
Question No.I

1. attitude

2. interaction

3. precise

4. gestures

5. specific

6. facial

7. aware

8. appearance

9. acquaintance


11. advertisements

12. opportunities

13. Critical

14. expertise

15. guidance

16. personalities

17. vital

18. enrich

19. impression

20. Surfing

Question No.II


2. B

3. A

4. B
5. B

6. A

7. A

8. A


10. B

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. A

15. B


17. B

18. B

19. A

20. A

Unit 11
Question No.I

1. aching

2. miserable

3. instructions

4. purgative

5. flu

6. medicine

7. slipped

8. refused

9. fever


11. bothering

12. avoid

13. bare

14. necessary

15. frozen

16. Pneumonia

17. pleased

18. stare

19. importance

20. Shivering

Question No.II


2. B


4. A

5. B


7. A

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. C

13. B

14. A

15. B

16. C

17. B



20. A

Unit 12
Question No.I

1. diverse

2. rapid

3. economy

4. ethnic

5. religious

6. technology

7. conflict

8. embarrassed

9. annoys

11. awareness

12. colleague

13. gestures

14. suggestions

15. intercultural

16. deliver

17. campus

18. hesitant
19. initiate/introduce

20. Perceive

Question No.II

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C


6. A

7. B

8. C

9. A

10. C


12. A

13. C

14. B

15. C

16. B

17. A

18. B

19. A

20. C

Unit 1

Question No. VII (A)


1. Welcome to the programme

2. she first meets Thai people

3. shaking hands will be fine

4. he should or shouldn't do

5. like giving business cards


1. he should not do

2. shake hands in a doorway

3. how she should behave

4. bow a lot

5. Very interesting

Question No. VII (B)


6. Me too

7. That's an exciting venture

8. No problem

9. Take a deep breath

10. That's wonderful


6. That's a great idea

7. Congratulations

8. Enjoy the companionship

9. I have a sore throat and a fever.

10. Time to relax

Unit 2

Question No. VII (A)


1. I'm really happy

2. being with my friends

3. forget all our problems

4. in a worry-free state

5. home with satisfaction


1. No, I haven't

2. It's at the city gallery

3. That sounds interesting

4. the abstract paintings

5. Thanks for letting me know

Question No. VII (B)


6. I want to travel more.

7. Baking is fun

8. Would you like to take swimming lessons

9. What kind of food will you bring

10. I don't like spicy food.


6. I love ice cream.

7. How do you usually celebrate your birthday

8. I want to learn to cook better.

9. Yes, I love the beach!

10. Do you see them often

Unit 3

Question No. VII (A)


1. No, I haven't

2. specializes in homemade pastries

3. that sounds delightful

4. the astmosphere is really charming

5. pay a visit soon


1. Have you seen

2. What kind of art is on display

3. Sounds interesting

4. Absolutely

5. Enjoy your visit

Question No. VII (B)


6. It looks yummy

7. What was it about

8. Absolutely

9. What a pity

10. That's frustrating


6. What does it taste like

7. I've always wanted a pet

8. What's your favorite season of the year

9. I like animated movies too

10. Do you have a particular style you like

Unit 4

Question No. VII (A)


1. the recent sports event

2. Which sport was it

3. The game was intense

4. Who won the match

5. Thanks for telling me


1. Which artists are performing

2. They've got an incredible lineup

3. That sounds amazing

4. We should get ours soon

5. Count me in

Question No. VII (B)


6. Sure, let me see it

7. No worries

8. I am so proud of you

9. Beach for me
10. Keep up the good work


6. How do you usually spend your evenings

7. I hope you have good weather

8. And print a new one

9. That's fantastic news

10. I'm taking a trip with my family

Unit 5
Question No.VII (A)

1. delighted to welcome

2. Good to see you

3. send a message

4, the colour of passion

5. a lot of fast-food restaurants

6. stimulates your digestion

7. strength and dependability

8. Absolutely right

9. pair with grey

10. Thanks for your informative talk

1. Now repeat after me

2. Try again

3. Almost there

4. I think I got it

5. I appreciate your patience

Question No. VII (B)

6. A new look can be refreshing

7. I'm having trouble sleeping at night

8. How romantic

9. I hope you feel better soon

10. Setting a budget can help

6. I'm so tired today

7. Need a hand

8. Just be yourself and relax

9. I'm trying to eat healthier

10. I love watching the stars at night

Unit 6
Question No.VII (A)


1. passionate about

2. playing the guitar

3. That's fantastic

4. express my creativity

5. enroll in a music class


1. Did you watch

2. Is it worth catching up

3. The storyline is interesting

4. That's great to hear

5. It's addictive

Question No. VII (B)


6. It was my pleasure

7. I have prior commitments this evening

8. That's fantastic

9. I'm getting better

10. Thank you for asking


6. That sounds great

7. You're welcome

8. See you then

9. Do they get along

10. Can I have one

Unit 7
Question No. VII (A)

1. You look so tired

2. put them in the dumpster

3. leak into water bodies

4. land and water pollution

5. Toxic waste

6. What a surprise

7. What should I do

8. If I were you

9. environmental pollution

10. Don't mention it

1. yoga

2. practicing

3. exercise

4. relieve

5. breathing

Question No. VII (B)
6. I apologize for the inconvenience

7. No problem

8. Let's discuss it further

9. Thanks for the heads-up

10. Your kind words are comforting

6. No need to panic

7. Let me clarify that for you

8. I sincerely apologize

9. That's why I'm late

10. Interesting idea

Unit 8
Question No. VII (A)


1. Is the food authentic

2. The chef is from Italy

3. I love Italian cuisine

4. the prices are reasonable

5. Thanks for the suggestion


6. Do they live far away

7. You should give it a try

8. I enjoy playing soccer with my friends

10. What's your new theme or style

Question No.VII (B)


6. I'm not feeling well today

7. That's a wise choice

8. Do you prefer quieter settings

9. Would you like to try it someday

10. Have you started taking lessons?


9. Good luck

1. botanical

2. breathtaking

3. blooming

4. outdoor

5. Hiking

Unit 9
Question No. VII (A)

1. high school students

2. people with disability

3. Here we go

4. the role of innovation

5. get a university degree

6. hearing impairment

7. Ludwig Van Beethoven

8. such a great piece of music

9. the sense of hearing

10. his discovery

1. spend

4. clear

2. gardening

5. growing

3. be with
Question No. VII (B)
6. I've been feeling tired lately

7. How do you manage early mornings

8. Stargazing is fascinating

9. That's a great idea

10. It's an exciting experience

6. What do you enjoy doing there

7. Can you help me find my lost keys

8. I don't like rainy days

9. What kind of food are you going to bring

10. Have you ever traveled by train

Unit 10
Question No.VII (A)


1. What have you been doing

2. What about you

3. I think it's a good idea

4. Both are good for health

5. It doesn't cost me much


1. That's cool

2. What do you usually buy

3. Sounds interesting

4. My favourite site is

5. It's really exciting

Question No.VII (B)


6. It's a different experience from flying

7. That's a big step

8. I'm trying to improve my English grammar

9. Perhaps the show was sold out

10. That sounds delightful


6. I would like to join you

7. What a pity

8. That sounds like a fun project

9. It can really improve mental wellbeing

10. That's fantastic

Unit 11
Question No. VII (A)

1. where are you going

2. renew this book

3. a documentary film

4. Let's go

5. What would you like to borrow

6. browse the shelf first

7. short stories and novellas

8. not difficult to understand

9. By the way

10. 'Nick Adam Stories'

1. characters

2. friendship

3. survive

4. sacrifice

5. Valuable
Question No. VII (B)
6. I've started a new diet

7. Sounds like fun

8. What field are you interested in

9. Do you find it helpful

10. That's a good initiative

6. Do you have a favorite route

7. That's a creative pursuit

8. That's a healthy choice

9. What field of study are you interested in

10. Have you tried any relaxation techniques

Unit 12
Question No. VII (A)

1. I stayed there for a month

2. Lucky you

3. That sounds amazing

4. snow statues and ice sculptures

5. What did you see there

6. Some musical performances

7. What a great idea

8. No way

9. I wish I were also there

10. Sure, I did

1. Of course, you can

2. What do you mean

3. Who are they trying to hide from 4. Is the paint imported from China

5. Thanks, I'd love to

Question No.VII (B)
6. What about you

7. That's a useful and fun skill

8. That's a unique and relaxing pastime

9. That's a healthy choice

10. I'm trying to reduce my screen time

6. That's fantastic

7. Are you looking for anything specific

8. What's the weather like

9. Start with simple recipes.

10. That's a great initiative


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